Why Every Adult Should Carry a Gun

I have never said they could or would. Everyone is a product of "their own" decision-making and work ethic. Those who think that Providence is going to pay them a visit with a bag full of success and an endless supply of money are sadly mistaken. Once you do have money and some success you still have to work hard to build on it and keep it. I've had some kind of job since I was ten years old. I've never had a free ride. When I was out of High School I worked during the day and went to school at night. After a while working becomes a way of life, a daily need, like working out. A day off to me was like a waste of time. Now, I know that isn't normal but it was for me. I got to where I am today by doing more than my job required. The management of my company recognized this and gave me more work, More responsibility and compensation came with it until after some years I was given a partnership in the company which I retain today. I don't say this to blow my own horn but to emphasize the need to work hard if you expect to have success. Many levels of success exist for different people, but none of them are gained without a personal commitment to hard work.

So, what about the masses who do not want to work but want a decent lifestyle? I say dream on and enjoy the rut you've dug for yourself.

I agree with a lot of what you said on this post but you still aren’t acknowledging that some people don’t get the opportunities you’ve had.

“After you graduated from (public) high school.” “Worked days and went to school at night…”

How much family support did you have? How much more affordable was school and rent (if you had to pay it) back then than it is now?

I’m old enough to remember when I could work part time and support myself while going to school full time. That isn’t possible anymore unless you’re already making a skilled wage.

Do you deny that housing is a commodity for corporate greed and that is raising the cost of living, especially in places like California? Do you deny that rental prices are rising due to investors buying and pushing up rents to what the market will bear? Do you deny the effects that has on the consumer economy and job availability?

Do you deny this is an endemic issue with unregulated capitalism? I’m not bashing capitalism, I’m suggesting we need some regulation to help keep things in balance.

Homelessness is primarily an economic problem. Homeownership has long been the primary way for families to build wealth but that is becoming increasingly difficult for people to do. Not everyone, but it knocks enough people out of the market that there are macroeconomic consequences.

Old people on fixed incomes who don’t own their homes are showing up at shelters in rising numbers. What do you suggest? Shake your head, tell them what they should have done and tell them to stay out of sight?

These are growing problems. If we only manage the symptoms the problems will continue to grow. Surely a rancher can understand that.

BTW, the concept of a Universal Basic Income is treating a symptom, not addressing a cause, still it’s one of the ideas being considered in light of the way AI and robotics are changing and decreasing the job market. Got any good ideas?

How do you propose to “promote the general welfare” in this case?

(Also, thanks for having a real conversation.
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BTW, I've already been both a judge and judged. In one I succeeded, in the other I failed. You can decide which is which because no matter which way you think it works out I'm STILL better than you'll ever be. Why? Because I don't lie to myself and I certainly don't lie to myself about myself. Nor do I need internet "friends" to pat me on the back just so I feel better about being a liar.

Funny, I’ve been thinking about the fantastic projection you put in this last post for a while now. It’s been giving me a good chuckle.

So what are you? A mostly retired judge who lost his ass in a divorce?

By the tone of your posts I’m guessing your wife got sick of the way you always presided over any conversation and refused to acknowledge any faults or problem issues you may have.

I once guessed that you’re an octogenarian curmudgeon but now I’m guessing you’re a little bit younger than that. You must have been mad as hell at all the San Francisco area hippies and the women’s lib movement. Did your wife get the house or did she have you buy her out so she could move to Hawaii with her new beau? Is that why you’re so angry?

Did you really ‘lose’ so bad or are you just really upset about the community property split and having to share your pension?

You must have been a shit judge for so many who came before you, but you gritted your teeth in an attempt to appear impartial. Is your big success the fact that you retired and were thrown party by a bunch of courthouse ass kissers rather than getting impeached?

The way you post here you’d think you’re still in court, probably the same way you were at the dinner table, refusing to acknowledge any point made by your ‘opponents’, putting on your legal spin to knock down straw men when the facts don’t support your narrative, always insisting you’re in the right even when your argument goes down in flames.

You spin a narrative about me like I’m doing here about you, but I bet I’m way closer to the mark.

Are you ever going to get back to me on how important Optics are for a judge and how Clarance Thomas is a disaster in this regard? I doubt it. Honesty and reflection isn’t your thing.

(Any time you want to call a truce and be a decent person I’ll meet you halfway.) 😉
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For a recent example, see posts 8514 through 8520 in Wat's ammosexuality thread.

You can start deleting posts that monitoring software has already preserved with screenshots.
My goodness. It would certainly seem that our resident Housesquaw entertains fantasies of "hunting liberals".
Just like the Founding Fathers intended with their Second Amendment.
Funny, I’ve been thinking about the fantastic projection you put in this last post for a while now. It’s been giving me a good chuckle.

So what are you? A mostly retired judge who lost his ass in a divorce?

By the tone of your posts I’m guessing your wife got sick of the way you always presided over any conversation and refused to acknowledge any faults or problem issues you may have.

I once guessed that you’re an octogenarian curmudgeon but now I’m guessing you’re a little bit younger than that. You must have been mad as hell at all the San Francisco area hippies and the women’s lib movement. Did your wife get the house or did she have you buy her out so she could move to Hawaii with her new beau? Is that why you’re so angry?

Did you really ‘lose’ so bad or are you just really upset about the community property split and having to share your pension?

You must have been a shit judge for so many who came before you, but you gritted your teeth in an attempt to appear impartial.

The way you post here you’d think you’re still in court, probably the same way you were at the dinner table, refusing to acknowledge any point mad by your ‘opponents’, putting on your legal spin to knock down straw men when the facts don’t support your narrative, always insisting you’re in the right even when your argument goes down in flames.

You spin a narrative about me like I’m doing here about you, but I bet I’m way closer to the mark.

Are you ever going to get back to me on how important Optics are for a judge and how Clarance Thomas is a disaster in this regard? I doubt it. Honesty isn’t your thing.

(Any time you want to call a truce and be a decent person I’ll meet you halfway.) 😉

Truth like that ^ has the same effect on Derpy as garlic has on a vampire.


I expect a classic Derpy "GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!" or a coveted Derpy IGGY.

Either way, Derpy has been properly rebuked, rebuffed. and rebutted.



BTW, I've already been both a judge and judged. In one I succeeded, in the other I failed. You can decide which is which because no matter which way you think it works out I'm STILL better than you'll ever be. Why? Because I don't lie to myself and I certainly don't lie to myself about myself. Nor do I need internet "friends" to pat me on the back just so I feel better about being a liar.
For the life of me, I cannot imagine any legal scenario where you would have had "succeeded". Your life to date has been one cautionary tale of a man stumbling from one failure to the next.

I happen to agree with you that you have no good reason to lie to yourself about yourself.

Lying about yourself to others, however, appears to be second nature for you.
The way you post here you’d think you’re still in court, probably the same way you were at the dinner table, refusing to acknowledge any point mad by your ‘opponents’, putting on your legal spin to knock down straw men when the facts don’t support your narrative, always insisting you’re in the right even when your argument goes down in flames.
This is probably the best summation of HisArpy's Literotica posting history you will ever read.

I stand in awe.
My goodness. It would certainly seem that our resident Housesquaw entertains fantasies of "hunting liberals".
Just like the Founding Fathers intended with their Second Amendment.
These naive idiots post right out in the open about their civil war fantasies. Wat is what the FBI calls an unwitting asset, someone who gets others to openly post their violent narratives.

Ain't it poetic justice that a guy who quotes the Quran is.getting posters to identify themselves as potential domestic terrorists?

Oh well, when one of them crosses the line in real life, this thread and Wat's threads will provide a roadmap to a sleeper cell.
These naive idiots post right out in the open about their civil war fantasies. Wat is what the FBI calls an unwitting asset, someone who gets others to openly post their violent narratives.

Ain't it poetic justice that a guy who quotes the Quran is.getting posters to identify themselves as potential domestic terrorists?

Oh well, when one of them crosses the line in real life, this thread and Wat's threads will provide a roadmap to a sleeper cell.
Wat is a short, fat, ammosexual sissyboy.
I have never said they could or would. Everyone is a product of "their own" decision-making and work ethic. Those who think that Providence is going to pay them a visit with a bag full of success and an endless supply of money are sadly mistaken. Once you do have money and some success you still have to work hard to build on it and keep it. I've had some kind of job since I was ten years old. I've never had a free ride. When I was out of High School I worked during the day and went to school at night. After a while working becomes a way of life, a daily need, like working out. A day off to me was like a waste of time. Now, I know that isn't normal but it was for me. I got to where I am today by doing more than my job required. The management of my company recognized this and gave me more work, More responsibility and compensation came with it until after some years I was given a partnership in the company which I retain today. I don't say this to blow my own horn but to emphasize the need to work hard if you expect to have success. Many levels of success exist for different people, but none of them are gained without a personal commitment to hard work.

So, what about the masses who do not want to work but want a decent lifestyle? I say dream on and enjoy the rut you've dug for yourself.
Wish in one hand, shit in the other and see which fills faster
These naive idiots post right out in the open about their civil war fantasies. Wat is what the FBI calls an unwitting asset, someone who gets others to openly post their violent narratives.

Ain't it poetic justice that a guy who quotes the Quran is.getting posters to identify themselves as potential domestic terrorists?

Oh well, when one of them crosses the line in real life, this thread and Wat's threads will provide a roadmap to a sleeper cell.
You don't think it's attacting federal law enforcement attention for posters to link their extensive discussions about military weapons with their stated desire to kill political opponents and burn America's governmental institutions to the ground, because your main concern in the past has been getting banned by Lit.

Stay fat and happy. Lit may be letting this pass, but others are not. Lit management is the least of the problems associated with the posting history of ammosexuals on this forum.
Yeah. No. Not worried about being tracked by the Feds. Not even too worried about them tracking a pimple like Lit, even though the hate of the Left seethes and festers here, thankfully harmlessly. You're all pretty much just keyboard commandos made brave by anonymity. No one in your real life is the least bit concerned about you outside of the state of your mental health and you, if not voluntarily, then by proscription, should not be allowed to own a gun. You might actually use it...

They most likely already know that I own a lot of guns and ammo having purchased them legally and filled out all of the paperwork (sans a couple of inherited shotguns), that I am a good citizen who pays taxes and votes and that I am extraordinarily unlikely to use my guns for any illegal purpose (and that I hold cops in high esteem; used to train them even).
Yeah. No. Not worried about being tracked by the Feds. Not even too worried about them tracking a pimple like Lit, even though the hate of the Left seethes and festers here, thankfully harmlessly. You're all pretty much just keyboard commandos made brave by anonymity. No one in your real life is the least bit concerned about you outside of the state of your mental health and you, if not voluntarily, then by proscription, should not be allowed to own a gun. You might actually use it...

They most likely already know that I own a lot of guns and ammo having purchased them legally and filled out all of the paperwork (sans a couple of inherited shotguns), that I am a good citizen who pays taxes and votes and that I am extraordinarily unlikely to use my guns for any illegal purpose (and that I hold cops in high esteem; used to train them even).
You sound a bit defensive about being "unlikely" to use your guns for an illegal purpose. Hope that defensiveness is not related to something that I said!

It's not a matter of "owning" guns. It's a matter of openly fantasizing about what you want to do with those guns. I and most of my rural neighbors own guns and have an associated record trail for the purchase. The difference is that we don't have any intention or fantasy of using them to kill political opponents in our nation.

Ammosexuals on Lit regularly flag themselves for potential illegal intentions.
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It has become clear that everyone should carry a gun because you never know when you’ll suddenly need to shoot a puppy or a goat or a horse.
Don't forget about cops. As we saw, guns are great for killing 4 cops and wounding 4 others. Plus they make pussies feel tough, just have a look in wats thread, it's full of geriatric pussies who think they're tough.
Yeah. No. Not worried about being tracked by the Feds. Not even too worried about them tracking a pimple like Lit, even though the hate of the Left seethes and festers here, thankfully harmlessly. You're all pretty much just keyboard commandos made brave by anonymity. No one in your real life is the least bit concerned about you outside of the state of your mental health and you, if not voluntarily, then by proscription, should not be allowed to own a gun. You might actually use it...

They most likely already know that I own a lot of guns and ammo having purchased them legally and filled out all of the paperwork (sans a couple of inherited shotguns), that I am a good citizen who pays taxes and votes and that I am extraordinarily unlikely to use my guns for any illegal purpose (and that I hold cops in high esteem; used to train them even).
Squanto, there's an Apache helicopter with your mobile home's GPS coordinates pre-programmed in. When the flag goes up, your tin box is gonna bear the brunt of both Hydra rocket pods...that's 19 rockets. Your makeshift ammo dump is gonna light up bigly, moar that your annual July 4th firecracker celebration.
It has become clear that everyone should carry a gun because you never know when you’ll suddenly need to shoot a puppy or a goat or a horse.
Or when, like Lit poster Wat, you might want to show a cop "who the fucking alpha is".
Most of my gun-owning rural neighbors are not loud-mouthed insurrectionists obsessed with killing political opponents and tearing down government, like what you now frequently see on Lit.
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You are a fool who uses nothing but his own opinions and biased observations to justify his selfish thoughts.

You’ve worked in the criminal justice system. You’re used to looking at people through that lens. You should do yourself and the world a favor and actually do something tangible to help make the world a better place.

Are you one of those people who hates playing games because other people just piss you off? ✅

I’ve seen the type. You radiate that toxic attitude.

I've worked on BOTH SIDES of the justice system. Believe me, you don't know a thing about what really happens and all you're doing is deluding yourself when you say you do.

You keep coming back to these nonsensical bullshit ideas that I actually am some kind of strawman you set up to make yourself bigger/stronger/better than you are when you knock down your own fantasy creation. As with everything else you post and do, you're wrong. You have no idea who I am and your stupid attempts at oneupsmanship fall flat because of it.

In the end, you're just an internet braggart who believes he's smart and yet someone manages to prove the opposite every single day of your existence.

Good luck with that and remember; the world sees you.
I've worked on BOTH SIDES of the justice system. Believe me, you don't know a thing about what really happens and all you're doing is deluding yourself when you say you do.

You keep coming back to these nonsensical bullshit ideas that I'm some kind of strawman you set up. As with everything else you post and do, you're wrong. You have no idea who I am and your stupid attempts at oneupsmanship fall flat because of it.

In the end, you're still a braggart who believes he's smart and yet someone manages to prove the opposite every single day of your existence.

Good luck with that and remember; the world sees you.


Okay, counselor. Does the prosecution rest?
Funny, I’ve been thinking about the fantastic projection you put in this last post for a while now. It’s been giving me a good chuckle.

So what are you? A mostly retired judge who lost his ass in a divorce?

By the tone of your posts I’m guessing your wife got sick of the way you always presided over any conversation and refused to acknowledge any faults or problem issues you may have.

I once guessed that you’re an octogenarian curmudgeon but now I’m guessing you’re a little bit younger than that. You must have been mad as hell at all the San Francisco area hippies and the women’s lib movement. Did your wife get the house or did she have you buy her out so she could move to Hawaii with her new beau? Is that why you’re so angry?

Did you really ‘lose’ so bad or are you just really upset about the community property split and having to share your pension?

You must have been a shit judge for so many who came before you, but you gritted your teeth in an attempt to appear impartial. Is your big success the fact that you retired and were thrown party by a bunch of courthouse ass kissers rather than getting impeached?

The way you post here you’d think you’re still in court, probably the same way you were at the dinner table, refusing to acknowledge any point made by your ‘opponents’, putting on your legal spin to knock down straw men when the facts don’t support your narrative, always insisting you’re in the right even when your argument goes down in flames.

You spin a narrative about me like I’m doing here about you, but I bet I’m way closer to the mark.

Are you ever going to get back to me on how important Optics are for a judge and how Clarance Thomas is a disaster in this regard? I doubt it. Honesty and reflection isn’t your thing.

(Any time you want to call a truce and be a decent person I’ll meet you halfway.) 😉

Lol. More of the strawman bullshit. So stunning and brave of you to show how much better you are than your own fantasies about others. Fantasies which show you in your true light - cruel and desperate.