Why do you choose to write erotica?

I've enjoyed reading erotic stories all my life. When done correctly, they can stimulate the brain in ways visual porn can't.

I grew up in a repressive household, married a woman who also turned out to be very repressed.

By the time all that ended, I was middle aged and had missed out on a lot.

The relationship I'm in now is far more open and exploratory; we've even dipped our toes into non monogamy.

But the pandemic combined with just the rigors of life and age put a damper on most of that.

And so again I found myself looking for some form of outlet.

I've read many stories here over the years. But I'd often get frustrated when I couldn't find the ones that truly fit MY idea of a sexual fantasy story.

So, bored and horny, I decided to write my own.

I wrote three stories over the course of several days, publishing them within a few days of each other here.

They were my fantasies mixed with a little real life, but mostly pure fiction.

I figured a few people might read them and that would be it.

The response i got to those first three stories was overwhelming. People, LOTS of people, were not just reading my stories, but ENJOYING them. Even begging me to continue them.

And so of course I did.

I've learned a LOT about writing over the past year and four months, although I fully understand I still have a long way to go when it comes to my writing skills.

But I have always had an active imagination, and that includes my sexual fantasies. So as long as the ideas keep coming (cumming?) and it's still fun, I'll keep at it.
Why do you choose to write erotica?
The more my spouse transitions, the more I need to find a sexual outlet elsewhere but I'm not willing to step outside of my marriage, for however long it lasts. So, I write about MM, MF, and MMF relationships. It fills a huge hole in my personal life.
Similar situation here, only my spouse has embraced asexuality. Like, beyond just losing interest in sex. I'm supportive but there's a huge hole in my personal life.

Writing smut for the internet was something to try. It's really not an outlet, I've discovered, we'll have to work out something else for that, but it's fun anyway.
Partly I'm fussy about the stories I read, so started writing a few myself, and looking at other followed authors when people followed or favourited me has led to finding some good stuff.

Partly, writing porn gets more eyes on at least the first paragraph than anything else. Nearly 80,000 people have clicked on my recent story, in one week. I'm sure less than 10% read it, maybe even only 1% (nearly 1% have voted), but where else could I post a story for that many eyes to even notice its existence?

I like sex and there's not enough vaguely-realistic stories of the kinds of sex I like, so there's a third reason: I enjoy the writing. Even though writing about sex I like only nets 1/4 the readers of an incest story, which I have zero interest in and only wrote to see if I could.
I'm not overly sure many of my stories are 'erotica'. I like telling a story. Sexual overtones are part of that. In some cases, the sex itself is an underlying story and it is 'off-camera' as you will.
Some of my stories are based on control. Control of the person's sex or sexual activity is the key. I personally do not care for 'jerk off' scenes in my own stories.
Sex scenes and the emotions evoked by them are so much more simple to write than … say a top selling mystery.
I don't read top-selling mysteries any longer because they lack the emotions evoked by... well, anything.
I loved Penthouse Letters as a juvenile.

In early adulthood, for a short time I journaled about the sex life I had with one girlfriend decades ago. I don't know where those journals wound up. For all I know someone found them or will find them sometime.

I've read Literotica off and on for a while now.

My marriage has been sexless for years. She finally had a realization and "came out" as asexual, which dashed my hopes that she'd eventually recover from some medical thing which was killing her interest in sex. I started writing smut as an outlet.

It's not much of an outlet but it's still fun. We've still got some figuring-out to do 🫂

A couple of my stories contain my preferred solution (ENM) to this difficulty. I suppose the writing helps me with processing.
I don't see myself as an erotica writer. Yes, my stories have sex in them, sometimes gratuitously (is that how you spell that?) so, but I don't write kink-centric. My first priority is to tell a story set in an engrossing world. Often these stories feature people having sex, but that's not the defining factor. The heroics, adventures and journeys my characters are on are the focus. That said, I tend to use my sex scenes as plot devices too. Maybe I'm overthinking it and splitting hairs and it's still just porn. Others are better equipped to make this distinction I guess.

Anyway, my inspiration for how I approach my stories comes from decades of reading roleplay fiction, the books published alongside pen&paper rulesets like D&D or Battletech. Aside from very few instances, they are squeaky clean and avoid anything even remotely sexual like the plague. I thought "I'd like to have some sex with my dragon slaying, please" and sat down to write something resembling a cut from the Dark Elf novels by R.A. Salvatore (if you squint really hard), only with some adult fun times mixed in.

Going by the scores and people asking to give me money over on Patreon, I'm doing something right. It's probably the dragon slaying, not the sex...
I don't see myself as an erotica writer. Yes, my stories have sex in them, sometimes gratuitously (is that how you spell that?) so, but I don't write kink-centric. My first priority is to tell a story set in an engrossing world. Often these stories feature people having sex, but that's not the defining factor. The heroics, adventures and journeys my characters are on are the focus. That said, I tend to use my sex scenes as plot devices too. Maybe I'm overthinking it and splitting hairs and it's still just porn. Others are better equipped to make this distinction I guess.

Anyway, my inspiration for how I approach my stories comes from decades of reading roleplay fiction, the books published alongside pen&paper rulesets like D&D or Battletech. Aside from very few instances, they are squeaky clean and avoid anything even remotely sexual like the plague. I thought "I'd like to have some sex with my dragon slaying, please" and sat down to write something resembling a cut from the Dark Elf novels by R.A. Salvatore (if you squint really hard), only with some adult fun times mixed in.

Going by the scores and people asking to give me money over on Patreon, I'm doing something right. It's probably the dragon slaying, not the sex...
That's a very interesting not so nitch market.

I haven't played D&D in a long time but I can see the draw of adventures that include a sexual element.
I'm about to break the underage rule, but as an adolescent I grabbed my kicks from my father's stash of Fiesta magazines. Instead of the glamour shoots and the "professional" models, I would turn to the readers wives, readers letters and occasional readers story sections. The first time I ever came was lying back in the bath reading one such story whilst I curiously rubbed at a hardness in my manhood.

I married early, and have spent the last thirty-odd years in marital bliss. Damn, who am I kidding. It was the lack of marital bliss, or rather the removal of any form of intimacy which brought me to Literotica and rekindled my interest in the written word. Back then (I guess around 8 years back) it was just to recreate that first moment, reading while I stroked. The more I read, the more I found some wonderful writers who really ticked my boxes... so thank you all for giving me at least a little pleasure.

The decision to write was a scary one, back in 2017. I was never any good at languages at school, but so wanted to give it a go and see what the reaction was. It was mixed but, compared to what I expected, the story did seem to go down well. So, one chapter led to another, and that first tale became 13 chapters long with 9 fabled red H's.

What really worked for me was that I could write just what I found exciting, and at the same time there always seemed to be a few readers who enjoyed my musings. I dabbled, everything toying with my fantasies, all the time dreaming about the life I would have loved to live if I had the chance to roll back time and not make the mistake of falling in love so early.

I nearly gave up in 2019 as real life became even more depressing and I struggled with any real reason for living. I think the writing has helped give some purpose, and keep at least some fantasies alive. Sometimes I do drift back to those blackest days, the most recent time being a year or so ago, and each time I turn to writing to get me back on track. I know it's sad -- using a fantasy erotica world to dream of what could have been -- but that's what depression does for you... you take solace in what little crumbs give you happiness.

Not the place for it, but I'd love the chance to get to know some like-minded folks a bit better... to have those conversations which are totally taboo in my household (she even turns the TV over if the program being watched gets just a little racy). Maybe that will be the next chapter... finding a soulmate to write with.

Either way, I keep cumming back for more (excuse the pun). The ideas may seem harder to find, and take longer to write, but they still seem to be well received. I guess I'll continue whilst ever I enjoy what I am writing. Once that enjoyment is lost then it is time to move on.

My latest here...
Why do you choose to write erotica?

A reply I made in another thread brought this question to mind.

For me it started out as journaling. After we got or first "modern" computer ie.. windows based not dos. Picked up a journaling program (That's like a app, for the younger people.) And I started to document our swinging adventures. After a few years the simple notes I made, who, what, where turned into more descriptive accounts.

I really think my overly high sex drive is the root. Writing erotica is a outlet for some of my more twisted kinks.
1) I like to write stories. I found I'm not to bad at manufacturing a tale and getting readers involved in it.

2) Erotica and porn, I unabashedly like both. I read erotic stories when ever I can. I also watch porn on a regular basis. So combining the two writing stories of an erotic bend seemed logical.

3) I LOVE sex. My wife and I lived the swingers lifestyle for a number of years and had more than a few sexual adventures. I use much of that as a basis for stories, so I have an available and ready supply of material for stories.

This may sound arrogant, but it's the truth: I write erotica because the type of mind control femdom story I like is very hard to find online. I've pretty much given up hope of getting off on anybody else's writing here, it's just too hard to wade through the oceans of crap. mscstories has a much higher percentage of stories that cater to my kink, but no illustrated stories.

I spend a lot more time playing erotic femdom games than reading stories these days. But they're very light on storyline and characterisation, naturally.
I love stories. Books and the written word have been an integral part of my life for as long as I can remember. But so much mainstream "erotica" is complete cringe - GRRM I'm looking at you in particular.
I discovered the internet early, and spent a lot of time hanging around various bbs systems; I read a lot, learned a lot, and yes there are a lot of things I wish I could unread. :p

Somewhere along the way I discovered that I have a terrible fetish that I've never been able to confess to anyone in my real life - Fanfiction.

I wrote it pretty prolifically. And somewhere along the line I worked out that I wasn't terrible at it - people enjoyed what I wrote, for some strange reason.

I guess the writing was on the wall w.r.t erotica after I discovered Lit. I used to read and reread the Hall of Fame entries, partly because I didn't have much going on in my life back then and the stories (particularly the Romances) plugged the holes. Eventually I wrote something and submitted it. And, well, here we are, 11 years later and I'm still here.

Sometimes I dream about being an actual best-selling author. But I think I have to face the reality that I'm just too lazy and I'm okay with that. When I need an outlet for my ideas I have this site - I like the anonymity here; I like having something secret that is my own, my very own, my Precious. ;)
I am new to this, and have only written a few stories. I enjoy erotica, so decided to give it a try. It was exciting to do, and the 'naughty' factor appealed to me.
My stories are based on events in my life - exaggerated of course, but I found it much easier to write about things I have experienced.
I would like some day to write about things I have never experienced - I suspect writing from the male perspective would be very challenging.
I have just submitted Pt. 04.
One thing I have found is that it is very difficult to describe a sex scene in a new way. Finding six different ways to describe an orgasm, or a cock, is not easy.
Do others find this, or am I a poor writer?
Why do you choose to write erotica?

I don't mind writing (it's a hobby) and I love porn.

I hear that the brain is the most potent sexual organ in the human species.
I used to have this one fantasy fluttering in my mind, and then, one day, I decided to write it down. And after all of that was set and done, I thought, well maybe I could share it with others. So I googled, and found Lit.

My story got accepted, and I got reactions mainly telling this couldn’t be a stand-alone. There was one ‘feedback’ message telling me to do all kinds of weird things to ‘my sub’; to humiliate her in public; to make her slutty; etc… In particular that last message rubbed me completely the wrong way. Who did they think they were, to tell me that—and how—the story should continue? My characters were not like that. So, I did write a part 2 where I scrubbed away the bravado of the ‘me’ as a ‘Dom’ by ‘confessing’ to suffer from premature ejaculations… That would teach them.

So, now I’d been bitten by the writing bug, but the smut-part irked me. If I had to write, it had better be meaningful and on my terms. And quite a bit of writing became cathartic; I started including details of struggles I experienced real-time in my relationship, things that I’d witnessed in my wife’s home-country, the way my mother passed away from cancer and how I hoped my father would recover, the decline of a proud grandfather, …

In a number of stories I’ve also incorporated some of the distaste I have for what seems to be the ‘general’ category-readers: If you want to read about control of the mind, I’ll give you a story about Alzheimer’s; If you want to read about non-con, you won’t find a magic ‘but she liked it’ ending; someone described my Incest story as '... a horror story in some ways...' and I don't think that was meant in a negative way; Interracial love doesn’t have to be about sluts and bulls…

In most of my stories, I try to write about love, and it’s not uncommon that the characters aren’t even ready to get physical; it’s often hard work from my side to make that happen. Maybe too hard work; maybe it shouldn’t be that way; maybe...
I get that. The more erotica I've written the more I find the sex description a chore, unless the plot deserves that attention. I enjoy the feedback and frank discussions at Lit but I kinda begrudge putting in so much effort but being unable to share it with friends/family. I'm making a promise to myself next year to write non-erotic stories, which I see as more challenging. I'll still post here, but N/E is an area where I want to push myself. I've even written cleaned up versions of some of my stories because friends were inquisitive.

I did get comments over a couple of stories I posted asking for a happy ending, instead of the real life one. Being an attention-whore I resubmitted them with a new ending and the ratings went up. There's nothing wrong with happy endings - people read for pleasure at Lit, not to find themselves reading a King Lear tragedy.
I am new to this, and have only written a few stories. I enjoy erotica, so decided to give it a try. It was exciting to do, and the 'naughty' factor appealed to me.
My stories are based on events in my life - exaggerated of course, but I found it much easier to write about things I have experienced.
I would like some day to write about things I have never experienced - I suspect writing from the male perspective would be very challenging.
I have just submitted Pt. 04.
One thing I have found is that it is very difficult to describe a sex scene in a new way. Finding six different ways to describe an orgasm, or a cock, is not easy.
Do others find this, or am I a poor writer?
Dear Miss Coque
I must entreat your equanimity to declare that, having taken just a few moments to peruse your first story, I am compelled to read more. I am already intrigued, finding myself almost feverish, in picturing the exertions of Henry's broad shoulders and hands swinging his axe, that you paint with such lively similitude. Where will this all end?

Move over Lady Chatterley - Ophelia's in town!
Dear Miss Coque
I must entreat your equanimity to declare that, having taken just a few moments to peruse your first story, I am compelled to read more. I am already intrigued, finding myself almost feverish, in picturing the exertions of Henry's broad shoulders and hands swinging his axe, that you paint with such lively similitude. Where will this all end?

Move over Lady Chatterley - Ophelia's in town!
Such praise.... oh my, the room is spinning...

I am new to this, and have only written a few stories. I enjoy erotica, so decided to give it a try. It was exciting to do, and the 'naughty' factor appealed to me.
My stories are based on events in my life - exaggerated of course, but I found it much easier to write about things I have experienced.
I would like some day to write about things I have never experienced - I suspect writing from the male perspective would be very challenging.
I have just submitted Pt. 04.
One thing I have found is that it is very difficult to describe a sex scene in a new way. Finding six different ways to describe an orgasm, or a cock, is not easy.
Do others find this, or am I a poor writer?
I know what you mean, My writing has also been based on experience with some addition...
I know I started writing mainly because I wanted to feel satisfied, maybe even happy at the end of a story. I could never find something that lifted my spirits, and not just my libido. Now unfortunately that is my goal when I write something. I am not happy unless there is an abundance of emotion, happy or sad. I wish I could just write a quick porn story like I used to read, ha, but I don't think that's ever going to happen. Sometimes porn is perfect art.
I've been reading erotica in some form or another since I was old enough to understand and appreciate what I was looking at. Mainly fanfiction, for a long time. However, the current generation of fanfic has a lot of content I am not very interested in, and I've been feeling detached from fandom in general - certainly, there is little in the way of current media that interests me enough to write stories about.

I discovered Literotica last year, and have been exploring its content off and on ever since. Eventually (and inevitably), my writer's brain switched on sometime in the past month, and I thought it would be a nice casual exercise to try my hand at it - partially as an experiment, but also a stress-relieving escape from my other writerly duties. I don't know how my views and ratings rate compared to other new writers, but having both written in mainstream contexts as well as fanfic, I can say that Literotica traffic is something else. So far, it's been somewhat light on comments (for me, anyway, and compared to a place like AO3) but pretty amazing views. The serotonin rush has been fun to experience!

Now, I'm just enjoying the process of writing small stories and publishing them to a guaranteed readership. There has also been the bonus of feeling a kind of abstract kinship with people who share my reading/writing kinks, especially as I keep such things hidden. I don't really want to know how arousing my stories are to complete strangers, but it's enough to know that a sizeable group of people are wired similarly to me.
Unlike many here, I didn't come to Literotica to write erotica and hadn't been here before I signed up to post my first story, an action-adventure novel. I was looking to get beta readers for it and wound up winning one of the monthly prizes.

The vast majority of my stories here contain nothing more than implied sex between heterosexual couples. During periods of writer's block with one of my novels, I decided to challenge myself with writing something a bit "steamier", but it was still tame by most standards of this site. It wasn't until I had been here for over five years that I wrote something that readers might find arousing.

I still don't consider myself a writer of erotica. The genre is merely a fallback during lean times for me, for when I want to challenge myself by venturing into something different for a change, or maybe the occasional contest entry.

All this being said, I do admire those writers who can crank out the types of stories that a majority of the readers here enjoy. You bring the readers that wander over on occasion to see what I have written. many thanks.
Mostly because I'm horny, and also I like to share my thoughts. Besides, it's a pretty safe way to release sexual tension.