What would you do if Literotica suddenly went away?

I imagine it would be harder for the people who are here that care about writing. For those who come here to post memes and act like children, there's plenty of other places that can be accomplished.

Like Keith I have everything in the market so I'd still have a place to publish, as for the social aspects(or time killing aspects) of the forum, I'd probably just end up wasting more time on You tube vids than I do now.

I do wonder if people who spend 24/7 posting here would find they're writing more than they used to if the place wasn't around, and putting their work somewhere else.
Sink into a state of depression.
Then look around in Reddit and LushStories and FetLife to see if the AH crowd has found a new home.

I sure hope it wouldn't be Discord, as I've never ever been able to figure out how that works.
It's not hard. Discord is just a collection of private chat groups you can only access with their own link code.
Discord is just a collection of private chat groups you can only access with their own link code.
Discord makes it impossible to discover content. I found Literotica via Google back when herds of Thesaurussen still roamed free. Discord et alia are walled gardens - if you don't know something is there, you will never find it.
Discord makes it impossible to discover content. I found Literotica via Google back when herds of Thesaurussen still roamed free. Discord et alia are walled gardens - if you don't know something is there, you will never find it.
And some of us don't want to use chat.

When the Reddit meltdown happened last year, some subs I'm in went to Discord and it was awful.

If I wanted to use chat, I'd already have been using it.
Discord makes it impossible to discover content. I found Literotica via Google back when herds of Thesaurussen still roamed free. Discord et alia are walled gardens - if you don't know something is there, you will never find it.
I know. It's why I wasn't interested in trying to join that Twitter "alternative" that people were talking about when Elon bought it. One reason why. I'm only on two servers for that reason as well. The server for the local cycling group, and a writing one, that somebody on a sub reddit invited me to. I actually had Discord for almost a year before those, because I thought it was like Kik, and I could just search for groups. I don't even know how I found Lit.
The forums are already bad enough for my work ethic, chat would be deleterious.
Writing is already bad enough for my work ethic. I was supposed to be doing a project release today, and... I got 9000 words down on my new storyline instead, and ironically, probably achieving much more useful outcomes.
It's not hard. Discord is just a collection of private chat groups you can only access with their own link code.
Yeah. I've been "invited" into private groups and I try to get there, but I can't see the conversations.
Discord makes it impossible to discover content. I found Literotica via Google back when herds of Thesaurussen still roamed free. Discord et alia are walled gardens - if you don't know something is there, you will never find it.
That's another part of my Discord experience.
And some of us don't want to use chat.

When the Reddit meltdown happened last year, some subs I'm in went to Discord and it was awful.

If I wanted to use chat, I'd already have been using it.
Is Discord only chat-based? Is that why I couldn't find conversations? I don't really remember what I bumped into. But I have tried 2 or 3 times, after having been invited.
Is Discord only chat-based? Is that why I couldn't find conversations? I don't really remember what I bumped into. But I have tried 2 or 3 times, after having been invited.
most of these modern apps are. Forums at least generally present a read-only view to search engines, but companies like discord get no value-add from offering that; they want people to pay for features, not access content for free, and the content is the hook.

God, I feel old all of a sardine.
most of these modern apps are. Forums at least generally present a read-only view to search engines, but companies like discord get no value-add from offering that; they want people to pay for features, not access content for free, and the content is the hook.

God, I feel old all of a sardine.
All of a sardine? Fish called Wanda?
This part of me that screams I am really a married bi male whom is a bit of a freak would probably grow silent. Unable to talk with or to these fine strangers I know of through LIT. I don't know if I would trust anywhere else
I'd feel really disappointed. When I published my first story here over five years ago, I thought it would be a one and done. Now I've got over 180 submissions, hoping to submit at least one every month. If the site suddenly disappeared, I think I'd feel a little lost.

It's nice to be able to check into the Author's Hangout, too. It's such a friendly supportive community that I've never experienced anywhere else.
I would be devastated if there was no more Literotica and people around the world could no longer read my stories.

The largest website I can think of that was taken down was 'Friends Reunited' which was huge in the 2000s, but lost popularity as social media sites became bigger and it was gone by about 2015.

Another feature I miss is the comments section of IMDB which was removed circa 2018, never sure why.
I really should back my stuff up far better. Over the ten years I've been writing, I've had three total data crashes on different devices, and I no longer have a complete set of files in one sensible place.

And the idea of copying over a million words in 3750 word chunks is too depressing (time-consuming) to think about. I need someone to write me a script, to scrape my own stories - I have no idea how to do that.
💯 Me too, to everything you said except I only have about 800k words to copy in 3750 word chunks. If you find someone to write the script, maybe we could get a 2 for 1 discount…
I keep my stories backed up on two separate hard drives and two thumb drives. No such thing as too safe.
When I was a year or two out of high school, I discovered an online venue that I could access via my university's IT. I met my partner there, became part of a few communities, formed close friendships, learned a lot about sex that I hadn't been taught in school. About five years later, it was destroyed by spammers.

By then a lot of us were starting to set up in another online venue. Met some more new people, found new communities, made some more great friends. Then it got bought out and the new owners were keen to make money out of it, which meant advertising, which meant purging content that might offend advertisers' sensibilities. It slowly killed the communities that I cared about, and eventually it was resold to another group who were even worse. I think that one took about ten years to go from great to shit.

So I followed some of those friends to another online venue, made some more friends there. That one had its problems from early on, but nothing that couldn't be made worse by more advertiser-chasing and another buyout by assholes determined to shit on the things that made it good. Got another ten years or so out of that.

I'm on a couple of Discords now, but @onehitwanda has talked about the limitations of that. It's designed for chatting with people you already know, not for meeting new folk, and anything said more than a couple of days ago is effectively lost unless you know exactly what to search on.

Cat Valente wrote an essay about the frustration of having to rebuild one's online social life every decade or so as the locusts arrive to ruin another venue with monetisation or worse. It expresses my feelings pretty well: https://catvalente.substack.com/p/stop-talking-to-each-other-and-start (caution: contains politics and strong language.)

I've been here a bit over ten years, and if it were to disappear... I'd miss the community side of things, but it just feels inevitable that such places don't last forever. Most of my story stuff is backed up elsewhere.
I'd be pretty bummed, but I'd also breathe a sigh of relief. Literotica disappearing would at least mean I wouldn't have to kick this habit on my own. I'm addicted to writing here (less so to the AH), and the sudden removal of Literotica from my life would mean I could return to more beneficial activities like exercise, attempting to make more money, and nude sunbathing. The disappearance would certainly leave a big hole in many lives. I couldn't see myself writing on another erotic fiction website. All my stories are interrelated etc, and I couldn't be bothered shifting them and continuing them elsewhere. Long live Literotica! ☺️
I've been here for going on twenty years. There was a large group of very good people here when I arrive. It took a little time but I made friends. I met over two dozen of them in person over about a five year period. And then four or five asshats showed up and drove a lot of the good people off. I still know where to find a lot of them. That's where the Political forum came from and the moderator for the AH. Since then the AH has grown back into a good community.

At my age, if Lit disappeared, I'd hang up my erotic writing and concentrate only on mainstream. I have several novels in the works and or completed that only need the right set of circumstances to be viable in the mainstream market. I also have a ton of e-mail addresses to keep in contact with certain people here.