Who's your favorite author??

More authors

Some other writers I like. Anyone else read these guys?

Evan Hunter/Ed McBain (oldie but goodie)
The Michael docs (Crichton, Palmer)
Donald E. Westlake
Dean Koontz (I think he's been mentioned)
Alan Dean Foster (I've found a couple of diamonds amongst the

ps... If this thread gets one new reader to try a Terry Pratchett novel, I'll have done my good deed for the year.
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I read a Koontz story when I was 14. I'm still having nightmares. Why do you think I spend every night on Lit?
Re: More authors

MathGirl said:

Alan Dean Foster (I've found a couple of diamonds amongst the

My favorite book by Alan Dean Foster is To the Vanishing Point. A lot of his other stuff is kinda fluffy or just okay.
since many other people had horror authors listed...

My all time favorite author is also in the horror genre, and talk about nightmare material.

H. P Lovecraft.

I don't know if it a combination of an older type style, the descriptions of things or the things that arew not described. Maybe just the contrast between normal new england town and the very abnormal.

But for my choice of physical book to pick up and read in a dark corner and then sleep with the lights on, any of his works and especially those dealing directly with miskatonic University.

Oh, I know! As horror writers go, Lovecraft rocked, even though he had a very weird attitude toward human sexuality. I kept the lights burning all night the first time I read him, too.

There were two productions that riffed on The Dunwich Horror. Can anybody remember what they were?
Oh, I know! As horror writers go, Lovecraft rocked, even though he had a very weird attitude toward human sexuality. I kept the lights burning all night the first time I read him, too.

There were two productions that riffed on The Dunwich Horror. Can anybody remember what they were?
Oh, I know! As horror writers go, Lovecraft rocked, even though he had a very weird attitude toward human sexuality. I kept the lights burning all night the first time I read him, too.

There were two productions that riffed on The Dunwich Horror. Can anybody remember what they were?
Oh, I know! As horror writers go, Lovecraft rocked, even though he had a very weird attitude toward human sexuality. I kept the lights burning all night the first time I read him, too.

There were two productions that riffed on The Dunwich Horror. Can anybody remember what they were?
Oh, I know! As horror writers go, Lovecraft rocked, even though he had a very weird attitude toward human sexuality. I kept the lights burning all night the first time I read him, too.

There were two productions that riffed on The Dunwich Horror. Can anybody remember what they were?
Why in hell did my post appear four times, and how can I get rid of three of them?
Post deletion

SlickTony said:
Why in hell did my post appear four times, and how can I get rid of three of them?

Dear Tony,

Your post became deeper and more meaningful with each reading.

I've never been able to erase a post. The best I've been able to do is "edit," delete everything, and just leave a dot.

Diane the SemiHelpful
Post deletion

SlickTony said:
Why in hell did my post appear four times, and how can I get rid of three of them?

Dear Tony,

Your post became deeper and more meaningful with each reading.

I've never been able to erase a post. The best I've been able to do is "edit," delete everything, and just leave a dot.

Diane the SemiHelpful
SlickTony said:
Maybe the server had a hiccup and it wasn't us.

No, I think I know how mine happened. I wrote the msg and hit "Submit". Nothing seemed to happen, I got bored, so I hit it again. .................. two posts.
No, I think I know how mine happened. I wrote the msg and hit "Submit". Nothing seemed to happen, I got bored, so I hit it again. .................. two posts.

Actually, that's what happened to me. I thought it hadn't taken, so I hit submit again, and I musta hit it more times than you did.

I have a couple of stories I'd like to post to a site that's not sexually oriented. I know there's a "nonsexual" area at Lit.com, but I'm looking for a more mainstream type of site. My stories are a little weird, involve sex, but are not at all erotic. Can anyone suggest a site I might submit them to. I'd like to see what kind of reaction they might get.

Thank you,

P.s. Oh, boy! Just picked up the latest James Lee Burke novel at the library. "White Doves at Morning". I guess I know what I'll be doing all night tonight.
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Re: Newly discovered author

MathGirl said:
Any Elmore Leonard fans out there. He's an old timer, but I love his books.

Yes! The more I read, the closer the thread got to the end, the more I was beginning to think I was the only one. I've also seen this topic many times at other forums, and only one time did someone else mention Elmore Leonard.

Elmore Leonard is definately my favorite. I like how he doesn't really tell the story, he introduces the characters and sort of lets the story happen. He uses minimal description, and it never comes off sounding like it was written, he leaves himself out of the stories. Plus I love great dialogue, and he's a master of it. It always sounds authentic. I'm currently half way through Pagan Babies, and I'm enjoying it a lot.
I love Elmore Leonard, but I think his Detroit novels are his best. I like his more recent Florida stuff a little less. Haven't read Tishomingo Blues yet, though I live in Mississippi. I'm scared that he'll miss the mark.

I've been reading old Westerns. Ernest Haycox is a surprisingly gifted writer. I have to admit, reading stuff by a writer that good, who so few people know of, is a little discouraging. And who remembers Jack Schaefer, who wrote the novel 'Shane'?

On the other hand, you have a guy like Jim Thompson, who nobody remembered at all until ten (or so) years ago, despite the fact that he was a terrific writer, sold a butt load of pulp novels, but got no critical recognition.

Who gets remembered and who doesn't is an endless source of fascination to me. It seems to have nothing to do with actual skills, but more to do with marketing.
John Steinbeck

karmadog said:

Who gets remembered and who doesn't is an endless source of fascination to me. It seems to have nothing to do with actual skills, but more to do with marketing.

I think one of the all time best American writers was John Steinbeck. He's been dead for many years, but his novels are timeless.

He won a Nobel Prize for literature, but nobody these days seems to remember Steinbeck. It's too bad.
Though I've read many books that I've enjoyed, the one consistent author I seek out is Ann Rule.

Her true crime writing is 10x better then any other I've read.
For her it's not the 'gore' that the others seem to thrive on, but a lot of the mental/emotional aspects of not just the victim but those who've had to deal with the crime and the criminals themselves.

There's a psychological aspect to her stories that I get into. Not just "who dunnit' but why and many events leading up to it.

I've never been able to get into the 'romance novels' at all. I need that reality in my reading. I have to be able to believe if it's not real it 'could' be real. I guess that also explains why I'm not much of a sci-fi fan either!

He won a Nobel Prize for literature, but nobody these days seems to remember Steinbeck. It's too bad. Mathgirl

If so, it's their loss, MG. Steinbeck's so good I'm embarrassed to call myself a writer for a week after re-reading any of his stuff. The turtle crossing the road section early in "The Grapes of Wrath" is just incredible.

Rumple Foreskin said:
If so, it's their loss, MG. Steinbeck's so good I'm embarrassed to call myself a writer for a week after re-reading any of his stuff. The turtle crossing the road section early in "The Grapes of Wrath" is just incredible.


Dear RF,
I'm probably the youngest person in the world who reads Steinbeck, but he's just as fresh now as he was fifty years ago when he was writing.

I have a cat named "Senor Alec Thompson". There was a dog by that name in "Tortilla Flat."