Where are the New England Peeps?

Who's got a good North Adams food recommendation? Going to be out that way this weekend for the Here and There festival...
Since "Peeps" are small American shorebirds, I'd guess you'd find them on the New England coastline.

God, how I detest this crapenglish which so many cosy up to, trying to appear "cool".
Gee…thanks…appreciate it 🤨
Clearly, this gentleman has given a lot of thought to how he can contribute to world happiness and understanding, and has concluded that expressing his valuable thoughts regarding the use of language is something that we will all appreciate.
However, I am a bit puzzled by this particular observation on his part. It is my understanding that a "peep" is actually a slang term for sandpipers, which I assume most of us on this thread are familiar with. So, is he not contradicting his own basic point by using a slang term, just as you did?
In any event, I suppose that it means your thread has achieved some level of success when it attracts commentators of his ilk.
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Clearly, this gentleman has given a lot of thought to how he can contribute to world happiness and understanding, and has concluded that expressing his valuable thoughts regarding the use of language is something that we will all appreciate.
However, I am a bit puzzled by this particular observation on his part. It is my understanding that a "peep" is actually a slang term for sandpipers, which I assume most of us on this thread are familiar with. So, is he not contradicting his own basic point by using a slang term, just as you did?
In any event, I suppose that it means your thread has achieved some level of success when it attracts commentators of his ilk.
Assume away, dear peep. Peeps of "my ilk" would like to point out to peeps of your ilk that only peeps familiar with North American sandpipers would stand any remote chance of "being familar" with the term's use in respect of them... which by no means includes the majority of North American peeps... probably only birdwatcher-type peeps, in fact. Since at least half of "we (peeps) on this thread" are from places other than the North American continent (yes, other places DO exist... WITH other peeps living there) then I humbly submit that this peep has in no way contradicted his "own basic point".

And as to the logic of a peep having his use of language criticised by another peep being somehow a badge of "success", well, you will have to enlighten this peep in that regard...

... OK, peep/dude/pal? Your well come to spread the news... alot... thankyou very much...
Assume away, dear peep. Peeps of "my ilk" would like to point out to peeps of your ilk that only peeps familiar with North American sandpipers would stand any remote chance of "being familar" with the term's use in respect of them... which by no means includes the majority of North American peeps... probably only birdwatcher-type peeps, in fact. Since at least half of "we (peeps) on this thread" are from places other than the North American continent (yes, other places DO exist... WITH other peeps living there) then I humbly submit that this peep has in no way contradicted his "own basic point".

And as to the logic of a peep having his use of language criticised by another peep being somehow a badge of "success", well, you will have to enlighten this peep in that regard...

... OK, peep/dude/pal? Your well come to spread the news... alot... thankyou very much...
SMH…this is exactly the reason I let my Mensa membership lapse. Too many people who love to hear themselves talk about entirety pointless crap. Don’t mind me, I’m going to block you now.
Since "Peeps" are small American shorebirds, I'd guess you'd find them on the New England coastline.

God, how I detest this crapenglish which so many cosy up to, trying to appear "cool".
Since he used "Where are" the use of past perfect tense "you'd" is not indicated. He should have used the future perfect tense "you'll". And everyone knows (not to start a sentence with a coordinating conjunction;-) that Peeps are a candy that usually appears around Easter.
Since he used "Where are" the use of past perfect tense "you'd" is not indicated. He should have used the future perfect tense "you'll". And everyone knows (not to start a sentence with a coordinating conjunction;-) that Peeps are a candy that usually appears around Easter.
While you make excellent points regarding his gramatical construction, and I dothink that you have correctly pointed at the most commonly recognized use of the word "peep," I do beg to differ with you on one point. The use of the term "candy" to describe peeps suggests that they are a consumable product capable of producing sensory enjoyment. I have to say that, in my opinion, Peeps do not qualify on either criterion.
While you make excellent points regarding his gramatical construction, and I dothink that you have correctly pointed at the most commonly recognized use of the word "peep," I do beg to differ with you on one point. The use of the term "candy" to describe peeps suggests that they are a consumable product capable of producing sensory enjoyment. I have to say that, in my opinion, Peeps do not qualify on either criterion.
While I agree, my spouse, of otherwise refined taste, adores them. And she went to one of those seven sisters schools where the women are refined;-)
While I agree, my spouse, of otherwise refined taste, adores them. And she went to one of those seven sisters schools where the women are refined;-)
Without at doubt, the sugar used in Peeps is very much refined. But that hardly accounts for her taste.

Since I am such a restrained and considerate fellow, I will not suggest that this thread provides any additional basis to question her taste.