Why I Submit to Lit...and you?

Tathagata said:
your poems always make me feel and stop and think
and in that way, you do change a mind and a life
: )
glad you post here
and i'm glad you no longer ball it all up and throw it away

:rose: :heart: :rose:

You are such the sweetheart...

You make my heart full...

For that i am eternally grateful..

:rose: :heart: :rose:

:heart: joanna
alonelygal said:
:rose: :heart: :rose:

You are such the sweetheart...

You make my heart full...

For that i am eternally grateful..

:rose: :heart: :rose:

:heart: joanna

well then we touch each other
and all things are equal
Thank you for your writing
The_Fool said:
Why do I submit to lit?

Shit, I don't know. Sometimes I wonder if its worth it. I submit stories for the general reading populace. When I submit stories. When I find time to write stories.

Poems are a different matter. I look at Lit as a writing group. I write, I read, I learn. I would be perfectly content to leave my stuff in some of the various threads, but submitting the poems allow me to put everything in a central repository. That way I can be lazy and have an easy way to find something. Not everything gets there, but most of it does.

I must admit, there have been times when I considered saying "screw it" and either walking away or yanking it all. Especially when that asshole muse is off smoking dope or whatever he does when he wanders off. Then he comes back, offers me a drink, kicks me in the ass and I write something else.

As long as there is someone to write with, to, for and about here at Lit, I will keep posting.

As for why I write, who the fuck knows. Maybe someday I will figure it out.


I had a thought at this ungodlyfuckinghour when the dog wanted outside. (She can't help it, she's old...) I was thinking about Lit and more importantly, the people I've met and almost met on Lit. If it weren't for them, how much less stuff I would have written and read. I really do find Lit and its writers to be a source of inspiration....
and stimulation...
and titillation... (thanks Boo...)


Fool with his eyes half closed...
Because I must. To share, to learn, to grow.

by Debbie ©
"Tis very late, at dark, night
No one else is near; in sight
Now the best time to write

The very words they flow
Easily they come and go
Much work to show

No buts or interruptions
My thoughts are eruptions
Free from all disruptions

Writing flows forth from me
Imagery as it’s meant to be
Words emanating descriptively

Writing my soul; essence, life
Without it their is much strife
Like a husband without a wife

A talent; people they tell me so
One I must not nor cannot let go
Writing brings me alive, to show

I feel animated, exhilarated, alive
Writing flows, allows me to survive
Words my endorphins, to me revive
Debbie said:
Because I must. To share, to learn, to grow.

by Debbie ©
"Tis very late, at dark, night
No one else is near; in sight
Now the best time to write

The very words they flow
Easily they come and go
Much work to show

No buts or interruptions
My thoughts are eruptions
Free from all disruptions

Writing flows forth from me
Imagery as it’s meant to be
Words emanating descriptively

Writing my soul; essence, life
Without it their is much strife
Like a husband without a wife

A talent; people they tell me so
One I must not nor cannot let go
Writing brings me alive, to show

I feel animated, exhilarated, alive
Writing flows, allows me to survive
Words my endorphins, to me revive

uh huh.
Hi Debbie.


because every five years I've been sending out about five poems to The Atlantic Monthly and that's it - so considering I'm going to die I just spasmed one day and thought--I'll just publish these suckers.

Secretly, of course, I want to be discovered without having to wait eight weeks for the rejection slip.

But I'm really only responding because it turns out that you and I are the only ppl on the planet who know how to correctly spell "whacky" as opposed to wacky (sic)

whacky - mentally incompetent or at least a little weird from having been struck at least once (whacked) but more likely repeatedly--with a blunt instrument--leading to a subdural hematoma and various other neurological insults with invidious sequelae

OK now I've got that off my chest.

I hold the copyright to all images I upload unless I say otherwise.


PS _ I have never successfully found any post I ever made to literotica--they just disappear into some amorphous ether twilight zonishly
(which raises vertain awkward existential questions)


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difficult answer

I guess it is easier for me to esplain "Why i write" than "Why i submit to LIT"....
I must confess i came here with other purposes than posting my poems :devil:
But when the need of writing came up to me i had already noticed that here there is a great number of really good writers and i guessed it would have been nice being among them and maybe being appreciated as an english writer (me who i am not english at all).
So now my works are written for me, for my beloved friend and for whoever can take a drop of enjoyment by reading them.
hmmm ....


play share commune enjoin
dance in spirit and thought
touch entice excite
court in dream and shadow
delight with delicious delight
exquisite and torturous

a meeting in hidden paths

a muse of eternal awakening


knowing feeling seeing

to embrace the unknown
to embrace the void

to become
to charge
to create

— shadow —


I started writing erotic stories in my spare time just for fun, I shared them with a guy I met through chat and he put me on to this site. So i started submitting them and received such nice feedback I continued to submit.

Then I noticed the poetry side and I use to love writing poetry in high school so I thought what the heck and posted my first 'terrible' poem lol.

Then I discovered the forums almost 2 years later and met some wonderful talented people and made some wonderful friends. I've been hooked ever since! lol.

It's nice to write, share and talk with like minded people and yes I love the positive feedback and attention too!... :p

I've been given good advice and critique and that made me want to learn more and improve my poetry. I want to keep learning and improving and of course it is just so much fun,

:) :rose: :)
SeattleRain said:
I think I submit to lit for two reasons:

One:I am a pawn
the writer who created me makes me put this stuff out there
that is somewhat uncharacteristic of her usual writing.
Yes, I am being used and I love it.
Usually. Except when locked in the basement,
which kind of sucks.

Two: Literary Exhibitionism.
Pure sexy thrill of knowing other people feel something, anything, from my words.
Zing. Zap Zing. It is mutual all around, baby, get to be voyeur too.

okay someone join me so I don't look stupid out here.


oh yeah, there is the narcissism,
enough so that I think someone
might be interested in this post
ha ha ha such a bitch you are little seattle

let's make something prefectly clear
I don't submit to anything
however, in your case, I'm willing to discuss terms :rolleyes:
Because there are people who are willing to take the time to point out the weaknesses in what i've written. Most other places I've posted, people seem more interested in getting / receiving a pat on the back rather than a blunt critical assessment. That's soooo not what i'm looking for. Well, not that i'm immune to flattery.

Also, it cracks me up that it's buried in the depths of a porno site. Definitely deflates some of the pretentiousness that inevitably builds up when too many poets gather in one spot.
mischievousgrin said:
Because there are people who are willing to take the time to point out the weaknesses in what i've written. Most other places I've posted, people seem more interested in getting / receiving a pat on the back rather than a blunt critical assessment. That's soooo not what i'm looking for. Well, not that i'm immune to flattery.

Also, it cracks me up that it's buried in the depths of a porno site. Definitely deflates some of the pretentiousness that inevitably builds up when too many poets gather in one spot.
Yes and yes.

Like probably most everyone else, I wandered in here looking to while away an idle afternoon in reading some por, um, erotic literature. Then I found the poetry section, which includes a number of very good writers and which, for the most part, seems a pretty congenial place to hang out. I think besides the fact that it's buried inside a porn site (which does deflate some of the puffery and self-importance that affects other sites), I like that is is a fairly small group of people.
mischievousgrin said:
Because there are people who are willing to take the time to point out the weaknesses in what i've written. Most other places I've posted, people seem more interested in getting / receiving a pat on the back rather than a blunt critical assessment. That's soooo not what i'm looking for. Well, not that i'm immune to flattery.

Also, it cracks me up that it's buried in the depths of a porno site. Definitely deflates some of the pretentiousness that inevitably builds up when too many poets gather in one spot.
Tzara said:
Yes and yes.

Like probably most everyone else, I wandered in here looking to while away an idle afternoon in reading some por, um, erotic literature. Then I found the poetry section, which includes a number of very good writers and which, for the most part, seems a pretty congenial place to hang out. I think besides the fact that it's buried inside a porn site (which does deflate some of the puffery and self-importance that affects other sites), I like that is is a fairly small group of people.
Yes and yes and yes
I am sorry, I was in a flip mood earlier.

'cept I didn't come for the congenial part - 'cause I'm old very old
Like most people here, I wandered in quite innocently and entirely by chance and I was rather embarrassed to find a porn site. I was searching for the exit when I found this corner of aspirational culture. (far better when the whores wear designer underwear than the old worn out greying kind that was bought on a market stall too long ago to remember) So I decided to cock my leg and leave my scent.

Oh, and post some poetry but alas, its read by about five people if I'm lucky, which is only two more than when it was stuck in my drawer. I'm assuming the cleaner reads it, if not, my reader circulation has just took a massive percentage drop.
wow, fancy coming in here all innocent-like... (i got told to come to litland. lol)
hey BB, i read your poetry... i only understand half of it, but i do read it. :D

i don't post massive amounts of poetry because i don't want to smother my reader (yeah i have one) with same ol' same ol'. but that kind of leaves me in a quandry. i've got poetry all over my pc and haven't a clue what to do with it. lol and it all needs rewriting. but once i've rewritten it, what to do? *twiddling thumbs* one day i might put some together and risk being in the big wide world so i can wallpaper a box. maybe. we'll see. i'm not in a rush. i'm enjoying the quest.

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I submit because...

I like to learn from others. I like the comments and also to hear how others interpret my work. I like to be able to look at my writing through someone else's eyes. I like the critiques.

I guess, ultimately, because I want to grow.
Words written by a poet
with a masochistic leaning
need an audience giving
art an anonymous approval
or craving named critique.

To hear "This sucks!" means
so much more when it comes
off learned tongues than when
a sore heart sighs because of
words you've written.

So, that said, I think I may be a masochistic exhibitionistic submissive. It's all in what I do.
champagne1982 said:
Words written by a poet
with a masochistic leaning
need an audience giving
art an anonymous approval
or craving named critique.

To hear "This sucks!" means
so much more when it comes
off learned tongues than when
a sore heart sighs because of
words you've written.

So, that said, I think I may be a masochistic exhibitionistic submissive. It's all in what I do.
If I have written good
(erm) well,
I'd rather someone learn-
ed tell
me so I'd know that not
my swell
personality was cause.

Oh hell.

Please tell me anyway.
Tzara said:
If I have written good
(erm) well,
I'd rather someone learn-
ed tell
me so I'd know that not
my swell
personality was cause.

Oh hell.

Please tell me anyway.
Feed the hungry your swollen
words, let them gain sustenance
from your nourishing ideology.

Grant the darkness your brilliant
thoughts, the night is illumed
with your glowing intuition.

The world is better since
your poetic prowess plowed
into being to sow the desert
with your witty wheat.
Jennifer C said:

It's nice to write, share and talk with like minded people and yes I love the positive feedback and attention too!... :p
:) :rose: :)

You like attention?? I would have never guessed! ;)
twelveoone said:
let's make something prefectly clear
I don't submit to anything
however, in your case, I'm willing to discuss terms :rolleyes:

Go on, I am listening
wildsweetone said:
wow, fancy coming in here all innocent-like... (i got told to come to litland. lol)
hey BB, i read your poetry... i only understand half of it, but i do read it. :D

i don't post massive amounts of poetry because i don't want to smother my reader (yeah i have one) with same ol' same ol'. but that kind of leaves me in a quandry. i've got poetry all over my pc and haven't a clue what to do with it. lol and it all needs rewriting. but once i've rewritten it, what to do? *twiddling thumbs* one day i might put some together and risk being in the big wide world so i can wallpaper a box. maybe. we'll see. i'm not in a rush. i'm enjoying the quest.


did you just say you were going to wall paper a box of poetry?

Damn girl, I hope you do not mind if I steal that idea.

You can post all you want, I used to have one up a day, between my nics often more.... and you have more than one reader.


or put them on the poetry in construction thread
or start a blog
or your own site.


or damn it wall paper a box

make home made paper and write them with a quill
wallpaper a whole room.
Curiouswife said:
I like to learn from others. I like the comments and also to hear how others interpret my work. I like to be able to look at my writing through someone else's eyes. I like the critiques.

I guess, ultimately, because I want to grow.

yes wifey yes
but what
pray tell
brought you here in the first place naughty girl?
Jennifer C said:

Am I THAT obvious? ;)


um check out your post count, it is a good indication

I thuoght I would try to keep up with you but I am not sure it is mentally possible