Whats everyone doing today?

SJ: yes, but your handle doesn't actually indicate two separate names, now does it, ms. difficult? :>

Scalywag said:
for some reason, every time i see it i immediately think the j is pronounced as a y. Don't ask why. So it would be pronounced like sah roe yade' (last sylable like 'promenade')

Interesting. I actually like the pronunciation that way. And I am sure somewhere in the world, it's okay that way. :p
silverwhisper said:
SJ: yes, but your handle doesn't actually indicate two separate names, now does it, ms. difficult? :>


Oh, bite me!

Wait...who the hell told you Ms. Difficult was really my name, and I am just masquerading as Saroj Jaede?
SJ: bare it--i double-dog dare you. :p


scaly: SJ and i know each other from the blogging site. :>

Scalywag said:
for what purpose is the name-calling ed? you antagonizing her?

Meh. He antagonizes me on a daily basis. I think he enjoys himself immensely in so doing.

Don't you worry there Scaly; I'm pretty sure I can more than handle him. :D
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silverwhisper said:
SJ: bare it--i double-dog dare you. :p


scaly: SJ and i know each other from the blogging site. :>



[moons silverwhisper]
silverwhisper said:
[deftly applies the slut paddle vigorously]




Oh dear.

You aren't supposed to be making me laugh; damn you....
Scalywag said:
so that's supposed to be justification for calling people names? OK, carry on.

[pats Scaly on the noggin]

Trust me; I have been called much worse (not by Silver).
oo, baby! got a new bottle of k-y right here! who gets to ride first? and we take turns afterwards, right?


silverwhisper said:
oo, baby! got a new bottle of k-y right here! who gets to ride first? and we take turns afterwards, right?



mmmm...but did you bring the tequila and the tabasco?
you don't want the prairie fires for this one: remember, capsaicin does sting on contact...

What did I do today??

Let's see.... went to work this morning, came back to my flat, had a bath, played with myself, then browse on the internet and by a chance found this site and joined and stayed on the site ever since (well... went out to get chinese takeway earlier on! :) )

silverwhisper said:
you don't want the prairie fires for this one: remember, capsaicin does sting on contact...


I so do NOT want to know what you are using capsaicin for... 0.o
capsaicin is in the tabasco: it's the active ingredient. :>

and yeah, that isn't something you want on sensitive areas: i have that on very good faith. :>

sexycaz22 said:
What did I do today??

Let's see.... went to work this morning, came back to my flat, had a bath, played with myself, then browse on the internet and by a chance found this site and joined and stayed on the site ever since (well... went out to get chinese takeway earlier on! :) )


Welcome caz! I'm sure that you will like this place as much as I do, and I've only been here a month!

Oh, what did I do today? Went to work, came home @ lunchtime to let my dog out, came home after work to let my dog out again. surfin the net before I go to the gym to do 3 miles on the treadmill. :sigh:

oh... and not only is it FUCKING hot here, it's TOO HOT TO FUCK!?!?!?! :confused:
Scalywag said:
geez, now i'm gonna feel like everything I post here will be disected and analyzed. :eek:

throw Yank into the mix and soon we'll be outnumbered. :p
I've no interest in being thrown into the mix. Offer to drop me full-force into the liquor barrel itself and you have a deal.

Not to put too fine a point on this, Scaly, but it's "dissect" with two of those curvy letters in the middle.