When you are on a date. What are some good things to discuss or ask about?

Oh God, please let this be a joke.

I am a trans ho who dates horny men. About the last thing I want to talk about with them would be the Hamas Massacre of the Dancers. Or the Jewish settler assault on the Al Aqsa mosque complex.

I also date cis women. I always supported choice.

I argue that cis women are harder to deal with than men on dates. Men who want to spend time with me know what they want. Girlygirls don't.

Further, while I argue that transwomen and cis women should march together in a common Front For Bodily Autonomy, few cis women agree. My own beloved Big Domme is TERF AF. Thank the Goddess she's not a SWERF. She can't be, as I have indicated here more than once.

Best date topics according to the parody above:

Friend date: what's your view on Taylor Swift? Do you knit? And what about the Holocaust?

Sex date: Do you like my perfume? Do you like long drives in your car? What's the most painful thing your ex ever did to you?

My approach:

Friend date: do you like cats?

Sex date: you're soooooo smart. I know there's just... soooooo much... you could teach me... about sooooo many things.

Come on, people. Don't rush down the path to Philthy Phil's Retirement Home.

( . )( . )
On a first date I enjoy discussing politics and religion. Two things that everyone enjoys and can agree on.

I try and stay away from controversial or upsetting topics such as hobbies, favorite movies and shoes, and anything food related.
From bigtitsbitch1000x,
AKA ( . )( . )

Attached publicity still from a porn video now completing rerelease. 10% photoshop. No catfish.
On a first date I enjoy discussing politics and religion. Two things that everyone enjoys and can agree on.

I try and stay away from controversial or upsetting topics such as hobbies, favorite movies and shoes, and anything food related.
Right on the money, honey. I appreciate you.

( . )( . )
I had a first date tonight, with an extremely foxy young latinx man.

I invited him to a classy gourmet Mexican restaurant. When we arrived there he suddenly told me he's gay and lives with his male fiancƩe. He talked up his loyalty to his partner. I don't believe it.

That was the opening for me to mention that straight men want to fuck me, and gay men don't.

He has the arrogance of the untried, giving orders like a sheriff.

Thus, on a long-awaited first date, we talked about sex: doggy v. mish, how i keep my booty clean and sweet. I described thr FuckMyAss Diet i have elaborated over many years.

He asked if i had a pussy or a dick. I said everyone has a pussy. But some humans have two, front and back. And most who have two know how to operate at least one of them.

He didn't know what a clitoris is, and insisted he's a top. So play me like a cello, daddy.

( . )( . )
Further on this first date:

I am very attracted to this man.

Thinking about our encounter, i concluded that he exemplifies the new generation of men, whose sexual orientation is unfixed. He now signals gay, meaning homo+homo.

I always rejected the gay label. I have only been with one gay man ever. Almost all my sexual partners have been straight men.

We sat in the restaurant nervously, having gotten from 0 to 100 nearly immediately in terms of sex talk.

I asked him about positions, mainly out of a desire to verbalize my interest in the topic. I mentioned doggy and contrasted it with missionary.

He made a gesture with his right arm, to illustrate pulling legs upward, and said he had tried it with his partner.

I shivered. Mish is my absolute fave. I made a gesture of pulling someone's hips toward me and said, "It's best for getting deep in."

He looked at me fixedly.

Then i knew: nice, pretty, maybe gay Nicky was fucking me with words. Fucking me as if shooting verbal bullets right into me.

And i recognized more: he's a player, a cocksman, a swordsman, a fuck machine. He's pansexual and fucks everyone. He's settled on gay for a while, out of whatever motive.

So that was our date: slightly hidden sex talk.

I will confront him and say, "You will fuck me. It will be the best either of us ever had. We will burn brightly. You.WILL.fuck.me. Partner or no partner. I will take you away from him. You will want to fuck me day and night, everywhere and every way. Welcome to the Kingdom of Cock. You rule."

A lot may transpire on a first date.

I have a new friend and learning things about her. I am curious to hear from others about questions that maybe you wish others would ask.

You know when you are interviewing someone for a job it has a specific form and function. When you are spending time with someone you want to get to know better... What are some "good" questions to ask? Assuming that the context is not a job interview. That is the last thing I would want her to feel. I don't want it to be an "investigation" more of a natural conversation. I am looking for things that men should ask about. And your responses will have to be more general because I haven't told you about the person. Maybe a different way of stating the question would be.. What do you wished guys would talk or ask about more?

Anyway I am curious what your responses are. In general I was wanting to know what ladies in particular would want to be asked but I should be more open. Guys what do you wished someone asked you?
Every dating website or relationship advice website has a list of questions to ask.
How about asking questions about your date, and getting to know them. Finding out what makes them laugh.
On a date with my steady girl (future wife), I asked, "Who gave you the hickeys on your boobs?" That led to a long discussion,
I might suggest asking something very specific..."Tell me about the best day (or moment) you've ever had." Then ask questions from the details....
On a first date I enjoy discussing politics and religion. Two things that everyone enjoys and can agree on.

I try and stay away from controversial or upsetting topics such as hobbies, favorite movies and shoes, and anything food related.
I was so going to say religion and politics, glad I read the replies first
Yay! Then you're already on the right track.
My therapist actually posed that question to me & I quite enjoyed it. It was nice for me to really prioritize those things that I value most that contribute to a safe environment for me. It was a good self reflection & way of learning myself better (even if that wasn't her intent).
As a Dom it is very important to create a safe space for trust to develop between me and my partner. So creating a relaxed environment, expressing sincere respect, and communicating my thoughts and feelings without anxiety is key to establishing connection.

It's also important to ensure you're both on the same page about what your goals and expectations are. Is this a NSA, FWB, or LTR situation you're looking for. I make sure to let my partner know that there are no wrong answers and no judgment. The sooner you reach an understanding about what you're both looking for the better it will be to relax and enjoy each other.
Talking about hobbies and interests is always a good start on a date because it helps you find common ground. You can also ask about favorite books, movies, or places they've traveled to keep the conversation flowing. If you're dating later in life, you could find it helpful to look at ourtime reviews to see what topics others in your age group are interested in. This can give you a better idea of what might make engaging conversation on your dates.
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I've been thinking a lot about this topic as I have come into my own as a raging cumslut, recently regaining my traction as a public personality.

I am intent on getting 100 huge, new Black and latinx cocks into my holes for daylong to weeklong sessions of nonstop fucking, sucking, and threeways before July 4. Some nice working class white boys would be good, as a kind of reverse spice.

I want my cumdump dripping with cum as I move down the boulevard with my mini hiked up to show my whole pair of juicy joy cakes. My hood is full of alleys and I want to get bent over and fucked by two guys in every one of them, staying out of the parks but inviting passersby to shove their meat into my mouth. I want tons o'cum in my pretty hair.

I wish more cis women carried big butt plugs in their purses. I like for girls to suck on my big boobies while they and I both get rammed from behind by nice anonymous guys.

Any intelligent person, in the current climate of fascist political mobilization, knows where a stranger is at on those issues. Anybody should know how to identify whether the date is a problem.

Some fash and Nazi boys are hott AF, but no racist prick will ever defile my luscious Leninist body. I wouldn't let a white supremacist cum on my swelling boobies from a mile away.

Nor do I or Big Domme do sex with anybody who doesn't have respect for the innocence of children. I have encountered quite a few loudmouth crackers who think it's clever to make light of pedos. It isn't.

Being had "against my will" by six hott biker boys is grand.

Having a big, fat guy with a heavy beard full of food boogers lie on top of me isn't. The weight alone is gross.

So smooth talking fash, sex creeps, and, for the security of the revolutionary movement, most cops are undatable. I would have Daniel Hodges' baby if I had a uterus.

I have some Trumpist friends. I live and whore in a community. Some Trumpists admire my independence and some like to squeeze my boobies and watch my nipples jump out of my bralette. As long as they stay with their attention on my cleavage and cumdump the world is good.

Hos don't discriminate, but no ho right now can be allowed to cross the invisible picket line between all women and the phallocracy. That's why we started a Sex Workers' Union.

( . )( . )
I have a new friend and learning things about her. I am curious to hear from others about questions that maybe you wish others would ask.

You know when you are interviewing someone for a job it has a specific form and function. When you are spending time with someone you want to get to know better... What are some "good" questions to ask? Assuming that the context is not a job interview. That is the last thing I would want her to feel. I don't want it to be an "investigation" more of a natural conversation. I am looking for things that men should ask about. And your responses will have to be more general because I haven't told you about the person. Maybe a different way of stating the question would be.. What do you wished guys would talk or ask about more?

Anyway I am curious what your responses are. In general I was wanting to know what ladies in particular would want to be asked but I should be more open. Guys what do you wished someone asked you?
Do you spit or swallow šŸ«£