Why does Lit authors not have a meetup or a convention?

Yes there have been the odd multi-meetings (Talk to Mollie) but those of us in foreign parts have some trouble attending.
I'd love to meet y'alls.

My Crohn's Disease really restricts my travelling ability, but I'd have no problem hosting a luncheon, here in my slice of small-town America.
I have Crohn's too and am very insecure when it comes to traveling. Just wanted to chime in and say you're not alone on that.
I might try to make a meet-up, if it was held in the summer. The reason? I'd probably use it as an excuse to do a big ol' ride on my motorcycle. And since I'm way the hell and gone out here in the corner of the U.S., it really wouldn't matter where it was held. Mileage don't mean much. Hell, just getting out of the state it takes 4 hours to reach the state line one way and 8 hours the other.

"I don't want a pickle, I just want to ride on my motorsickle...and I don't wanta' die, I just want to ride on my motorcy....cle" Arlo Guthrie

On another forum, nothing to do with here and/or sex. I met two people IRL. Here? I’ve met one ex-member IRL and I was 100% sure they were who they said (down to FT calls and exchanging confirmatory RL emails from our respective organizations). We just had a drink together. In a way, I think it helped that they were not in the US. Don’t really see myself making a habit of it.

On another forum, nothing to do with here and/or sex. I met two people IRL. Here? I’ve met one ex-member IRL and I was 100% sure they were who they said (down to FT calls and exchanging confirmatory RL emails from our respective organizations). We just had a drink together. In a way, I think it helped that they were not in the US. Don’t really see myself making a habit of it.

Yeah, making a habit of it probably wouldn't be the best thing to do, but having the opportunity and not meeting those I've been talking to would be worse. I'm a student of people. I like to understand those around me. some comes from just talking to people, even in writing. Much of it comes from observation, body language, inflection, facial expressions and the like. I don't think most of us realize exactly what we say to others with those non-verbal things.

And it's nice to put a face with a voice (verbal or written). If it ever happens and I'm there, just expect a grumpy old man visage from this one.

I think some here would avoid it for fear of not being who they claim they are in a variety of ways.

Anonymity would be a big reason, some people-for personal reasons-aren't supposed to be on this site so try explaining to a partner where you're going and who you're meeting. Is meeting a few litsters worth telling that kind of lie?

I'll add fear of reprisal for some who like to shoot their mouth off. Face to face is not a good thing for that type.

I'm anti social, I doubt I would attend one, and TBH the reason I mentioned above this one might be the only reason I'd think about it. There are people here my desire to meet would be for the wrong reasons.

I imagine considering the tone of the forum the last year or so one could expect an orgy. Then be sorely disappointed by everything from physical appearance down to the big talkers are just talk. Which would be a good thing. I have some experience with this with "The cabin" that I won't waste time putting here, but it wasn't sexy, it was needy and pathetic.

There's the old expression some things are better left to the imagination, and I think that holds even more true when discussing meeting people we've known only online for years.

I have met three litsters over the years, one who also lives here in RI, I met another a few years ago when I ended up in their neck of the woods for work for a few days, went to dinner with her and her husband. Met another in Florida while visiting my nephew. All nice visits, but I think because it was just one on one and not a group thing.
Nope. You'd hafta go, it would probably be decreed. They'd probably make you the emcee.
I wonder, do serial killers ever have conventions? What would they call it, The Dagger, Rope and Wire, Plastic Bag Meet and Greet?
What if we did it as a masquerade?
That actually give me an idea for a story 🤔
Gonna go consult Stanley Kubrick on this one.
What if we did it as a masquerade?
That actually give me an idea for a story 🤔
Gonna go consult Stanley Kubrick on this one.

Masks wouldn’t help with all the flabby old man bodies. How about we do this, like, totally anonymously, so that we can’t even see each other, and, like, can’t even hear each others’ voices, so maybe in writing, and maybe like, on an online environment so that time zones won’t be a problem! …oh, wait.
I wonder, do serial killers ever have conventions? What would they call it, The Dagger, Rope and Wire, Plastic Bag Meet and Greet?

... Bind, Torture, Chill? :unsure:

If anyone wants to do a meet-up in Sweden, I have a creepy castle going spare we could use as a venue! ;)