Why am I not allowed to question your lifestyle?

Re: You better hurry

Sandia said:
it's comin down


Thats hardly fair on those of us from another time zone!!!
Stamping foot in mock anger and trying my hardest to pout!
Unregistered said:
you people did exactly what I wanted you to do, enough said. dont you people understand the art of trolling? we trolls do these kind of things to get the masses dancing to our tune. we dont do these things to get into arguements, we do it to give you people something to do.
for the record... i think BSDM is a great thing, something I want to explore in fact. it isnt against God as I said, i only brought God and sin into the discussion to get you people to dance. and dance you did.

You and I must have different understandings about BDSM. In my studying I have learned that BDSM does not approve of trying to manipulate people without their consent.
Unregistered said:
you people did exactly what I wanted you to do, enough said. dont you people understand the art of trolling? we trolls do these kind of things to get the masses dancing to our tune. we dont do these things to get into arguements, we do it to give you people something to do.
for the record... i think BSDM is a great thing, something I want to explore in fact. it isnt against God as I said, i only brought God and sin into the discussion to get you people to dance. and dance you did.

It's time to let this one go.

This thread needs to drop to the deep sea of old BDSM threads and lie there.

Regardless of his motives, unreg has said his piece.

We have said ours.

To go any further would be destructive, at best.

Thank you, unreg....you did bring food for thought to the forum.

Thank you, KM....you did the same.

I know I am not a mod or anything, but sincerely have done some serious thinking concerning -this thread.

Thank you to our forum posters for handling another sticky situation with grace and poise. Getting riled up and slinging mud only hurts other and ourselves while the forum is still in its youth.

Please, let the thread go.....

Oops! Sorry KM, I have had no coffee yet and find myself attached to the "." key this morning! :D
It is I, the true Unregistered...

Having examined the posts by Sandia, and seen his luscious body, I now realize my true submissive nature, and hereby renounce my evil religious ways...

Sandia, I am waiting, naked, for your commands.

TAKE ME! Take me NOW!

--The true Unregistered, who just happens to look like the babe in Never's AV, and also just happens to live right next door to Him.
Sorry, MissT.
I just could not resist.

Anyway, one can dream...

Oh, and Willow? Thank you for pouting for me. :D


I've noticed whenever the big guns fight
No one pays any attention to me!
Sandia said:
Sorry, MissT.
I just could not resist.

Anyway, one can dream...

Oh, and Willow? Thank you for pouting for me. :D


I've noticed whenever the big guns fight
No one pays any attention to me!


I hope you are not counting me among "big guns."
If you watch closely, the posts I make are often ignored in a battle!

Anyway...I didn't forget to welcome you, "warm welcome hugs."

Have a good time and don't let the last few days posting color your opinion of the forum. We seldom have these disruptions, and a good thing too!

Oh, Miss T, thanks so much for posting that. I was so afraid nobody else understood my sense of humor... I DO crack myself up sometimes... Peeps usually look at me funny when that happens. :D

I'll count you as an honorary "little gun." I'll even let you borrow some of my BB's.

MissT ... what happened to your AV? Was that you in the pic yesterday? (Cos if it was - you are beautiful!)

Sandia ... can I be a minute gun then? Can i huh? huh? please?
I did pout for you!

And as for senses of humour (is that right? plural? *shrugs*) ... I have the same concern - because sometimes my British humour is totally misunderstood.
Re: Miss T's AV: I believe it was her. The pic was small & fuzzy though. Maybe I need my eyes checked. For God's sake, I've talked to her face to face a few times, and that looked like her.

WillowPuss: In general, we Americans lack the ability to generate the type of surreal and/or absurd comedy that seems to be a British hallmark. We usually can appreciate it though.
anyone who pouts for me can have any kinda gun they want.
Unfortunately, mine are all small caliber. pout.

Seriously, when I was in grade school I once cracked myself up so much I fell off the chair onto the floor.

No one ever quite treated me the same after that...
I did get to go to "special" classes tho-

SpectreT said:
WillowPuss: In general, we Americans lack the ability to generate the type of surreal and/or absurd comedy that seems to be a British hallmark. We usually can appreciate it though.

Errrrrr ... thanks ... I think. (If that wasn't a veiled compliment, then I will take it as if it was!)

My own personal humour is very quiet and understated ... I am more punny than funny, as it were.

But ... and this is a big but ... it has got me into trouble with people who didn't realise I was (attempting) to be funny. I tried to keep my humour off boards etc, but sometimes it creeps in ... and then I worry that I have been misunderstood. IF that happens here, I hope people would question me kindly about it rather than assume the worst. I am the type of person who would rather cut off my right arm than be deliberately nasty to anyone.
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Having read postings in this thread and elsewhere, I think a couple points are missed, though Risia did reject the charge of
censorship, in speaking of content control. So, hoping not to flog a dead horse...

KM had/has a number of misapprehensions about 'free speech' and 'censorship', and did not accurately represent Laurel's views, so far as they can be determined. (Laurel has been silent.) Given KM's intelligence, I must speculate that she may not be informed on the issues.

If KM would visit the 'free speech' sites, such as National Coalition against Censorship, she would get a better idea of the issues: in particular governments shutting down artistic expression or political speech. There are also examples of corporate misbehavior: at the NCAC site is a copy of letter of Groucho Marx to Warner Bros., who were attempting to stop his making a movie with the name 'Casablanca' in it, on grounds that they owned the name (because of the classic movie). NCAC asks for readers to contribute examples of corporate attempts to silence. Other examples, regarding corporations, would be product criticism on discussion boards-- 'MacDonald's Burgers Suck': that sort of thing; or 'Corporate officer X, at Arthur Andersen, is not carrying out his/her duties').

Were KM to write of her complaint to NCAC or any of the bodies, I submit they would be quite puzzled. "There's a forum at a website that wouldn't post a religious person's denunciations of community members." This perplexity would not be because it's 'small scale' but because it just isn't the *sort* of thing that threatens free speech.

But let's turn to Laurel, whom I've not spoken to about this, but have previously. Yes she supports 'free speech' and opposes censorship as defined above: governmental, i.e. outside interference. She's worried about federal legislation allegedly protecting children from internet porn.

She did not, however, set up literotica as a site where, INTERNALLY, free speech or free expression would take place. Nor does she pretend not to delete a number of things she finds offensive, though they are entirely legal. Sheep fucking stories, for instance. (See PS) Advocacy of sex with minors. (The theoretical advocacy is legal, though the practice, or direct incitement to it is not.)

Laurel's deletions are not any different (in kind) from Risia's, nor is bdsm forum policy different in kind from literotica forum policy as KM suggests. It may grieve her, but, in a sense, Literotica or BDSM are not that different, say, from an evangelical forum where it's stated, "participants are those who've been saved in Jesus Christ, and are willing to assert that." A discussion community set-up and content-limit rules are not a violation of free speech. Of course if the community of Tonawanda NY said, "No one may make a speech in this community advocating Catholicism," that is a different kettle of fish, since it's a government.

As a number of posters have pointed out, government restrictions hurt because a person often can NOT go elsewhere, nor should a person even have to leave Tonawanda to preach Catholicism. A restriction at the Evangelical Worship Center, a church building in Tonawanda, though, leaves a person free to go elsewhere.

The 'unregistered' person KM is so incensed about, could, in fact, simply start at another forum *within Literotica.* No hardship. Even if he had to leave literotica and go to another site, 'censorship' in the relevant sense would NOT be occurring, and none of the organization Literotica supports are worried about that.

If KM disagrees, let her post a SINGLE example from those three sites, of a case *remotely* resembling the incident she complained of.

In short, the talk of 'ethics that Laurel and Manu hold the most dear' and 'rules opposite to what Laurel has been preaching' is seriously off beam. They want writers and internet sites to be free of government interference regarding content. At the very same time, Laurel, having a distaste for bestiality tales, routinely deletes them; that's her 'ethic' here: It's my site; I find it distasteful, it's out; end of story. She as owner has **every** right to do this, and in most cases I sympathize with her deletion of many sorts of tales and postings.

If KM were to research this topic with the throughness she researches most other topics, such as good writing skills, this whole tempest would not have occurred. Nor would it continue.
In my view, I'd like to see her visting here as a *guest* of the community--not an 'authority'--given her generally interesting and well stated views.

PS: There is a running thread including those alleging experiences with bestiality, usually minor 'licking' episodes. In a posting of 6-25 Emerald Eyed refers to Laurel's deletion of an earlier bestiality thread, where pictures started turning up. So it seems Laurel will, at this point, allow a "this happened to me story" without precise detail, but no stories or pictures. It really doesn't matter, for the present issue, where the line is drawn, the point is that Laurel is free to draw it and in no way violates free speech in doing so (making deletions of posts as she sees fit.)

From two of Killer Muffin's postings.

[KM 7-03]
I'm seriously disappointed here. Vastly in fact.

The top of my screen says "SUPPORT FREE SPEECH ONLINE."

Laurel has gone out of her way to make sure that people can say what they want to say here at Literotica. She has very few rules about what's not acceptable. Some think, too few, but some of us think that the amount of freedom we have to say what we want here is priceless.

Well, everywhere except the BDSM forum.

The troll's post should not have been removed. It has just as much right to be here as anyone else does. It has just as much right to express its opinion on BDSM as much as anyone else does.

NO ONE has the right to silence it simply because they don't like what it has to say. Especially not here at Literotica where free speech is tantamount to sacred.

So they were insulting. You're big kids now, you should be able to shrug off an anonymously hurled insult. So the troll is trying to start a flame war. Well, you know what? It takes two sides to make a war. You don't want a flame war, don't play its game.

You were very wrong in what you did, cymbidia, and I'm extremely disappointed in you and in this forum. You're protecting your forum, true, but at what price? The very ethics that Laurel and Manu hold the most dear. Freedom of Speech.

I don't like censored boards and that's exactly what the BDSM forum is. A censored board where opinions that don't match what the community thinks to be acceptable are removed.

Laurel holds the ideals of anti-censorship very dearly and I know this because she talks about it. Hell, the word COPA is enough to get her upset. You censored someone because they were insulting and not productive in your estimation and you justify this by the rules for the forum, which are clearly stated. Okay, that's fine, but when those rules run exactly opposite to what Laurel has been preaching, it makes me wonder. I am allowed to do that. I'm even allowed to bring it up if I feel moved to do so.
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Re: Re: Re: Re: No threads should be deleted.

SpectreT said:

Peace on you..... I mean Peace be with you, and may God's cudgel crack your skull and let some of his light in. And that was said with affection.

LOL. Couldn't help myself when I read your comment SpectreT.
monster666 said:
"What is Kinky???"

6. You might be kinky if you are male and are sporting massive wood in an internet cafe and stand up anyway hoping you will be noticed.

Hey, that was me!! And I went home disappointed thinking no one saw. :)
Never said:
Just to cool people off a bit (or to warm them up a bit) I suggest someone posts a picture of themselves naked.

I love your way of thinking. By the way, my AV is me. :)
Well, having posted a few replies to this thread before I actually finished reading all the way through it (as I have now done), I see that I got in on everything too late. But in the off chance that some other late-comer shows up and finds this thread interesting enough to read through, at least there's the chance that I won't be the last to post on a dead thread.

I won't bother to give my opinion on the topics herein discussed, since I seriously doubt that anyone will be here to read this anyway.
SpectreT said:

Hell, Yeah! I've killed more than my fair share of 'em...... :D

I know the feeling, T.
I'll take the heat on this one.
(Or that cold, drafty feeling you get, while you see your name at the end, slowly dropping off the list... sigh.)

Oh, and just to make my humiliation more complete:

Never, I've told you several times that I love you and you have yet to respond. Dammit, I'm gonna stop stalking you if this keeps up...

An idea only dies when people are unwilling to face it.

Nice ass.

(sigh... The sadness of a broken heart... Of love, unrequited.)
