Why is Trump so stupid?

I agree with Haley a candidate for the presidency who mocks a soldier's service to the country should never be its Commander and Chief.
Rick345 - I reject this premise.
F*#k Nikki Haley! Trump early on pissed on military members by insulting a Blue Star family. A family that, in fact, looked a lot more like Haley and her family than the code switching Haley now imagines herself to be. She still willingly hitched herself to the fat trump caboose because she’s a leeching shill who will do whatever it takes for power.
Still, a good post question tho.
Several presidents have had sons who served while they were president: John Eisenhower served in Korea when Ike was president elect, Robert Lincoln (son of president), Civil War, Elliott Roosevelt, son of FDR, flew 300 combat air recon missions during WW2, James Roosevelt, another son of FDR, who in spite of flat feet, joined the Marines and as a Marine raider earned both the Navy Cross and Silver Star during WWII, Franklin D Roosevelt, Jr served with distinction in the USN during WW II, winning among other awards, the Purple Heart, Bronze Star and Silver Star, John Roosevelt, youngest son of FDR, served on board the carrier USS Wasp CV18, winning the Bronze Star and attaining the rank of Lt Commander. When McCain ran for president his son John was in the Navy..
Like Hisarp, I don’t like Haley, but unlike HisArp it is not because of her gender. This is exactly the response I was hoping to see to his silly point. Thanks for the researching on this.
Slant and bias abound in this post.

In this case it worked because it got Haley to say that her hubby is deployed with the NG. An obvious case of conflict of interest in her political decision making process and a failure on the part of hubby to resign his commission because of that conflict of interest. Case in point, as active duty military hubby would be required to salute the Mrs. were she to win the election in November. Further, Haley would be forced to choose between what's best for the nation or what's best for her family should she be required to call up and deploy the NG.

Clearly this is a problem Nikki Haley hasn't considered or rectified. Nor has her husband who, supposedly, knows the rules regarding this.
Sigh. Yet another example by you of why folks believe you to be a shitty and terrible lawyer whether you’re one or not. This, as Rick345 adequately explained, is a false line of reasoning. And then to highlight saluting??? WTF does that mean??? Where’s the conflict in saluting Madam President in public and they both being equal spouses to each other still? Anyway, when I started reading your post, I actually thought you were making this point to attack Biden. Maybe implying that he showed some form of favoritism as a public official when his deceased son was serving. My point is: Stop making other members do your work. Stop being a loser Habba.
He may have lost some cognition in his late 70s, but what's left is enough that the Dems are scared enough to attack and insult him. Attacking his intelligence is a high risk move while their own candidate is much farther gone, but projection may be all they have left.
He may have lost some cognition in his late 70s, but what's left is enough that the Dems are scared enough to attack and insult him. Attacking his intelligence is a high risk move while their own candidate is much farther gone, but projection may be all they have left.
Your posts confound and confuse both at the same time. I! Love! It!
Rick345 - I reject this premise.
F*#k Nikki Haley! Trump early on pissed on military members by insulting a Blue Star family. A family that, in fact, looked a lot more like Haley and her family than the code switching Haley now imagines herself to be. She still willingly hitched herself to the fat trump caboose because she’s a leeching shill who will do whatever it takes for power.
Still, a good post question tho.
You reject the premise that the Commander in Chief should respect the military? That is my point and while I'm not a fan of Haley I agree with her that the CiC should respect the military.
You reject the premise that the Commander in Chief should respect the military? That is my point and while I'm not a fan of Haley I agree with her that the CiC should respect the military.
No. You’re 100% correct on that point. I’m saying that Haley should be given no credit in making this particular point at this particular time. This isn’t new news just coming to her attention.
Who knows maybe her husband has read the stories going around by a couple of her alleged paramours about how Nikki stepped out on him and doesn't want to be asked about it on the campaign trail.:rolleyes:
Why not go with the facts that can be verified. He is a major in the 218th. The 218th were called up and deployed to the Horn of Africa. Argo he is in Africa. Trump has been hinting the Haley's marriage is on the rocks. Nikki caught wind of it and used Trump's attempted attack on her against Trump himself. That's pretty good politics..

Why go into the land of make believe.
For Republicans, it seems that degrees of empathy only extend when something happens to them. In this case, for Haley, she objects because it’s HER husband. As governor of the first state that seceded because of slavery, she believes this country not to be racist BUT can acknowledge the racism she faced as a child to gain political points.
No. You’re 100% correct on that point. I’m saying that Haley should be given no credit in making this particular point at this particular time. This isn’t new news just coming to her attention.
That's true! But I have a weak spot for anyone that uses Trump's own words against him, that is low hanging fruit is be sure but its still tasty.
That's true! But I have a weak spot for anyone that uses Trump's own words against him, that is low hanging fruit is be sure but its still tasty.
Oh! Again! We agree! As much as I am railing against Nikki Haley and I am looking forward to her getting her butt handed to her by Trump in the South Carolina primary, my home state by the way, if I’ve not let that be known - I do enjoy the infighting and want her to stay in the race as long as possible. In fact, l am also of the group belief that all Nikki Haley is going to do is suspend her campaign in the hopes of an indictment coming, that will then put her head to head against DeSantis for the default Republican nomination.
To answer the OPs question: most rich people are pretty stupid.
This observation I think misses the mark, there are quite a few smart rich folks. It's just that the rich have more influence than they deserve so even the incredibly stupid ones are heard far too often. So that slants our perception of the lot of them.

Living a life of privilege makes you soft and incurious. Donald Trump has been pampered and catered to his entire life. It’s left him clueless and hapless.
You are spot on with this observation..
Oh! Again! We agree! As much as I am railing against Nikki Haley and I am looking forward to her getting her butt handed to her by Trump in the South Carolina primary, my home state by the way, if I’ve not let that be known - I do enjoy the infighting and want her to stay in the race as long as possible. In fact, l am also of the group belief that all Nikki Haley is going to do is suspend her campaign in the hopes of an indictment coming, that will then put her head to head against DeSantis for the default Republican nomination.
I am of the anybody but Trump camp.. I also believe Haley is trying to hold out till one of Trump's many legal woes does him in, or some major medical problem takes him out.. In short she praying for a miracle.. What I'm waiting for is for Trump to pick his VP.. If it comes down to Biden and Trump I think they both suck but thankfully I doubt either will live out their term so I'm choosing between Harris and whomever. If that makes sense.
trump spews lies, misinformation and garbage. fox, newmas, breitbart and a few more so-called news channels and sites propagate the garbage and the cult followers swallow it all up. trump's latest comments will only take our country down.
I don't think that Trump is all that stupid, however:

I can say that I have had the distinct misfortune of knowing two Trust Fund Babies. Both men, both moderately educated and reasonably intelligent but nowhere near as intelligent as either thought he was/is, and both quite lazy and quite enamored with the sounds of their own voices. Tiresome, really. Because neither had to engage in any productive activity moreso than calling some account fund manager to ask for their next draw against the Pile o’ Gold, they had lots of time to think. About themselves. And they each had a heightened sense of self importance. As a result of that and the fact that they didn’t have to deal with many people, they were rather psychopathic. My observation on the term is likely not found in any head shrinker diagnostic book, but I view it as an abnormal condition which manifests in an obsessive over-concentration on oneself and generally manifested as a staunch belief in their own press releases. The thoughts, feelings and opinions of other do not matter to anywhere near the degree that they do to better adjusted people.

And these guys remind me of him.
I don't think that Trump is all that stupid, however:

I can say that I have had the distinct misfortune of knowing two Trust Fund Babies. Both men, both moderately educated and reasonably intelligent but nowhere near as intelligent as either thought he was/is, and both quite lazy and quite enamored with the sounds of their own voices. Tiresome, really. Because neither had to engage in any productive activity moreso than calling some account fund manager to ask for their next draw against the Pile o’ Gold, they had lots of time to think. About themselves. And they each had a heightened sense of self importance. As a result of that and the fact that they didn’t have to deal with many people, they were rather psychopathic. My observation on the term is likely not found in any head shrinker diagnostic book, but I view it as an abnormal condition which manifests in an obsessive over-concentration on oneself and generally manifested as a staunch belief in their own press releases. The thoughts, feelings and opinions of other do not matter to anywhere near the degree that they do to better adjusted people.

And these guys remind me of him.
More of this. Less memes, please.
Good post. 👍
Just a comment from outside US. Politics is NOT SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE THAT.

That sounds like immature teenagers talking and bullying, not adult people on any field.

Sounds like your politicians should grow up, they are a shame to your country. (And Trump is an absolute disgrace, putting your whole country in a bad light internationally.)

Exiting the discussion.

A drive by, so usual from the Left.

Politics has, and always will be, a shit and mud fest. Complaining that it's "not nice" changes nothing. Worse, a few decades ago some outfit did a poll asking if anyone would vote for the "polite" candidate. The resounding result was no because nature's rule is that only the strongest survives and if you won't fight for the seat, you won't fight for the people you represent.

So your opinion on the subject isn't the one your neighbors share and telling them they're wrong isn't going to change their minds. Something you should think about.
Yes, it is politics and accusations and slurs are the norm but shouldn’t a candidate check their allegations to ensure the mud will stick? And not come back causing the thrower to look stupid??

I don’t think Maj Michel Haley is under any legally oblation to resign his commission. Politically it would be wise, but I don’t believe its required, particularly while she is running for office. As first husband, he has not direct government power so no direct conflict of interest for him or his wife.

Several presidents have had sons who served while they were president: John Eisenhower served in Korea when Ike was president elect, Robert Lincoln (son of president), Civil War, Elliott Roosevelt, son of FDR, flew 300 combat air recon missions during WW2, James Roosevelt, another son of FDR, who in spite of flat feet, joined the Marines and as a Marine raider earned both the Navy Cross and Silver Star during WWII, Franklin D Roosevelt, Jr served with distinction in the USN during WW II, winning among other awards, the Purple Heart, Bronze Star and Silver Star, John Roosevelt, youngest son of FDR, served on board the carrier USS Wasp CV18, winning the Bronze Star and attaining the rank of Lt Commander. When McCain ran for president his son John was in the Navy..

While I agree it could lead to a conflict of interest for the president to have family in the military it has been done.. Its an interesting point but I haven’t found any precedence one way or the other.

Nope, it's politics.

As for the rest, you're wrong. There are rules which provide guidance between the military and civilian politics. Failure to adhere to those rules can result in punishment. Again, something you don't seem to know shit about. Which is a common failing by the Left - loud and vocal and almost always wrong about everything.

Could it be that it's not actually Trump who's the stupid one here, but you instead?
Total outright bullcrap beginning with the word 'First' and every word following. No further comment is necessary. You just made an ass of yourself, HisArpy. Resign - you should remove your post forthwith before you get slammed for being an asshole again.

You got nothing except lies and hate. Good luck with that.
A drive by, so usual from the Left.

Politics has, and always will be, a shit and mud fest. Complaining that it's "not nice" changes nothing. Worse, a few decades ago some outfit did a poll asking if anyone would vote for the "polite" candidate. The resounding result was no because nature's rule is that only the strongest survives and if you won't fight for the seat, you won't fight for the people you represent.

So your opinion on the subject isn't the one your neighbors share and telling them they're wrong isn't going to change their minds. Something you should think about.
Where did this member say they associated with the left? The opinions of American politics and its upcoming elections through a global lens matters even if this forum is mostly American.
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I take Fran Leibowitz’s word for it: “Everyone says he is crazy – which maybe he is – but the scarier thing about him is that he is stupid. You do not know anyone as stupid as Donald Trump. You just don’t.”

Stupid people don't succeed to the degree of success Trump has managed to achieve. You can disagree with his style and the way he does business but he is not stupid.
Stupid people don't succeed to the degree of success Trump has managed to achieve. You can disagree with his style and the way he does business but he is not stupid.
How the fuck would your dumb ass know any of this, Derpy?
Stupid people don't succeed to the degree of success Trump has managed to achieve. You can disagree with his style and the way he does business but he is not stupid.
If stating Donald Trump is stupid is conjecture, shall we then deal with facts? Is Donald Trump a rapist?
It is a fairly simple question that HisArpy could answer to determine his objectivity on matters.