What pissed you off today?

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OK, I don't know where you got this, because we both know that's impossible. If you want to clarify what you mean, I'll try to do the same.

DVS, let me make this one thing perfectly clear. First, here is the line in Stella's original post where she first used the abbreviation Xtian. Note that the sentence in which it appears is addressed to us and is NOT part of her retelling of her story.

So, a trans guy of my acquaintance is dealing with a disgustingly hostile practicum; he's been called "tranny" "he-she" and whore in the one week he's been there. Can we guess this is a Xtian fundamentalist center?

And here is where you claimed that her use of "Xtian" was probably insulting to the person she was talking to:

If you're trying to get along with Christians, using "Xtian" really doesn't help. I know some Christians are assholes, but pissing them off after they piss you off isn't going to change anything. Everybody just stays pissed.

And here is where you doubled down on the idea that she pissed off someone in conversation by using the abbreviation Xtian.

First, I want to say I appreciate that you said you doubt I understand what you've been talking about. You'd be surprised what I understand, when you can explain it without the emotion and slang.

Calling ANYBODY a tranny, a he-she and a whore is not acceptable. But, if you're not a Christian, you can't say using X instead of Christ doesn't bother Christians just as much.

Do you see the linkage now? You got all bent out of shape over her use of the abbreviation Xtian (and she's quite right that this abbreviation is centuries old and was invented by Christians) and then made it seem as if you thought that she used it in the conversation she described in her post.

That's why I am still curious how she could have pissed off someone in conversation by using a written abbreviation.
Pretty sure "Xtian" was never yelled at someone before beating them to death in an alley, basically. Or prior to casting a vote that would make them being who they are a felony crime. Or...

Unless you also disagree in there being a difference between an act of terrorism (actual legit terrorism, not being a member of the Black Panthers or anything) and firing a warning shot near someone in self-defense, or are those the same kind of bad?
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Night floor nurses who think it's perfectly okay to speak in the hall or in a double occupancy room in a normal tone/volume of voice at 3:45 a.m., and then to open the bathroom door and peer in without knocking or announcing themselves just because one's foot brushed the wastebasket as one entered. FFS, it's STILL 3:45 a.m.; WTF is going to be 100% stable/steady on their feet?

I would suggest giving them your very best Domly look and shush them!!
Highly inconsiderate!
I would suggest giving them your very best Domly look and shush them!!
Highly inconsiderate!

When I worked as an orderly in a nursing home as a college student, there was one resident who had a unique way of showing his displeasure with the nurses and aides: he would pull out his penis and wag it at the women (they were all women then). They usually modified their behavior to his preferences after that.
OK, I don't know where you got this, because we both know that's impossible. If you want to clarify what you mean, I'll try to do the same.

Don't worry, DVS. You've pissed off the bitch brigade. Don't expect any reasonable behavior from them, if you don't agree with everything.
Pretty sure "Xtian" was never yelled at someone before beating them to death in an alley, basically. Or prior to casting a vote that would make them being who they are a felony crime. Or...

I really don't want to get into this argument, live and let live. However, did you really just say Christians aren't persecuted just for being Christian?
(actual legit terrorism, not being a member of the Black Panthers or anything)

legit terrorism

Whenever I think I've just read the most stupid thing somewhere on the Internet, you come along and manage to prove me wrong. I'm seriously astounded.
I really don't want to get into this argument, live and let live. However, did you really just say Christians aren't persecuted just for being Christian?

Not in this country they ain't!

Being called mean names sometimes doesn't count as persecution, either.
Meh, DVS is what he is-- the self-satisfied embodiment of passive-aggressiveness and that thing I now call "Wilful Ignorance" because "Stupid" is an ableist slur. :rolleyes:
I really don't want to get into this argument, live and let live. However, did you really just say Christians aren't persecuted just for being Christian?

I have to agree with KoPilot not in this country but if I listened to Fox new or half the members of the House, I'd conclude American Christians are on the endangered species list.

I do believe you mean it when you say live and let live but not letting us live our lives or for that matter live at all comes from conservatives and Christian fundamentalist. I'm not a Christian but the love of my life is, the only difference between her and a fundamentalist is she really tries to live the way Christ taught, not by some hateful old testament theology.

I do find it strange so many think the oppressed are somehow obligated to show restraint and respect to their oppressors. I just wonder how much restraint you'd show DVD if you had to live with the kind of hate we deal with and many times it's every day.
When I worked as an orderly in a nursing home as a college student, there was one resident who had a unique way of showing his displeasure with the nurses and aides: he would pull out his penis and wag it at the women (they were all women then). They usually modified their behavior to his preferences after that.

Pure genius! :D
I do find it strange so many think the oppressed are somehow obligated to show restraint and respect to their oppressors.

Nobody said so.

The question is, what kind of reaction does the oppressed think (s)he will get if (s)he attacks someone who is _not_ the oppressor?

"I'm being robbed! Hey, you over there? Help me you fucking asshole or do you support robbery? I'm talking to you, moron, come and help me now!"

Hey, you want support with this attitude? Go for it. Your choice. Just some people reserve the right to tell you that this might not be the smartest approach and when they do this, then it's not because they support robbery.
DVS, let me make this one thing perfectly clear. First, here is the line in Stella's original post where she first used the abbreviation Xtian. Note that the sentence in which it appears is addressed to us and is NOT part of her retelling of her story.
I agree. This post was just her using the X instead of the word Christ.

And here is where you claimed that her use of "Xtian" was probably insulting to the person she was talking to:
Nope. You're wrong there. This is where I told her USING the X instead of the word Christ won't make Christians happen. You seem to have it twisted around to look like it's something different, but I'm sorry, you're wrong. If I'd known I was going to get my post deciphered and examined, I guess I should have added the words "in your post" after the X. Would that have made it better for you?

If I was telling her she shouldn't have SAID X (which I thought we both decided that isn't possible, so I wonder why you think it is), I would have said she shouldn't SAY Xtian. See the difference? Of course this part of my example doesn't make much sense, but for the sake of explanation, I guess I have to include it.

She USED it in her post and I told her she shouldn't USE it, because Christians can get offended by that. Just like when people use X for Christ in Christmas. It's the same thing.

So, I was just telling her she WASN'T preaching to the choir by doing that. Of course, if she was trying to insult any Christians on this forum, she probably was. And if she posts like that in a thread, it pretty much stands to reason that she would talk like that, too. That's what I meant.

I try to be diplomatic, if I post to a thread like this, because I understand both sides. Yes, I've got friends who have been insulted in the very same way has Stella's friend. And I have friends who are Christians. But, the Christians I know don't go out of their way to offend people that don't believe the same way as they do. Somebody who does that isn't a real Christian. Those people are just haters looking for someone to piss off and they found someone that day.

So, do you see the difference in my word usage? You won't find any post in this thread where I tell Stella that she shouldn't have said Xtian to the offending party. In fact, there is a post where I even said we don't really know what Stella said, because she didn't tell us. I guess you missed that post.

And here is where you doubled down on the idea that she pissed off someone in conversation by using the abbreviation Xtian.
Sorry, you lost me on this one. In fact, you lost me so completely, that I don't know if I can even explain it to you. But, I'll try.

This is what I said...
Calling ANYBODY a tranny, a he-she and a whore is not acceptable. But, if you're not a Christian, you can't say using X instead of Christ doesn't bother Christians just as much.

Now, if you'll notice, I said you can't say USING X instead of Christ doesn't bother Christians. Again, like above, if I thought she had SAID Xtian to those people (again, I can't believe I'm trying to explain away this), I wouldn't have added the word USING after it. I'm just reiterating where she had posted Xtian where the proper word to use would have been Christian. And by USING Xtian, she 1) may have offended any Christians in this forum, and 2) if she had no problem doing that, she probably had no problem offending the people who offended her friend. After all, she did say they said she was offensive to them, when they were just trying to apologize. That goes back to my original post.

Do you see the linkage now? You got all bent out of shape over her use of the abbreviation Xtian (and she's quite right that this abbreviation is centuries old and was invented by Christians) and then made it seem as if you thought that she used it in the conversation she described in her post.

That's why I am still curious how she could have pissed off someone in conversation by using a written abbreviation.
No, I didn't get all bent out of shape, to use your words. And I don't understand your version of this, as I've tried to explain, above. Now, it's your choice to either let it go, or continue to twist my posts into something I didn't say.

It's sad that I have to add this disclaimer, but in trying to explain away the twisting of my words, I have said quite a few more words that could be twisted around. If this happens, I'm just going to let it go. I'm tired and it's very difficult clarifying something I saw as perfectly clear in the first place.
Don't worry, DVS. You've pissed off the bitch brigade. Don't expect any reasonable behavior from them, if you don't agree with everything.
Yeah, I know. I just post something to Stella that she didn't like and they come out of the closet to twist my post around to their liking.:rolleyes:

I have a question;

Were any Christians on this forum offended by my use of the "X" word?
@DVS, your point seems to be that because Stella pissed you off by using a common abbreviation, you feel justified in demanding that she act more defdrentially toward all assholes, I mean Xtians. Good luck with that.
You're operating from the idea that attacking someone for existing and failing to consider the feelings and sensibilities and sensitivities of the person who JUST attacked you for existing - that these are somehow morally equivalent. That's insane. It's not just an opinion piece like "I hate purple" to call someone the things Stella's acquaintance got called.

"No True Scotsman" fallacies are completely played out at this point, there is no reason that any GLBT person should have to watch their tongue lest the fee fees of the people who are actively dehumanizing us at every possible opportunity be offended. I don't think anyone has to get shot, I just don't think anyone HAS to sit down at the table and sing kumbaya with people who think you're a subhuman.

Actual Jesus fans will understand why we're less than enamored with the crap-ass wannabe Jesus fans, and will actively demonstrate that this kind of thing is not OK with them when we're not in the room, not just play perpetual peacemaking middle child games "oh that's just HIM, that's just HER and you need to overlook what happened to you again."
I don't think anybody has to get shot, either, but it does happen. There are crazy people in the world. It only takes one crazy person with a gun who feels he has the right to rid the world of his foes. And usually, he'll take out a few innocent bystanders, too.

And I guess from the reactions of posts in this thread, the idea of trying to keep calm and rational with an opposing side isn't that popular. But, I was brought up certain phrases pounded into my head as a child.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.
Two wrongs don't make a right.

Oh and actual Jesus fans don't like the crap-ass wannabe Jesus fans, either. Just like we in the BDSM community don't like when someone mistakes abuse for true BDSM activity. But, there are always going to be people out there that truly enjoy confrontation. I don't think the crap-ass wannabe Jesus fans are even fans at all. There are those who will just act the part, because someone else in their family requires it or requests it. Then, when that family member isn't around, they tend to act in the crap-ass way.

At the risk of saying so, some people here will say Stella was just being Stella, and there was nothing wrong with her USAGE of Xtian. This doesn't really bother me, because I know there are some people out there that just don't know it when they've offended someone. Like when people talk about Sarah Palin's "downy" son. I'm very close to someone with downs syndrome and I'll let those immature comments pass in many cases, because I know some people will just be people. It's when they know about her condition and still say "downy" that it bothers me.

So, I didn't say Stella shouldn't have insulted those who intentionally insulted her friend. I just said nothing will ever be solved when everybody is insulting each other.

OK, I guess it's somebody's turn to insult me.:rolleyes:

I have a question;

Were any Christians on this forum offended by my use of the "X" word?
Come on, Stella. That's such a loaded question. Do you really think someone is going to tell you they were offended, after the way I've been treated in this thread? :D
Come on, Stella. That's such a loaded question. Do you really think someone is going to tell you they were offended, after the way I've been treated in this thread? :D
Yes, I do think anyone would answer truthfully. Why shouldn't they? It would be a fact that they were stating about themselves. I have no reason to be offended because they wouldn't be making shit up -- about me-- the way you have done.

I repeat; Were any Christians here in this forum offended with my use of the "X" word?

DVS, Are you a Christian? Were you offended?
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@DVS, your point seems to be that because Stella pissed you off by using a common abbreviation, you feel justified in demanding that she act more defdrentially toward all assholes, I mean Xtians. Good luck with that.
I wasn't pissed off. Why do you have to keep twisting my words around? Where did I post that she pissed me off? Stella is free to act in any way she wants. Who am I to try and change her? Stella wouldn't be Stella, if she didn't say some of the things she does. I do have a right to make suggestions, though. Or do I?

And it might be a common abbreviation for you, but a lot of the people I associate with don't use it. And not all of them are Christians. They just know the proper way to treat others. Like when you call Christians assholes. It explains a lot about you, you know.
No, he's talking, very specifically, about the assholes you want me to be deferential to because they are Christians.

Not all Christians are assholes.

I would bet that not even all people named DVS are assholes, for that matter.
Yes, I do think anyone would answer truthfully. I can accept truthful answers to questions I pose. I always do. Everyone here knows that.

I repeat; Were any Christians here in this forum offended with my use of the "X" word?

DVS, Are you a Christian? Were you offended?
I could answer, but I doubt you would understand what I said. I will say I'm not a Christian, though. I think it's safe to say there aren't any Christians in this forum that care to be "outed" as such. Seriously...you don't think people know how you and others posting in this thread are?
It was a simple yes or no answer. I am quite capable of understanding what you have said;

I could answer, but I doubt you would understand what I said. I will say I'm not a Christian, though. I think it's safe to say there aren't any Christians in this forum that care to be "outed" as such. Seriously...you don't think people know how you and others posting in this thread are?
So you are not a Christian but you feel compelled to speak up in case someone here is. And now that I've made the direct request you are terrified that no one will prove you right, so you're inventing feaful posters.

Seriously... not everyone here is the kind of coward you are.
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