What's your mood today?

I mustn't rub my gerunds togther .. Eve said so

maybe she just meant you shouldn't rub your gerunds together in public places. Champ's the one who caught me. Long time ago. Still remember it. Can still feel her fingers gripping the scruff of my neck, picking me up, carrying me, rubbing...
maybe she just meant you shouldn't rub your gerunds together in public places. Champ's the one who caught me. Long time ago. Still remember it. Can still feel her fingers gripping the scruff of my neck, picking me up, carrying me, rubbing...

and connecting the electrical wires to your testicles and hitting the switch... :devil:


OH, Sorry! Thought you Av said SPARK pup... :eek:

I'll go now...
After reading something really yummy
in bed snoozynaked duvet covered
deliciously seeping into dream
Optimism and a sense of foreboding live in my head and heart today... one of our dogs is dying :( gotta let her go - gotta say goodbye - gotta let her know I love her - gotta do all i can to make sure she's not in pain.
Optimism and a sense of foreboding live in my head and heart today... one of our dogs is dying :( gotta let her go - gotta say goodbye - gotta let her know I love her - gotta do all i can to make sure she's not in pain.


that's a tough one. My dog's 14. Comes and goes... one day he's back to his old spunky self, then another raises doubt he'll see 15. But it's not far off. Don't like to think about it.

Sympathies from me to you.

I think you'll meet again. :heart:
I am sorry to hear that not many weeks since we lost my old boy at 13 just be glad that you found each other and had all those good times :rose:
that's a tough one. My dog's 14. Comes and goes... one day he's back to his old spunky self, then another raises doubt he'll see 15. But it's not far off. Don't like to think about it.
Sympathies from me to you.
I think you'll meet again. :heart:
I am sorry to hear that not many weeks since we lost my old boy at 13 just be glad that you found each other and had all those good times :rose:

ty both. She is a big dog and is 16... so she's given us more shelf-life than any vet we've been to has heard of from her bread. I'm an animal person (typically prefer their company to any other) and am so very lucky to have had a chance to live in her sphere. The one thing I regret is not having taken more pictures - she's a beautiful soul (even if she bites me when I clip her nails or brush her) and deserves to be remembered.

The coming and going is tough - but it leaves you hopeful at the end of the day. She used to do that & I've been hoping it'll come back but really, it won't - her body's just giving up as we all will at some point. Inevitable doesn't mean easy.

UYS - hugs to you and a cup of tea/coffee/wine/whatever-beverage-you-like-most in front of a cozy fire or beautiful view as you think of your boy. I'm sure he enriched your life as all animals can.
It's tough when you can remember so well when they were full of fire, then you have to watch them when they're taken with bouts of senility, looking lost, and when they hobble a little more each day. It sucks. I think they know they're near departure but they hang on as long as they can, even in pain, out of sheer duty, loyalty. I think they're the more evolved. We're the real dogs.
I brought him into this world .... backwards! He was the last one I had of his line although he still has many progeny still running around somewhere. He was my stud dog for many years so he had a good innings! We still have a rescue dog of the same breed who needed a good home after a pretty shabby life ... the house wouldn't be the same without a dog in it speaking of which I had better go and feed her. mind you she wasn't in my good books last night she threw a hissy fit when I wouldn't let her upstairs with me in the computer room and managed to disconnect the phone and throw me offline!
It's tough when you can remember so well when they were full of fire, then you have to watch them when they're taken with bouts of senility, looking lost, and when they hobble a little more each day. It sucks. I think they know they're near departure but they hang on as long as they can, even in pain, out of sheer duty, loyalty. I think they're the more evolved. We're the real dogs.

Speak for yourself Muttley!