Where are the New England Peeps?

I believe I did share one short story about the carrot in the butt.
I do not recall seeing that. It must not have been on this thread, and so, perhap, I overlooked it.
I do have to ask
Did anyone ask "What's Up, Doc?"
We have had a few Wascally Wabbits ask that.
I am still interested in finding that story, if you can point me in the right direction.
In the meantime, I notice you did not comment on last night's Celtics' game.
I was not too concerned myself. Losing the fourth game of a six game road trip against what was obviously a very highly motivated team.
It was a disappointing loss, but perhaps good for their humility (and I consider this an incredibly high character team, but they are human, and this much success could confuse them). Jason Tatum had an unusually bad game. I think he wanted this one a bit too much. Hopefully he will learn from the experience (his gift (aka hard work) for self improvement gives me confidence he will).
I think Boston considered it a revenge game when it wasn’t. The Warriors just considered it a let’s get to .500 game.
I am still interested in finding that story, if you can point me in the right direction.

I don’t think it was so much a story as it was a comment. Maybe do a word search? I’m not sure. If I find it, I’ll PM it to you.

Go Brooons
Doing a search for "carrot" turns up posts where its used as a euphemism for cock.
Not sure the shape is really right.
The Bruins got even with Cassidy’s kids, beat Vegas last night 3-1. Still tops in points in the NHL, followed closely by NJ.
After years of seemingly (or actually) only being able to score with one line, it definitely makes the hockey more enjoyable to watch the way they've played offensively so far...
After years of seemingly (or actually) only being able to score with one line, it definitely makes the hockey more enjoyable to watch the way they've played offensively so far...
I was just saying this last night at a party. It’s really unusual for this team.
Not to pry into someone's private affairs, but if there are already rumours circulating,
Does anyone know the nature of Al's personal problem? Is it something temporary, or are will he be away for a long time?
It took a shootout but the Bruins beat the Islanders 4-3. I believe they’re 16-0 when scoring first.
I "safely" left the Celtics with a big halftime lead. Bad news they blew the lead. Good news, first OT win of the season. Better news, they beat the Lakers (a team I hate much more than the Yankees).
I "safely" left the Celtics with a big halftime lead. Bad news they blew the lead. Good news, first OT win of the season. Better news, they beat the Lakers (a team I hate much more than the Yankees).

Yep, up by 20, then down by 13, then take it into OT and win it. 4-2 road trip always good when you can go over .500 on the road.
I "safely" left the Celtics with a big halftime lead. Bad news they blew the lead. Good news, first OT win of the season. Better news, they beat the Lakers (a team I hate much more than the Yankees).
I went to sleep on this, too.
Sounds like I missed an exciting game, but it would have been painful to watch them blow that lead.
HOpefully, a couple of days at home
and the return of some big guys, will get them back to the way they were playing.
Still, 4-2 on a trip to the West Coast is pretty good. It just looked after Phonix like it would be so much better.