Why I Submit to Lit...and you?

I only write poetry to wile away my refractory periods. Otherwise I'm here for the smut.
Me as Jeanne D'Artois (and Hamlet)

Danish Parody
by jeanne_d_artois ©

To post or not to post: that is the question.
Whether it is better in a file to bury
The twists and turns of a disorder’d mind
Or submit a spell-check’d copy to this site
And by posting end them? To post: no doubt;
No more: and by one act to say we end
The heartache, and a thousand natural shocks
Of writing frenzy – ‘tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wished. To post – to show
The same font as greater poets, well rhym’d:
To sleep unread, unheard – Ay, there’s the rub –
To low views, no votes, a poet may be doomed
When writing poems not classifi-ed erotic
Must give us pause. There’s the fear
That keeps an willing poet unnaturally silenc’d; .
For who would bear the taunts and jibes of some:
The unlicensed critics, the tearful importunity,
The pangs of well-meaning friends that may
Tear the matter from the meaning and spoil
The patent merit of the author’s words
When she herself might her quietus make
With the delete key? Who would creation bear
To grind and sweat under a Muse’s whip
But that the hope of something more like fame
The undiscovered acclaim whose happy warmth
No author can shun, puzzles the brain
And makes rather bare such skills we have
Than try some other that we know not of?
Thus creation does make authors of us all;
And how the native wit of composition
Is striven over with the pale art of thought
And anecdotes of great sex and passion
With the sweep of editing turn all awry
And lose all hope of recognition.
SeattleRain said:
um check out your post count, it is a good indication

I thuoght I would try to keep up with you but I am not sure it is mentally possible

lol oh I don't know about that ~ you're doing a pretty good job today! ;)
Why I came...

SeattleRain said:
yes wifey yes
but what
pray tell
brought you here in the first place naughty girl?

Well, I used to write some pretty sad stroke porn...don't bother the read. I'll take it down some day. ;)

Someone read my online diary that had my smutty little stories and he told me to come here.

When I first got here I saw the poetry section and laughed. I thought "what kind of weirdos would write poetry on a porn site?" But then I read it and I liked...so I started submitting my own stuff.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it. ;)

Curiouswife said:
Well, I used to write some pretty sad stroke porn...don't bother the read. I'll take it down some day. ;)

Someone read my online diary that had my smutty little stories and he told me to come here.

When I first got here I saw the poetry section and laughed. I thought "what kind of weirdos would write poetry on a porn site?" But then I read it and I liked...so I started submitting my own stuff.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it. ;)


Julia. I wish my name were Julia.

What kind of weirdos would write poetry on a porn site.

This is the question of the decade. My favorite flock of poets :) weirdos all, must be. No matter what differences we might have, we are all here. A place where you have to click Over 18. It is like a Nude Beach.

In more ways than one.

You know I think the number one way poets have gotten here is someone saw their naughty writer potential and sent them here. That is a good testimonial to the site.

I was told to come here because I was asking this guy all these sex questions and I guess I did so in a literotica type fashion and he told me to come here. And I did. Several times. :devil:
flyguy69 said:
I only write poetry to wile away my refractory periods. Otherwise I'm here for the smut.

Your pants,
give them to me.

And look at the camera damn it.
Don't be so shy.
Curiouswife said:
Yeah, why doesn't he just take them off? Such a tease...

yeah yeah
all eyes
no show

I am a curious wife too. You want to hold him down while I de-pant him or are you quicker on the zipper?

I guess I could photo shop him. Hmm I could photo shop all three of us and really blur that chalk
I don't know why I came here and why I ever posted. Well, yeah- I do; Angeline made me. And I'm glad she did. And at first it was great. I got a LOT of feedback on my stuff, and it wasn't all gladhanding. Now, though, it's different. I hardly ever get feedback. Or comments. And the thrill is gone. But I have a lot of folks here I really like. So I guess thats why I stay.

Is that a good enough reason?
BooMerengue said:
I don't know why I came here and why I ever posted. Well, yeah- I do; Angeline made me. And I'm glad she did. And at first it was great. I got a LOT of feedback on my stuff, and it wasn't all gladhanding. Now, though, it's different. I hardly ever get feedback. Or comments. And the thrill is gone. But I have a lot of folks here I really like. So I guess thats why I stay.

Is that a good enough reason?

LOL :D LOL. Yep.
oggbashan said:
Danish Parody
by jeanne_d_artois ©

To post or not to post: that is the question.
Whether it is better in a file to bury
The twists and turns of a disorder’d mind
Or submit a spell-check’d copy to this site
And by posting end them? To post: no doubt;
No more: and by one act to say we end
The heartache, and a thousand natural shocks
Of writing frenzy – ‘tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wished. To post – to show
The same font as greater poets, well rhym’d:
To sleep unread, unheard – Ay, there’s the rub –
To low views, no votes, a poet may be doomed
When writing poems not classifi-ed erotic
Must give us pause. There’s the fear
That keeps an willing poet unnaturally silenc’d; .
For who would bear the taunts and jibes of some:
The unlicensed critics, the tearful importunity,
The pangs of well-meaning friends that may
Tear the matter from the meaning and spoil
The patent merit of the author’s words
When she herself might her quietus make
With the delete key? Who would creation bear
To grind and sweat under a Muse’s whip
But that the hope of something more like fame
The undiscovered acclaim whose happy warmth
No author can shun, puzzles the brain
And makes rather bare such skills we have
Than try some other that we know not of?
Thus creation does make authors of us all;
And how the native wit of composition
Is striven over with the pale art of thought
And anecdotes of great sex and passion
With the sweep of editing turn all awry
And lose all hope of recognition.

Welcome Og you want a spin on the poetry? Happy to give, always. Or just me interpretation and response on what is said by you? ;)
CharleyH said:
Welcome Og you want a spin on the poetry? Happy to give, always. Or just me interpretation and response on what is said by you? ;)

Thank you Charley for the welcome.

I know I am a bad poet. My forte is limerick and doggerel.

One of my favourite poets is William McGonagall.

None of my poems are meant to be taken seriously.


... because I'm too chicken to say the things that need to be said to the person who needs to hear them, so I spew here as a release (of sorts)

... because I like to share

... because the food at the buffet is tasty (and free)

... because it (usually) keeps me from more self-destructive behaviors

... because I enjoy learning

... because sex is universal, and most people are just too fuckin' uptight about it

... because words are fun to play with

... because I like to seduce folks into examining their paradigms

... because diversity is precious

... just because.
Curiouswife said:
I'll hold him down...you get his pants. Bring your camera and we'll really have a good time.

I like the way you think but I think
we gave him too much warning
and he will appear with a padlock belt :mad:
Impressive indeed!

and love the AV!

damn I have been here almost 2 years and no one told me about the buffet.

or maybe they did. I can never keep track of my fantasies.


impressive said:

... because I'm too chicken to say the things that need to be said to the person who needs to hear them, so I spew here as a release (of sorts)

... because I like to share

... because the food at the buffet is tasty (and free)

... because it (usually) keeps me from more self-destructive behaviors

... because I enjoy learning

... because sex is universal, and most people are just too fuckin' uptight about it

... because words are fun to play with

... because I like to seduce folks into examining their paradigms

... because diversity is precious

... just because.
Curiouswife said:
I'll hold him down...you get his pants. Bring your camera and we'll really have a good time.
It'll take awfully nimble fingers to slip through this get-up. You might have to work together.
flyguy69 said:
It'll take awfully nimble fingers to slip through this get-up. You might have to work together.

is that an Uzi in your hand or are you just happy to see us? :eek:
flyguy69 said:
Government-issue hard plastic, baby. I'm the tip-of-the-spear!

plastics are fine in a bind, but do have a preference for the real thing
flyguy69 said:
Government-issue hard plastic, baby. I'm the tip-of-the-spear!

Hey, where did the guy with the beautiful stomach go? Gosh I love that kind of stomach...

Well Seattle, we can tag team him if you want. Wouldn't be the first time with an inanimate object. ;) But damn, I did like that stomach....
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Curiouswife said:
Hey, where did the guy with the beautiful stomach go? Gosh I love that kind of stomach...

Well Seattle, we can tag team him if you want. Wouldn't be the first time with an inanimate object. ;) But damn, I did like that stomach....

yep it is a nice one, Julie, but I think we should let him go this time.
I refuse to play desperate especially when I got Johnny Depp under my desk.
I have submitted here because I am a whore for positive reinforcement.

I have also submitted here to have the positive reinforcement of others beat down and override the beast inside me that makes me believe that I am worthless and my words aren't even good for wiping fecal material.

I have not posted all of the stuff that I have written over the nearly two years I have started writing. I have even written some smut, but the beast will not let me post those stories.
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