Where are the New England Peeps?

Mid to late 80’s maybe. He worked a couple of other places. I think he was also at Mary Ann’s near Cleveland Circle.
I may have known him. The doorman at the time was a friend of a guy I hung around with. I don’t remember the name of the doorman though.
I may have known him. The doorman at the time was a friend of a guy I hung around with. I don’t remember the name of the doorman though.
There were a few doormen there; also there were a lot at Mary Ann’s. I talked to my Dad last night. He says he’s still hard of hearing from a few places he worked due to the loud music.
Don't tell any my fellow NH people that I invited another masshole up to NH in October....
You're missing out if you don't go for a drive and or hike in the mountains on a clear day in early October. I recommend Sunapee instead of further north on I-93
It’s a beautiful area!
I was thinking that all (most?) of the bars/clubs that have been mentioned are in Boston. Has anyone hung out at places in other cities?

I spent quite a bit of time at the Rover in Manchester, NH during a couple of summers in my early 20s… that was a good time & had some pretty decent music.
Don't tell any my fellow NH people that I invited another masshole up to NH in October....
You're missing out if you don't go for a drive and or hike in the mountains on a clear day in early October. I recommend Sunapee instead of further north on I-93
I love hiking New Hampshire. My favorite is Mt Chocorua.
I was thinking that all (most?) of the bars/clubs that have been mentioned are in Boston. Has anyone hung out at places in other cities?

I spent quite a bit of time at the Rover in Manchester, NH during a couple of summers in my early 20s… that was a good time & had some pretty decent music.
Portsmouth and Portland have some gems. Ri Ra and the D Street Tavern in Portsmouth are stand outs.
I was thinking that all (most?) of the bars/clubs that have been mentioned are in Boston. Has anyone hung out at places in other cities?

I spent quite a bit of time at the Rover in Manchester, NH during a couple of summers in my early 20s… that was a good time & had some pretty decent music.
All right.
Here's one I bet no one here remembers, but it was a special place.

There were a few doormen there; also there were a lot at Mary Ann’s. I talked to my Dad last night. He says he’s still hard of hearing from a few places he worked due to the loud music.
I bet his hearing is messed up from those places!!