What's your greatest insecurity?

It doesn't help that people are always telling me to fucking smile. I have one of those faces that I look mad if I'm not smiling.
I SO hate that. And it's always been men. Usually i their 40's-50's when I was still in my 20's. As if they were entitled to my smile.

One of the most effective ways to make me not want to smile is to tell me to smile.
My appearance- face and body. Growing up I heard 'you're pretty, for a dark skinned girl' or 'you're pretty, for a big girl'. I'm just learning to get over it, some days are better than others, and love myself.
It doesn't help that people are always telling me to fucking smile. I have one of those faces that I look mad if I'm not smiling.
Brown skin for the win! Chin up girl 👍🏾