Where are the New England Peeps?

I hope this thread is not dying.
One of the problems, of course, is that people in different parts of the region have different experiences and know different bars and music venues and other destinations. So, I'll try this question.

Is there somewhere in New England where you have never been that you would like to visit.
For me, it is Nantucket. (I"ve been to Martha's Vineyard and Block Island, but never to the home of the dirty limerick.)
The mansions in Newport RI.
Heyyyyy guys! I’m north of Boston. Not native to the area but have been here for a while now! 🥰
Born and bred here, some things have changed. Pretty much if you swear fealty to the local sports teams, you’re in. Come here for college and stay? Or are you a fan of the expensive real estate? (Now you know why me Missus says I’m not as funny as I think I am)
Hi, I read the stories here, didn’t really know about the forum here. Grew up in Wakefield MA, now live in Pepperell MA. I find Pepperell of today to be like the Wakefield I grew up in. We love Maine, vacation there a lot. So that’s it, HI. :)
Welcome @artman60 !! Pepperell is beautiful!
Yeah, if you’re inside 495, you know how expensive real estate is. Most of the towns there have had most of the old homes torn down for the land, and to build new homes. The Pepperell, Groton, Townsend area still has LOTS of the old, original houses. Not just here, but I think the further out from Boston one gets, the more original structures there are. I’m just finding out about the forum here, still figgering things out. Got plenty of stories faved. Where bouts in the state you be from? (I understand people not wanting to divulge too much, but North shore, South Shore, Boston, Cape, Central, West?)
Don't tell any my fellow NH people that I invited another masshole up to NH in October....
You're missing out if you don't go for a drive and or hike in the mountains on a clear day in early October. I recommend Sunapee instead of further north on I-93
We like taking 13 north out of Milford, up to Contoocook, stop in at Goulds Farm if it’s not too crowded.
I was thinking that all (most?) of the bars/clubs that have been mentioned are in Boston. Has anyone hung out at places in other cities?

I spent quite a bit of time at the Rover in Manchester, NH during a couple of summers in my early 20s… that was a good time & had some pretty decent music.
Club Casino at Hampton Beach.
True, it’s getting better, but there are still way too many places where this would be shoved under the rug. Especially if the man in question has a direct connection to how much money is made.
In fairness if the woman made a lot of money for the company and the man were in a minor position, they would try to keep her. It's really about the power you hold. Historically it's been the men who have held the power.
Apparently from what I’ve read and listened to on weei and 98.5 he was having an affair with the teams travel agent, her husband found out and Ime was told to stop, he them kept making unwanted comments etc
Why they didn’t fire him I have no clue
There is a lot in play here. He got the players to listen, buy in and play a superior brand of basketball (arguably traditional Celtics Basketball), and took them to the finals in his first year. He is a coach of color and Boston has an image problem there. Many national people commented about the Celtics first black coach. The fact that actually that happen around 1968 (first black coach in North American professional sports) and that they have huge tradition of black coaches, not to mention the first starting five to be all black is simply ignored.

Also think how this could look to the players in a players league. They like/love this coach. That's a lot of pressure on the organization. If they aren't careful this could set the franchise back 10 years.

On the other hand if top people don't have the same rules, that is incredibly corrosive to the organization.

My expectation is though a one year suspension it is unlikely the coach will be back. Something will be worked out. It's also possible that all sides figure out a way to bring him back which will include a very bright line that says the rules apply to him, and he must be a leader there as well.

I will say I'm glad this particular issue isn't my problem: it's a freakin mess.
True, it’s getting better, but there are still way too many places where this would be shoved under the rug. Especially if the man in question has a direct connection to how much money is made.
Do we actually know that he used his position to pressure her. I know my position on this may not sound progressive, but from the way it was described on this thread (and I have still not looked into it myself), this sounded like a workplace romance where the woman was married. The husband found out, and it became disruptive of the workplace, and Ime was told to knock it off, and did not.
Now, if this is a question of a man using his position to obtain sexual favors, that changes it.

And, I will add this as a sign of progress. Twenty years ago, the woman would have been fired in order to sweep it under the rug.
Do we actually know that he used his position to pressure her. I know my position on this may not sound progressive, but from the way it was described on this thread (and I have still not looked into it myself), this sounded like a workplace romance where the woman was married. The husband found out, and it became disruptive of the workplace, and Ime was told to knock it off, and did not.
Now, if this is a question of a man using his position to obtain sexual favors, that changes it.

And, I will add this as a sign of progress. Twenty years ago, the woman would have been fired in order to sweep it under the rug.
I believe he is actually married, too. Some hot actress they were saying, at work, on Monday.
I believe he is actually married, too. Some hot actress they were saying, at work, on Monday.
In my view, which may be a minority viewpoint, if this is just about adultery, and not about sexual harassment, then it should be none of the employer's business, no matter what kind of employer it may be. Clearly, there was an issue because the husband brought the issue to work, and workplace affairs can have an impact on the job.
But the question of whether Ime was married does not seem to me to have anything to do with his job.

Oh, and I meant to welcome you to this thread.
In my view, which may be a minority viewpoint, if this is just about adultery, and not about sexual harassment, then it should be none of the employer's business, no matter what kind of employer it may be. Clearly, there was an issue because the husband brought the issue to work, and workplace affairs can have an impact on the job.
But the question of whether Ime was married does not seem to me to have anything to do with his job.

Oh, and I meant to welcome you to this thread.
The problem for the employer is if they don't a have bright line it's easy for there to be subtle pressure. It's a hard problem with no simple answers.
The problem for the employer is if they don't a have bright line it's easy for there to be subtle pressure. It's a hard problem with no simple answers.
Does the job of coach give him the power to pressure the traveling secretary? I don't know that.
Obviously, he broke a rule or rules along the way, and violated an order to stay away from her. I am not questioning whether the Celtics had grounds for action.
I was responding to those who have said that he deserved to be fired. If he used his position to pressure her to have sex, then he deserved to be fired.
If not, I don't see reason for outrage.
Does the job of coach give him the power to pressure the traveling secretary? I don't know that.
Obviously, he broke a rule or rules along the way, and violated an order to stay away from her. I am not questioning whether the Celtics had grounds for action.
I was responding to those who have said that he deserved to be fired. If he used his position to pressure her to have sex, then he deserved to be fired.
If not, I don't see reason for outrage.
Agree about the outrage. I think that they have a hard problem and they have to be strong on enforcement because if they let a visible thing go then the lines get harder to enforce. It's why I'm glad it's not my problem to solve.
So being new to the forum part of Literotica, not sure of proper etiquette here, but I think this would be allowed on this thread, Anyone here go to Salem MA for any of their Halloween parties/celebrations/showing off?
So being new to the forum part of Literotica, not sure of proper etiquette here, but I think this would be allowed on this thread, Anyone here go to Salem MA for any of their Halloween parties/celebrations/showing off?
Proper is not part of it. There are a couple of things to avoid. Hijacking a thread where someone is seeking to make a connection of a particular type by changing the subject or attempting to "seduce" someone who has shown an interest in the original poster is often considered rude, but if the OP (original poster) is an asshole, then piling on and making fun of him (it seems like its always a him) is okay. Making fun of someone's appearance is a no-no. There are some other rules for posting, but those are the only ones I can remember. Some pictures are too explicit for posting, so you have to post elsewhere and supply a link. You don't want to go way off topic. So posting about Australia or California would be frowned upon, but the customs are flexible enough that posts about New York and New Jersey have been included on here with minimal blowback.

So, referencing an event in Salem Mass. falls right in line with the topic of this thread. (Salem Oregon, not so much). I know nothing about these parties. Is there one that is particularly racy or scandalous?
Proper is not part of it. There are a couple of things to avoid. Hijacking a thread where someone is seeking to make a connection of a particular type by changing the subject or attempting to "seduce" someone who has shown an interest in the original poster is often considered rude, but if the OP (original poster) is an asshole, then piling on and making fun of him (it seems like its always a him) is okay. Making fun of someone's appearance is a no-no. There are some other rules for posting, but those are the only ones I can remember. Some pictures are too explicit for posting, so you have to post elsewhere and supply a link. You don't want to go way off topic. So posting about Australia or California would be frowned upon, but the customs are flexible enough that posts about New York and New Jersey have been included on here with minimal blowback.

So, referencing an event in Salem Mass. falls right in line with the topic of this thread. (Salem Oregon, not so much). I know nothing about these parties. Is there one that is particularly racy or scandalous?
I live close to Salem, and we stay the heck away from there during Halloween season. It gets nuts over there!
Agree. Salem is a great town eleven months out of the year.

It’s a different kind of great in October, but BUSY!
Proper is not part of it. There are a couple of things to avoid. Hijacking a thread where someone is seeking to make a connection of a particular type by changing the subject or attempting to "seduce" someone who has shown an interest in the original poster is often considered rude, but if the OP (original poster) is an asshole, then piling on and making fun of him (it seems like its always a him) is okay. Making fun of someone's appearance is a no-no. There are some other rules for posting, but those are the only ones I can remember. Some pictures are too explicit for posting, so you have to post elsewhere and supply a link. You don't want to go way off topic. So posting about Australia or California would be frowned upon, but the customs are flexible enough that posts about New York and New Jersey have been included on here with minimal blowback.

So, referencing an event in Salem Mass. falls right in line with the topic of this thread. (Salem Oregon, not so much). I know nothing about these parties. Is there one that is particularly racy or scandalous?
The city’s nickname is The Witch City, due to the Salem Witch Trials. People have taken that reference to an extreme. I have friends who live there, and they tell me it is almost unbearable during October. All sorts of costumes, personas, and pretty much whatever you feel like doing. LOTS of arrests. Add in it’s a college town, and I’ve been told it’s an experience like no other, culminating on Halloween night. Just wondered if anyone here has been, or is a regular?

The city’s nickname is The Witch City, due to the Salem Witch Trials. People have taken that reference to an extreme. I have friends who live there, and they tell me it is almost unbearable during October. All sorts of costumes, personas, and pretty much whatever you feel like doing. LOTS of arrests. Add in it’s a college town, and I’ve been told it’s an experience like no other, culminating on Halloween night. Just wondered if anyone here has been, or is a regular?
Does not seem like a scene for a 70 year old.
Since this is Lit, I was wondering if the parties involved nude satanic rituals
Does not seem like a scene for a 70 year old.
Since this is Lit, I was wondering if the parties involved nude satanic rituals
I am ALMOST certain that has been done. I thought I read in a paper once about someone using a syringe to withdraw blood, and then various people were drinking it. We are going there on Friday, which is what prompted me to post this.