What would you do if Literotica suddenly went away?

Several years ago I was playing poker on my favorite online site when we got a system message - "(poker site name) will be closing forever in 10 minutes." We all thought it was a joke. 10 minutes later, it was gone.

I got over it. I would probably get over Lit closing as well.
It wouldn't change me much these days, but 15-20 years ago?? I came here obsessively. Every day, multiple times a day. I knew everyone in the AH (who remembers ABSTRUSIONS???) and felt like everyone knew me, and that meant a lot back when I didn't have stability or security. A lot of the folx here I considered friends were adultier adults who felt like supportive family. They even came together to help support me financially when I gave birth in 2008. These days, I'm friends with a few of the best ones on Facebook, but Lit just isn't what it used to be any longer. Most of the old faces have either gone on to the kinky message board in the sky or have drifted away from this place over the years. More than anything, I get sorta sad whenever I pop in, but I also have a lot of fond memories and will sometimes dig through the archives for a smile. I suppose if those went away I'd be heartbroken.
For me Literotica is where my repressed kinky and darker side finds it expression. One can not discuss, express or explore some stuff in irl, so Lit is my gateway to this world.
This, to a certain extent. But I have friends through Lit that we now communicate away from Lit and hopefully that will still continue.
Yeah. I've been "invited" into private groups and I try to get there, but I can't see the conversations.
No clue about that. I do know the group owner can set the code to expire and change after a set amount of time, like ten minutes.
Is Discord only chat-based? Is that why I couldn't find conversations? I don't really remember what I bumped into. But I have tried 2 or 3 times, after having been invited.
It is. But usually groups have channels. Like this is my cycling group.Screenshot_20240126-033340.png
I keep my stories backed up on two separate hard drives and two thumb drives. No such thing as too safe.
Google Drive
Thumb drive
Hard Drive(portable)
Hard Drive(laptop)
SD Card
If I ever get a house, I'll print them out and put them on a shelf in the basement, in a secret room where one day they'll be found dusty and cobwebby, by people looking for the ancient sex archives they heard about since they were kids, as they explore the ancient tract house ruins after the left wing and right wing war that got us nukes by china and south korea.
"Egads! We've found the ancient sex text!"
I have other message boards I can use, but as far as writing ones go; losing this board would be more "tragic" than the writing side. The readers will go elsewhere if they aren't already, and I'll probably already be there. As far as the other sites with message boards, well, they kinda shit, compared to this one. And it's not because I'm regular here and used to the other regs here.

All sites have a life cycle, although if there were a historic landmark thingy, clearly Lit would be on it, being rather ancient in terms of the internet, existing since 1995. I'd be surprised if Lit isn't top five older than Google websites. I've dealt with more members just dissapearing, than actual sites. But the sites lost and an entire service, was kinda saddening.
When we first got internet, we had MSN, and I stayed in about two chatrooms; the LesbianGayYouth chat and the Louisville chat. There was a policy change that eliminated the under 18 rooms, so I was stuck with one. Then they got rid of the chats, groups, emails, e everything but the messenger that went about a year after.
Then there was the local Mojo site, LouisvilleMojo. The owner kinda did it in. It was actually one of the last few Mojo sites left, it and oddly, Lexington(ky)Mojo. He wanted to make it a dating site where of course the men had to foot the bill, and everything but looking at your profile was behind paywall, basically. At that point it basically died, but he sold it to some brit, who changed it back, but it was too late, and eventually the last Mojo site died.
Then there was the boards on Myspace, at first they were hidden but still operating, you could backdoor your way in, then they left completely.

Other sites I've used have been lost or sold, but those weren't like social sites. I can't think of any other board I've been on that isn't still around. Maybe S10Forum. Most probably just have the old people I was there with gone, which is almost just as bad. Although I too am gone on some of them, lol.

Call me sentimental, but I really do still miss the MSN chat and LouisvilleMojo. That was at the time where those people were the closest things to friends I had. And the people on LouMojo I could've met in real life. The penpals I had on the messenger, even some users on the myspace boards and the regs on TeenChat. I'd miss yall to a degree, too. It's just easier to cope, in a way. I've been here a longish time, and some of you were already here, or weren't too far behind me. We've known each other for years, even if we aren't close, or actually know each other.
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I would probably read a lot more other stuff beside smut. I have the few friends I’ve made here and I could keep in contact with them through other channels, maybe asking where they have taken their smut and following after. I have my stories so they wouldn’t be lost.

Now that I think about it, I’d probably write a lot more other stuff besides smut too. Don’t know if that’s a pro or con. I’m pretty sure I’ll never get this many readers for anything non-smut that I’ll ever write.
As far as the other sites with message boards, well, they kinda shit, compared to this one. And it's not because I'm regular here and used to the other regs here.
That's been my experience too. I consider AH and others here a real find.