Why is the laundry more important?

wildsweetone said:
thanks dear, it's the blade i needed to know about, i appreciate your help :)
This involves a story, I assume? And, because we are posting in a deviant sex site, you would assume this story involves sex.

Now, in my mind, the next obvious thought would be this story involves sex, so when someone says stiletto wouldn't the next obvious thought involve stiletto heals?

But, noooooooooo. Your story involves stiletto knives! And you say it's a weird story? What makes you say that?

And, they aren't interchangable...
I do think someone could be stabbed with a stiletto heal, but can someone wear a stiletto knife? Well...wear it without some blood leaking out?
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DVS said:
This involves a story, I assume? And, because we are posting in a deviant sex site, you would assume this story involves sex.

Now, in my mind, the next obvious thought would be this story involves sex, so when someone says stiletto wouldn't the next obvious thought involve stiletto heals?

But, noooooooooo. Your story involves stiletto knives! And you say it's a weird story? What makes you say that?

And, they aren't interchangable...
I do think someone could be stabbed with a stiletto heal, but can someone wear a stiletto knife? Well...wear it without some blood leaking out?

a deviant site? hmm there's food for thought there...

a story? yes dear, why? did you think i was writing a love letter or something? rofl :kiss:

and yes, there is a tiny portion of sex. ;)

and yes, it's one stiletto knife, and it works.

and i say it's weird, because it's unlike my 'usual' writing (whatever 'usual' means).

A deviant sex site?? DVS hasn't any one told you there is no such thing as deviance only different.

If you want to read kinky with a difference try Extreme or Darker Pleasures - a site that employs the cream of writers!

;) And I say Vive la Difference.

:D Just because WSO's heroine cannot afford batteries and has resorted to using a knife blade for the ultimate in orgasms to end all orgasms.

However we can all get our rocks off the sharp way.

jon:devil: :devil: :devil:

:rose: for the flower cutting lady:rose:
ouch! the mere thought!

now i know why i don't visit the extreme side after dark...

hmm, she is a heroine? now that i'm not so sure about. nor am i sure if he is a hero. hmm such a strange story.

*busy using a wetstone on her stiletto*
Quasimodem -

That is deviant - I shall report you to Laurel straight away she'll send you to the Kitty Rodeo:cattail: :cathappy:

WSO you have a long sharp mail somewhere in cyber space.

Too many kitties - the dog wants to go hunting catch you all later.

Quasi i swear that kitty is grinning ;)

whew Jon, man you sure know how to deliver mail.

my cat (whom i saved from death) scratched and bit me the other day... he is still sucking up to me trying to get me to pick him up and IT'S NOT WORKING!
wildsweetone said:
my cat (whom i saved from death) scratched and bit me the other day... he is still sucking up to me trying to get me to pick him up and IT'S NOT WORKING!
:cattail: :catroar: :catgrin: :cathappy:
Ah, come on, sweetie...kittie cats have short memories. For God's sake pick the little cutie up!
If a cat has claws, eventually you are going to be scratched. :catgrin:

If a cat doesn't have claws, it can't protect itself. Also, it can't climb. :cattail:

The only alternative, is to keep a lot of upholstered furniture, and have it's paws grafted to velcro. :cathappy:
Actually, WSO, sounds like you're on the right track there. I think you should start trying to pick the kitty up and pet him again, but it's important he should not ever get it into his head that scratching and biting wins him friends and influences people. We had a Siamese cat when I was coming up that somehow got ruined that way. I was careful when raising my cats to withdraw from them and not have any interaction with them when they started that "fight and bite" thing that cats like when they're playing. If they want to play "fight and bite" let 'em do it with each other.
WSO, I have been a cat owner for well over 20 years. In that time, I have never had only one cat, but usually 4 at a time. I presently have 3.

It is in their nature to sometimes scratch or bite. It shouldn't be something they constantly do, but 90% of cats will do it from time to time.

Some will do it when provoked, and some will do it when playing. Some will have it in their personality, such as some Siamese do. And, they can be stuborn. I have one that wouldn't let you touch him with out biting. That was a year ago. He is now a loving and purring kitty. Still, there are times when he gets in a mood.

If this scratching incident happened more than a day ago, the cat won't even remember it. They don't have long term memories. All he knows now is that you are mad. But he has no idea why. Diciplining a cat for something he did hours ago just won't do any good. You have to do your diciplining at the time of the incident.

They don't like loud noises, and a stern "NO!" will usually work. But, like anything, these things take time. He may not even know you don't want him to scratch you. Always be consistant with your actions, commands and arm movements. After a while, he will know what you mean by just pointing a finger at him and saying "NO!" in a loud voice. Cats are not like dogs. Dogs want to please. It takes longer to get the attention of a cat.

If he isn't nutered, you might think about that. Sometimes that calms them down. It also saves some spraying of their territory, too.

I do think it's wonderful you saved him from death. Thank you.

DON'T DECLAW THE CAT!! I don't care what anybody says, velcro won't work.
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To add my two cents, the velcro was a joke. NEVER declaw a cat! If you must, you can get a tiny cat scissors and clip the points off the end of the cat's claws. ;) ( I should warn you, cats tend to resist this treatment. )

BTW: Look closely at the claws. There is a vein inside. Do not cut it short enough to slice through that vein. A cat can bleed to death, that way. :(

As far as biting or scratching, I agree with DVS. Let him know he's doing wrong, immediately. Even while the claws are pulling your hand within range of his teeth, snap him (LIGHTLY) on the nose. That way, he recognizes that attacking your hand is dangerous. :cattail:

Bad news: If the cat is past puberty, it is too late to stop him from spraying his 'territory'. :catgrin:

I come by this cat lore honestly. When we moved onto our Chicken Farm, somebody abandoned a cat in the middle of the winter countryside. She came to our house, and we took her in. She proved to be 'the gift that keeps on giving' . . . a pregnant cat! :eek:

By spring, we had nine cats, one momma and eight kittens. They all lived out their lives on the chicken farm. After all the trouble it was to name nine cats, no one was willing to give one away. :cathappy:

There was never a mouse in our house, although the neighbours all complained of them. One of my most vivid memories was Tipper ( The kitten that was all black, except for the single white tip of his tail. ) chasing a rat out of a corn stook, and fighting it to the death in the cucumber patch. :catroar:
hmm, so i shouldn't really have kicked him, right?

JUST KIDDING!!!!! quit gripping your heart DVS, i was JOKING!

my little darling 4 year old cat decided to suck up to me this morning. for the first time ever, he climbed on top of my lap while i was sitting up in bed this morning. then he proceeded to nudge his face against my hand and forced me to stroke him! well, of course that melted my hard heart and i had no choice except to do as he demanded.

no way would i clip my cats claws. he gets enough exercise sharpening them to daggerlike points on the trees outside... i figure it's for a reason so i leave them be.

jon that wasn't spooky for me... it was nice, thank you :)

oh, and i was kidding about the velcro too you know ;) i took it off after i noticed he kept sticking to the carpet.

That turtle won't be smiling so much in another 24 hours, when the kids come running around yelling: "SHELL OUT!" :eek:
HALLOWEEN easy peasy ghostie

i read this online and made some myself, they're cool.

take one lollypop (that's a round, hard sweet lollie on a stick)
one single white tissue (or kleenex, or paper towel)

place the lollypop in the centre, tie a short piece of wool/string around just underneath the lolly - like a skirt. use black feltpen and draw two eyes.

tadah a little ghostie :)

It has only been in the latter half of the previous century that candy has been associated with All Hallows Eve.

The results have not been happy . . . :(
*wildsweetone makes note to self*
remember to take teeth out of glass and insert them in face before wicked kids come knocking tonight...
wildsweetone said:
hmm, so i shouldn't really have kicked him, right?

JUST KIDDING!!!!! quit gripping your heart DVS, i was JOKING!
So, no kitty football? You know, you should watch that. You forget he knows when you are sleeping. (I feel a strange urge to go into that Christmas song, now. I will stop myself, because it is the wrong season)

wildsweetone said:

oh, and i was kidding about the velcro too you know ;) i took it off after i noticed he kept sticking to the carpet.
Take it easy;)
I knew you were all kidding about the velcro. Yes, it sticks to carpets and just about every other fabric around. The cat wouldn't be going anywhere. Not to mention, that damn stuff is expensive!
There is a sort of claw treatment you can get for your cat--Soft Paws, or Soft Claws, I forget which it is, consisting of sort of blunt plastic sheaths which are glued onto the tips of the cats' claws, where they can supposedly scratch all they want but won't destroy the furniture. I imagine that this would prove effective against scratching people, as well.

If you have the money to burn, I reckon it's a good idea. However, I don't even figure [what amounts to] artificial nails into my own budget, fer chrissake.
Interesting, but I don't understand something. What happens when they shed their claws? Maybe the treatment doesn't allow them to be shed?
DVS . . . Who told you cats shed their claws?

That only happens in a Vet's surgery, and under anaesthetic! :eek:
Well, they don't lose the whole claw, but the outside "skin", revealing a brand new (and sharp!) claw. That is part of the reason they need a scratching post. To allow this process to happen.
I guess instead of saying they shed their claws, I should have said their claws shed. I find these "claw shells" all over the house.