The Loving Wives Trolls!

I support their right to criticize my story, to criticize my writing style, or to tell me I'm a shit writer, but when they attack me as a human being, they've gone too far no matter how upset a story makes them. And no, @Lifestyle66, I don't understand that when they do not matter their fucking pain. And it isn't my job to forgive them of that offense or tell them I get why they attack me, when I can't.
I'm probably twice your age, so maybe it's an age thing.

I have kids, and my youngest is about your age. And I can remember getting as angry as my own daughter sometimes does at what I considered at the time unjust attacks, which always seemed personal. I've been attacked and offended far too often, and perhaps I'm numb to it.

So, rather than shout at the wind, or demand others change to better please me, ... I learned to change the one thing over which I have positive control: my own attitude. I now take pleasure in writing my stories, and if they trigger some people, ... well, ... let's take pleasure in have done so.


They can't bother me, unless I allow them to bother me. And that would be MY weakness.
I have pretty thick skin, but I delete remarks directed at me, not my talent or work. I delete them and the reposting of those comments with additions, such as "I can do this all day long." Because they don't. Once they reposted once, they don't do it again. I have the right to remove any remarks I want. I don't wish to see those when she reads my stories. I don't want Mum or Pops seeing them. My Mum's fan fiction had a hater, and it wasn't about her stories. It was all directed at her. Whoever he was tried and failed to get her to stop writing. But she could remove his attacks on her, those about her weight, her looks (which, by the way, she's beautiful, so he was just full of shit), so she removed them. Do you think she should have left them because being told you're fat cow only hurts you if you let it?

That's a total mistake. Maybe to you, being called a pig or ugly is no big deal. It is a big deal, it is wrong, and people that it hare small people with shriveled up souls. You're allowing such comments to stand; it makes them think they can assault a person in print and get away with it. I'm pretty sure it was some person who knew her in our town and wanted to hurt her. They did.
I'm probably twice your age, so maybe it's an age thing.

I have kids, and my youngest is about your age. And I can remember getting as angry as my own daughter sometimes does at what I considered at the time unjust attacks, which always seemed personal. I've been attacked and offended far too often, and perhaps I'm numb to it.

So, rather than shout at the wind, or demand others change to better please me, ... I learned to change the one thing over which I have positive control: my own attitude. I now take pleasure in writing my stories, and if they trigger some people, ... well, ... let's take pleasure in have done so.


They can't bother me, unless I allow them to bother me. And that would be MY weakness.
I have pretty thick skin, but I delete remarks directed at me, not my talent or work. I delete them and the reposting of those comments with additions, such as "I can do this all day long." Because they don't. Once they reposted once, they don't do it again. I have the right to remove any remarks I want. I don't wish to see those when she reads my stories. I don't want Mum or Pops seeing them. My Mum's fan fiction had a hater, and it wasn't about her stories. It was all directed at her. Whoever he was tried and failed to get her to stop writing. But she could remove his attacks on her, those about her weight, her looks (which, by the way, she's beautiful, so he was just full of shit), so she removed them. Do you think she should have left them because being told you're fat cow only hurts you if you let it?

That's a total mistake. Maybe to you, being called a pig or ugly is no big deal. It is a big deal, it is wrong, and people that it hare small people with shriveled up souls. You're allowing such comments to stand; it makes them think they can assault a person in print and get away with it. I'm pretty sure it was some person who knew her in our town and wanted to hurt her. They did.
I understand what you're saying.

I just see ANY reaction, even deleting their comments, as giving them a sign that they bothered me. When they read through all comments and see ones insulting me, and those insults are still there, ... it's as if I'm telling them "Give it your best shot, dumbass. I'll just ignore yours too."

But if I delete insulting comments, the one I deleted knows it bothered me, and the next dumbass thinks they're being clever.

If you react at all, they win.