Where are the New England Peeps?

Meanwhile the Celtics beat Toronto on the road 116-110 after being down by 10. They still have the best record in the NBA, one game in the loss column ahead of the Bucks.
And a very entertaining third quarter.
You going to stay up Wednesday night to watch the big test against Phoenix?
And a very entertaining third quarter.
You going to stay up Wednesday night to watch the big test against Phoenix?

I can watch the first half and then I have to leave for work. I’ll listen on the radio on the way in and then I’ll annoy people asking for updates while working. 😁
I can watch the first half and then I have to leave for work. I’ll listen on the radio on the way in and then I’ll annoy people asking for updates while working. 😁
Oh dear. You work the aptly named graveyard shift! That really sucks.
Perhaps I should know this from seeing your posts around, but what kind of work do you do in the middle of the night?
And why can't you track the game on your own phone?
Oh dear. You work the aptly named graveyard shift! That really sucks.
Perhaps I should know this from seeing your posts around, but what kind of work do you do in the middle of the night?
And why can't you track the game on your own phone?

I’m an APRN in the ER at a Boston hospital. I can track the game on my phone but that might upset the powers that be, plus any patient in dire need of care. 🙃

And it doesn’t suck, I love the nightshift. Have been on nights for almost my entire nursing career.
I’m an APRN in the ER at a Boston hospital. I can track the game on my phone but that might upset the powers that be, plus any patient in dire need of care. 🙃

And it doesn’t suck, I love the nightshift. Have been on nights for almost my entire nursing career.
If your patient is a true Bostonian, then word that the Celtics are winning should lower his or her cortisol level, which I understand is good for health.
Although this may not address any acute conditions.
As for upsetting the powers that be, they need you more than you need them. An ER nurse who likes working the night shift!!! You are worth your weight in gold. Even if you do seem to have a svelte figure.

As for the night shift, I'm sure you know better than me that it can take a toll on your health. I had one night shift job when I was about 22, and I liked it because I was young. It was a factory job. Only one foreman and no other supervisors on duty until 6:00 a.m. We used to turn out as much work between 11:00 and around 1:30 or 2:00 as the day shift did in 8 hours. Then, we'd play poker unti just before 6:00, when we'd get back at our posts and start working slowly.
If your patient is a true Bostonian, then word that the Celtics are winning should lower his or her cortisol level, which I understand is good for health.
Although this may not address any acute conditions.
As for upsetting the powers that be, they need you more than you need them. An ER nurse who likes working the night shift!!! You are worth your weight in gold. Even if you do seem to have a svelte figure.

As for the night shift, I'm sure you know better than me that it can take a toll on your health. I had one night shift job when I was about 22, and I liked it because I was young. It was a factory job. Only one foreman and no other supervisors on duty until 6:00 a.m. We used to turn out as much work between 11:00 and around 1:30 or 2:00 as the day shift did in 8 hours. Then, we'd play poker unti just before 6:00, when we'd get back at our posts and start working slowly.
My cousin spent her entire career as an ER nurse in Lynn! She loved the job.
My cousin spent her entire career as an ER nurse in Lynn! She loved the job.

Some people tell me that ER workers eventually burn out but I don’t see that happening. I do think you’re either built to work nights or you’re not. Seeing as I was born at 4:37 in the morning, I’m a natural to be on the nightshift. I don’t sleep much and I have a lot of time during the day to get things done (or spend hours in the gym). And I don’t buy the detrimental to your health thing.
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A good night in Boston sports last night as the Bruins shutout Colorado 4-0 on the road and the Celtics demolished Phoenix 125-98. They were up by 45 points midway through the 3rd quarter. Phoenix was the Western Conference going into this game.
A good night in Boston sports last night as the Bruins shutout Colorado 4-0 on the road and the Celtics demolished Phoenix 125-98. They were up by 45 points midway through the 3rd quarter. Phoenix was the Western Conference going into this game.
They are both so good that it's freakish. I follow the Celtics more. In their case many good draft picks before Brad Stevens, and the right personnel moves by Brad Stevens. I don't think he or Danny could have done all of it, but their combined personnel moves have put in place a mostly young team with both the talent and character to succeed over the long term.

I have to say the Blake Griffin seems to have suddenly found the fountain of youth. The Cs might really have enough big men to get through a season. Also Grant was good at some key moments.
A good night in Boston sports last night as the Bruins shutout Colorado 4-0 on the road and the Celtics demolished Phoenix 125-98. They were up by 45 points midway through the 3rd quarter. Phoenix was the Western Conference going into this game.
I was happy to see the Celtics run away with the game in the first half. I was not tempted to stay up late and watch. If Phoenix is the best team in the Western Conference... Well, they can't be.
It will be interesting tomorrow night to see if Golden State gets their act together to play Boston

There have been some observations that this is turing into a New England sports thread. (Really Boston. No one talks about UConn basketball). So, to change the subject
Since you work on the overnight ER shift, you must have some stories of really embarassing conditions to have to treat.
I don't mean to minimize the importance and serious nature of your work, but you must have a story you can share of someone who ignored this:

I was happy to see the Celtics run away with the game in the first half. I was not tempted to stay up late and watch. If Phoenix is the best team in the Western Conference... Well, they can't be.
It will be interesting tomorrow night to see if Golden State gets their act together to play Boston

There have been some observations that this is turing into a New England sports thread. (Really Boston. No one talks about UConn basketball). So, to change the subject
Since you work on the overnight ER shift, you must have some stories of really embarassing conditions to have to treat.
I don't mean to minimize the importance and serious nature of your work, but you must have a story you can share of someone who ignored this:

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I believe I did share one short story about the carrot in the butt.