Why is the laundry more important?

Quasimodem said:

In passing:

I got myself seriously censured for offering the following opinion.

I would rather have sexual content programmed on television than violent behaviour.

According to my unacceptable theory, one is much more likely to participate in some variety of the former, and - hopefully - much less likely to participate in some kind of the latter. :(

But then, people make no sense ... at all!:rolleyes:

hmm i must have missed more than i thought when i stayed off the threads yesterday. why is that theory unacceptable pray tell?

i would rather have sexual content programmes on TV than all this darn blood, guts and violence ANY DAY!

and yes, the cold water idea is correct.
Salt helps, too. That's how I get the blood off my underwear. (Hm. MAYBE that's just a little more than you actually wanted to know.)
Svenskaflicka said:
Salt helps, too. That's how I get the blood off my underwear. (Hm. MAYBE that's just a little more than you actually wanted to know.)
It's a fact of life, sweetie. If any adult male can't handle that, tough.

And, maybe it doesn't bother me because I was the only son in a 4 child family. I have had war experience!
(Cow and Chicken is my favourite example of a waste of air time).

I so much agree. My son went through a stage of liking this totally repellant 'toon. I was never so glad as when he decided to stop watching it. I have seldom been so creeped out by a cartoon series as by that one.
there's one on here at the moment... hmmm cat dog i think it's called. one body, four legs, cat head at one end and dog head at the other. talk about kinky!

the one program i loathe is The Simpsons. i refuse to let my kids watch it, though i know they sneak it on sometimes.
when all else fails


When all else fails to get the blood out, use Zout stain remover...having a Heloise moment here.

As far as violence and/or nudity/sex on tv... I vote for no tv... visual images are so powerful... while we still have a tv for watching videos, I just can't stomach the trashiness of programming.. and I mean that as in low life... I don't want to see reality tv programs of people stealing or beating their kids, nor do I want to follow the programs about strangers living together and voting to get rid of each other while having various tawdry sexual couplings...

We have several pieces of art in the house that have full nudity... but it isn't lascivious, it celebrates the human form... really! Don't have any art celebrating death and mutilation. I'm sure there is a market for it...

I think the key, though, IMHO, is what is appropriate in the public forum... our nude art is not in the "public" rooms of our house... someone might be made uncomfortable and that is not how we want guests in our house to feel. We are not censoring ourselves, we are being aware of others' sensitivities and being considerate.

Kind of like remembering to pull the ball point pen out your pocket before throwing your shirt into the laundry... :)

The song is old, and he's dead, but I loved his style.
Frank Zappa really knew how to coin a tune.

I'm The Slime

I am gross and perverted
I'm obsessed 'n deranged
I have existed for years
But very little had changed
I am the tool of the Government
And industry too
For I am destined to rule
And regulate you

I may be vile and pernicious
But you can't look away
I make you think I'm delicious
With the stuff that I say
I am the best you can get
Have you guessed me yet?
I am the slime oozin' out
From your TV set

You will obey me while I lead you
And eat the garbage that I feed you
Until the day that we don't need you
Don't got for help...no one will heed you
Your mind is totally controlled
It has been stuffed into my mold
And you will do as you are told
Until the rights to you are sold

That's right, folks..
Don't touch that dial

Well, I am the slime from your video
Oozin' along on your livin'room floor

I am the slime from your video
Can't stop the slime, people, lookit me go
wildsweetone said:
the one program i loathe is The Simpsons. i refuse to let my kids watch it, though i know they sneak it on sometimes.
Ever seen South Park? My friends love it, but I really don't see it. Sure, it is a little funny at times, but there are some REALLY crappy parts.

Oh, speaking of crappy...Mr. Hankey
I won't go into details, unless you push me.

Oh, and they ALWAYS kill Kenny!

I must be missing something, here. Or am I just getting old? Where is the humor in some of this stuff?

Now, give me Monty Python, any day!
I am sooooooooooooo glad my son likes the family friendly mom would approve positive constructive children based educational programing.

Mostly because while it might be icky sweet cute and gag me wholesome, it is at least not the worthless garbage that passes for "funny" that dominates north american cartoons.

I don't watch Simpsons or King of the Hill unless backed up against a wall through abject boredom and totally nothing else to chose from. And the moment something else comes along, I jump ship and turf the Simpsons.

I honestly think north american cartoons are intended to glorify stupidity, losers, and being the low end of the IQ food chain.
are cartoons for adults or kids?

Ever seen South Park?
DVS- I have to admit that I saw parts of South Park on a news program when the whole Elian Gonzalez child snatching happened and was amazed at how biting and clever their humor was... dressing Janet Reno as the Easter bunny and having her commandos invade Elian's bedroom on Easter morning was quite incisive. I resolved never to watch it again because I would only be disappointed.

Mostly because while it might be icky sweet cute and gag me wholesome, it is at least not the worthless garbage that passes for "funny" that dominates north american cartoons.
I love that my kids like the "icky sweet" stuff... it really is true that we become what we watch in some measure... I don't need to show my kids examples of lousy attitudes, they come by those naturally... I prefer to have them shown that the standard is respectful behavior. Kids smarting off to parents isn't cute to me... it's offensive.

BTW, regarding The Simpsons, Matt Groenig, the creator of the series was quoted as saying "I'm sorry" when his son turned four and started watching his show.... all the years of telling adults they were too uptight about his show was coming around to him. Poetic justice... I love it! :D

DVS said:

Ever seen South Park? My friends love it, but I really don't see it. Sure, it is a little funny at times, but there are some REALLY crappy parts.

You can "Blame It On Canada!" *

While you're at it, also blame Canada for: John Candy, Michael J. Fox, Leslie Nielsen, Martin Short, Jim Carrey, Rick Moranis, Dave Thomas, Paul Gross, Corey Haim, Jonathan Hale, Elias Koteas, and Kieffer Sutherland, not to mention Kieffer's father Donald Sutherland, Gordon Pinsent, Christopher Plummer, Lorne Greene, and the best Canadian performance as an actual American President, Raymond Massey (as Abe Lincoln), the Lone Ranger's partner, Jay Silverheels, Alan Thicke, John Vernon, and lest the trekkers revolt, William Shatner and James Doohan.

On the distaff, Mary Pickford who became American on her marriage, but reclaimed dual citizenship later. Every ape's favourite date, Fay Wray. News personality, Barbara Frum. Also, Margot Kidder, Geneviève Bujold, Catherine Mary Stewart, Neve Campbell, Andrea Martin, and, perhaps unfortunately, Pamela Anderson.

At the helm, directors Norman Jewison, Dave Cronenberg, Atom Egoyan, and James Cameron.

And those are just the ones off the top of my head!

Yeah! Canada has been responsible for a lot of dreck in the theatres, and on the airwaves; but based upon its relatively small population, it has turned out quite a few good apples, too.

* A number of my "Adult" (?) friends thought it was vastly amusing to see the Motion Picture Academy trying to manage to present an "acceptable" version of that song before its billions of worldwide viewers. Personally, I could have stood to wait a few years longer, to be noticed doing something truly admirable.

It's a long way to "South Park" from Norman Campbell's "Pas de Deux"
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As a Canadian I want to know the secret.

Why is it Canada can produce so much of the greatest of the greatest things, yet no one wants to stay here?

How can we make so many cool things, and yet have no way to get people to come "here" to become famous.

Is it the trees? Yes we do seem to have a lot of trees here.
Re: are cartoons for adults or kids?

bridgetkeeney said:

DVS- I have to admit that I saw parts of South Park...-b
I agree it is sometimes funny, and the episode you mention does sound like it would be. But I don't think that show is made for kids. I can accept it, if kids aren't allowed to watch it. Adults can find the humor in satire.

And, if you ever see an episode with Mr. Hanky, be prepared. Mr. Hanky is nothing more than a turd, and where he walks, he leaves a brown trail. There is even a screen saver available of him. He travels around your computer screen until it turns completely brown.

Yes, it is humorous, in a strange and base sort of way. But I wonder if kids should be exposed to some kinds of humor, with an impressionable mind soaking it all up. Not that it will damage them for life, but it may take their mind down a side street they may be better off not taking.

Some so called cartoons are made for adult viewing. The Flintstones, the Jetsons and even Rocky and Bullwinkle (with Mr. Knowitall) had some humor that only adults would catch. But, it went right past the kids, and didn't phase them.

I haven't seen many Saturday morning cartoons of today, but, most of the humor in these new prime time cartoon shows is written for the adult mind.
There is nothing wrong with that. But, just because a show is cartoon based doesn't mean it is something kids should watch.
its Leslie said:
As a Canadian I want to know the secret.

Why is it Canada can produce so much of the greatest of the greatest things, yet no one wants to stay here?

How can we make so many cool things, and yet have no way to get people to come "here" to become famous.

Is it the trees? Yes we do seem to have a lot of trees here.
I wonder some of that, too. We Americans can't seem to keep our guns under control, and you Canadians can. What is the secret to that?
its Leslie said:
As a Canadian I want to know the secret.

Why is it Canada can produce so much of the greatest of the greatest things, yet no one wants to stay here?

The answer is that access to world-wide distribution runs through the hands of the American film industry. To gain a world wide audience, you must go and compete in a world class market. That means, going to Hollywood.

Same thing happens all over the world, Arnold Schwarzenegger came from Austria, Mel Gibson from Australia, Russell Crowe from New Zealand, Hugh Grant and Daniel Day-Lewis from England and Jackie Chan from Hong Kong. :eek:

There is the question about why so many Canadians turn to comedy. Probably middle child syndrome. :(

DVS said:
I wonder some of that, too. We Americans can't seem to keep our guns under control, and you Canadians can. What is the secret to that?

Just a thought, but, perhaps it is easier to control the guns you do not have, than the guns that any idiot can purchase openly. ;)

We are still trying, but more guns are slipping through customs, and our streets are getting bloodier. :(
We are still trying, but more guns are slipping through customs, and our streets are getting bloodier.

i noticed. and we're only getting the hot news items down here. quite frankly, there are times when i can't believe what's going on in the rest of the world. okay we have crime here, murders included... but killing is no where near as prevalent as it is in the States. (i realise saying States is a generalisation).

if more guns are slipping through customs, what does that tell you? should your forces go out and arm themselves with bigger, better weapons? wouldn't it be better to ensure the customs people are doing enough of what they're meant to be doing?

or is it preferable to spend the government taxes on getting ready the armed forces to go kick butt in the east?

and yes *sigh* i realise they're two different topics, but for the life of me it drives me insane when i see how money is spent so unequally on problems which ultimately have equalling consequences.


The border that I mentioned, is between the US and Canada.

Canadian drug laws, especially at the level of marijuana, is more relaxed than in the States.

Guns, which must be licensed in Canada, may be purchased legally in the US, and smuggled into Canada.

Several gangs have developed a lucrative traffick trading Canadian pot for American guns.

This has been going on for at least a decade, or more. When I first learned of this practise, the previous Middle East War was in progress.

One problem is, that there are over 2500 miles of border between the US and Canada.

Check out how much money the Americans have spent to keep illegal Mexican immigrants from entering their turf. America has ten times the population to pay for the program, without notable success. Also, the Mexican - US border is considerably shorter.
okay i understand. sorry, when you refer to things i don't always follow the same track, my general knowledge is practically non-existent.

you know, no matter how many laws are introduced the simple fact that they exist gives reason to break them. always there will be people who want to do things differently from the majority.

similar trafficking problems happen wherever the boarders between countries/states are unable to be policed.

i don't see any way of stopping the illegal drugs/guns/gems etc apart from extra policing and no government is going to be willing to fork out money for that, no matter how rich their country is or how heavily populated.

so ultimately that means we just sit back and wait until everyone with a gun that's in good working order kills everyone else off and life can begin again after those that are left return to the state of hunter and hunted.
wildsweetone said:
so ultimately that means we just sit back and wait until everyone with a gun that's in good working order kills everyone else off and life can begin again after those that are left return to the state of hunter and hunted.
Sort of like a hydrogen bomb that kills only people who kill other people?

Such an attitude! That is like letting the speeders collide and kill each other off, so the streets will be safer for the rest of us. Or, letting the smokers all die off so the air will be clearer for we non smokers.

It is kind of a slow process of weeding out the undersirables, leaving our utopia.

It may work on paper, but it won't really work. Guns often kill the wrong people, as do cars going too fast and secondary smoke.

But, I do understand your thought process. It would be nice if we could do that with the politicians and/or the skinheads.
DVS said:

Sort of like a hydrogen bomb that kills only people who kill other people?

Such an attitude! That is like letting the speeders collide and kill each other off, so the streets will be safer for the rest of us. Or, letting the smokers all die off so the air will be clearer for we non smokers.

It is kind of a slow process of weeding out the undersirables, leaving our utopia.

It may work on paper, but it won't really work. Guns often kill the wrong people, as do cars going too fast and secondary smoke.

But, I do understand your thought process. It would be nice if we could do that with the politicians and/or the skinheads.

you're trying to tell me these things aren't already happening? the more i think about it the more i'm intrigued by the sound of it. killing each other off would sure leave the strongest behind... you couldn't begin again with better foundations. kind of like the theories of evolution or biblical references... once there was nothing eh...
I don't like guns.

My dad was robbed at gun point three times in his career (he worked for the railway, not a convenience store by the way).

I am lucky to exist.

I don't like guns.

To all the gun owners out there, I don't care what your argument is, I still don't like guns.

I would rather fondle the gun god gave me between my legs, when it goes off no one gets hurt:) .

Guns ensure what, you can bring home dinner? I would rather just walk across the parking lot and buy the damn steak.
Ensure if the government goes insane, you can take up arms? I would rather attack them with my rapier wit actually:)

I don't like guns.

It is harder to kill a man when you don't have a gun, than it is when you do. Sure guns don't kill people, people kill people. But have you ever tried to kill someone with your bare hands?
It's not easy. And if you want, you can always run. Try outrunning a bullet though.

I don't like guns.

If someone breaks into my home though, I hope they can survive a beating with this piece of good Canadian Rock Maple I have eh. That or my fine Canadian Army bayonette.
Wildsweetone said
you're trying to tell me these things aren't already happening? the more i think about it the more i'm intrigued by the sound of it. killing each other off would sure leave the strongest behind... you couldn't begin again with better foundations.
kind of like the theories of evolution or biblical references... once there was nothing eh...

I understand your thoughts, but it wouldn't kill just the bad people. Some people may not have evolved yet, and would some day, after your bomb.

And, yes, I know these things are already happening. It is terrible.
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