Why Every Adult Should Carry a Gun

I don't agree with the premise. I will support the idea that no one should be prohibited from bearing arms but I don't believe that everyone must carry arms.

Never give the bad guys the edge. Always keep them guessing on whether their chosen prey have teeth and claws or not.
I’m 61 and I’ve never needed a gun in my life. Never been mugged, assaulted, robbed or whatever. Haven’t even been in a fight since I was a teenager.

I can understand a woman wanting to carry a gun because there are some fucked up loser men out there who attack women. But men? Nah.

If you want to play cowboy or soldier, there are video games for that. Pew pew pew.
Hard to see toxic female gun culture would have them placing guns up the sexual hoohas, as seen in another thread here, of any person.
So no guns have been taken away.


Sounds like they've done a piss poor job in their goal of.taking away guns.

I, for one, feel for you in your time of fear.....it's very worrying that they are coming after your guns. I shall pray for you in these times of obvious fear.

I'm sure they'll also be taking the gun thread. Jerks.
They've been successful at violating the 2A rights of Americans where they govern. The Democrat Party is a malevolent omnipresent force that threatens the liberty of the body politic of America. It is evil at its core and malicious in its intent.
They've been successful at violating the 2A rights of Americans where they govern. The Democrat Party is a malevolent omnipresent force that threatens the liberty of the body politic of America. It is evil at its core and malicious in its intent.

😄 Your lunacy is so funny. Someone should make a TV show called “Raving Lunatics Say the Funniest Things”.
They've been successful at violating the 2A rights of Americans where they govern. The Democrat Party is a malevolent omnipresent force that threatens the liberty of the body politic of America. It is evil at its core and malicious in its intent.
Poor guy. It's amazing that you have overcome with all those lefties in your head 24/7

Granted, I know it's difficult to conceal carry your AR-15 into Wal-Mart with all those kids walking around with toy guns
The Democrat Party is a malevolent omnipresent force that threatens the liberty of the body politic of America. It is evil at its core and malicious in its intent.
If anyone wants to know just how stellar RightGuidey is at writing comic book dialogue, just read the above quote paired with this character's voice, plus ominous background sound effects:


I don't know why he hasn't parlayed his skills for some extra moolah at Marvel Studios or someplace, they're wasted on this site. 🤷‍♂️
They've been successful at violating the 2A rights of Americans where they govern. The Democrat Party is a malevolent omnipresent force that threatens the liberty of the body politic of America. It is evil at its core and malicious in its intent.
Earlier, you claimed democrats were pirates. Go figure. 🤷‍♀️
The premise of this thread is so stupid that an outsider would wonder if the OP is a liberal, attempting far-right performance art.

(It isn't; it's just a really dumb Deplorable, desperate for attention.) 🤷‍♂️
As a strong gun reform proponent, I would urge you, as a female who apparently supports pussy grabbers and men who don’t think it necessary to respect women by voting for the Violence Against Women Act or recognizing your bodily autonomy, to make room in your purse for something that may protect you from toxic conservatism.
Poor guy. It's amazing that you have overcome with all those lefties in your head 24/7

Granted, I know it's difficult to conceal carry your AR-15 into Wal-Mart with all those kids walking around with toy guns
I don't carry an AR-15 into Walmart.
The Ranchito shooting here in Houston was very polarizing. The robber took the last guy's wallet, turned to walk out and got shot in the back by the guy he just robbed. Defensible in court? Arguably yes.

But then the guy who got robbed got up, straddled the incapacitated robber, and delivered a fatal shot to the base of the guy's skull at near point-blank range. That seemed to me to be a bit much.
Yep. Not all victims are innocent
I’m 61 and I’ve never needed a gun in my life. Never been mugged, assaulted, robbed or whatever. Haven’t even been in a fight since I was a teenager.

I can understand a woman wanting to carry a gun because there are some fucked up loser men out there who attack women. But men? Nah.

If you want to play cowboy or soldier, there are video games for that. Pew pew pew.
I bought a gun when I bought my house in (what I thought was) a sketchy neighborhood. Tht was in '17 and I still haven't even fired the weapon. No need
I know! Because the left won't let you! Jerks!
In Idaho, open carry is allowed without a license for anyone at least 18 years old who can legally possess a firearm. This applies to both handguns and long guns, including AR-15s. However, there are certain restrictions and prohibitions, such as carrying firearms on K-12 school campuses, courthouses, or jail facilities. It is essential to be aware of and follow all state and federal laws when carrying firearms in public.

To provide more specific information, here are some restrictions and laws related to firearms in Idaho:

  • Open carry of firearms is generally allowed, but certain cities or counties may have specific ordinances that regulate the discharge of firearms within their boundaries.

I don't own an AR-15 at present but I own everything else, and carry what I damn well please, concealed of course.;)
In Idaho, open carry is allowed without a license for anyone at least 18 years old who can legally possess a firearm. This applies to both handguns and long guns, including AR-15s. However, there are certain restrictions and prohibitions, such as carrying firearms on K-12 school campuses, courthouses, or jail facilities. It is essential to be aware of and follow all state and federal laws when carrying firearms in public.

To provide more specific information, here are some restrictions and laws related to firearms in Idaho:

  • Open carry of firearms is generally allowed, but certain cities or counties may have specific ordinances that regulate the discharge of firearms within their boundaries.

I don't own an AR-15 at present but I own everything else, and carry what I damn well please, concealed of course.;)
"Honey, I'm not happy to see you, that's just my concealed carry"

Thank goodness you can still carry....all those leftists trying to stop you. Obviously you are severely impacted by their efforts (in your head)