Why is Trump so stupid?

If stating Donald Trump is stupid is conjecture, shall we then deal with facts? Is Donald Trump a rapist?
It is a fairly simple question that HisArpy could answer to determine his objectivity on matters.

According to the jury in the E Jean Carroll case, the answer is no.
According to the jury in the E Jean Carroll case, the answer is no.
For the court of public opinion, your honor, I would like the record to show that when BSG used quotes from Fran Lebowitz, HisArp held her to personal account. When asked his own view, if Trump is a rapist, he then deferred to the initial jury that awarded judgment to Miss Carroll in her sexual assault civil lawsuit.
For the court of public opinion, your honor, I would like the record to show that when BSG used quotes from Fran Lebowitz, HisArp held her to personal account. When asked his own view, if Trump is a rapist, he then deferred to the initial jury that awarded judgment to Miss Carroll in her sexual assault civil lawsuit.

Wrong. I stated clearly and accurately that the Jury returned a Not Guilty verdict as to the charge of Rape. Thus your statement that Trump is a rapist is a lie.

Wiggling like a worm on a hook doesn't change that. You lied.
Slant and bias abound in this post.

First you begin with "stupid" even though there's no evidence of it except as your opinion. Second, you, like Haley and the rest of the dum fuks, seem to miss the obvious - it's politics. Politics is the place where you cast accusations and slurs in order to try and get the other guys to do/say something which you can possibly build on. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

In this case it worked because it got Haley to say that her hubby is deployed with the NG. An obvious case of conflict of interest in her political decision making process and a failure on the part of hubby to resign his commission because of that conflict of interest. Case in point, as active duty military hubby would be required to salute the Mrs. were she to win the election in November. Further, Haley would be forced to choose between what's best for the nation or what's best for her family should she be required to call up and deploy the NG.

Clearly this is a problem Nikki Haley hasn't considered or rectified. Nor has her husband who, supposedly, knows the rules regarding this.

But of course you didn't see that because you're too invested in the narrative rather than truth and facts.
lol, trump should hire you to interpret his impulsive antics.

trump (noticing Haley’s husband isn’t with her though not knowing why, and despite his wife not accompanying trump: Insulting comment about husband absence implying something.

Harpy: No, it’s not my fault you left wing idgits can’t keep up with the class. Trump is making subtle political comments on the ethical conflict of being president and having a spouse in the military because a woman president would put spousal feels over a military deployment that’s right for the country. It’s beyond you idjits comprehension to see that Trump is playing three dimensional chess while Haley and the left are playing checkers. And if you can’t get behind all things MAGA, because no convictions, then GO FUCK YOURSELF
Wrong. I stated clearly and accurately that the Jury returned a Not Guilty verdict as to the charge of Rape. Thus your statement that Trump is a rapist is a lie.

Wiggling like a worm on a hook doesn't change that. You lied.
I said two things in my statement. One was clear and the other one was implied. The clear.: You apply standards to others that you yourself cannot uphold.
The implied: the judge, after the first civil trial concluded that by definition, Trump is a rapist, despite the jury not coming to a definitive conclusion. The judge in the second trial dealing with continued attacks on Carroll’s reputation and standing began with the conclusion that trump was a rapist and any attempt to rehash that was not gonna be tolerated or be part in determining settlement.

was that me being wormy?
Wrong. I stated clearly and accurately that the Jury returned a Not Guilty verdict as to the charge of Rape. Thus your statement that Trump is a rapist is a lie.

Wiggling like a worm on a hook doesn't change that. You lied.
My statement was implied because I am under the belief Most here knew what I was referring to. But dammit to hell! You had to make me go and spell it out because you Are practicing a form of willful negligence (and I’m being kind here) upon this forum. You are the supposed lawyer. How dare you not continue telling people the rest of the story?

I’ve openly defamed your character twice now. Defend it.
Stupid people don't succeed to the degree of success Trump has managed to achieve. You can disagree with his style and the way he does business but he is not stupid.
Trump was born into wealth. His business career has consisted of losing money on failed schemes and regularly going bankrupt. That suggests he’s pretty stupid.

The only reason he’s not living on the street is that smarter operators figured out he was a useful tool and propped him up. Easily manipulated and greedy, he’s the ideal mark.
A drive by, so usual from the Left.

Politics has, and always will be, a shit and mud fest. Complaining that it's "not nice" changes nothing. Worse, a few decades ago some outfit did a poll asking if anyone would vote for the "polite" candidate. The resounding result was no because nature's rule is that only the strongest survives and if you won't fight for the seat, you won't fight for the people you represent.

So your opinion on the subject isn't the one your neighbors share and telling them they're wrong isn't going to change their minds. Something you should think about.
You are wrong. A mud fest is not universal. Throwing mud does not make you strongest - that's an illusion.

And in my country plenty of voters actually reject the few mud throwers. If the voters in USA remand mud, if actually tells ugly things about the whole nation.

What it makes me think is that the picture Trump paints of USA - unpredictable and untrustworthy, nothing but a stupid bully - has perhaps sadly quite a lot of truth.
Trump was born into wealth. His business career has consisted of losing money on failed schemes and regularly going bankrupt. That suggests he’s pretty stupid.

The only reason he’s not living on the street is that smarter operators figured out he was a useful tool and propped him up. Easily manipulated and greedy, he’s the ideal mark.
well said. the grifter doing what they do best. grifter getting grifted.
You are wrong. A mud fest is not universal. Throwing mud does not make you strongest - that's an illusion.

And in my country plenty of voters actually reject the few mud throwers. If the voters in USA remand mud, if actually tells ugly things about the whole nation.

What it makes me think is that the picture Trump paints of USA - unpredictable and untrustworthy, nothing but a stupid bully - has perhaps sadly quite a lot of truth.

Newsflash genius; the US ain't "your country." We don't do things like "your country" does.
Trump was born into wealth. His business career has consisted of losing money on failed schemes and regularly going bankrupt. That suggests he’s pretty stupid.

The only reason he’s not living on the street is that smarter operators figured out he was a useful tool and propped him up. Easily manipulated and greedy, he’s the ideal mark.

Lol, you've been listening to MSM too much.
Newsflash genius; the US ain't "your country." We don't do things like "your country" does.
But you definitely do take things unpolitely into a personal level - which proves you don't have much point, as you have to retort to such. Bye bye.
But you definitely do take things unpolitely into a personal level - which proves you don't have much point, as you have to retort to such. Bye bye.

I don't have to be polite. I don't have to be understanding either. It's not my problem if that's too much for you to handle. My only concern is that you understand that lying to me gets you nowhere except bent over a chair with your knickers around your ankles.
The mainstream media is solidly behind Donald Trump. His antics generate more clicks than sober, responsible governance.

Media doesn't give a shit about anything except revenue. They will gleefully lie to everyone to get it and then loudly blame those same people when the money doesn't flow in as expected.

On the other side of the coin, the people who fall for that shit and regurgitate it like it's some sort of truism deserve everything that happens to them. You fucking dipshits voted for Biden because the media complex told you to by lying about Trump. Now the world is melting down and headed for WWIII and you ASSHOLES still think it's Trump's fault that your anti-Trump dream candidate FUCKED EVERYONE INCLUDING YOU.

Why? Because the MSM is still telling you lies about Trump and you're still swallowing those lies. And you're making the MSM richer even while you bitch and complain about the evils of capitalism just like the MSM tells you to do.

You're so fucking stupid it's ridiculous.
I don't have to be polite. I don't have to be understanding either. It's not my problem if that's too much for you to handle. My only concern is that you understand that lying to me gets you nowhere except bent over a chair with your knickers around your ankles.
Lol. Folks can see you ignoring me.
Be well, my friend, my point on you and your good character has been made.
Lol. Folks can see you ignoring me.
Be well, my friend, my point on you and your good character has been made.

I have you on iggy because you're a fucking idiot who thinks with his dick. Newsflash for you, thinking with your dick doesn't make you anything except a dick. Which in your case fails to even make anyone swoon over the small size.
Media doesn't give a shit about anything except revenue. They will gleefully lie to everyone to get it and then loudly blame those same people when the money doesn't flow in as expected.

On the other side of the coin, the people who fall for that shit and regurgitate it like it's some sort of truism deserve everything that happens to them. You fucking dipshits voted for Biden because the media complex told you to by lying about Trump. Now the world is melting down and headed for WWIII and you ASSHOLES still think it's Trump's fault that your anti-Trump dream candidate FUCKED EVERYONE INCLUDING YOU.

Why? Because the MSM is still telling you lies about Trump and you're still swallowing those lies. And you're making the MSM richer even while you bitch and complain about the evils of capitalism just like the MSM tells you to do.

You're so fucking stupid it's ridiculous.
I’m pretty happy with how Joe Biden has been governing. The economy is on an upswing. I like how he’s handling Ukraine and the Middle East, and his support of infrastructure and labor. The border is under control, but there’s not much more Biden can do while the Republicans in Congress oppose legislation to address it.
I have you on iggy because you're a fucking idiot who thinks with his dick. Newsflash for you, thinking with your dick doesn't make you anything except a dick. Which in your case fails to even make anyone swoon over the small size.
I’ve never stated my gender here nor sexual preference. I stand by my previous statements. Here’s more: You’re a fraud. You mislead and outright lie. You hate women and go out of your way to try to demean them which only leads to the women here kicking your ass to start the cycle all over again. You support a rapist, therefore, even if you credibly prove another member is a liar, cheats on their taxes, or steals candy from a baby - it is my opinion that they are still of higher moral standing than you.

Go fuck your self!
Lol. Can I say that? Is it fair of me to steal your go-to tagline?
Nope, it's politics.

As for the rest, you're wrong. There are rules which provide guidance between the military and civilian politics. Failure to adhere to those rules can result in punishment. Again, something you don't seem to know shit about. Which is a common failing by the Left - loud and vocal and almost always wrong about everything.

Could it be that it's not actually Trump who's the stupid one here, but you instead?
I said it was politics pay attention.

Haley's husband would not be ruling in any capacity.. If Haley is elected president her husband is still just a private citizen he and other presidential spouses are not granted any government power.. They have influence but no actual power.

Secondly Gen. MacArthur didn't give up his commission when he campaigned for president in '48, he actually campaigned in uniform.. While Washington gave up his commission and others have followed suit its tradition. If its a law give me the U.S.C. number I'll be happy to read it.
I take Fran Leibowitz’s word for it: “Everyone says he is crazy – which maybe he is – but the scarier thing about him is that he is stupid. You do not know anyone as stupid as Donald Trump. You just don’t.”
I take offense to BSG quoting Fran Lebowitz.

Especially when they were far more people closer to Trump who’ve said pretty much the same thing.

Rex Tillerson, John Kelly, Anthony Scaramucci, Lindsey Graham, Michael Cohen, Kellyanne Conway, HR, McMaster, Joe Scarborough…

A Brief History of Trump’s Allies Calling Him an Idiot

You do not know anyone as stupid as Donald Trump. You just don’t.”
Well, yes, you do. Trump's supporters (including those posting here) are more stupid than he is. He is manipulating them and everyone else, always finding a way to be in everyone's daily news feed and having to be ever-more outrageous to get it done--and yet his supporters just follow him there and the rest of us give him his daily dose of our attention.
So? The Trumplikans are actually worried that a First Man would be deployed in the military??
That’s your 3 dimensional thinking ???
The secret service wing allow it most likely!
If deploying the royalty children is good policy in England, who gives a fuck if Nicky’s hubby is deployed with the National Guard?? It’s the National Guard?
Trump is failing at Tic Tac Toe and you think it’s 3d Chess… because Spock made that look cool??