Who is the biggest bitch?

Who is the biggest bitch in the Hangout?

  • Killermuffin, because she uses big words, sarcasm and psychobabble, or Mlle Blue, because she's verb

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • A.

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • Both A and B

    Votes: 5 55.6%

  • Total voters
M- On a serious note, having a threshold does not make me a hypocrite.

There were these first-year students in a sociology class I once T.A.ed for who were convinced that everything was basically "ok".

"Who are we to say what's abnormal?" "There's no such thing as crazy" "Clitoral circumcision? Well, sure- it's their tradition! Who are we to tell them that it's wrong?"

Relativism, cultural or otherwise, is a fool's paradise.

Where do we draw the line?

I'm not the self-appointed arbiter of collective decency and upstanding morals, I'm a personally-appointed expert on my own perceptions and boundaries. To me, it is impossible to separate motive from the equation, or dismiss intent. I draw the line at associating sex with hate and retribution.

The question was rheotorical anyway. Once I knew Laurel had ok'd it, I had no further thoughts about actually pushing to have the story removed- it's her site, and I like her a ton besides. I didn't even PM her about it- I simply took what you said at face value. The ensuing discussion was completely for my own edification. If that didn't qualify as "extreme", what would? Why does Lit have an "extreme" section, if every fantasy is ok?

Christ, I don't even want to supress him. But what we promote is what we implicitly accept. If we relegate to an area with a disclaimer, at least the social sanctioning bracket stays in place. It's a big step from fantasizing, to writing it down, to putting it out there on the internet. When you put it out there, it becomes less a fantasy, and more a search for validation. Validating the wrong ideas under a mis-applied definition of "free speech" is dangerous. There is a social responsibilty, even among pornographers.

"Free speech" doesn't mean "every idea has equal merit" or "every idea is a good is a good idea".

In terms of fighting- at some point, we have to agree to diagree. It's naive to think that anybody ever wins over anyone else in a bull-moose hornlock like this.

I'm sort of bemused at the below-the-belt attacks, but I'm not upset about the whole thing. Well, except for the posting of my email. Available or not, I felt that was in poor taste.

Re: Re: Woohhhh

perdita said:
Hombre mio, I thought it was wives.

Think I'll go moor my boat and sulk.

Purrless Perdita :(

I wasn't talking about you as the lover sweet one;) oops another secret out of the bag.:D

gauchecritic said:
You're a girl.

BluePen said:
having a threshold blah blah blah

over anyone else in a bull-moose hornlock like this.
You're a girl too.

My dad (pops) rocks. And he pre-empted me (again).

BluePen said:

Sorry son, must stop doing that now you're older, remind your mother to keep me in check:D Now wheres that bloody Viagra God the memories going these days, where was I, oh yes, your mother, hmmm.
Re: Re: Re: Woohhhh

pop_54 said:
I wasn't talking about you as the lover sweet one;) oops another secret out of the bag.:D

Pops! I thought you weren't going to tell anyone about us!

The Earl
Re: Re: Re: Re: Woohhhh

TheEarl said:
Pops! I thought you weren't going to tell anyone about us!
I knew it, I just knew it! That's why you won't take more than your shirt off.

But you do cook a mean pasta sauce, m'lad.

Pear (Bite me.)
hello whats this all about then?(i just followed pops hehe)
Hi Kitz. You're new to me, so welcome. You followed Pops all the way from London. Well worth it, eh?

cheers, Perdita ;)

p.s. trick is you have to figure everything on the AH out yourself.
Hiya god no I never followed him all the way from london just the madhouse lol
I kinda gather what its all about but I never read back coz I can’t b bothered lol
It’s a little quiet on the uk side of things I am getting real bored!
kitz said:
I never read back coz I can’t b bothered
Smart lass. I meant from London joke-wise; still IMO it'd be worth it. ;)

see ya 'round, Perdita
Drat, I didn't even get on the bitch ballot. That's the problem with being an introvert. Only the outgoing people get the attention ;)

MlledeLaPlumeBleu said:
Fuck! Leave it to Pops to go and get all nice on our asses.

You ruined it! Do you hear me man?? You ruined my bitch empire! {sobb*} It was going to be.....beautiful!"

And here's one for you, for being the only XY recipient brave enough to venture into the fray...I salute you!


God, I just love that fucking thing. Am I alone in my principles here?

KM- wanna start a fight about nanas?

Oh hell no. You'd win. Dancing nanas terrify me.
How about distractionary birdwalking ;)?

I feel like we've been sprayed with the hose....

mlle, sans nanas
Gosh, C-

Don't feel slighted- we're still taking applications for the inaugural Miss Lit Junior Bitch Pageant, to be held in the basement of the Catholic Seaman's Union Hall.

Svenskaflicka was also ruffled at her exclusion, so I think there should be enough competition. We just need a 600 word essay explaning why you want to be a bitch, along with the bitchiest thing you've ever done.

KM and I, are, of course, excluded- in that way of old beauty queens, whose wreath of roses are gently fading on the mantle- relegated to commentary and judgement.

We'll do an exhibitionary fist-fight at the coronation though...

Think it over, 'Drake. It's a hell of an honor.

Nicola ('zelle)
What if you're just Somebody's bitch? You know, not your own. Would that be a special category, or just not be worth a fuck?

a gal sans bitch-esteem, Perdita :(
Re: Re: Re: Re: Woohhhh

TheEarl said:
Pops! I thought you weren't going to tell anyone about us!

The Earl

Dammit Earl did you have to drag us out of the closet like this, :D Now they all know I bat for the other team sometimes:D
Hello love

kitz said:
hello whats this all about then?(i just followed pops hehe)

Hello kitz, nice to see you in here love, take care, they sometimes bite, or pretend to:D

:nana: for mlle.:rose:
ooppss doubble posting!
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Well, if it's a "Miss" pageant, I'll have to bow out on the grounds that my marital status would disqualify me. So might "Junior," seen's how I'm closing in on the big 4-0. Got a category for married old shrews?

Ok, Ok!

"Dowager Empress Bitch".

This competition will involve looking down your nose at people, raising one eyebrow in a most disapproving fashion and um, henpecking your husband, verbally. Until he bleeds.

To be held at the Empress Hotel Tea Room in Victoria B.C.

Hey, Pops, thanks for the nana...:p My mum says I shouldn't take tumescent fruit from strange men, but you seem like a nice enough pirate...and I hear you've got a really capital shiny blunderbuss!
If you're a dowager, how can you hen-peck your husband?
"Stop lying there and do some work! Why do you have to rot in such an unseemly fashion?"

PS: I voted for you KM. You're the best bitch I've even known. :)