Why is the laundry more important?

okay what's going on???

Do I need to go out and buy a bigger screen so that my Author's Hangout page fits?

All the rest seems to be working fine. Is anyone else having this problem? Do I have a setting wrong somewhere? H E L P !!!

seems like paranoia at times...

ahhh it must have been a temporary glitch in the ether... nice to see the page as it should be :)

are all writers skeptical, or is just me thinking there's a fair few cynics out there?

when somebody puts a thread up on the Hangout asking for people to consider submitting 'clean' stories, what kind of catch do you think there could be?
you do your laundry in the sea? wow that'd make certain things feel a little scratchy i would guess...
It's to do with pressure, internal or external. My daughter tells me there's nothing as neat and clean as a grad student's apartment when said student is facing a deadline in getting his/her thesis done.
SlickTony said:
It's to do with pressure, internal or external. My daughter tells me there's nothing as neat and clean as a grad student's apartment when said student is facing a deadline in getting his/her thesis done.

And there's nothing messier than that student's room the morning after the party in the evening after he/she has met that deadline...
SubJoe are you out there??? has it been six weeks yet? man this laundry sure piles up quick ;)

ahhh students... third empty packets of noodles, empty bottles of beer, loud music, half eaten stacks of mould growth on plates, piles of filthy clothes...

am i close?
oh wait, that sounds like a normal teenagers room round here...

i was never like that... my parents would have killed me if they'd found an empty beer bottle in my room.
third empty packets of noodles, empty bottles of beer, loud music, half eaten stacks of mould growth on plates, piles of filthy clothes...

And on top of all that an open pot of Hoofmaker in the middle of the living room floor that you can put your foot into...
I was never a messy teen.....hmmm I was almost not a teen.

Never had the car, never went to parties, didn't have a girlfriend. Then at 17 I joined the army, and let me tell you I learned how to be anything but untidy.

Took me years to break the habit of making my bed so well a head nurse would have trouble keeping up.
Learned to sew learned to iron, learned how to do laundry (well I was not much good with colours though heheh).

I can actually make the average housewife look like a bum if I want to heheh.

I have done the baby routine as well, so I know all about the wonders of child proofing a home and diapers and feedings and all that sort of thing.

If it wasn't for the fact I can't even boil water without fucking it up occasionally, I would make someone a perfect wife (well having the wrong plumbing will also be a problem too heheh).
Hoofmaker is this stuff that is supposed to make your nails harder. Opinion varies as to whether the stuff is any good or not. It is, after all, externally applied. For myself, nothing made my nails hard like Stuartnatals, a kind of multivitamin that is, unfortunately, only available by prescription.
SlickTony said:
Hoofmaker is this stuff that is supposed to make your nails harder. Opinion varies as to whether the stuff is any good or not. It is, after all, externally applied. For myself, nothing made my nails hard like Stuartnatals, a kind of multivitamin that is, unfortunately, only available by prescription.
Does it do anything for other parts of the body?
its Leslie said:
... I can actually make the average housewife look like a bum if I want to ...

Not me.

I'd rather look AT the average housewife's bum than do laundry! :eek:
Well all things considered, I have had so many ladies say yes Leslie you do the housework and sure I will let you fuck me silly all night.

I find that it hard to locate a flaw in a world like that myself.

But then I have no trouble doing housework, and I would sure like getting paid for doing it each night:)
its Leslie said:
... I have had so many ladies say yes Leslie you do the housework and sure I will let you fuck me silly ...

But, Oh my Gawd! Leslie!

That's Prostitution! :eek:
Does it do anything for other parts of the body?

Nope, sure doesn't.
wildsweetone said:
i think it's bartering isn't it? hmm not sure on that one.


It doesn't matter if you are paid in cash, laundry, or containers of chocolate! :rolleyes:

Prostitution: Cash, or its equivalent in goods or services, exchanged for the performance of Sexual Favours. :eek:

That, is the classical definition! :D

The reason I mention it, is that money is the cheapest commodity you can pay for sex. :confused:

If you are not spending money for those favours, you are probably overpaying some other way. :(

I learned that in Transactional Analysis Class. :D
Hmmmm, what I want to know, really want to know, is WHY is it wrong to get what I want in exchange for what they want?

I am not into women being sold like a cheap product, nor would I ever offer a woman "cash" to get in bed and have sex.

Now if doing the housework is "cash" to some people's ways of thinking, then I guess it will be "cash" to some people's ways of thinking.

But when I consider all the ways people think on some things, and how the word "think" seems out of place in some "thinking", it's not surprising some ways of "thinking" don't make much difference to me heheh.

Again, I would never ask a woman, to do something SHE didn't want to do.

With the planet being half female, I see absolutely no reason to waste energy forcing a woman to have sex with me, that doesn't wish to.

The housework is just my way of being nice eh:)
Gee, Leslie, and here I thought that since you're part responsible for the mess you make in the home, then you should be part responsible for cleaning it up, etc.

But, silly me, that's a woman's duty. How nice of you to lend the little lady a helping hand.
Svenskaflicka said:
But, silly me, that's a woman's duty. How nice of you to lend the little lady a helping hand.
LOL, it seems to me a hand isn't all he's lending!

And, for what it's worth, the barter system has been around for a long, long time. Also, I grew up in a small town. Instead of money, most merchants used product for product exchange, in most situations.

My father was an Optometrist and he would give exams in exchange for our family getting shoes, and clothes, etc. Nobody ever thought of being short changed, either. Sure, money changed hands in some cases, but in others, just product.

No, sex wasn't bartered, as far as I can remember. But, you never know about small towns. It could have been happening, I am sure. An interesting proposition, don't you think?

If everybody is getting what they want and nobody feels they are getting "short changed" in the process, I say more power to ya! When you think about it, the only ones who lose out is the IRS!
Ok lets nip this misunderstanding right in the bud.

Housework is not woman's work, its owners work.

If you have a home, you do housework.

If you are a single male you do it all. If you are a single female you do it all.

If your mate/spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend is a lazy sod, you do it all too hehe (and gripe about it).

Now me, I am a househusband of sorts (being disabled I am generally speaking always around).
I had hoped for the 1950's ideal but it ain't going to happen.
My wife also does her share of the housework, but I have more enthusiasm than her.

I am only saying, that in recognition of the simple truth, that most of us DON"T actually walk around with the vacumn cleaner thinking "ohhhh god housework makes me feel soooooo good", that and most of us have mates/spouses/girlfriends/boyfriends that won't help out much....

.....I had once upon a time had the notion "wouldn't it be cool to go around doing housework nude, and then getting paid through an evenings dedicated fucking" (this was before this last two years, before my wife and I ironed out some lifestyle choices, I get fucked so much right now, most likely think I am full of shit when I say how often I get it).

The majority response I have recieved has been "yes Leslie come here drop your pants and let me watch you do my housework nude, and then tonight I will glaaaaaaadly pay you your price" hehe.

But housework is not woman's work to me. It is just that a lot of people in a lot of cultures, still think it is. I am not one of them though.
hubby and i had a brief discussion during dinner last night...

i pointed out clearly to him that the whole set of ingrained 'values' with specific regard to women's work and men's work has turned topsy turvy within our single generation.

i was brought up to be a wife and mother, even schooling was partially segregated, girls did typing, cooking and sewing, boys did woodwork.

how huge a change it has been to get our heads around the fact that women are expected to go out to work and help support the family in a monetary way.

my basically teenage children (a pigeon pair) are learning everything across the board. both are learning cooking, both are learning electronics, both are learning business studies.

frankly, i wish the choice about being an old fashioned stay at home mum, was not a choice one made with a 'downside'.

bear in mind i'm in kiwiland and although we began way behind everyone else, i reckon we've managed to catch up and surpass a whole load of other countries who are still mangling life.