Why do you choose to write erotica?

For the challenge. Writing well is extremely difficult, and overcoming that challenge (or not, and realizing where I still need to grow as a writer) is part of the thrill.

For the fun. Human sexuality is wide and deep, and it's enjoyable to explore the parts of it that speak to me.

For the indulgence of it all. I try to write the kinds of stories I would like to read -- gratuitous lesbian smut -- and I'm doing my best to bring more of those stories into the world.

For the money -- at least, early on. I accepted a paid commission, and in so doing, I realized that I want to keep writing as a hobby and I probably would not accept another commission. I already have a day job, and I learned a valuable lesson: money really does corrupt everything.

For the community. I'm nowhere near as prolific as some other authors on this site, so it is extremely rare for me to receive written comments on my stories. But when I do, I get so much mileage out of them. It's so wonderful to see people enjoying my work. 💜
I was retired, bored out of my mind, and looking for something to keep me challenged. Then I nearly died. After I recovered, I assessed my life and realized that something was missing. So I started thinking about how life should be lived and I started writing it down. I came across Literotica and thought that I could tell my stories in an erotic fashion. I started reading what was here and found some gems among the dreck and realized that I had something to contribute.

So I started submitting my stories and found out there was an audience for them. After three years, my stories are still appreciated so I plan to continue as long as there's an audience for them.

And, to quote Duleigh ...

Because it's a whole lot more fun to write than the technical documents and reports I was stuck writing for 40 years.
I was a reader long before I was a writer - I read so many wonderful stories that I enjoyed, but I really struggled to find many stories that satisfied some of my particular fetishes (gothification, chavification, clothes swapping). And the solution to that was a simple one - to write them myself!

I wrote one story, The New Housemate, and that was all I planned to do - one small chapter, comprising a couple of scenes. I wrote it and submitted it, and I received so much lovely feedback from people who were also craving stories in the sub-genre, and that encouraged me to keep going.
Why do you choose to write erotica?

LOL. I started writing for myself as a teenager because romance novel sex scenes were really boring and I wanted to make them come out how I thought they should be, and I wanted to make them hot, so I started taking these pallid sex scenes from romance novels and writing them out the way I thought they should be - using some of those old soft porn novels as the basis. Once I got started on boyfriend #1, I kind of found I had a flair for whispering sweet nothings and making up stories that got guys really switched on and I sort of dropped the writing when I moved on to hands-on experience, but I always liked making up stuff for my boyfriend(s). After I met my husband way back when, a year or so before I started on Literotica, he said my little stories were wasted on an audience of one and I should write them up - and he pointed me to Literotica as a good place to start, and away I went, with no idea what I was doing. Well, it really was fun writing for a much larger audience, and the feedback encouraged me to keep going and work on my writing.

Now? Well, I really enjoy writing erotica even more, and it's pretty much for the same reason I used to make up stories when I was younger - I really enjoy writing hot sex that flicks guys switches and presses their buttons - and I unashamedly write my stories mostly for male readers - if female readers like them to, it's a bonus. I like the thought that my stories inspire and turn on thousands of male readers LOL. I like it even more that a lot of readers are willing to pay for my novels too. That's even more inspiring - writing hot sex and getting paid for it as well is just great, and I love coming up with sex scenes and little fantasy scenarios that drive guys crazy! The thought that my stories are generating thousands of erections is just....awesomely satisfying!!!!
For me its simple!!!
1) Writing is fun!!
2) Fiction is where anything can happen!!!
3) I have a lot of bucket list items I know will never happen. So Ill write them into existence.
4) There's a bit of exhibitionism to it...sharing things I like.
Im here to share, and Ill be starting soon. I never thought about the ratings or veiws or popularity until someone mentioned it to me here. Im just here to share, regardless of all that. Who knows, I might make fine adjustments if it means reaching more readers and entertaining them, but probably not tooooo much. I have a niche, and that's pretty much where Ill be... Hope I seeyou, but if not...
XO anyway 😘
For my experience, it has to do with three things:

1: I am a bloody perverted person with kinks that go beyond mere "romance". I like porn and especially like porn with plot.
2: Life is in no way safe for work. It is messy and full of all things, including sex, as well as kinky sex. In my view, a realistic story has few excuses to not have sex. Not necessarily the best, but someone somewhere is masturbating behind the ammo shed, an accountant is banging a secretary in the archive room, an official has coaxed someone to blow them in their office and in much happier situations, after a hard, tiring day a couple unwind with some of the wildest and weirdest sex that no one can even suspect from their healthy exterior.
3: I have to go with the above answer that fiction is where such things can happen freely. Real life is also messy and these kinks do not lend themselves pleasantly to reality. So fiction is where they go to happen with a pleasant ending and experience. Incest has not demonstrated to me scenarios in real life where it ends well. Or if there are such scenarios, we sure don't know about them.
For my experience, it has to do with three things:

1: I am a bloody perverted person with kinks that go beyond mere "romance". I like porn and especially like porn with plot.
2: Life is in no way safe for work. It is messy and full of all things, including sex, as well as kinky sex. In my view, a realistic story has few excuses to not have sex. Not necessarily the best, but someone somewhere is masturbating behind the ammo shed, an accountant is banging a secretary in the archive room, an official has coaxed someone to blow them in their office and in much happier situations, after a hard, tiring day a couple unwind with some of the wildest and weirdest sex that no one can even suspect from their healthy exterior.
3: I have to go with the above answer that fiction is where such things can happen freely. Real life is also messy and these kinks do not lend themselves pleasantly to reality. So fiction is where they go to happen with a pleasant ending and experience. Incest has not demonstrated to me scenarios in real life where it ends well. Or if there are such scenarios, we sure don't know about them.
Not an accountant, pray tell. As someone who has worked at a variety of companies over my career, after a period of time, all the sex stories at the workplace or related to the workplace become known. Here in the US, there seems to be a helluva lot of sex going at work.
I write mainly to get the scenes and stories out of my head. Problem is, for every one I get out of my head, three more seem to take its place.

Does that sound familiar! One story bouncing around my head led to a 'what if?' Then the story I'm writing now presented an alternative ending, provoking another story line. My schedule seems filled for the next year.
Why do you choose to write erotica?
I don’t. I write porn. I have no delusions of grandeur.

Why do I write porn?

  1. It turns me on
  2. It appears to turn on at least a few other people
  3. I have a lot of experience to draw on
  4. Writing sometimes helps me to work through stuff
  5. In general I like words and playing with them
  6. I can never think of anything to write that doesn’t have some sexual element (I guess I’m pretty limited)
It gives me pleasure to read and write BDSM stories.
but not especially interested in stories about the old in and out.
I am surprised there are so few new BDSM books available.
and those that are I generally find pretty mediocre, but maybe I just haven't found the right books. I am too cheap to buy several BDSM books hoping to find one that is good. (Good meaning IMO, not meant to denigrate the authors)
My experience reading BDSM books makes me believe they are quickly written with the thought, the people buying and reading them have no idea what is well written and will accept anything sexual.
It gives me pleasure to read and write BDSM stories.
but not especially interested in stories about the old in and out.
I am surprised there are so few new BDSM books available.
and those that are I generally find pretty mediocre, but maybe I just haven't found the right books. I am too cheap to buy several BDSM books hoping to find one that is good. (Good meaning IMO, not meant to denigrate the authors)
My experience reading BDSM books makes me believe they are quickly written with the thought, the people buying and reading them have no idea what is well written and will accept anything sexual.
I know what you mean. I'm working now and then writing a mildly (relatively speaking) bdsm novel, and its so hard to find good bdsm novels that I enjoy reading and are erotic and also are believable.
  1. It turns me on
  2. It appears to turn on at least a few other people
  3. I have a lot of experience to draw on
  4. Writing sometimes helps me to work through stuff
  5. In general I like words and playing with them
  6. I can never think of anything to write that doesn’t have some sexual element (I guess I’m pretty limited)
Ditto on all 6 points for me.
According to the anons in LW, I don’t. It’s not an entirely unfair criticism, but I write erotica when it serves the story and non-erotica when it does instead.

Like, my most recent Philanthropic is a revenge story where the sex is all off-camera. There’s no real reason to have graphic sex in it, and it would detract from the story, so it’s a few lines establishing the facts, then onto the revenge drama. Probably half my stories, maybe more, are like that in LW. But then you’ve got Arbitrary, which is like 30% fucking and the rest talking about sex and fidelity, or After the Future is Gone, where other commenters were like “I skimmed the sex scenes, because that’s not what I’m here for.”

I like to write drama and romance. Where it makes sense for that to be erotic, I go there; when it doesn’t, I don’t.
I'm a creative person and I have fantasies that are not always available or something i can feel comfortable sharing with my partner. So they rattle around in my head and develop more and more over time. I have to do something with them so they get typed out. I figured they'll be better out in the wild then just living on my computer. If i can make someone happy with something i created then ill call that a win win.
It gives me pleasure to read and write BDSM stories.
but not especially interested in stories about the old in and out.
I am surprised there are so few new BDSM books available.
and those that are I generally find pretty mediocre, but maybe I just haven't found the right books. I am too cheap to buy several BDSM books hoping to find one that is good. (Good meaning IMO, not meant to denigrate the authors)
My experience reading BDSM books makes me believe they are quickly written with the thought, the people buying and reading them have no idea what is well written and will accept anything sexual.

Count me in, too. I find the subject interesting but well-written books are, in my experience, not easy to find. I thought Story of O was overrated, and 50 Shades was poorly written.

Have you read Molly Weatherfield's Carrie's Story? If not I recommend it. It's unusually well written for erotica, and it's definitely BDSM. The sequel, Safe Word, is good, too. It's kind of like if you took Story of O and updated it several decades to modern-day San Francisco. The narrator/protagonist has far more personality, intelligence, and initiative than O. I enjoyed it.
Thks I'll look at them. I prefer femdom but will also enjoy the sub female.

I miss the old "Travelers companion series"
I find it is a pleasant escape from my regular day job. I am a romance author, and this forum gives me the opportunity to write freely and without the constraints of publishers and editors picking things apart. I love to write, as well, and be it erotica, romance or intrigue, I am always writing.
I’m a pretty introverted person. I’d say that if I didn’t have family that I needed to talk to daily at home, I could happily go all day without speaking.

That said, my brain has a lot of thoughts that I need to be able to express. It isn’t rare for me to talk to myself or have a fake podcast/interview conversation with myself in the car on the drive home from work (weird, I know). Writing is another way I use to get thoughts out of my head. Being able to physically dump my thoughts onto a screen in writing is very cathartic.

When it comes to erotica and role playing, I write to explore sexual fantasy and to release built up sexual energy.
I think it's because I want to imagine what it would be like to have that beautiful woman giver herself to me, have that mind blowing sex that never happens to normal people like me, be the kind of man who a beautiful woman would want to be with. Writing it out makes it seem more real, even if it is just fantasy.