Why is the laundry more important?

I forgot the thread we were talking about spellcheck in, but I found another online spellchecker. This is as good a thread to post as any, I would think.

This one works better for Netscape users. And, it is neater how it works. It also seems to react faster.

Just in case you can't spell, copy your post, go to the below link, paste your post in the window, spell check it, then copy again, and come back to your post and paste the checked spelling into your post window. Of course, you can also do individual words.

Trust me, it works great. And, you all thought I could spell? HA!

You know? Life is really strange. It is very difficult to understand. I can't always get it right. I just don't know what to do, in some situations.

Oh, I know I am surely not the only one. I know I can't be the only confused person in this world. I can't be the only lost sole.

Life is not easy for some of us. Well, I have often thought I know about life, and don't have a problem with new experiences. I have done my share of good and bad, and some things I don't want to even go into.

But, I wouldn't want to give any of it up for the world. What ever we go through makes us stronger, and more able to cope with what else life has to send our way.

If you have a good sense of humor, you can get by much better than if you don't. And, you have to have a positive outlook on life. If you don't, you will soon get into a rut and not find a way out.

You also have to experience life. And, don't just experience it while you are young. That is what I see in people all of the time. They think adulthood is for remembering their youth. If that is how you feel, you will get old and fast.

You need to keep experiencing new things. You need to keep finding fun things to enjoy, and stimulate your mind and body. If you don't, you will get old. I think that has a lot to do with why we get old. Some of us find the couch at 40, and never leave it. That is NOT how to do it, people!

But, it is so difficult to comprehend some things, when they happen. And, I am not easily overwhelmed by things like this. I am usually a very down to earth person, because I have seen it all and done it all. I have lived life, so there is very little that will still impress me.

But, this is so weird. It is hard to explain. It is so difficult to figure out. Maybe there is someone out there that can help me with this.

OK, I will try to explain...
Go to your refrigerator, and stand in front of it. Next, open the door. I bet when you open the door, the light is on, right?

OK, that is only the start. Now shut the door. OK, here is the question...and one I have been wondering about for a while, now. Does the light go out?
Sorry, DVS.

When I open my refrigerator door, the light doesn't go on. :confused:

I keep forgetting to pick up a 5 watt bulb.

I could put in a 100 watt bulb, but that would make opening the door scarey! :eek:
Laughing my arse off!

Damnit now I'm gonna have to get in the fridge to find out that answer!
Quasimodem said:
Sorry, DVS.

When I open my refrigerator door, the light doesn't go on. :confused:

I keep forgetting to pick up a 5 watt bulb.

I could put in a 100 watt bulb, but that would make opening the door scarey! :eek:
Not only would it be scarey when opening the door, if we find in our investigation that the light stays on, it would heat up and could possibly cook some of your food! That wouldn't be a good thing.

I don't know about you, but I don't like warm beer!
it's a virus

It's a virus... it's spreading...

My garage door does it and so does my car door...

It is so they can see to spy upon us. Modern technology is getting - as Alice observed - "Curiouser and Curiouser." :eek:

Soon we will have no privacy at all. Everywhere we turn, semi-conscious technological assistants will be adjusting the environment to aid in their attempts to learn how to mimic our patterns.

'Forgetting" that 5 watt bulb is just my way of subconsciously fighting back. :rolleyes:
Re: it's a virus

bridgetkeeney said:
It's a virus... it's spreading...

My garage door does it and so does my car door...

Those only partially do what the refrigerator does. You can tell the light goes out.

I would assume the virus has only begun to infect them. I would stay away from them, in case it is catchy. You don't mind walking everywhere, do you?

And, what better place to quarantine your car but the other infected place...your garage! I love how a plan comes together.
Quasimodem said:
By the way, I just remembered, that when I start the vacuum cleaner, a light goes on so it can 'see' what it is about to suck.

Why is that :confused:

On your vacuum with a light? Maybe it does 'see' what it is sucking up. These lights we have been talking about, in our appliances and such...it could really be the existence of an intelligence.

Like you said, why does it need to 'see' the dirt? They would want us to believe it is for our benefit to see the dirt it is sucking up, but is it really why?

Maybe our thoughts are also being sucked up, whenever these lights are on. Think about it a minute.

Each of our observances have been with a perfect place for some 'other' existance to suck our intelligance from us. God knows what they might do with it. We aren't using it.
But, I digress...

What I mean is, what better places to have some sucking device to take our mental thoughts, than in a place like a car, a vacuum cleaner and a refrigerator? Is it any wonder we think about something else, when we are using these devices?

I mean, do you 'think' about driving, when you drive? Do you 'think' about sucking up the dirt when vacuuming? And, now many times have you stood there with the refrigerater door open, trying to find something? Isn't it all making sense, now? It is all part of the process. Are our thoughts being stolen from us? Is our bathroom the next place for this to start? Or, has it already started?

And, the garage? That could be some sort of docking station for downloading the information. The car and the garage are communicating?
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i swear i'm gonna die laughing...

what about the lights on the tv, the video, the SKY decoder, the microwave? how about the toaster? there it sits in the corner of the kitchen bench and it GLOWS red while it's cooking a piece of bread...

you may be right guys, they're here for a reason. hell i just noticed the speaker light, the monitor light, the scanner light... this external modem i have on my desk has a string of NINE red lights.... far out! God I'm surrounded!

...and as for the oxygen pump in the goldfish tank...

(bridget i am on the very last sentence of Blood, Sweat and Fear... it's true, ask DVS lol - hmm but i've been there for the last two hours ;) )

i just had this memory recall flash... the light on the vacuum cleaners reminded me...

i used to live next door to a guy who mowed his lawns in the dark with a torch. now why the heck did he do that at night?
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Re: i swear i'm gonna die laughing...

wildsweetone said:
what about the lights on the TV, the video, the SKY decoder, the microwave? how about the toaster? there it sits in the corner of the kitchen bench and it GLOWS red while it's cooking a piece of bread...

you may be right guys, they're here for a reason. hell i just noticed the speaker light, the monitor light, the scanner light... this external modem i have on my desk has a string of NINE red lights.... far out! God I'm surrounded!

...and as for the oxygen pump in the goldfish tank...

...i used to live next door to a guy who mowed his lawns in the dark with a torch. now why the heck did he do that at night?
From my research, the lights have to be on an appliance or device which when turned on, the human will not think about it. The jury is still out on that toaster. It could be involved.

Now, I could be wrong. After all, this is just my observations. The scanner, modem, speaker and monitor are confusing, but they could be involved.
But, I would guess the TV or sky decoder (satellite dish?) and other communication units could be related. They could be using our airwaves to modulate their instructions. It is possible.

Radio waves have been doing this type of thing for years. And, in department stores the subliminal messages telling us to not steal and buy more? They may be taking our technology and using it against us.

And, knowing this, you say "far out"? Your person could be infected! Sorry to have to tell you that, sweetie. Does it hurt much?

Oh, the guy mowing the yard at night? Maybe he knew something we are just now finding out. If we do things in the dark, they might not be able to suck our thoughts. That is why they use devices that have lights on them for our convenience.

So, if you can do without the lights, remove them. Take out your refrigerator light! The dome light of your car! Any light you can do without. The bathroom light might be difficult to remove. After all, we need to see what we are doing in there, don't we. I know I do.

Oh, God! I am bad about this, but we should be sure to have sex in the dark. For God's sake, TURN OUT THE LIGHTS! You don't know who you could really be sleeping with!

Hmm, the gold fish? I would say look him in the eye and see if he looks away. He could be involved. Shit, he could be one of them!
I Swear I'm Gonna Twist-TyeDye Laughing...

Originally posted by wildsweetone
... how about the toaster? there it sits in the corner of the kitchen bench and it GLOWS red while it's cooking a piece of bread...
I used to live next door to a guy who mowed his lawns in the dark with a torch. now why the heck did he do that at night?

I can't eat toast! I feel so sorry for the bread. It hunkers down in this warm, little niche, feeling comfortable and accepted. Meanwhile, the toaster is crisping it edges, and watching until it is brown enough. Then it SCARES the toast into jumping out of the toaster. :eek:

Yeah, I know, Anthropomorphism! :rolleyes:

Night mowing is a well-documented practise. The delusion in question, is that his lawn only grows while the sun is shining. Therefor, the sufferer mows the lawn at night. That is when the growing has abated, and he can get an even cut !
Relax! His mania is relatively harmless, unless his shoes - strewn with night crawler guts - becomes too hideous. Naturally, at that point, you must have him committed. :(

Originally posted by D.V.S.
... Now, I could be wrong. After all, this is just my observations. The scanner, modem, speaker and monitor are confusing ... taking our technology and using it against us.
... Hmm, the gold fish? I would say look him in the eye and see if he looks away. He could be involved. Shit, he could be one of them!

Please, Please! Don't grill the goldfish!:cool:

He is a harmless voyeur. What can you expect? You can only watch the silvery bubbles ascend for so long, you know. He needs a hobby, and from lack of any alternative, watching you is his. ;)

As for the household appliances, I know the story behind that, as well.
I heard Bill Gates publically gloating over how the ‘house of the future' was to be filled, not just with one master computer, but with many, little micro processors.

The poor schlub knows he's a geek! He's just trying to make friends ! :eek:
Bill Gates in collusion with the household appliances... My exeriences with the reliability of Microsoft... uh-oh, this doesn't bode good!:(
Svenskaflicka said:
Bill Gates in collusion with the household appliances... My exeriences with the reliability of Microsoft... uh-oh, this doesn't bode good!:(
I agree with Svenskaflicka in this. I don't care much for Microsoft either. They seem to want to be the largest and in fact the ONLY computer software/operating system connection for the world. Mr. Gates isn't seen to me as just a geek, but a money hungry sleuth, and possibly the 666.

BUT, I wonder...
IF he is connected, and these lights are also connected, is he the big fish (no, not goldfish), or is he just a cog in the larger wheel that is controlled by someone else? We shouldn't jump to any conclusions, at this early point.

In my opinion, from the intricacy of this, involving many different appliances and devices...all of them seemingly with some sort of light or electrical connection...it can't be something someone from this earth could conceive.

At least it isn't something someone could conceive without it being under supreme secrecy and stealthily acts. This isn't something that is easy to do, when you look at how large Microsoft is. Someone would surely leak something, as it is basic human nature to do.

This is why I think it could be some 'higher' entity in charge, but I don't discount this higher entity could be using Microsoft and/or Mr. Gates because of the technology connection. If this is the case, who knows how long it could have been under development.

And, if you know anything about production of products, many parts usually come from diverse and sundry sources. So, I think we should look deeper than Microsoft, more to the makers of the lightbulbs in question.

A company such as White/Westinghouse would be one company to investigate, because of the vast variety of bulbs they can and do manufacture. This would be a connection with not just refrigerator bulbs or garage door openers, but also smaller lights of the digital devices of our newer telecommunications equipment.

Computers and related equipment may only be the useful pons of the one(s) behind this. And, in fact, White/Westinghouse could also be just a method of getting to the public in a massive way.
After all, what products do we as consumers buy and use that doesn't have some sort of light on it?
God, I don't mean to alarm anyone, but I just thought of this...

Doesn't White/Westinghouse manufacture toasters?
Couldn't this be another link of some sort? And, don't they also make referigerators, too?
I found a web site that seems to speak of possible connections in our search. White/Westinghouse does make many of the products we have been considering, here. Not just lightbulbs, refrigerators and toasters, but also vacuum sweepers in their electrolux division.

Again, I don't mean to alarm anyone, but just putting this out for discussion.

I wonder if there is a connection with goldfish? Further investigation is needed.

The idea of someone bigger and smarter behind Bill Gates, using him as a facade, is both logic and terrifying.
Then again, we better speak very quietly about this, so he won't find out that we're on to him. I just got my computer back from the repair shop, I don't think I could stand being without it again.
Svenskaflicka said:
Then again, we better speak very quietly about this, so he won't find out that we're on to him. I just got my computer back from the repair shop, I don't think I could stand being without it again.
LOL, actually, you should watch what you do on that computer! It could now have secret listening sensors that are watching and listening to your every act.

Just a thought...I would be sure to turn it off, during any sexual act. It might be watching!:eek:
what do you expect?

Svenskaflicka said:
My washing machine is giving me funny looks.
Those are longing looks... the washing machine wants you to get it on on top of it while it is in "spin cycle"... It's the only thrill it can get....