Where are the New England Peeps?

It might be mostly a MA thing, not sure where you are. And it’s coffee - the best flavor!
Maine here. Oh CheekyGirl, I'm so sorry to disappoint you. For me the only way to enjoy coffee is piping hot. Not cold brewed, not iced, and definitely not in ice cream. Yes middle of a heatwave and I'll still be drinking hot coffee
@cheekygirl75, please don't get me wrong, I'm glad you enjoy coffee ice cream. It's just not my cup of tea. We like what we like, that's what makes us all so unique, and hopefully helps us to find our "people/tribe".
Maine here. Oh CheekyGirl, I'm so sorry to disappoint you. For me the only way to enjoy coffee is piping hot. Not cold brewed, not iced, and definitely not in ice cream. Yes middle of a heatwave and I'll still be drinking hot coffee

@cheekygirl75, please don't get me wrong, I'm glad you enjoy coffee ice cream. It's just not my cup of tea. We like what we like, that's what makes us all so unique, and hopefully helps us to find our "people/tribe".

It’s ok, more for me then! But no iced coffee?! 😲😂

Love Maine though… if I ever won the lottery, I’d probably move there on the coast somewhere
It’s ok, more for me then! But no iced coffee?! 😲😂

Love Maine though… if I ever won the lottery, I’d probably move there on the coast somewhere
Native, Portland born, traveled as a youngster, let Uncle Sam move me to a few locations I'd not like to revisit (not Iraq or Afghanistan those were a few of the places my son saw) then back home. Work took me further north but from here it's an hour or less to be at the coast, in the mountains, or deep in the woods depending on which compass direction I travel. Sadly, it would probably take a big lottery win to afford a house just about anywhere coastal here.
Coffee ice cream is the shit. Brigham’s is sacred.

Maine is great, but too much Moxie.

Have I offended anyone?
Welcome @Dubinsky. Yep, you're from NE if you've even heard of Moxie much less actually tried it. I've had it once in my 56 years and that was enough. Enjoy that coffee ice cream.
Loved them both but haven’t been in years. I work In Boston on the nightshift but I live north of the city now.
Loved them both but haven’t been in years. I work In Boston on the nightshift but I live north of the city now.
Hey there, tough year for the Sox. Been a long time since I’ve had a Santarpios pizza. I just gave away Yankee tickets.
Tough year for the Sox, tougher year for Chris Sale. Maybe they can be spoilers….beat the contending (for a WC) Orioles on Thursday and the Yankees on Friday. I’m watching “Sox in 2” as I type.
I used to think I’m the only one without a dog in the Santarpio’s/Regina fight, but a lot of times when I ask people they’ve never been to either one of them and don’t really plan to. The pizza there doesn’t look all that appetizing when I see it on Phantom Gourmet.

Harrow’s, though…
Since he used "Where are" the use of past perfect tense "you'd" is not indicated. He should have used the future perfect tense "you'll". And everyone knows (not to start a sentence with a coordinating conjunction;-) that Peeps are a candy that usually appears around Easter.
Rolls eyes. Typical of the sort of pseudo-intellectualism you find masquerading as the real McCoy on these pages.

1. "You would (do)" is not "past perfect". It is the conditional tense and its use is certainly indicated after a term such as "guess".
2. "You will (do)" is not the future perfect ("you will (have done)" but the simple future.

Perhaps learn your grammar before crossing swords with someone who has a sharper blade...