What's wrong with CUNT?

"The emotional charge attached to words can change dramatically over time. Cunt was once relatively harmless. Chaucer dropped it casually and severally into The Canturbury Tales, spelling it variously queynte, queinte, and even Kent. The city of London once had an alley favored by prostitutes called Gropecuntlane. It was not until the early 18th century that the word became indecent."

Bryson, B. (1990). The Mother Tongue: English & How It Got That Way. New York, William Morrison

Well bugger me :)
"The emotional charge attached to words can change dramatically over time. Cunt was once relatively harmless. Chaucer dropped it casually and severally into The Canturbury Tales, spelling it variously queynte, queinte, and even Kent. The city of London once had an alley favored by prostitutes called Gropecuntlane. It was not until the early 18th century that the word became indecent."

Bryson, B. (1990). The Mother Tongue: English & How It Got That Way. New York, William Morrison

Well bugger me :)

Sweet! Great reference! :D

What htis whole discussion has taught me is that we all have differing views, but that context is the key. Also, it appears there is a general acceptance that the use of cunt as a descriptive term for the vagina with a sexually charged context is acceptable, and in almost half of the respondents desirable in some situations.

The way this whole discussion came about is that I recently got an email from a reader of a story which I had written more than 4 years ago who was upset at my use of cunt in just such descriptive terms. In the context of the story, no other word fit because there just aren't a lot of other powerful words to use, and sometime the pussy has to have the power, so to speak. After reading this, I've decided that in these situations, I'll keep using the word because it is appropriate and isn't in anyway degrading.

Thanks all for the great discussion! :D
What's wrong with cunt?

I am not a big fan of the word cunt or the word slut.

However I would have to agree with others that when used in the midst of a good hard fuck or during hot and heavy oral sex even I find that them appealing.

I guess it is all about context and when the fluids are working over time and you are wet and wanting being a slut with a hot cunt or just a slutty cunt makes it even better.

Of course if you called me a slut or a cunt and I was not in the right mood, you would most likely get a wack. lol
Sweet! Great reference! :D

The way this whole discussion came about is that I recently got an email from a reader of a story which I had written more than 4 years ago who was upset at my use of cunt in just such descriptive terms. In the context of the story, no other word fit because there just aren't a lot of other powerful words to use, and sometime the pussy has to have the power, so to speak. After reading this, I've decided that in these situations, I'll keep using the word because it is appropriate and isn't in anyway degrading.

Thanks for posting this, I'm a big fan of the English language :) Don't forget cooch, cunny and quim. Those are lovely, aggressive pussy words. Or how about a bit of Cockney rhyming slang... sharp and blunt (that is from The Big Book of Filth and might be an older reference, don't know what is in use now - haven't been to the east end of London, well, ever :rolleyes:). And I love the nerve of some people's gripes - "Your porn offends me, sir!" :confused: Priceless...
I am really enjoying everyone's comments. It is nice that the conversation, while still staying on topic, touches on the issue of the power of words and how the right situation can turn an insult in to something positive.

Personally I have a hard time being able to understand "cunt;" both as an insult or as a sexual expletive. As the insult, I can't really understand the impact because it has never been used on me. (Not a lot of people would call a tall guy with a big beard a cunt) Since I can't understand the impact of the word, I don't use it as an insult.

Don't get me wrong, I still insult people, but I don't want to use a word when I don't know exactly what I'm saying. I also can't remember hearing the word from anyone in my life. Just from TV, movies, etc.

So I was wondering, how often do any of you folk on here actually hear that word? And have you noticed any difference in how it impacts people from different places?
The term “cunt” has gained a negative implication because of how men use the word. When used by men, both the term “bitch” and “cunt” refer to the personality or attitude of a particular woman.

A woman may be referred to as a bitch because she is hard to get along with, or has a bad attitude about something; however, when referred to as a bitch; it doesn’t mean the woman has a bad personality or that she is unlikeable, rather it more often means that she is simply pushing-back, or standing up for herself.

However, when a woman is referred to as a cunt, it means that she hard to get along with, or has a bad attitude about something without a justifiable reason. In other words, she is just being a cunt! You rarely hear the word cunt used because of its meaning: as an analogy, a woman may be referred to as a cunt in the same context as someone might refer to a black person as a nigger. For many men, the term cunt has come to mean the lowest form of womanhood.
So I was wondering, how often do any of you folk on here actually hear that word? And have you noticed any difference in how it impacts people from different places?

Hey Nidhogg -
I am American but watch tons of UK TV (almost exclusively). I just find their shows way superior to ours. Not the reality stuff, etc., that's all pretty much the same. But they have PANEL shows. What's that, you ask? It's a bunch of comedians and celebrities sitting around talking about things like current events or history or whatever, having a great time, and being funny - and here's the kicker - informed and witty!! I can't see us EVER having this type of show here. So sad, but the audience wouldn't connect and the "talent" couldn't deliver.
But I digress. Let me get to the cunt part :)
It's just not a word that's got the same taboo in the UK as it has here. One of my favorite lines from Mock the Week, is good old Frankie Boyle saying - "My next door neighbour's a right cunt". It's a legendary saying in my circle of friends now when somebody is deserving, one of us will say... "Ohhh, that must be Frankie Boyle's neighbour!"
For all we know, his neighbor's a man. And that's the beauty of it. It's a simple insult over there. Not even a complex, top of the line insult (though you could probably call it an elite insult - hah - not two words you probably thought to find connected). And yes, I've seen many a bearded tall man called a cunt. And they laughed. :)

Pleasure Fan - the proof of what you've said lies in my earlier post, lol!

In the UK, big, bearded men can indeed be called 'cunts', as can almost anyone or anything else!

Phrases such as 'that car was a right cunt to fix', or 'shut it, you cunt!', or even (as I said earlier) groups of men in their 20's greeting each other in the pub with 'aye, ya cunt!' are all fairly 'normal' in Scottish speech. We just don't find the word as offensive as the rest of the world (England included) seem to! Case in point, Frankie Boyle is Scottish. It IS still used as an insult, yes, but it's used for both men and women. I have in the past referred to a man as 'a right cunt', and by that I mean the guy is just plain horrible & nasty.

HOWEVER, in sexual terms, I have no issues whatsoever with referring to MY cunt, and don't mind hubby doing the same! I don't like many of the other words for female parts, like cunny or quim, I'd rather stick with Cunt or Pussy, and even pussy feel a bit 'odd' to say!

I do think the British are quite hard to shock, with almost any use of profane language. 'Fuck' is used on prime time TV (after 9pm), as are various other 'swears'. We just don't find it that offensive!!

On another subject, our panel shows can indeed be hilarious, although some (like Mock the Week) *are* scripted to an extent. You should check out 'The Inbetweeners' if you like the UK take on sexual comedy, lol, it's not a panel show, it's a comedy drama, but it's absolutely hilarious. :D


P.S - We love loads of US shows over here, things like 'Modern Family', 'The Middle' and 'Raising Hope' all fit in nicely with our idea of comedy!
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Pleasure Fan - the proof of what you've said lies in my earlier post, lol!

Case in point, Frankie Boyle is Scottish.

On another subject, our panel shows can indeed be hilarious, although some (like Mock the Week) *are* scripted to an extent. You should check out 'The Inbetweeners' if you like the UK take on sexual comedy, lol, it's not a panel show, it's a comedy drama, but it's absolutely hilarious. :D


Hi DMama -
It's been a while since I read back through this thread but I did find your earlier post and am glad we agree. I've had to giggle, QUITE, at Alan Davies saying such things as "front bottom, front garden, ladies bits" etc. on QI. Too silly! (Even though I love Alan Davies, as I believe we all do :))

And of course Frankie Boyle is Scottish - what else could he be, seeing as he is foul mouthed, practical minded, and ginger? :D

And thanks for the tip on the Inbetweeners. I shall check it out!
I have had reactions to it from all over the world, I'm Irish and spent a few years in NYC and now find myself in Scotland (Dont ask....)

In Ireland I did not hear it that much but American women normally re-acted to the word like Larry The Cable Guy would re-act to someone burning the US Flag, NUCLEAR REACTION.

Here in Scotland everyone is a Cunt, That Cunt there, This Cunt here, Kind of like the use of the N-Word,

However Billy explains it the best

I would never dream of calling a woman a cunt, except under *very* special circumstances of conversations where I knew (from the woman's consent) that she wanted that.

And I do love it to refer to that equipment between her legs, though even so before using that word I normally ask if it's OK if I use it. I love to use very nasty words to refer to those parts.
I'll call it anything she wants as long as I get to lick it.
I'll call it anything she wants as long as I get to lick it.

Yay! You can call mine -
Ms. It sounded suddenly directly above his head and when he looked it was not there but went on tolling and with each passing moment he felt an urgent need to run and hide as though the bell were sounding a warning and he stood on a street corner in a red glare of light like that which came from the furnace and he had a big package in his arms so wet and slippery and heavy that he could scarcely hold onto it and he wanted to know what was in the package and he stopped near an alley corner and unwrapped in and the paper fell away and he saw—it was his own head—his own head lying with black face and half-closed eyes and lips parted with white teeth showing and hair wet with blood and the red glare grew brighter like light shining down from a red moon and red stars on a hot summer night and he was sweating and breathless from running and the bell clanged so loud that he could hear the iron tongue clapping against the metal sides each time it swung to and fro and he was running over a street paved with black coal and his shoes kicked tiny lumps rattling against tin cans and he knew that very soon he had to find some place to hide but there was no place and in front of him white people were coming to ask about the head from which the newspapers had fallen and which was now slippery with blood in his naked hands and he gave up and stood in the middle of the street in the red darkness and cursed the booming bell and the white people and felt that he did not give a damn what happened to him and when the people closed in he hurled the bloody head squarely into their faces dongdongdong....
Ok. Now lick it please :)
I believe the madman over at The Oatmeal has a perfect solution.

Shameless Promotion: Please give his site a good look-through. It is beyond hilarious and insanely inappropriate for humans of all ages. So grab the kids and read the incredible comics, disturbing rants, and take the messed up quizzes. After all, no one's childhood is complete without some deep emotional scarring.

Original URL for the comic: http://theoatmeal.com/comics/c_word Images Copyright © 2011 Matthew Inman

This is the first page of the comic. There are 6 more pages on the site.

In actuality, C-U-N-T is simply a meaningless set of English alphabet letters....however, for some reason our culture has seen fit to give some quite negative linguistics and meaning to it....therefore, I avoid it and discourage the use of it!
I like the word, mainly because I know it's a strong one. I'm not a native English speaker, so I probably miss a lot of the connotations attached to it, but I am aware that it is very "do not go there". I use it for cursing when I'm so very beyond angry and I really need to express that. That's what words are for.

As for using it in sexual situations. Meh. Why not.
OK, along the same lines as my "cocksucker" thread, I started thinking of the colloquialisms we use for the male and female naughty parts. Almost all of them are used as a negative slur at some point, but only one really seems to raise people's ire...CUNT.

So my question is why? I mean the whole room doesn't go silent when someone calls me a prick. Call a woman a pussy and she'll probably laugh at you. So why does this one particular word get everyone so infuriated? This is a serious question, because I'm genuinely trying to understand.

See, I like the word cunt. I think it's a strong, powerful sounding word. It's really the only nickname for the vagina that isn't passive in tenor. It has an almost animalistic quality to it which evokes visions of a sexually strong woman taking control of her passions and unleashing them on her partner. I find that in writing, sometimes it is the only word that fits the mood of a certain scene. Just the same way sometimes you wanna make love, sometimes you just wanna fuck!

So ladies, and guys too for that matter, what's your problem with CUNT? :cool:
good question.
I actually like the word cunt used in the right situation like when i am being fucked really good and hard I miight say "give me that big cock deep in my fucking cunt."
It is when a women is called a cunt in a degrading manner that we can't stand.
It's all about context, tone and connotation.

95% of the time it's a revolting, shocking word - I hate to hear people use it on the street, as a term of abuse. Misogynistic, aggressive, vile.

But sometimes I think that women should reclaim the word. In a way, it denotes power - of our gender, our sexuality, of our genitals. We should be proud of our cunts.

Occasionally, if the mood is right, I use the word 'cunt' in a sexual contest, or during sex - it has a unique erotic power, if used sparingly.
When used in a derogatory context, it means that a woman has nothing of value but her cunt: no brains, no personality, seen as unattractive, bad attitude, no friends, etc. In other words, she is nothing but a cunt! It is a term that men reserve for women whom they respect the least.
You're not alone. I absolutely detest the word.

Having said that, though, about 13 years ago I called one other female a cunt. And to this day I don't regret it.

I, too, absolutely detest the word when it's used to describe a person, not a person's anatomy. I don't think I have ever called another woman a cunt.

But when I was in college, the word was in common use among women as a descriptor of a female's sexual equipment, particularly the vagina. It was used without shame, when talking to other women. When used in that context, and that context only, there was no slur or derogatory meaning associated with it. The women in my stories use it often in that sense. In that respect, they're accurately reflecting the way the word is used by women among women. (I do concede that these women, who were mostly liberal, upper-middle-class and white, may have been a special case.)

I think that when men use the word to describe a woman, it's meant to convey that the woman is of no use to a man except as a sexual receptacle. At least, that's always the way I've taken it. I don't know of an equivalent term among women for a man, since a man that odious would be of no use whatsoever to a woman, even for sexual gratification. I've heard men called "pricks" by women, and it's usually used in the context of "completely self-centered, not giving a shit about anybody or anything else."

I have heard that when a man refers to another man as a "prick" or a "dick" or a "putz," it refers to a man who thinks only about his penis (or with his penis). Is that true, guys? It does sort of fit in with the "self-centered" thing, but there may be something more here.