Why Does He Get Mad When....

sexualbeing said:
thanks for your response

we are not married he says he's not ready :confused:

oh jesus fuck, regardless of the kids, get OUT, he's using you, he's got everythign he could want, no job, "head" when he wants it, he dosn't have to please you, he doesnt' help with anything, he needs a fuckign wake up call.

sometime when he's gone, move his shit to the front lawn, change the locks, and MOVE the fuck ON with your life.
honey this is it. this is what you have to look forward to for the rest of your life if you stay with this man. I was married to this man for 3 years (my first marriage) and this is it. I talk to his second and third wives and thats what they say. It's all about him and no matter what you do it will never ever be enough. You can suck his cock until he drops dead and he will still want more from you. Get out and get out right now honey while you can still find what you deserve.
Do you take care of him sexually too!! I think realistically, you've taken this relationship about as far as you can. I take my hat off to you. The bottom line at this point is, what has he done for you!!!
sexualbeing said:
ok here goes, this morning around 3.am while in a wonderful deep sleep my bf wakes me up wanting me too give him a blow job(it's fucking 3.00 a.m in the morning)I told him im sleep and why would he wake me up so early just so he can get his pleasure on. Now if it was sex maybe but oral he can wait for that shit. Anyway he gets mad and says why do I act like that , he's tired of me, and that I never give him what he wants. ( mind you I give this man full oral at least 3 times a weak). It's comes down to it being all about him he doesnt give a flying fuck if im satisfied or not (I say we have sex for 2 min once a week)
I know horrible isnt it. Im so fucking frustrated I want to cry, scream, just go crazy because after all this time we have been together(8 yrs) he is selfish and just everything a woman wouldn't want in a man. How do you walk away from a 8 year, 2 kid relationship :confused:

Being honest in what I see is that he is a selfish individual that doesn't deserve you. If he would follow my sig block there on the bottom he would have the best sex life with a beautiful woman that is always thoroughly pleased. Hugs and dump him
captvaw said:
Being honest in what I see is that he is a selfish individual that doesn't deserve you. If he would follow my sig block there on the bottom he would have the best sex life with a beautiful woman that is always thoroughly pleased. Hugs and dump him
nice sig line, i totally agree