Why is the laundry more important?

What happens when they shed their claws? Maybe the treatment doesn't allow them to be shed?

As I understand it, they tend to drop off as the outer claw sheaths are shed, and then you have to replace them. Hell, that's why I don't get acrylics--even if I came up with $20 to have them put on once, there are so many other things in the budget queue ahead of fills.
I guess instead of saying they shed their claws, I should have said their claws shed. I find these "claw shells" all over the house.
serves you jolly well right for having a dozen cats :p

me? i find the occasional whisker...

sheds! now you're talking. ever heard of the kiwi bloke's shed? my domestic unit has two so far and he's planning on a third! i cannot for the life of me figure out what the attraction for sheds is. hmm, maybe i should go take a peek inside one.
wildsweetone said:
serves you jolly well right for having a dozen cats :p

me? i find the occasional whisker...

sheds! now you're talking. ever heard of the kiwi bloke's shed? my domestic unit has two so far and he's planning on a third! i cannot for the life of me figure out what the attraction for sheds is. hmm, maybe i should go take a peek inside one.
easy solution to your problem...nuter the male shed. Problem solved.

Or, even better solution...THREATEN to nuter the male shed.

The object solution is...less child sheds popping up.

AHEM, what are we talking about, here? Buildings?
you're kidding me right DVS. you don't know?

yes they're buildings, little (or sometimes large) buildings outside. purposefully designed for all manner of mischief i don't doubt. some have windows, some don't. some have advanced features like electricity.

some guys have all the wonderful comforts of 'home' out there... little fridges which i'm sure don't contain bottles of milk eh. armchairs, yep, i've heard of one fellow around here who actually has his lazyboy recliner in his shed. how crazy is that?

hmm actually, it's not a bad idea... maybe i should suggest a gal shed out there, i could do with some of my own space.

i can see it now, little pink sheds and little blue sheds all up and down the street.

god, somebody shoot me quick!
Originally posted by wildsweetone
. . . yes they're buildings . . . some have advanced features . . . little fridges . . . armchairs . . . how crazy is that?

Sounds like some of the more primitive Ice Fishing sheds. :rolleyes:

Their expense is a bit difficult to justify, since the fish hereabouts contain more mercury than a thermometer. :eek:
wildsweetone said:
you're kidding me right DVS. you don't know?

yes they're buildings, little (or sometimes large) buildings outside. purposefully designed for all manner of mischief i don't doubt. some have windows, some don't. some have advanced features like electricity.

some guys have all the wonderful comforts of 'home' out there... little fridges which i'm sure don't contain bottles of milk eh. armchairs, yep, i've heard of one fellow around here who actually has his lazyboy recliner in his shed. how crazy is that?

hmm actually, it's not a bad idea... maybe i should suggest a gal shed out there, i could do with some of my own space.

i can see it now, little pink sheds and little blue sheds all up and down the street.

god, somebody shoot me quick!
My kiwi slang dictionary didn't help me any, but I did assume you were talking about buildings. Either that, or some strange animal that breeds in back yards.

This tends to make me think kiwi men like to get away, from time to time. Americans go to bars or to movies, or whatever...in your neck of the woods, they just go out back? No, I didn't mean that as a pun relating to Aussies.
Quasi, where on earth are you? ...assuming you are on earth that is. ;)

i just found a chocolate eclaire... it's kinda caramel lollie on the outside, and i let it sit on my tongue or roll it around in my mouth a little... it makes my tastebuds curl so sensually. and then when i suck it gently, a tiny river of caramel trickles down my throat. mmmm

oh yeah, when it's all warmed up and gooey, the central core of chocolate melts over my tongue. oh man i'm in heaven...

sorry about that... just felt like sharing ;)
yep DVS out back or out side or out anywhere, so long as it's away from women and/or kids lol
Originally posted by wildsweetone
Quasi, where on earth are you? . . . assuming you are on earth that is. ;)

About 120 kilometres north of Niagara Falls . . . I am 'assuming' that I am on earth, also. :confused:

Chocolate, unfortunately, makes my head explode. :eek:

They tell me that next year they are bringing out a chocolate flavoured acetaminophen. :rolleyes:

Hup! :cool:

yep DVS out back or out side or out anywhere, so long as it's away from women and/or kids lol
while some may laugh about sheds, it is in reality a VERY serious issue.

With four daughters who will be 18,16,14 and 13 in nine years, my husband is already having architects design up his "shed"... complete with HVAC and satellite. He has a special account set up to save money for fitting it out and is getting all sorts of literature sent to the house about "world class" wood working equipment.

*Sigh* He's going to leave me alone with them.....

bridget, tell him to read John Gray's Men and Women Together Forever... he's only allowed a cave ;) we have two sheds, and the kids are 14 and 12... gee i really need to go check them out. ;)

oh Quasi i'm sorry to hear about your chocolate problem. i get migraines from a sudden withdrawal of caffeine (which includes chocolate), i have to wean myself off the stuff very very slowly.

the sensible thing of course would be to simply not touch anything with caffeine in it in the first place. *sigh*

acetaminophen = okay that does it, my way out of date dictionary is officially declared completely useless - i give up.

oh now looking at your area in my atlas (yes it's old too), i imagine it's hmm next door to somebody i know ;)

i have the coolest Knock Knock joke, but i need somebody to start, quick hurry i have to get offline in the next few minutes!!!
Originally posted by wildsweetone
acetaminophen = okay that does it, my way out of date dictionary is officially declared completely useless - I give up.

Acetaminophen = generic Tylenol, or do I need chlorophyll Tylenol because a 'stinking headache' screwed up my spelling. :confused:
Ahh Quasi I have heard of Tylenol. We don't have it here in NZ. Panadol does the trick for me, so long as I take it quick enough.

What causes the fish in your area to contain hefty amounts of mercury? Sorry, my general knowledge is very limited.
wildsweetone said:
. . . What causes the fish in your area to contain hefty amounts of mercury? . . .

Chemical spills, paper mills, and general pollutants all set us aglow! :p
it's a waste what we humans are doing to our world. how i long to get away from the rat race, to go up into the hills and leave all the rubbish behind, not to mention all the useless amenities and paraphenalia deemed so totally necessary in our daily lives.

i went for a holiday a couple of years ago... found myself sitting several thousand metres up Mt Ruapehu. it was utterly beautiful. perfect white snow, total silence, so peaceful. nothing else on earth like it.
roughing it

this is where we diverge, WSO.

I hate camping. I love the outdoors. I love hiking. I love peace. I love to fish. BUT

I love my bed. I love my toilet. I love my microwave.

I live in the foothills of the Smoky Mountains. It is very rural and peaceful. But, I am really glad they built a new BiLo grocery store here.
I like camping. I am also pretty good at it. I was a Boy Scout with honors. I don't mean to brag, but I was also an eagle scout.

Not that this makes any beans about camping, but that is what boy scouts do. We do a lot of it. We take our mess kits and sleeping bags (and sometimes even a tent), and go out into the woods.

Now, all of this may seem misleading because in my old age I have become set in my ways. While I still enjoy camping and roughing it, etc., I am like bridget in that I also love the many things we have come to enjoy in our lives. I won'd go into detail, because she did quite well at that.

And, another thing I have come to dislike about camping is that I become a meal too often. I am one of those people who can walk though a little brush and come out with chigger bites, mesquito bites, fleas and even horse fly bites. Unless I cake on the repellent, I am bug lunch! Not to mention I am now terribly allergic to poison ivy.

I wasn't bug lunch and poison ivy prone when I was a kid. I guess I have been living the good life, and the bugs just want to be part of it.

I also have come to be a little picky on how I exist. I don't care to be too cold, too hot, or too wet if at all possible. Another side effect of a perferred lifestyle, I guess.

So, even though I still like to camp, and get away from the world we have created, I don't want to get so far away that it would take me too long to get back, if I had to.

BUT, I don't agree with the companys that drain their cemical waste into our rivers and streams, and stick them in barrels and dig holes for hiding them, or just leave them for the next tennant to find, when it is next to impossible to clean up.

I know we have to find places for our waste, but just letting it go down stream to the neighbor isn't the way to do it.

And, what happens to companys that are caught doing this? They are fined and told to clean it up. The fine is never anything they can't write off, and the cleanup is sometimes dragged out so long in court it is more time consuming than the initial spill or dump.

Now, we live in a world where we tend to joke about the glow of a lake, or the smell of a stream, the number of dead fish, the frogs with 5 legs, the dead ocean floor life or the migration of dangerous creatures from other countries. There is just so much of it going on, to the average person it seems nothing is being done to stop it.

Sorry for jumping on the soap box.
wildsweetone said:
it's a waste what we humans are doing to our world. how i long to get away from the rat race, to go up into the hills and leave all the rubbish behind, not to mention all the useless amenities and paraphenalia deemed so totally necessary in our daily lives.

i went for a holiday a couple of years ago... found myself sitting several thousand metres up Mt Ruapehu. it was utterly beautiful. perfect white snow, total silence, so peaceful. nothing else on earth like it.

It's all up to yourself wether or not you want to participate in The Game or not. I've got no ambition to be rich - I just want to eat 3 times a day and stay warm and dry when it's bad weather outside. I don't give a D if my country is the biggest in the world or not, as long as my kids will get a good schooling, my parents will get good health care, and me and my hubby will be able to have jobs that we don't dread going to in the morning.
meanwhile back in the real world...

life would be great if kids got excellent schooling... my son has almost finished the worst schooling year of his life. now that he's had the worst, he knows it'll only get better from here on. (how's that for wishful thinking?)

parents and good health care. hmm, well, because both my parents are diabetics, there goes the good health care. nothing for them is free and very little is subsidised. mind you, it's the same for me and i'm not diabetic (yet). but then, compared to horror stories i've heard of some overseas country's and health care, we haven't got it too badly over here.

as for having jobs we don't dread going to. i wish my dream job would hurry up and happen along. i know it's not going to, realistically, i'll be going out and working for the income... if i have the chance to work in the area i would like to, then that'll partially fulfil my needs. but the perfect job is as difficult to come by as a fantasy.

meanwhile i think i'll enjoy the fantasy of going bush in my writing. thank God for an imagination ;)
Re: !!!!!!!!

wildsweetone said:
i have the coolest Knock Knock joke, but i need somebody to start, quick hurry i have to get offline in the next few minutes!!!
Knock, knock...
Re: grief it took a week! ;)

wildsweetone said:
Who's there?
So, is that the joke? I played along, but if you have the punch line, it is YOU who should say knock, knock.

Oh, and because of this, I waited for this long before starting the thing. I'm sure others may have had the same thoughts. But, I felt pitty (if you can believe that) for you, because you seemed to be chomping at the bit to tell your joke.

So, am I now the victim of your kiwi wit? Did I correctly take the bait?
i know, i'm a sad person, pity me a lot!

actually it was my daughter's joke and it kept me laughing for over two weeks. ;) now, thanks to you, i'm giggling again ;) thank you dear.