Why is the laundry more important?

DVS said:

... Some people may not have evolved yet, and would some day, after your bomb...

I was a bit confused by the parallel construction, and the [possible] dual subjects. :confused:

I read as: "[Human beings] may not have evolved yet, and [cockroaches] would, after your bomb." :eek:

Always assuming Nuclear Winter is a myth. :(
I don't like guns.

neither do i

whilst picking strawberries one beautiful hot summer's morning, a gun shot rang out over the paddocks. a split second later a dog yelped. the sound echoed against the hills and eerily wove back over the fields to where we worked.

"That was close," said a worker.

"Yeah," i agreed.

that night, our golden labrador did not arrive for dinner. my father took the tractor over the paddocks.

he brought the dog back, laid over the bull bars, bleeding.

a bullet had entered his body, pellets spread throughout. his heart was, so the vet discovered, in the wrong place. half an inch to the left... five pellets were where his heart should have been.

a young child was sent to her bedroom to eat her dinner because she was playing with her greens at the dinner table. hearing a noise outside, she put her plate down on the dressing table, stood on her bed and gazed out her highlight window.

she watched as he raised the gun. the cat never moved. he killed it with one bullet. it lay on the ground. he picked it up on the end of his shovel, tossed it into the hole then shovelled dirt over it.

thanks dad for that memory.
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wildsweetone said:

neither do i

whilst picking strawberries one beautiful hot summer's morning, a gun shot rang out over the paddocks. a split second later a dog yelped. the sound echoed against the hills and eerily wove back over the fields to where we worked.

"That was close," said a worker.

"Yeah," i agreed.

that night, our golden labrador did not arrive for dinner. my father took the tractor over the paddocks.

he brought the dog back, laid over the bull bars, bleeding.

a bullet had entered his body, pellets spread throughout. his heart was, so the vet discovered, in the wrong place. half an inch to the left... five pellets were where his heart should have been.

a young child sent to her bedroom to eat her dinner because she was playing with her greens at the dinner table. hearing a noise outside, she put her plate down on the dressing table, stood on her bed and gazed out her highlight window.

she watched as he raised the gun. the cat never moved. he killed it with one bullet. it lay on the ground. he picked it up on the end of his shovel, tossed it into the hole then shovelled dirt over it.

thanks dad for that memory.
I hate sad animal stories
...Some people may not have evolved yet, and would someday, after your bomb...

Maybe I should have said...
Some people may not have evolved yet, and would someday, IF your bomb didn't go off. But, because they hadn't yet evolved, they were still weak, and would be killed by this bomb. Some people take a while to "grow up" but when they do, they are a great addition to society.

Some people might be strong enough to survive the bomb, but then not be that strong after, because of the mental stress of being the sold surviving.
Some that wouldn't survive the bomb could maybe be the best leaders, needing just such a situation to stir their mental growth.

OK, I probably just made this worse.
how about the one where a new very close friendship is nipped in the bud because he is sent off with gun and skills to be used in getting rid of another who is also using skills and probably guns for reasons considered wrong?

do humans with guns relate to the heart strings as much as animals?
wildsweetone said:
how about the one where a new very close friendship is nipped in the bud because he is sent off with gun and skills to be used in getting rid of another who is also using skills and probably guns for reasons considered wrong?

do humans with guns relate to the heart strings as much as animals?
yes, but not as much
Originally posted by wildsweetone
... do humans with guns relate to the heart strings as much as animals?

Humans should relate more so, since their example involves, conscious thought, manipulation of motives, and possession of a conscience, which can betray them later.

An animal in that position, would involve manipulation of actions, betrayal, pain, and instinctive reactions. Although the "betrayal"probably exists only in my own mind.

In any case, your example screams of anthropomorphism. :rolleyes:
Quasimodem said:

Humans should relate more so, since their example involves, conscious thought, manipulation of motives, and possession of a conscience, which can betray them later.

An animal in that position, would involve manipulation of actions, betrayal, pain, and instinctive reactions. Although the "betrayal"probably exists only in my own mind.

In any case, your example screams of anthropomorphism. :rolleyes:

i am forever feeling like i've been stuck with a pin from a quasi quip. ;) you're intelligence is so far above me i'm often diving for my limited and old dictionary.

okay... anthropomorphism... human changes?

please explain :)
Sorry, WSO. :(

It is a variety of perception that goes back, at least, as far as Aesop.

Anthropomorphism = the tendency to attribute human characteristics to inanimate objects, animals and others

Disney was a prime example of this, even in the Wildlife Series.
Quasimodem said:
Disney was a prime example of this, even in the Wildlife Series.
I always knew Walt was a little different. Anyone who could congure up Fantasia had to be somewhat unusual and live a wild life. He was from my neck of the woods. So was Mickey, actually. We have since set traps around, though.
DVS said:
I always knew Walt was a little different. Anyone who could congure up Fantasia had to be somewhat unusual and live a wild life. He was from my neck of the woods. So was Mickey, actually. We have since set traps around, though.

huh? your four legged feline friends are no good at catching little Mickeys?

Originally posted by Quasimodem
Sorry, WSO.

It is a variety of perception that goes back, at least, as far as Aesop.

Anthropomorphism = the tendency to attribute human characteristics to inanimate objects, animals and others

Disney was a prime example of this, even in the Wildlife Series.

oh i get it. see i knew that, but i didn't click when i saw the anthropothingee ;)

animals with guns... an interesting thought...

if evolution brought us from monkey to man, and monkeys take a weapon made by man then destroy man, how would monkeys then evolve?

would they still turn into man, or would they stomp down those genes and turn into something else...?
Have you never seen a shaved ape on a motorcycle. :eek:
Usually, they are already packing a gun. :(

To reiterate, if man takes himself out, he will also take most every other mammal out of the equation. :confused:

The best choice for the next wave, would be the cockroach. :eek:
Quasimodem said:
The best choice for the next wave, would be the cockroach. :eek:
Oh, my God! you mean my neighbors will survive WW III? :eek: :confused: :eek:
I can imagine rebuilding a world with their genes.:eek:
wildsweetone said:
huh? your four legged feline friends are no good at catching little Mickeys?
Sweetie, it was a little tongue-n-cheek, on my part. In the early days, Walt befriended a mouse in his small office in Kansas City. He named him Mickey. That was the beginning of Mickey Mouse.

I wonder how or if Walt would have created anything for himself if Kansas City had been better at stopping their rodent population.

Hey, Mickey could have been a cockroach! Nah, that's too South Parkish.

Oh, and in answer to your question...yes, my four legged felines do catch mice. Well, one of them does. He is the youngest and still sees it as a worth while sport. The others are older and look at mice as just another varmint. If they want to catch it, they would have to move out of their comfortable position. And, what for? Sport? I guess I am feeding them way too much.

And, no, I don't have a mouse problem. Cats do scare the shit out of them. It isn't anything like the cartoon "Tom and Jerry".
DVS said:
Oh, my God! you mean my neighbors will survive WW III? :eek: :confused: :eek:
I can imagine rebuilding a world with their genes.:eek:

Geez, maybe we should move this to the "Scary Stories" thread. :confused:
Quasimodem said:
Geez, maybe we should move this to the "Scary Stories" thread. :confused:
Man, I could tell you stories about these "people" that would be so sad, it's funny. Or is that so funny it's sad?:confused:

One story is... instead of fixing their roof (which was damaged by a tree limb because they didn't trim it away from the roof when they should), they got a HUGE BLUE tarp and literally draped it over the house. It stayed like this for over a year...nearly two. It did blow off a couple times because of wind, though.

And, the times the wind blew but it didn't blow the tarp away, it sounded like claps of thunder, or a jet engine or something.

Or am I just picky? Ever tried to refinance your home loan when your neighbors have a blue tarp on their house? The neighbors on the other side were trying to sell their house.

Oh, I have more stories. I tell you, they are COCKROACHES! Well, they could also be labled white trash, but I affectionately call myself white trash, so they CAN'T be in the same level of the food chain as I am. Paaaleeeeeeezzzzz!

I hope I didn't scare anybody too much. After all, Halloween is coming.:devil:
and you still believe in evolution?


It is exactly people like your neighbors that cause me to question the validity of evolutionary theory.... :)

My theroy of life is...
When making good chili, a bug or two won't hurt. That is, as long as you make it hot enough to kill 'em off, and the beans without legs greatly out number the beans WITH legs.

Another way of saying it is...
Too many unknown crunches makes you wonder what you're eatin', so swallow fast.

And another...
A big foot and a little bug? No problem. A big foot and more bugs? Don't they call that a dance?

Yes, there is another...
Confusious say happy man who ride motorcycle end up with bugs in teeth.
In answer to that, just take along some tooth picks and life is good.

Can't resist just one more...
Confusious say neighbor who have house covered with blue tarp need bug bomb sent through open window. :D


I am starting to worry... You really do need to sleep some, hon... the Zappa lyrics don't scare me like your random philosophizing that deteriorates into plans of extermination.

Did you know that those blue tarps really smell bad when they burn? :D

Don't ask...
Re: sleep

bridgetkeeney said:

I am starting to worry... You really do need to sleep some, hon... the Zappa lyrics don't scare me like your random philosophizing that deteriorates into plans of extermination.

Did you know that those blue tarps really smell bad when they burn? :D

Don't ask...
Surely you know that philosophers don't act, they just hope to open up possibilities to the eyes of others.

While parallels seen between my neighbors and the common cockroach may be strange, they are only for humorus conjecture.

No, I don't think humans have evolved FROM the cockroach, but I think some humans can stagnate into a lifestyle that can mymic the common bug.
Like the common roach, we have this flavor of person scattered all over, too. And, like the bug, they tend to have babies without thought or care of how they will fare. So, in many ways, they end up living off of others. Is this not also like a bug?

Maybe this is sideways jog from how we act like animals? But, it seems not everybody is on the same path. Some going one way, and some going the other. But, I do believe most are going the same way, evolving our minds and bodies upward.

But, for some, it is just enough work to go from frig to couch to bathroom to couch to frig, etc.

No, I'm not quite awake, even now. This is a yawn, I think ---->:eek:
Re: sleep

bridgetkeeney said:
Did you know that those blue tarps really smell bad when they burn? :D

Don't ask...
OK, you KNOW I had to ask. Any blue tarps burning in your past?

But, for some, it is just enough work to go from frig to couch to bathroom to couch to frig, etc.
DVS- ROFLMAO... I am not being picky, I just have to share with you how I first read the above sentence... It was quite amusing and appropriate... :D

I read it as "go from fucking to couch to bathroom to couch to fucking, etc" I did not catch that it was the abbreviation for refrigerator.. the mental picture was a little confusing to me since the sequence with which I'm familiar is couch to frig to bathroom...
I then re-read the post and it made more sense...;)

Although, animals seem to be pretty random in their copulation, so it may be appropriate to read it both ways for the purpose of this discussion.
burning blue tarps

OK, you KNOW I had to ask. Any blue tarps burning in your past?
DVS- I told you not to ask!

Let's just say that they make quite a flame and stink when caught in the axle of a boat trailer and going down the highway...:eek:

*laughing some more*

The quandry when something you are towing is on fire is deciding if when you stop moving the fire will burn stronger... :)

For the record, I was not driving and I was not responsible for tying the tarp down... I was however in deep doo doo when I couldn't stop laughing as someone dear to me battled the fumes and flames... it was so Lucy.. I had some 'splainin' to do. :D

But it has been proven that they do burn and burn well... hmmm.. I wonder if your neighbors are violating the fire code?
Re: frig

bridgetkeeney said:
DVS- ROFLMAO... I am not being picky, I just have to share with you how I first read the above sentence... It was quite amusing and appropriate... :D

I read it as "go from fucking to couch to bathroom to couch to fucking, etc" I did not catch that it was the abbreviation for refrigerator.. the mental picture was a little confusing to me since the sequence with which I'm familiar is couch to frig to bathroom...
I then re-read the post and it made more sense...;)

Although, animals seem to be pretty random in their copulation, so it may be appropriate to read it both ways for the purpose of this discussion.

OOPS! Yes, frigging can easily be mistaken for frig, the short for refrigerator. An easy thing to do. And, I also understand how it could be seen the first way you saw it, too.

I guess they were frigging, resting on the couch, frigging again, going to the bathroom (we all have to do that from time to time) and then back to frigging again. Actually, when you hear it, it sounds like a fun thing to do.