What's your mood today?

Quite chipper I have just written an A to Z quiz for the one I am running online tonight ... one interesting question I came across during my research is ... The first name of which character in Happy Days is also a Korean word for penis?


New here but thought I'd jump in :)

Chachi --> Korean for Penis

10 points lol seems to be common knowledge over there in the States but never heard of it before over here !
ok, now what are my options for spending points????? i'm excited about this :D (<-- excited face)
I don't know, but we should accumulate more to see if there is anything good. I cant wait til I get some points. :)
Mixed emotions but definitely knackered brain wise ... I lost my internet connection last night it kept saying I had no modem!! So this morning I checked my modem and it was fine and then got onto customer support at my ISP seems I had to put in a new disc which I did and lo and behold it wouldnt work! So to cut a long story short I have been hanging onto a phone with one hand and a mouse in the other for over 2 hours before I finally got back online and now I darent turn the damn thing off incase I can't get back on again. Now here is the really sad part last night I couldnt sleep for worrying and when I did get to sleep I had nightmares about my internet. I'm bloody addicted ... should I see a shrink??!!

Now about points ... I will have to work out a scale of prizes and what you need to do to get more points but will probably take this discussion over to the Bistro where they don't mind me waffling on!
tired - but not unhappy

Mixed emotions but definitely knackered brain wise ... I lost my internet connection last night it kept saying I had no modem!! So this morning I checked my modem and it was fine and then got onto customer support at my ISP seems I had to put in a new disc which I did and lo and behold it wouldnt work! So to cut a long story short I have been hanging onto a phone with one hand and a mouse in the other for over 2 hours before I finally got back online and now I darent turn the damn thing off incase I can't get back on again. Now here is the really sad part last night I couldnt sleep for worrying and when I did get to sleep I had nightmares about my internet. I'm bloody addicted ... should I see a shrink??!!

Now about points ... I will have to work out a scale of prizes and what you need to do to get more points but will probably take this discussion over to the Bistro where they don't mind me waffling on!

ooooh - the woes of technology (it's only good when you can use it - otherwise, it's just one more thing to pile on the stress heap).

My 2 cents is this: only see a shrink if she/he is gorgeous :) otherwise, see a bartender... and your friends here on the interwebs & wondernet... bet they could help you see the "right" in your interweb-loving ways :D
Better than yesterday.
I had a setback with a new 'relationship' and I was unsure if we would even continue.
We'll see what the future holds.
UYSpell, how are computer things going? Get your sign-on back?
frazzled.....completely frazzled

so, im in the middle of packing my shit, im moving, looking for a job, and getting a divorce. Whats the real kicker is that my soon to ex is in the army, and coming home from iraq, so it doesnt matter why we are getting divorced, all that is really obvious to people that call them selves our friends is that i am leaving him at his most venerable time. So i have lost half of them and good fucking riddance, well anyways packing and sorting through memories good and bad is positively the most painful thing possible, its good for the soul, it helps remind me of who i was before all this, but it still fucking hurts. My best friend, and only friend in this town, left town yesterday, she'll be back and i cant fault her for following a dream, but it still leaves me juggling how im going to move. I am worried about the man that used to be called my husband, i hate that me being honest causes him so much pain. I didn't want him to be left alone so part of a comprimise is that i go and drive my brother in law from the airport to my house, the day before i move, wow thats going to be a fun 2 hours. Worse yet is that i'm going to deposit him in my house and then leave for a prior engagement, then i'm going to drive back home sunday, to load up my shit and move it to various locations until i can find a place of my own. All in all I might put 500 miles on the road in the course of 3 days. My week is going to be so busy that it exhausts me just thinking about it, all i really want to do is crawl into bed with a friend, to let go and forget that this world exists.
Inbound eyebrow ends attempt to meet and mate,
show no sign their intent will anytime soon, abate.
master painting? have you seen my new sig under my AV?

well if you mean 'gerund whore' it happens to be above the av I'm looking at. Hey more than one poetess has rubbed my nose in a couple of gerund messes I made. They had to really.