What Putin wants

Wasn't the whole point of the post-WWII system that countries weren't allowed to grab some (or all) of other countries' territory? It didn't always work: the Russians annexed Königsberg, the Chinese grabbed some territory from India's northern border, the Azerbaijanis tossed out their Armenian population and took their land, and so forth. In general, though, the principle was respected: just look at the long negotiations over the status of Hong Kong or Timor-Leste or the former Yugoslavia. Perhaps the international community will be able to prevent Vladimir Putin from adding more territory to what is already the largest nation on the face of the earth, perhaps not. But rewarding the use of force, whether that force is used by powerful nation states or criminal gangs like Hamas, may take us down a very dangerous road.
That was the reason Bush Sr. gave for the Gulf War.
Indeed! Whatever your opinion of the Kuwaiti "petroleum princes" it does seem a civilized international order, however flawed, shouldn't approve of the extirpation of a sovereign nation.
Never fall back on "Do your own research." Only cranks ever say that.
...or those of us already putting in an excess of 84 hours a week...
It's not hard to find... it's actually a simple and effective method called "follow the money."
Pro-Tip.. start with Joe having the Ukrainian prosecutor fired (via extortion, by US Funds) then, move on to his son Hunter's "work history" there, despite him knowing fuckall² about the energy industry....
...or, you're welcome to gleefully keep your head buried in the sand.
...or those of us already putting in an excess of 84 hours a week...
It's not hard to find... it's actually a simple and effective method called "follow the money."
Pro-Tip.. start with Joe having the Ukrainian prosecutor fired (via extortion, by US Funds) then, move on to his son Hunter's "work history" there, despite him knowing fuckall² about the energy industry....
...or, you're welcome to gleefully keep your head buried in the sand.
You can never expect to be taken seriously if you bring Hunter into it.
You're pretending to be obtuse.... it's beneath you.
You insult my intelligence by trying to piss down my back and tell me it's raining.
What you're talking about never happened. This is what happened. No money was laundered.
Is everyone on the PB at least agreed that they want Russia to lose this war?!

I occasionally see posts at least implying pro-Russian sympathies.
Is everyone on the PB at least agreed that they want Russia to lose this war?!

I occasionally see posts at least implying pro-Russian sympathies.
Nope. In my case, it doesn't have fuckall² to do with Russian Sympathy... it has to do with the USG pulling 40+ Regime Changes in Sovereign Nations around the globe, in addition to their out of control lust for proxy wars.
Nope. In my case, it doesn't have fuckall² to do with Russian Sympathy... it has to do with the USG pulling 40+ Regime Changes in Sovereign Nations around the globe, in addition to their out of control lust for proxy wars.
This is no American proxy war, it is Putin's war of choice -- it is only happening because he wants it.
This is no American proxy war, it is Putin's war of choice -- it is only happening because he wants it.
Open your eyes and mind... look into what the USG did in Ukraine PRIOR to Russia invading Ukraine...
Watch Oliver Stone's
"Ukraine On Fire" for a starting point.
Open your eyes and mind... look into what the USG did in Ukraine PRIOR to Russia invading Ukraine...
Watch Oliver Stone's
"Ukraine On Fire" for a starting point.
Nobody poked the bear. Russia has no business trying to keep Ukraine out of NATO -- that poses no threat to Russia's security. After all, the Baltic States are already NATO members on Russia's border, and they're no threat to Russia's security.
Nobody poked the bear. Russia has no business trying to keep Ukraine out of NATO -- that poses no threat to Russia's security. After all, the Baltic States are already NATO members on Russia's border, and they're no threat to Russia's security.
Native Russians in Ukraine being exterminated, hell, even having their language and culture erased, fall under the Global definition of Genocide...
Nobody poked the bear. Russia has no business trying to keep Ukraine out of NATO -- that poses no threat to Russia's security. After all, the Baltic States are already NATO members on Russia's border, and they're no threat to Russia's security.
Here's a thought experiment for you. Imagine Mexico decided to join an ostensibly defensive alliance, with a group of countries hostile to the US. Imagine this alliance trained Mexico's military, funded it and supplied it with offensive weapons. What do you imagine the response of the US would be?