Where are the New England Peeps?

What a dreadful night in sports.
Panthers have been the better team for 5 of the 6 periods in the series.

I agree, I'm glad I fell asleep as the 3rd period started. I might've woken the neighbors screaming at the tv. Let's see what Friday brings down in FL
So I missed Game Three. Meaning, I'm PUMPED today. 3:30 can't come soon enough.

And? My trees are finally in leaf. Plus I like the weather today. Happy Sunday.
Well that was a day for Boston Sports.

The Bruins unnerved me a little. I dropped the spouse at Logan which was a total fustercluck (Sumner Tunnel closed plus rain). Decided since i was stuck in traffic to listen to the Bruins, mostly the second half of the second period. Panthers scored their first goal while I was listening, and it felt like the Bruins were hanging on by their fingernails for the rest of the second period. Apparently it got better, but I shut it off for the intermission.
Ouch. That's all I'm gonna say. Also, it's going to rain most of this weekend. Ouch. Ouch ouch ouch. Also grumble. how's everyone doing?
Its good to see this thread is alive again.
Even though some people are not thrilled by the focus on sports.
But I have to say it
When Tatum is hot, he can be unstoppable.
so, New England... I'd say spring into summer fun but these last two days... feel like mid November in the amount of cold and gray... how's everyone doing?