Why do you choose to write erotica?

I stumbled on this site looking for audio erotica. I found the written stories and have been hooked ever since. So much better than the audio. I've always been a decent writer and I've had these fantasies in my head since boyhood. I decided to write them as stories. What has amazed me is how these fairly one dimensional fantasies turned into complex stories as I wrote. It's like my imagination wasn't really engaged in them until I set down at the keyboard. I'm hooked.
Okay, so I never meant to start writing erotica.

I started reading various stories many years ago and had a few favourite authors. Iā€™d often wonder how they got their great ideas but never imagined Iā€™d put key to keyboard, until I read SpectorDuganā€™s LIKE THE DEVIL WITH A DEAL.

I got so invested in that story that when the tragic ending rolled round I felt something Iā€™ve never felt upon reading any story ever. The closest comparison I can give (which is also highly unflattering) was like that of Annie Wilkes reading that Misery Chastain had died (AND YOU MURDERED HER!)

Obviously I could have kidnapped Spector and forced him to write a sequel like in Misery, but instead I went a different route. My mind went into overdrive overnight creating a sequel to the story, the characters living in on in my head, the story unfolding in the most amazing bit of inspiration Iā€™ve ever had. The proverbial light bulb above my head had truly switched on. The truth was I needed to create a sequel to this story.

My first plan was to write the character bits and leave the smut to Spector, but I didnā€™t want to do so without the knowledge of the author. So I reached out to them and they gave me the green light to write my unofficial sequel, all of it, the way I wanted (and also helped with some pointers along the way. He was fantastically helpful).

Only a few weeks later my first FIVE-part story was on Literotica ALL THE DEVILS ARE HERE, about a Halloween Party (of all things).

I still canā€™t believe I did it and am planning on doing it again.

What a crazy 12 months.
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Like many, if not most of us here, my jump into writing erotic stories was first fueled by reading them here on Literotica. That was in 2007. Probably the main reason I continue to write these stories from time to time is that they are easy to craft. Sex scenes and the emotions evoked by them are so much more simple to write than ā€¦ say a top selling mystery. Without taking a look, I'd say that some of my longest stories are western themed ā€” and that's probably because I've read a lot of western pulp fiction over the years and that too is a pretty simple genre to write.

Why I write at all is simply because it's a winter time pass-time.
I find writing erotica is kind of freeing. In the past I've written more mainstream, and always had to be careful with my descriptions.

Once I stumbled across this website, I thought it might be fun to try and submit even just one story. Since then, I've kept writing, with no end in sight. And I really enjoy reading other author's works, too.
For me, it all started because I found I had weird and niche ideas that were never going to come to life unless I brought them to life.
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First of all, I like to write. It's getting to where I need to write.

Second, there are a lot of key moments in my life where I was too awkward/didn't play my cards right, and as a result I missed out on some potentially great sex. I also enjoy lionizing the experiences that I did have. Erotica is a wonderful outlet for both of those. If I can't go back in time, why not write it?

Third, I can't seem to throw a story plot together unless it involves heavy, hardcore sex. I don't understand why I can't just write a piece of nonerotic literary fiction about an insurance agent or something. If it ends up including cord A into slot B, or slot B bumping against slot Bā€”well hell, I can actually finish it! Imagine that!

Fourth, I have received some nice comments and scores on this site, which has encouraged me to continue writing for it throughout the years.
I write because I love sex. I love thinking about it, talking about it, and walking through what I would enjoy in real life. My significant other is not nearly as engaged with me, even though they know I love sex a bunch, and this is a safe outlet that isn't sexting strangers or having affairs. It's a way to direct energy while still knowing I'm turning people on and giving them the same thrill I have when I think about sex.
I started writing for myself, to see if I could do it. There's quite a bit of motivating material on this site, and I wondered if I would be able to write stories that others would enjoy. Also, a good story sticks with me. I can look at an incredibly erotic photograph and remember it, but a good story leaves a deeper impression.

I like to think that some of my stuff is lingering around in a few people's heads.
For me it is sort of backwards. In the early days I wrote erotica because it was a turn-on and I was thinking about sex a lot in my early years. Writing was just an extension of that, and since it paid well... well, why not write it?

Now I only write erotica because it is an expected element of the real-life published novels I write. Because of the genre, it is VERY limited (1 chapter) and even then, limited to having to fit the overall purpose of the plot, setting and characterization.

What do I mean by that?

Well in too many novels I feel, there is this odd sort of "Stop. Wait. We need the obligatory sex scene in here so it will be dropped in here now". I all-out refuse to do that. If it does not really make sense plot-wise it is not going in the book. And even then, it is limited. I had a novel where it made sense for sex to happen twice, and I just chose to allude to sex. By that I mean, I stopped with the characters removing their clothes in one paragraph and in the next had them in afterglow. There was no need to have a novel with two sex scenes described in it to make it good and stay within my word-count.

But having said that, I am glad I did more erotica in my early days. Well-written erotica is a challenge, and because of it, I am now able to write published novels. Its possible because short stories of an erotic theme MUST have all the elements in them to be a well-written piece. The fact that it is about sex does not really matter. Sex in my novels is included because in real life, when get two adult friends together, in a very short time the topic of sex is inevitably brought up. It is a huge part of our adult-culture, and to get a plausible novel, it often needs to be written about.
Along with looking after the moose.
Actually, you're sorta behind the news on my moose ā€” she now lives in the cabin and has learned to cook vegetarian meals for us ;) She also has learned to read and loves all my stories! ā€” (tells me I'm the best author on Lit!) We tried to live with her brother after he got out of jail, but it didn't work out. I know you've been envious of my moose for many years ā€” it would probably be possible to send him down your way if you wanna pay for the cruise.
I started writing because I was reading stories, mainly in LW, and thinking that I had other ideas of how the situations that were created there, should have been handled. Sadly those stories never made it to here since my retribution appeared to be too severe.

I also wanted to read something different. The categories I like to read had become a little formulaic and I was hoping to bring something fresh.

I hope I have succeded,
Why do you choose to write erotica?

A reply I made in another thread brought this question to mind.

For me it started out as journaling. After we got or first "modern" computer ie.. windows based not dos. Picked up a journaling program (That's like a app, for the younger people.) And I started to document our swinging adventures. After a few years the simple notes I made, who, what, where turned into more descriptive accounts.

I really think my overly high sex drive is the root. Writing erotica is a outlet for some of my more twisted kinks.
I do it because I love writing for readers who react, first of all. It's also a way to explore ideas with a degree of distance (you're talking about what a character wants or does, versus what you yourself want/do) and to express kinks/fantasies that wouldn't or couldn't happen with my real-life partner.
Back when I was working on my first adult fantasy novel some of my scenes were getting a bit too spicy for the pepper. In an effort to 'get it out of my system,' shall we say, I began writing scenes and stories with that express intent. The feedback and validation is a lot faster than writing anything that gets traditionally published. (Btw, it did not work and now I spend far too much time writing erotica when I 'should' be working on other writing projects.) It's also hot as hell, fun, and my thought is one day when I begin to forget some of my escapades I'll be able to look back at certain stories and remember certain things. Or I'll just be old and horny. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø
I really don't fucking know. I somehow found this site, and eleven years ago, or so, I wrote and published my first erotica, I had written in a notebook on a whim. I think it's the one called Sexual Theory. Ended up basically writing exclusively on here for years, and decided to take a break in 2019 to do fanfiction. I guess basically I started writing erotica on a whim.
I started reading the stories here after covid closed my office and sent us all home for a while. I had too much free time. Then I found I had all these sex fantasies in my head and had to jot them down. I never wrote anything before this. My sister convinced me to send one in and I had a blast with it. Even though they are simple little stories, the audience here has been mostly encouraging.
I like to write. That's number 1.

I enjoy erotica. I read erotica for years and years before I wrote anything. Eventually, I thought, I can do that!

There's another element. I grew up in a somewhat inhibited environment. Sex wasn't talked about. It was always somewhat taboo. I recall the pleasure of stealing glimpses at Playboy magazines when I could, but it always felt furtive and forbidden. I also spent a big chunk of my adult life in a relationship weighed down by sexual inhibition. Eventually, that relationship ended, and it was like being let out of a cage.

So I turned to erotica as a form of release, and it remains that way for me today. A persistent and enjoyable (for me) theme of writing erotica is the feeling of release and self-affirmation through (sometimes outrageous) sexual activity. It's why I like to write stories about exhibitionism and transgressing taboos and normal boundaries.

The final thing, which came after I started writing, is the pleasure of knowing I am giving others pleasure. It's weird but incredibly satisfying to know that I've helped make another person that I don't even know achieve orgasm through my words. I love getting comments from readers who tell me that.
You just wrote my life story here.
I love it!
I write to try making raw fantasies seem more real that I am not in a position to fulfill in real life. I have little literary ambition beyond hoping I'm not boring.
I write to try making raw fantasies seem more real that I am not in a position to fulfill in real life. I have little literary ambition beyond hoping I'm not boring.
That's it.

I think many (maybe not all) writers here focus on categories and scenes which they would do or could visualize and accept themselves doing. As a married straight male, I would read the Loving Wives stories, but cringe at the many BTB or humiliation stories there. So, my stories are more focused on the "Extramarital FUN, sharing, and more" of that category in an attempt to fill the void. I try to write of the idealized married couple having FUN with sex, but with a little turbulance to add some conflict,