The Loving Wives Trolls!

Thank you for that little peek into your mind, sir. I can see how that experience would affect a person. You have my sympathies. But do you think perhaps, that you are tilting at windmills? Doesn't reading these stories that repulse you, just keep that wound open?
No, I’m long past that betrayal and happily married for a long time. I didn’t get spectacular revenge on my cheating fiance, just her new man, college linebacker, picking a fight with me. I was at the height of my PTSD, which resulted in my being extremely easy to anger and very violent. It didn’t go well for the college boy, and in my small hometown veterans were held in high esteem, so college boy, who hit me first, was arrested. He lost his football scholarship due to his arrest, and an injured knee. That’s all the revenge I was able to get. Ex did get pregnant, and had to drop out of medical school, but I had nothing to do with that. I love the elaborate revenge schemes authors come up with, but I also enjoy deserved reconciliations. 26thNC expresses my feelings a little more intensely than my real persona is able to do. LW is a place for me to decompress, and let off steam. It’s just a game for me and not personal. I love living in the heads of so many other readers, and of course authors. I do admit to actually hating the idea of cuckolds, wife sharing, hot wives, and all cheating. I live vicariously in these LW stories, I think I’ve read most all of them now. If I’ve offended anyone, I’m sorry. But then you probably offended me first.
I think you're overlooking something essential. If there's one thing the two opposing camps---the "Kucks" and the "Avengers"---share, it's a fascination with humiliation. For the BTBs, revenge is merely an excuse, a way to mask their true intent: wallowing in the protagonist's pain and humiliation, following him through his Via Dolorosa to the much-anticipated resurrection. The more intense the suffering, the more grandiose and absurd the revenge must be.

I wasn't making any assumptions or trying to interpret their behavior. I was simply repeating something I consistently found in the comment sections.

There's a reason they eagerly consume all that "cuck shit" they claim to despise. They’ll never admit it, but they perversely enjoy it, only to 1-bomb and slander it afterward out of shame.

Yeah, that claim has been made many times here. But I have yet to see a single person actually pointing at something that would support the claim. Sure, it sounds like it would make a lot of sense, and I think it could be very likely, even. But, from my perspective, it's just as likely that the majority of bad ratings are not from eager trolls using multiple accounts to drive cuckold-stories off the site, but from people who have to read stories to learn what is in them, and, when they see they don't like it, rate it accordingly.

I never posted anything to LW. If I had, I maybe could compare the amount of votes a cuckold story gets versus how many votes a BTB story gets. If it's about the same, then I would agree with you. If BTB stories receive more votes, I'd argue that there are much fewer fans of cuckolding stories on here than fans of BTB stories, and the bad ratings stem from the initial "sorting" process on the day it got posted. The latter is how I explained it to myself until now, for two reasons:
BTB stories have a shitload more comments than cuckolding stories, indicating that they're accessed a lot more. And the cuckold stories tend to rise in their rating over time (because as soon as the story leaves the list of stories posted over the past seven days, the only people finding it are people looking for the theme).
If I had, I maybe could compare the amount of votes a cuckold story gets versus how many votes a BTB story gets.

I can, including one cuckold story and several cheating stories. I went into the disparate number of views and variance in ratings between the various types in my essay last year. TL;DR: anything that's not marital drama does a LOT less traffic than the marital drama stuff. In addition, anything that's labeled as a cuckold story has views that are basically in the toilet.

Looking at Kayfabe (my sole, relatively mild cuckolding story, published 1/23/23), it has ~26K views and a rating of 3.91 on the back of ~700 votes. Shouldering the Burden (reconciliation marital drama/lifelong love story, published 2/1/23) has 82K views and 4.41 stars with 3.5K votes. No Place to Go (confession letter from a dead wife leads to a straight-up agonyfest, published 1/8/23) has 130K views and 4.58 stars/5.8K ratings.

If the theory is that there's a whole cavalcade of folks shame-reading cuckolding stories, then downvoting them... let's say that I can't see them in the numbers. The small dive I made into it looking at what I could glean from other folks' story stats didn't seem to bear it out, either. There's a huge hunger for the marital drama stuff, a small (for the category, still pretty large compared to some of the sleeper categories) hunger for cuckolding stories, and probably a relatively minor overlap between the two readerships. However, because there are SO many more folks that want the marital drama stuff, even a fraction of folks hatereading the cuck stuff drags the numbers way down.

Are there some folks that read the cuckold stuff to feel the same visceral humiliation/anger they get from the BTB stuff (or vice versa)? Yeah, probably. Is it anything like a big percentage? Signs point to "no."
Authors who present the husband as a dumbass who who watches his wife screw and because he gets hard (Like watching regular porn) he thinks he likes the idea. So he excepts her verbal and emotional abuse over and over. There is never a clear explanation for the WHY. The author feels that because the MC does that is good enough. Sorry but readers need more. Most need a reason to accept the action. They tend to put themselves in the character's position. If the author is unable to convey a tangible reason for the dumbass husband's tolerance of an intolerable scenario, they down grade it.

These same authors would get upset if they walked out of a grocery store and found a couple teenagers leaning against their car. But somebody screwing their wife it is "okay, I'm not using that pussy right now, let her get her jollies and maybe if she comes home early enough, I can taste that cum seeping out of her. And if she tells me she is going away for a weekend fuck around, I might even get in a round of golf after I take care of the chores she assigned me." Gee, you did not like I wrote the guy agrees to the abuse for no decent reason? And gave me a low score? You are a troll!
The thing is, giving the cuck motivations behind their acceptance and submission isn't even really that hard to do. They can accept the fact that their wife needs more than they can provide penis wise. They can perversely enjoy their own inferiority complex. They can be a porn addict who's desensitized and needs more freaky shit to become aroused. They can be a masochist who loves being dominated. They can use it to emasculate themselves and feel more feminine to satisfy a need for that that's deeper than sexuality. They can be bisexual and enjoy the show from that perspective. They can even do it out of a perverse need for angst and emotional anguish, to punish themselves for "not being good enough." They can even do it to punish the wife for other reasons with sex from a much larger man that probably hurts.

There are literally dozens of angles one can write cuckoldry from and it doesn't even have to fit a specific narrative about "biological urges" or "evolution" at all. Not to say you mentioned that, but you get my point. "My dick's hard" isn't sufficient motivation as you said.
But, from my perspective, it's just as likely that the majority of bad ratings are not from eager trolls using multiple accounts to drive cuckold-stories off the site, but from people who have to read stories to learn what is in them, and, when they see they don't like it, rate it accordingly.
Most readers there aren’t trolls. When encountering unwanted content, they simply move on, as any sane reader would. The title, description, and tags usually provide a fair idea of the content, and if someone still starts reading, they should figure out its direction after half a page and respectfully back off.

Those who read to the end, only to leave vitriolic comments and even threats, are the creeps this thread is about.

BTB stories have a shitload more comments than cuckolding stories, indicating that they're accessed a lot more. And the cuckold stories tend to rise in their rating over time (because as soon as the story leaves the list of stories posted over the past seven days, the only people finding it are people looking for the theme).
Indeed, the cuckold genre receives relatively less exposure. After decades of systematic bullying, this community has become a persecuted minority, scattered across various categories and other websites. Talented writers who receive a cold reception rarely return. Once in a blue moon, a prominent figure from the genre publishes something, and then readers appear in the hundreds of thousands.

Most readers aren’t interested in family dramas that require realism and well-rounded characters. The popular content there is a simplistic, repetitive, overly long angst fest set in a nightmarish, bipolar world where everything conspires against the protagonist. The first two-thirds are a prolonged journey of humiliation, pain, and injustice, with the ending typically featuring a miraculous deus ex machina resolution.

I won’t delve into the insecurity complexes and other neuroses of those who write this stuff and their followers, but I stand by my previous assessment: all the LW sects are fascinated by humiliation.
... but I stand by my previous assessment: all the LW sects are fascinated by humiliation.
That's a rather broad judgmental stroke of the pen to say "all". What do you base that on?

I've spent the past two years posting various stories, characters, and scenarios to try better quantifying their reactions. And I've found a significant portion of the LW audience just appreciates hot sex scenes without humiliation.

In my three "Unique Rewards of Yoga" stories, it starts with the first in which the husband might be feeling such humiliation, until he realizes his wife was doing everything to fulfill his wish. That first story from the husband's POC was the lowest rated of the three at 3.33. Then the other two from the wife's POV (3.75) and the instructor's (3.51) suggest the majority of the audience just prefers hot sex scenes.

The ratings don't necessarily reflect the entire audience but are more of a statistical sampling. That first story received over 29K views, but only 306 (1 in 95) chose to click on stars. That says more liked it than hated it. And the second story from her POV had 24K views with 284 raters (1 in 87) with even more liking it due to the higher rating. That second story didn't allude to any humiliation, ended with him being very satisfied in bed with the sexy, younger yoga instructor.

IMO, the LW audience is more representative of the general population because, when looking at all of the category descriptions, Erotic Couplings is the only other one which might promise a general sex experience. LW says "someone in the marriage is going to have sex." All other category descriptions have suggestions appealing to a more niche audience ("orgies", "May/December", "first time memories", "watching", etc).

LW just has a more vocal subset of readers (such as 26thNC) who have had a past bad experience which triggers an emotional response. And nothing tells us they are there looking FOR humiliation. Even the best rated BTB stories would suggest they are there looking for revenge.
Indeed, the cuckold genre receives relatively less exposure. After decades of systematic bullying, this community has become a persecuted minority, scattered across various categories and other websites. Talented writers who receive a cold reception rarely return. Once in a blue moon, a prominent figure from the genre publishes something, and then readers appear in the hundreds of thousands.

That's entirely unsupported by the data.

I did a quick check, searching for stories with a red H tagged "cuck OR cuckold" in Fetish, Interracial, and Loving Wives for the past year. In Fetish, of the ~150 stories fitting that criteria, the only one had more than 100K views came from silkstockingslover, the most popular writer on the site. Ignoring that anomaly, only two other stories reached even 40K, with the vast majority in the teens or lower.

In Interracial, of the 24 results that came back, none reach 100K, although several chapters of a story by FifthEstate did hit between 50K and almost 90K. Outside of that, the results are largely the same as in Fetish, albeit with higher average numbers, but still mostly in the teens to 30s at the high end.

In Loving Wives' 17 entries, we do see higher numbers overall. However, only one managed to hit 100K views, although there's another in the 90K range. There are also a number of cuckquean-related stories in there, too, as an interesting side note. Poor tagging, in my opinion, but there you go.

Since LW does tend to score lower than other categories, I extended the search a bit there. Removing the H rating requirement ups the number to almost 700 stories with the "cuck" or "cuckold" tags. That added one additional story to the 100K+ list, the first in a series.

Out of curiosity, I then ran a "NOT (cuck OR cuckold)" tag search in Loving Wives category with the H tag requirement turned on. That returned 82 stories. Of those, seven had a 100K view count, and all but two were of the "marital drama," one a mild/classic hotwife (everyone's on board, husband is encouraging) and the other a mild cuckquean (wife passive-aggressively encouraged the affair) sort. A few more were in the 90K+ range, all marital dramas or dramedies.

So, no, there is basically no evidence that there's a group of folks just waiting for the next master of cuckolding stories to appear. There IS evidence of a core group of highly engaged fans of those stories, however.

Most readers aren’t interested in family dramas that require realism and well-rounded characters. The popular content there is a simplistic, repetitive, overly long angst fest set in a nightmarish, bipolar world where everything conspires against the protagonist. The first two-thirds are a prolonged journey of humiliation, pain, and injustice, with the ending typically featuring a miraculous deus ex machina resolution.

I won’t delve into the insecurity complexes and other neuroses of those who write this stuff and their followers, but I stand by my previous assessment: all the LW sects are fascinated by humiliation.

I think that's somewhat inaccurate. What most of them want is catharsis, the relief of strong emotions by (in this case) story. The guys looking for the cuckolding stories want humiliation that provides sexual relief. The guys reading BTBs want anger (and, admittedly, sometimes humiliation, but that's rarely the focus of the stories) relieved by revenge. The guys reading reconciliation want heartbreak relieved by forgiveness and rebuilding. And so on and so on.
That's entirely unsupported by the data.

I did a quick check, searching for stories with a red H tagged "cuck OR cuckold" in Fetish, Interracial, and Loving Wives for the past year. In Fetish, of the ~150 stories fitting that criteria, the only one had more than 100K views came from silkstockingslover, the most popular writer on the site. Ignoring that anomaly, only two other stories reached even 40K, with the vast majority in the teens or lower.

In Interracial, of the 24 results that came back, none reach 100K, although several chapters of a story by FifthEstate did hit between 50K and almost 90K. Outside of that, the results are largely the same as in Fetish, albeit with higher average numbers, but still mostly in the teens to 30s at the high end.

In Loving Wives' 17 entries, we do see higher numbers overall. However, only one managed to hit 100K views, although there's another in the 90K range. There are also a number of cuckquean-related stories in there, too, as an interesting side note. Poor tagging, in my opinion, but there you go.

Since LW does tend to score lower than other categories, I extended the search a bit there. Removing the H rating requirement ups the number to almost 700 stories with the "cuck" or "cuckold" tags. That added one additional story to the 100K+ list, the first in a series.

Out of curiosity, I then ran a "NOT (cuck OR cuckold)" tag search in Loving Wives category with the H tag requirement turned on. That returned 82 stories. Of those, seven had a 100K view count, and all but two were of the "marital drama," one a mild/classic hotwife (everyone's on board, husband is encouraging) and the other a mild cuckquean (wife passive-aggressively encouraged the affair) sort. A few more were in the 90K+ range, all marital dramas or dramedies.

So, no, there is basically no evidence that there's a group of folks just waiting for the next master of cuckolding stories to appear. There IS evidence of a core group of highly engaged fans of those stories, however.

I think that's somewhat inaccurate. What most of them want is catharsis, the relief of strong emotions by (in this case) story. The guys looking for the cuckolding stories want humiliation that provides sexual relief. The guys reading BTBs want anger (and, admittedly, sometimes humiliation, but that's rarely the focus of the stories) relieved by revenge. The guys reading reconciliation want heartbreak relieved by forgiveness and rebuilding. And so on and so on.
I have one story in LW with the tags: "cuckold", "revenge", "cheating" and "cheating wife", which has over 108,000 views and rated at 3.36 with 1,405 votes. "What Were You Thinking?" is about the husband finding that his (swinger) wife broke their rules and tried to deceive him to spend a weekend alone with another guy. (Note that for swingers, it's not always a free-for-all with sex whenever. Some have rules requiring that they stick together, and never alone with others.)

It's the 93 comments which go back & forth which highlights the two factions: sharing haters and sharing lovers.

But in all of my readings in Loving Wives, I don't see much evidence of those LOOKING FOR "humiliation". The majority of the attitudes are "That's so cool that a wife would do that" (pro-sharing/swinging), and "There's no forgiving any wife who lets another man use her pussy!!" (monogamous-only).

I think it's in the mind of the judgmental ones, thinking "I'd feel so humiliated in that situation, so others wanting to read this must want to be humiliated, too." They project their own feelings, assuming everyone else must feel that same way.
You've only offended me once when you said I hadn't tagged something I had. When I pointed that out to you, you admitted you missed it, so we're good. As you know, having read some of my tales, I'm an acquired taste, not for everyone or even most readers. :)
No, I’m long past that betrayal and happily married for a long time. I didn’t get spectacular revenge on my cheating fiance, just her new man, college linebacker, picking a fight with me. I was at the height of my PTSD, which resulted in my being extremely easy to anger and very violent. It didn’t go well for the college boy, and in my small hometown veterans were held in high esteem, so college boy, who hit me first, was arrested. He lost his football scholarship due to his arrest, and an injured knee. That’s all the revenge I was able to get. Ex did get pregnant, and had to drop out of medical school, but I had nothing to do with that. I love the elaborate revenge schemes authors come up with, but I also enjoy deserved reconciliations. 26thNC expresses my feelings a little more intensely than my real persona is able to do. LW is a place for me to decompress, and let off steam. It’s just a game for me and not personal. I love living in the heads of so many other readers, and of course authors. I do admit to actually hating the idea of cuckolds, wife sharing, hot wives, and all cheating. I live vicariously in these LW stories, I think I’ve read most all of them now. If I’ve offended anyone, I’m sorry. But then you probably offended me first.
That's entirely unsupported by the data.

I did a quick check, searching for stories with a red H tagged "cuck OR cuckold" in Fetish, Interracial, and Loving Wives for the past year. In Fetish, of the ~150 stories fitting that criteria, the only one had more than 100K views came from silkstockingslover, the most popular writer on the site. Ignoring that anomaly, only two other stories reached even 40K, with the vast majority in the teens or lower.

In Interracial, of the 24 results that came back, none reach 100K, although several chapters of a story by FifthEstate did hit between 50K and almost 90K. Outside of that, the results are largely the same as in Fetish, albeit with higher average numbers, but still mostly in the teens to 30s at the high end.

In Loving Wives' 17 entries, we do see higher numbers overall. However, only one managed to hit 100K views, although there's another in the 90K range. There are also a number of cuckquean-related stories in there, too, as an interesting side note. Poor tagging, in my opinion, but there you go.

Since LW does tend to score lower than other categories, I extended the search a bit there. Removing the H rating requirement ups the number to almost 700 stories with the "cuck" or "cuckold" tags. That added one additional story to the 100K+ list, the first in a series.

Out of curiosity, I then ran a "NOT (cuck OR cuckold)" tag search in Loving Wives category with the H tag requirement turned on. That returned 82 stories. Of those, seven had a 100K view count, and all but two were of the "marital drama," one a mild/classic hotwife (everyone's on board, husband is encouraging) and the other a mild cuckquean (wife passive-aggressively encouraged the affair) sort. A few more were in the 90K+ range, all marital dramas or dramedies.

So, no, there is basically no evidence that there's a group of folks just waiting for the next master of cuckolding stories to appear. There IS evidence of a core group of highly engaged fans of those stories, however.

I think that's somewhat inaccurate. What most of them want is catharsis, the relief of strong emotions by (in this case) story. The guys looking for the cuckolding stories want humiliation that provides sexual relief. The guys reading BTBs want anger (and, admittedly, sometimes humiliation, but that's rarely the focus of the stories) relieved by revenge. The guys reading reconciliation want heartbreak relieved by forgiveness and rebuilding. And so on and so on.

8 submissions, 5K followers. If they have their own haven, they will come...

8 submissions, 5K followers. If they have their own haven, they will come...
Ahhh,... I see the discrepancy.

Those stories in LW are all over twelve years old.

The Loving Wives audience changed drastically over just the last five years, and what was true no longer holds true.

Stories of wives having extra-marital sex fifteen years ago might have earned a 4.5 rating. But today, that same story posted as new would quickly be 1-bombed and struggle to earn a 3.5.

The stories posted within the last two or three years to LW which earn a 4.5 are the Burn-the-Bitch stories. They're not looking for a husband's humiliation. They better appreciate a husband seeking and getting revenge.

EDIT: NoTalentHack, in that posting above is giving you statistics based on a search within the last year.

8 submissions, 5K followers. If they have their own haven, they will come...
That user has been around for 15 years. Followers tend to scale with longevity, to an extent. Also, a quick browse through their stories makes me think they're hotwife ones, not "pure" cuck ones. There's little of the humiliation aspect to them, given that it's the in-story husband's fantasy to watch his wife int he first place. You're comparing apples and oranges.
Ahhh,... I see the discrepancy.

Those stories in LW are all over twelve years old.

The Loving Wives audience changed drastically over just the last five years, and what was true no longer holds true.

Stories of wives having extra-marital sex fifteen years ago might have earned a 4.5 rating. But today, that same story posted as new would quickly be 1-bombed and struggle to earn a 3.5.

The stories posted within the last two or three years to LW which earn a 4.5 are the Burn-the-Bitch stories. They're not looking for a husband's humiliation. They better appreciate a husband seeking and getting revenge.

EDIT: NoTalentHack, in that posting above is giving you statistics based on a search within the last year.

I don't care about current statistics. I know they're out there. Learn to read:
After decades of systematic bullying, this community has become a persecuted minority, scattered across various categories and other websites. Talented writers who receive a cold reception rarely return. Once in a blue moon, a prominent figure from the genre publishes something, and then readers appear in the hundreds of thousands.
I don't care about current statistics. I know they're out there. Learn to read:
But you stated further above: "...but I stand by my previous assessment: all the LW sects are fascinated by humiliation."

Where is there any evidence of a humiliation fetish in any of this?


I’ve heard others say how “humiliating” some sex scenes MUST be. It’s a “normal little dick” syndrome.

Take a scene with two guys and one hot-looking wife fucking one of them. The husband with the little dick is watching his wife with the big-dick guy, saying “Fucking another guy in front of your husband is so humiliating. Every normal guy would feel this way!”

But switch their roles. Big dick guy is watching his wife riding little dick guy, saying “Don’t be so disappointed, babe. I’ll stretch you out later.”

The little dick guy sees himself as normal, and “knows” everyone must feel humiliated when their wife is being fucked by someone else.
But you stated further above: "...but I stand by my previous assessment: all the LW sects are fascinated by humiliation."

Where is there any evidence of a humiliation fetish in any of this?


I’ve heard others say how “humiliating” some sex scenes MUST be. It’s a “normal little dick” syndrome.

Take a scene with two guys and one hot-looking wife fucking one of them. The husband with the little dick is watching his wife with the big-dick guy, saying “Fucking another guy in front of your husband is so humiliating. Every normal guy would feel this way!”

But switch their roles. Big dick guy is watching his wife riding little dick guy, saying “Don’t be so disappointed, babe. I’ll stretch you out later.”

The little dick guy sees himself as normal, and “knows” everyone must feel humiliated when their wife is being fucked by someone else.
Not everything revolves around "little dicks."

Being deceived by your spouse for years, oblivious to what’s happening right under your nose, is humiliating.

Being told to just deal with it after confronting that spouse is humiliating.

Being betrayed by your best friend, boss, or brother is humiliating.

Becoming an outcast in your own family despite doing nothing wrong is humiliating.

Unknowingly raising someone else’s child is humiliating.

Finding a stranger in your own fucking bed is humiliating.

Losing everything and realizing the entire world is against you is humiliating.

I could go on, but my short stint as a kindergarten teacher is over.
But you claim ALL Loving Wives readers MUST be looking for humiliation, and that would include consensual sharing guys, ... Like big dick guy watching you fuck his wife. Do you really think he'd feel humiliated by you?
I could go on, but my short stint as a kindergarten teacher is over.

Ahhh, yes! I get it. Everyone else is wrong, but we're just too stupid to realize it. And you have too important things to do to prove us wrong.

Well, thanks for acting like a flat-earther who just ran out of arguments, making me feel like I just won a debate I didn't even know I was participating in.
Not everything revolves around "little dicks."

Being deceived by your spouse for years, oblivious to what’s happening right under your nose, is humiliating.

Being told to just deal with it after confronting that spouse is humiliating.

Being betrayed by your best friend, boss, or brother is humiliating.

Becoming an outcast in your own family despite doing nothing wrong is humiliating.

Unknowingly raising someone else’s child is humiliating.

Finding a stranger in your own fucking bed is humiliating.

Losing everything and realizing the entire world is against you is humiliating.

I could go on, but my short stint as a kindergarten teacher is over.
I can understand your frustration with that situation. But the length at which you go on about her, your best friend/boss/co-workers and your family and the entire world against you ...

I detect that you've defined yourself by your wife's vagina and what she chose to put in there.

Sorry, but not all men feel that way. I will not be defined by what my wife decides to do, and I won't feel humiliated by whatever she did or does in the future. If she decides to be a slut or sell her pussy and gets pregnant, that's on her! And if my family decided she deserves more of their sympathy than me, then that's on them and I'd move on.

I think this comes from a mindset that I define myself, and I don't allow others to tell me what I should want or do or need. I'm more a loner and independent. You seem to depend too much on societal opinions of whether you did right or wrong, thus your feelings of "humiliation" come from your beliefs that others think poorly of you. You allowed someone else to "humiliate" you (injure your dignity and self-respect.) So, good for you, you took one for the team and the other player's bad move!

My respect for myself comes from within and isn't dependent upon anyone else's actions. If my wife decided to fuck me over, that's her decsion, and I'd let everyone know it was her decision!

EDIT: "Hey, my wife decided a few years ago to have his kid. But I got to use her pussy in the meantime. Now, I wished her luck and I'm outta here!!"

EDIT: Thus ends the master's degree level course in self-esteem.
Last edited:
Ahhh, yes! I get it. Everyone else is wrong, but we're just too stupid to realize it. And you have too important things to do to prove us wrong.

Well, thanks for acting like a flat-earther who just ran out of arguments, making me feel like I just won a debate I didn't even know I was participating in.
There's no need to be frustrated; I'm no better than you. Intelligence is not a sign of virtue.
Not everything revolves around "little dicks."

Being deceived by your spouse for years, oblivious to what’s happening right under your nose, is humiliating.

Being told to just deal with it after confronting that spouse is humiliating.

Being betrayed by your best friend, boss, or brother is humiliating.

Becoming an outcast in your own family despite doing nothing wrong is humiliating.

Unknowingly raising someone else’s child is humiliating.

Finding a stranger in your own fucking bed is humiliating.

Losing everything and realizing the entire world is against you is humiliating.

I could go on, but my short stint as a kindergarten teacher is over.
Yes, everything above is humiliating and features in the more popular stories. But the popularity does NOT stem from the humiliation. It is what the wronged character does about it. Readers in general want to see the downtrodden guy win to some degree. Maybe not come out completely on top (not realistic) but they want to see justice served in some way. That is essentially what makes those stories.
Now the way that story is told is the key difference in the rating from a 3.7 or so and 4.5.

At the same time if the character is not TOO destroyed he might reconcile but that needs some serious justification to sell the idea. The comment you will see after many of those is "but can he ever trust her again? I think not." When you get a comment like that you know you have at least got the reader invested.
In my quest to better understand the proclivities of the Loving Wives readers and their rewarding the "Burn the Bitch" stories, I decided to "give back" to my dedicated readers in LW with something they might appreciate. With this shitty (ah, now just "crappy" writer, still at the third level of vile according to some) writing in my own style, this BTB story would serve as a one-to-one comparison with my sharing stories in LW.

My sharing stories tend to start on Day-1 in the low 2s and slowly climb to around a 3.0 to 3.4.

My first BTB story posted last month "Break the Bitch, Fuck with Her Mind". "The ex-husband has decades of anger to work through." This story is now at 3.44/1129 with almost 38K views. The general opinion of the readers suggested it wasn't really a BURN, since he left her with the house and didn't try to claw back the alimony. And just sending her BDSM videos of him and his GF wasn't enough.

So, my sequel posted last night; "Break the Bitch, Drive Her Crazy". "Using women, BDSM, and a high-tech house against the bitch!" This is 8.5K words and after just five hours, it's at 3.4/38 with over 1.2K views. Let's see if driving his ex-wife crazy in my deviant way receives a better response from the extral-marital-sex-1-bombers and possibly earns a 4.0 or more.
But the popularity does NOT stem from the humiliation.

From what I've read of the "revenge against the cheating wife" stories, I think you are correct. The key isn't the humiliation; it's the resourcefulness and success of the cheated husband in the face of a tough situation. So many of the stories I've read in this category have very similar themes. The cheated husband is unimpeachably good. The wife is bad, and the lover is even worse, and the system works against the husband as well. Frequently, friends try to convince the cheated husband that he should accept his lot. Judges and lawyers make his lot worse. But the husband somehow outsmarts everybody and gets his revenge, and often meets a better woman who deserves him. I'd liken it to an erotic version of The Count of Monte Cristo or Rocky. The "humiliation" isn't the source of the reading pleasure in its own right; it serves as a backdrop to show how far the hero comes. He's laid low in the beginning, but he gets up off the mat, defeats his foes, and rises above his circumstances in the end.

The humiliation stories are a completely different kettle of fish. In those stories the reader gets erotic pleasure by reading about the man being humiliated. The reader roots FOR the humiliation, not against it.