What was the best part of your day today?

A couple of our best friends ever since grade school stopped at our house to visit.
We knew them before there were WalMarts and Burger Kings.
Collecting all the money from my Falcons vs. Packers bet. The Falcons are finally in the super bowl!!!
The best part of my day...

Leaving work early and finishing some pressing commitments with time to spare, for once!
Yesterday was great because I began chatting with two amazing ladies on here. Sadly, that hasn't continued into today yet. *Fingers crossed*
A couple of our best friends ever since grade school stopped at our house to visit.
We knew them before there were WalMarts and Burger Kings.

Mine will be lunch today with a GF since kindergarten who I wish I saw more of. Two or three times a year doesn't cut it :rose:
