Why do Republicans have Rinos, but Democrats don’t have Dinos?

I have a new PC. On the task bar there is the Microsoft "news" tab. It's nearly always 2-3 days slow with "breaking news" and the information in the articles is obviously picked over so the result is slanted and biased.

But, if it's your only source of information because it's easy and simple to read the headlines from, you will repeat what you're being fed by the liars who produce that false propaganda.
What part does corroboration play in your digestion of "news"?
The OMB proved that the Trump tax cuts were for the middle class and that taxes went UP for "the rich." Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying to you.
True those cuts did help some of the middle class, but sadly they expire next year, and the ones for the rich don't.
Trump tried to get congress to give him an INFRASTRUCTURE BILL which would have been used to improve our national mass transit and transportation systems.
So how come nothing got passed? Hmmm Republican House and Senate and Presidency, yet nothing....
Amtrak is chronically always short of money even with Federal subsidies.
It would be a lot less short of money if potential riders saw it as a viable means of transportation.
if you have to lie to yourself in order to hate someone because of their politics, what else do you lie to yourself about? The additional question which flows from that is; why?
Yes HisArpy, let see what you say on the matter eh?
If the R's take the House and Senate in sufficient numbers, Biden will be impeached and removed if he's not 25th'd first (or resigns).

Personally, I'd love to see the R's take back the entire Congress and impeach/remove both Biden and Harris and install the New Speaker as President. Then indict and convict the J6 conspirators along with Wray, Garland, Comey, Mueller, and everyone else involved in this ongoing seditious conspiracy, including every FBI Agent who even remotely touched the files and didn't come forward as a whistleblower. Convict them, execute them, and worry about any appeals afterward.
No hate above now is there?
Biden, Hillary, Pence, Obama, and Bill all sharing a cell in a Super Max would be interesting. The SS can clean out an entire wing so they can have it all to themselves for security. 23 Hrs per day, locked down in their cells and the other hour still locked down in their cells because of the risk to them by other prisoners and/or guards with guns. It could get really interesting very quick if that happens.

If they can do it, Kackles will have to be "told" who to nominate for her VP. I suggest Tulsi because she's served and understands chain of command. Not ideal but it kicks Governor Nuisance to the curb where he belongs.
Hate in the above, I'll let the readers decide...
The lack of your recognizing the military issues in the S. China Sea/Straight of Taiwan, NK's involvement with Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and all the rest only underscore how fucking retarded you are when it comes to blaming Trump for everything JOE FUCKING BIDEN has done in his corrupt quest to FUCK OVER THE ENTIRE WORLD but most especially the American Citizen. For money. Something progressives like you profess to claim is "evil."
And in the anger laden rant above, anyone see any hate....
True those cuts did help some of the middle class, but sadly they expire next year, and the ones for the rich don't.

So how come nothing got passed? Hmmm Republican House and Senate and Presidency, yet nothing....

It would be a lot less short of money if potential riders saw it as a viable means of transportation.

Yes HisArpy, let see what you say on the matter eh?

No hate above now is there?

Hate in the above, I'll let the readers decide...

And in the anger laden rant above, anyone see any hate....

I can smell the desperation even from way over here.
I can smell the desperation even from way over here.
Your words, your desperation. *chuckles* Maybe go stand down wind of yourself....oh and you might want to read it. I did actually agree with you on some of it....lol
Your words, your desperation. *chuckles* Maybe go stand down wind of yourself....oh and you might want to read it. I did actually agree with you on some of it....lol

Oh aren't you clever trying to turn around what was obviously about you. It's almost like you don't understand that even a 4th grader can recognize what you're doing here.

Perhaps less desperation on your part and more acceptance of reality would be a better play.
Oh aren't you clever trying to turn around what was obviously about you. It's almost like you don't understand that even a 4th grader can recognize what you're doing here.
Yes there seems to be an over abundance of 4th graders on Lit.
Perhaps less desperation on your part and more acceptance of reality would be a better play.
It's cute how you think everything has to be emotional based.
So much home-schooling, so little education. Which one of these applies to Trump or Biden?

1. A political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

2. A system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed
Republican'ts are expected to link arms and march in lock step...("Never say anything bad against a fellow republican't.)... so you call them RINO's. You can not get democraps to agree together on hardly anything. It's like herding cats.

I like cats better than snakes.
Here's the thing: I am middle class as far as income. I, and most people I know who are in the same economic bracket, now pay more in taxes now than we did in 2017, after Trump's "Tax Cuts" took effect. My mother, who is retired, took a huge hit to the pocketbook after those "Tax Cuts" went into effect and her tax bill increased sharply. However, our company CEO now pays less per year.

That is how Trump's "Tax Cuts" worked for the average person. Only this wasn't unique to Trump; most Republican tax packages are structured this way.
Here's the thing: I am middle class as far as income. I, and most people I know who are in the same economic bracket, now pay more in taxes now than we did in 2017, after Trump's "Tax Cuts" took effect. My mother, who is retired, took a huge hit to the pocketbook after those "Tax Cuts" went into effect and her tax bill increased sharply. However, our company CEO now pays less per year.

That is how Trump's "Tax Cuts" worked for the average person. Only this wasn't unique to Trump; most Republican tax packages are structured this way.
Lets not forget that those tax cuts that did help some of the middle class, expire next year. None of the top 1% tax cuts ever expire.
The Dem is full of the other type of dino, the dinosaur. Besides the very old people running the party, it's stuck on obsolete BS that doesn't work anymore for the majority and the future of the nation.
The Dem is full of the other type of dino, the dinosaur. Besides the very old people running the party, it's stuck on obsolete BS that doesn't work anymore for the majority and the future of the nation.
Trump's not old???? And don't try and claim he isn't "running" the party, Nostradumbass.
Here's the thing: I am middle class as far as income. I, and most people I know who are in the same economic bracket, now pay more in taxes now than we did in 2017, after Trump's "Tax Cuts" took effect. My mother, who is retired, took a huge hit to the pocketbook after those "Tax Cuts" went into effect and her tax bill increased sharply. However, our company CEO now pays less per year.

That is how Trump's "Tax Cuts" worked for the average person. Only this wasn't unique to Trump; most Republican tax packages are structured this way.

So you're saying that Biden's economic prosperity... isn't?
No, I'm saying that Trump "Cut" taxes in 2017 (Before Biden was in office) and that as a result, I have less disposable income than I did before my taxes increased as a result of those cuts. Biden's economic prosperity has nothing to do with it.
The right wing's definition of Marxism is so broad these days you can just about fit anything under it. It makes it perfect for their propaganda machine.

How an economic theory is suddenly transformed into advocating for things like tighter gun control and vaccines and the like is beyond me?
The right wing's definition of Marxism is so broad these days you can just about fit anything under it. It makes it perfect for their propaganda machine.

How an economic theory is suddenly transformed into advocating for things like tighter gun control and vaccines and the like is beyond me?
...and, don't forget, anti-racism has frequently been called "Marxist" by at least one regular member of this forum... As has tolerance toward GLBT people.
Honestly MArxism, socialism and communism at this point have become Republican for 'thing I don't like' it could be 100% capitalist and they'd still call it one of those things. Its just their boogey man and it would be funny if it weren't so sad.
There have been a few - Zell Miller, Joe Lieberman - but by and large they've all either died or officially become Republicans.
Let me clarify my point, yes there were the Zell Miller, Joe Lieberman types, but no democrat disowned Miller or Lieberman. Many republicans consider GW worst than a democrat.. If Obama, Hillary, or Bill disagree with Biden on some minor issue the democrats and Democratic party would not disown them.

When GHW Bush called Trump a an old wind bag it was disowned and became a RINO.. I'm trying to figure out two things why Republicans can idolize someone one day and shun them the next? In short why do republicans easily turn on the own, amd democrats in large measure don't. It seems to be fundamental difference between the parties and I wonder why?
The Pubs were a tighter and smaller coalition. The Dems were a big tent party with many conflicting interests, so compromise, mostly by catering to the moderates and ignoring the fringe, was necessary for adequate voter turnout. Until Trump.
I think that is the key. Democrats want to cater to everyone, which is the main reason they can't seem to get anything done.
Marxists are for: Gun Control, Limiting Free Speech, Standardized Medicine, against freedom of Religion, against personal choice, for high taxes, believe in programs, want to tell everyone one what to do, want to control business, want to regulate everything, believes the state is more important than parents, say they are for the poor but create a wealthy class and a poor class, say they are for the little guy but create food lines, say they are for equality but really there isn't anything, believe in a utopia but create a dystopia....Isn't this exactly every single Dem run city and state?
Food for thought
There is a difference between what a Marxists says Marxism is.
Then there is the REALITY of Marxism. It NEVER WORKS....just like how every single Dem policy doesn't work.
The reason you haven't been taught this in your public school and university is because Marxists run these institutions through the Marxist run Teachers Union and the Marxist run Government Unions.
Want to fix America get rid of Marxism.
Marxists are for: Gun Control
Like that Marxist Ronald Reagan the guy who made it impossible to buy new minute select fire rifles?
Limiting Free Speech
Like Moms for Liberty
Standardized Medicine
against freedom of Religion
Democrats aren't against freedom of religion. They only say if you want prayer in schools then students must be allowed to pray in whatever method they wish and to whomever they wish. Schools cannot forces on one particular religion. The same goes for religions displays in public places.
Republican'ts are expected to link arms and march in lock step as per Ronnie Ray Gunz ("Never say anything bad against a fellow republican't.)... so you call them RINO's. You can not get democraps to agree together on hardly anything. It's like herding cats.
Agreed. And that's not new a hundred years ago Will Rogers, "I'm not a member of an organized party I'm a democrat"
Trump tried to get congress to give him an INFRASTRUCTURE BILL which would have been used to improve our national mass transit and transportation systems. So you "never" hearing him voice an opinion on this issue is a straight up lie.
Trump did have a Infrastructure bill and it wasn't bad and both republicans and democrats generally supported it. But both republicans and democrats wondered where the money would come from to fund it.. Trump didn't have an answer. Without a way to fund it the bill died but to reiterate objections to the way the bill was to be funded came from both the left and the right.. Trump was politically savvy enough to get adequate funding..
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I'm not against freedom of religion I am against prayer in school. It is very easy to influence young children or really children in general. That's why you don't allow kids to really talk politics with teachers. Onviously its a bit difficult to completely avoid talking avoid politics entirely when teaching history or economics but still that's a hard pass from me for what its worth.

While I personally hate all religions pretty much equally I do have a problem with a relatively small group of Chstians that believe if your child was meant to live God will handle it. Its to happen every few years that we hear about a child dying from this. I'm a strong believer that for every child who does end up dead from something a hospital could have cleared up pretty quickly there are probably a dozen who survive just fine or have life long problems but it only counts to the media if they die.
The Dem is full of the other type of dino, the dinosaur. Besides the very old people running the party, it's stuck on obsolete BS that doesn't work anymore for the majority and the future of the nation.
The nation is getting updated politics, led by the MAGA party so we're all good.

Members of the judiciary will now decide law and politicians decide policies based on how many death threats are received. Welcome to the 22nd Century, it's so refreshing!