What's wrong with CUNT?

no problemo here

I like the word; have always liked its use intimately and it general talk. It is a strong word and evokes a spark of stimulation for me so its great. Its a powerful, all femine word and as a title for the female gentalia unique in that it doesn't also meant something else....example a pussy is my pussy and a feline (which I don't like too much) or example I don't care for the word bitch, not because I find it offensive, but literally because it is a common place term with no spark or sexual energy to it necessarily. BUT CUNT that is a sexually charged reference. I love it wish more peopl were comfortable using the term.
A word with multiple meanings

The word "cunt" is used in a variety of ways and because of this, it is an acceptable term to use in all its forms. While it can be quite demeaning when used as in a sentence like, "Some here are acting like "cunts" to their relegating the ONLY use of the word as an offensive and inflammatory word." Which is true in its form as one of the meanings associated with the word cunt is : a contemptible person! (like those who insist to the point of violent reaction that it only has ONE meaning or use)!

Now for us here on such a forum as this KNOW many use this word for the powerful imagery and intensity this wonderful word has the privilege of doing like no other English word can. If the word doesn't excite you or turn you on simply inform your partner "beforehand" in your conversations of what you enjoy, like, dislike, hate, etc. that you wish not to incorporate the word "cunt" in your sexual play experiences.

By the way, I love to use the word "cunt" when the sex play gets real nasty, dark, and primal!!!
I don't think there is anything wrong with it at all as long only used to describe her vagina. I think cunt is hot when used as another name for vagina. It is my preference. That being said I do ask females I am going to be intimate with if they mind if I use that word. Only one didn't like it.

Now I would never use it in any other setting and defintely not to refer to her temperment.
It can be a sexy and powerful word when used in the heat of the moment. It carries power and if that is your kind of kink then it's wonderful. In public I feel it's akward and a harsh word. It often comes off like your just putting someone down. So I say it's a word weight.
Hey thanks to everyone for playing along wiht me on this thread. I'm finding this discussion VERY insightful and intriguing. I hope I'm not offending anyone, as that is certainly not my intention. :)

OK, everyone's said pretty much the same thing, but you bring up a whole new point which I HAD actually considered. The much ballyhooed "n-word" has but one meaning, it refers only to folk of color, and is always meant in a derogatory way. I won't go into it's accepted use by said folk of color in the urban world, that's a whole other topic. Cunt however, has a meaning which is totally separate from it's use as a derogatory term, and in and of itself is in no way negative. As has been described above, calling a pussy a cunt and calling a woman a cunt are two very different things.

So if the majority of the respondents agree that it's OK to use the word to describe female genitalia, but not in the context of describing a person, does tone and context have any bearing on it's level of offense? In example, I give you the word "slut".

Now if I were to say a woman. "get out of my sight you fucking slut," I guarantee I'd get slapped. However, if I were in the heat of passion to call a woman, "my sexy, hot little slut," not every woman would take offense. Almost every woman would take offense though, if I called her "my sexy, hot little cunt," correct? Or would you?

I guess the new question is, does the context in which the term is used to describe a woman matter, of is it always offensive when used to describe another person? :cool:
There's plenty of women that like being called a hot little cunt. They do tend to be the more openly sexual ones, though.
There's plenty of women that like being called a hot little cunt. They do tend to be the more openly sexual ones, though.

That's a gross generalization. There are plenty of women who are sexually open minded and yet still dislike being called a cunt (whatever the context). The former does not directly correlate to the latter.
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Personally I dont care.. A word is a word is a word..

Its just a 4 letter word used in the right context can totally get me off...
So ladies, and guys too for that matter, what's your problem with CUNT? :cool:

Don't ask me, I'm a straight guy. I don't know have a problem with cunt. As a matter of fact, I could spend all day describing what I love about it. :D

If I had to pick a failing though, it would be that it spends far too much time hiding beneath cloth and lace... :devil::p
That's a gross generalization. There are plenty of women who are sexually open minded and yet still dislike being called a cunt (whatever the context). The former does not directly correlate to the latter.
No, I don't mean open with their sex parnters. I mean the type that would walk into a meeting and apologise for being late because the were being "pounded into the matress." :D That type seems to be pretty hard to offend without trying.
No, I don't mean open with their sex parnters. I mean the type that would walk into a meeting and apologise for being late because the were being "pounded into the matress." :D That type seems to be pretty hard to offend without trying.

*facepalm* Only you, Fin. Only you. SMH :D
It's not my favorite word, but there are times when you've said all the other ones too often and it just fits the mood. Having said that, before playing with someone, I will ask her opinion of the word. If she says its off limits, I won't use it.
kahuna quoth:
but you bring up a whole new point which i had actually considered. the much ballyhooed "n-word" has but one meaning, it refers only to folk of color, and is always meant in a derogatory way. i won't go into its accepted use by said folk of color in the urban world, that's a whole other topic.
then perhaps a better analogy would be the confederate battle flag, which does for a very small number of people is chiefly associated with military tradition, rather than the chief symbol of brainless ignorance and spineless cowardice with which the vast majority of our fellow citizens do chiefly associate it.

the issue to me is identical: there is so much baggage associated with it that it cannot successfully be used separately except in cases where its specific usagee has already been vetted. and when you have to go to those lengths to use a word without getting a knee to the crotch or some other very unpleasant & unexpected experience...is there any point in using it?

i think the answer is pretty clear, myself.

Just hate the word. Really can't explain it. Just hate it.

You're not alone. I absolutely detest the word.

Having said that, though, about 13 years ago I called one other female a cunt. And to this day I don't regret it.
I like it. Recently I saw a feminist book where the author decided that cunt was the most appropriate term for the female genitals because it's a powerful word, not to mention all-encompassing. I wouldn't like to be called a cunt, but I don't even like to be called a bitch or a whore, even in sexual circumstances and even though I'm sexually submissive.
As someone else mentioned, calling women in general cunts is awful, but to me no worse than calling women in general bitches, sluts, or hoes.
It doesn't offend me!

I don't mind the word 'cunt' at all! But then, I'm Scottish, and it's a commonly used word up here. Guys often greet each other with a boisturous 'aye, ya cunt!' instead of the more traditional 'hello', lol!

I honestly don't mind it, and prefer it to terms such as 'lady garden', 'flower' etc!
I like the point about the word being sexually charged, I think that's true. It can lose its charge if not paired with choice adjectives.

Also intentions really matter. Like, "your hot little cunt" spoken approvingly and with gusto is very sexy. "You're such a cunt" spoken angrily during an argument is one of the more awful things that could be said (though any sort of angry name-calling is pretty bad, period).
OK, along the same lines as my "cocksucker" thread, I started thinking of the colloquialisms we use for the male and female naughty parts. Almost all of them are used as a negative slur at some point, but only one really seems to raise people's ire...CUNT.

So my question is why? I mean the whole room doesn't go silent when someone calls me a prick. Call a woman a pussy and she'll probably laugh at you. So why does this one particular word get everyone so infuriated? This is a serious question, because I'm genuinely trying to understand.

See, I like the word cunt. I think it's a strong, powerful sounding word. It's really the only nickname for the vagina that isn't passive in tenor. It has an almost animalistic quality to it which evokes visions of a sexually strong woman taking control of her passions and unleashing them on her partner. I find that in writing, sometimes it is the only word that fits the mood of a certain scene. Just the same way sometimes you wanna make love, sometimes you just wanna fuck!

So ladies, and guys too for that matter, what's your problem with CUNT? :cool:

I love the word 'cunt', it is the only word I use. 'Pussy' is juvenile and, I don't know, trailer trashy. Cunt is a solid, serious anglo-saxon word that fits perfectly with 'cock'.
I have been known to use 'kitty' when involved in age-play scenarios, but otherwise it's cunt all the time.
I like being called a slut and a whore in a sexual context while in the moment, but I don't think I would like being called a cunt. Granted, i've never tried it, so I could be wrong. But I think it has too many negative connotations for me that slut and whore just don't. I guess it's because, well, i'm not actually a slut or a whore, and I can separate their sexual meanings from their literal meanings. But I don't think i'd be able to do that with cunt. When I hear cunt all I think of is a man calling a woman a stupid cunt, or something like that.
So I think what I'm getting is that it truly is the context and usage. So let us assume that ALL women hate being called a cunt. So new more refined question: don you object to the use of cunt as an alternative term for vagina, assuming it it not used in a derogatory way?
he's welcome to call my pussy that but not me as his woman.

This is the distinction methinks. I was not comfortable with either usage until (keeping this positive here) the mother of my children encouraged its usage as noun describe her more ravenously hungry (at the time) bits.

use it to express a virulence of misogyny
I'd have to look up the etymology of misogyny and don't get me started on the prevalence and acceptability of misndry (see i cant spell it and spell check has no help at all word doesn't exist mindset must not right? ~fumes~)...but...assuming it is not in fact misogynistic to use such a word on one deserving member of a gender set to use it I find that although I NEVER in two decades thought of the mother of my children as being applicable in those terms there were several unjustifiable events in the course of getting from the there of ostensibly wedded to bliss to the stand-offish non-communicative divorced state of detente that she if any woman ever did deserved that moniker.

I bought a little piece of property with a view that would make western set scouts weep. She despoiled my dreams in general and that piece of property in particular. I like to say, she put the count in country.

For me, if the intent to disrespect is clearly absent, going apeshit about the use of a certain word and feeling offended is a bit pointless and unfair.

Its about intent to be sure. I had an opportunity to have a nice supportive friendly three way (mfm) which ironically would have been the second (f) I've been sexual with in my life. Nice start on a new kinky life I thought. This was a good male friend, his fuck-buddy who clearly wanted more from him but understood the ground rules, and I. To put it in context she admitted to me the other night when i bumped into her (this has been over a year since) that she used to be a little extra loud when they were off doing their thing, just to (she hoped and she was correct) give me wanking fodder, as she knew I was going through a crushing, unjustified, ignominious defeat. (See above.)

She and I had been circling each other in the bar that night playing the have-you-ever;would-you-ever game in the presence and earshot of the other male of this story. He is perceived as a rough and tumble guy of good stature and of a kinky mindset. He is kinky but he is actually a bottom and possibly a little more interested in men than women but pretty open minded about both. I on the other hand am seen as on the effeminate end of the spectrum (and comfortably so) and therefore not expected to be particularly aggressive sexually. We found that she was enthused about my rather lewd comments i growled in her ear as we discussed the fact that most likely i had at the time (and in general) both a sadistic streak and a reasonable cause to work out some aggression.

He went to the bathroom and history suggests he will be there a while, she and I knew this...

I upended her on the bed on which she sat...grabbed her ankles and pulled her pubis to cock against me in a manner that had her attention sharply focused.

Meeting her eye I asked her, "What do you think he would say if he came out of the bathroom and my cock was buried to the hilt in your C?" In context it makes sense there and would have been fitting and accepted and encouraged in that scene with the one and only woman I had had such experience with.

She cooled noticeably but the reason didn't register with me.

She finds the word offensive as my friend later told me the next morning. So three of us missed out.

Me I'd have gotten laid in general and crossed off a major bucket list that I don;t know I'd go out and seek, but at the time the chemistry all worked. She would have FINALLY gotten rogered in the manner she would like to have been accustomed to. She enjoyed my friend a lot but considered his ministrations more foreplay than fucking. And my friend would have at least had a look at my cock, something he has hinted at, cajoled and nearly pleaded to see having had minor indications that I have been endowed (modestly) out of proportion to my small frame, but by no means ridiculously so.

All because of a four letter word. I now ask each and every time before I use it and frankly pretty much insist on its usage. So there. Stick that in your vaginal orifice! :p

And for the record as far as the other usage of the word to rather than refer to a woman as a whole as a C I shall instead substitute the term "Fuckmeat" from hence forward.
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I like being called a slut and a whore in a sexual context while in the moment, but I don't think I would like being called a cunt. Granted, i've never tried it, so I could be wrong. But I think it has too many negative connotations for me that slut and whore just don't. I guess it's because, well, i'm not actually a slut or a whore, and I can separate their sexual meanings from their literal meanings. But I don't think i'd be able to do that with cunt. When I hear cunt all I think of is a man calling a woman a stupid cunt, or something like that.

Whoa! I'm pretty sure you're on the wrong track. Within the dirty talk context Cunt is more of a describing word for a pussy rather than an insult. I've never used it as a provocative insult ("you hot little cunt" doesn't roll off the tongue as well as "you hot little slut") within the confines of "the bedroom". I've said "your cunt is soo wet baby" in the heat of the moment but would balk at saying "come over here you sexy cunt and suck my cock". I think the word is too powerful to use to describe your lover/partner but works well as a harsh alternative to pussy.
give it to my in my hot cunt..

The words cunt and slut comes with a promise. I do not mind being called a cunt or a slut as long as the fucking, and i do meen fuck, follows suit. It fits perfectly in when getting fucked hard from behind.
from a guy I do not know, I'd probably be pissed. but from someone who is in my bed, they would make me even more wet.