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Syndra Lynn said:
grabs a pitchfork

Poke poke!

Look, just cause things didn't go your way and you haven't had your coffee, don't tale it out on the fucking nana dancer!

Po widdo nana.

You're just mean.

Poke poke.

Heh.... you're in a fiesty mood this morning. ;)

Can I poke you?

I don't guess you get full benefit, though... my pitchfork only has one prong. :D
perks said:
does anyone have thursday?

I'll take it for awhile, if that's ok with everyone?

oooops, scratch that, JC has it already...

cool. See you on the flip.
Do you want Saturdays, Perks? :)
perks said:
does anyone have thursday?

I'll take it for awhile, if that's ok with everyone?

oooops, scratch that, JC has it already...

cool. See you on the flip.
He's trying it out! Help him. You two would make a great duo. (I'm feeling afraid and I need the dancing banana now.)
Lauren Hynde said:
Do you want Saturdays, Perks? :)
there you go! Saturdays! See, it's all going my way now. Ahhhh.
I'm getting out the nana.
To everyone who just volunteered to poke me--thank you kindly. :p
echoes_s said:
I'll stick with doing double reviews as you suggested, we can pick on minsue, or on all the days I can actually read...if no one minds. I don't want to step on toes. Saturdays and Sundays aren't good for me cause the kids are home all day. Trust me. Kids + home are scarey around here, cause when you have two tweens, it really means you have 6 more coming over :eek:

Or if someone needs help or a stand-in, give me a shout, that will work too and if I can I will?

It wasn't you Eve, I was unable to do them and stopped...:confused: :(

poke :cool:
Do Tues and any days that grab your interest. I don't think we can have too many reviews. Don't you know that we poets eat up all that attention!
Kundalinguini said:
Heh.... you're in a fiesty mood this morning. ;)

Can I poke you?

I don't guess you get full benefit, though... my pitchfork only has one prong. :D

You can poke me anytime. I actually prefer the one pronged poke. Though I have been known to hold still for a two prong poke.;)


AND A BIG THANK YOU to Eve for sorting all of this out. I feel better now. Of course it may have been the poke.

Syn :kiss:
Lauren, you don't want Saturdays? I'll take it for a bit.

*smile* now, everyone, you're in BIG BIG TROUBLE!
Congrats on the championship Lauren babes!!!:rose: :kiss:

Hopefully, my team can duplicate that win on Friday when we play...at a much, much, much, much, reduced skill level.:p
Wish I were still young enough to poke

(pouts - then cheers up and looks hopefully at index finger)
*Catbabe* said:
Congrats on the championship Lauren babes!!!:rose: :kiss:

Hopefully, my team can duplicate that win on Friday when we play...at a much, much, much, much, reduced skill level.:p
Good luck, honey. I hope everything goes well.

I hear Porto will play in Toronto in a couple of months... :)