Why is Trump so stupid?

I think part of the reason Trump's remaining followers support him even more vociferously as his power dwindles is that they can sense the humiliation coming. Voting for Trump in 2016 was stupid, but you could still rationalize it as a protest vote against Hillary. But by 2020, everyone could see what a disaster he was as President. That's why Biden trounced him.

Continuing to support Trump after 2020 is a badge of shame his followers will wear for the rest of their lives. The only way to avoid that shame is if Trump somehow manages to pull out a win in 2024. That's why they're so desperate to tear down President Biden and protect Donald Trump--their own sense of self-worth is at stake.
Why not go with the facts that can be verified. He is a major in the 218th. The 218th were called up and deployed to the Horn of Africa. Argo he is in Africa. Trump has been hinting the Haley's marriage is on the rocks. Nikki caught wind of it and used Trump's attempted attack on her against Trump himself. That's pretty good politics..

Why go into the land of make believe.
I'm beginning to see that HisArpy is an unreasonable individual who enjoys this sort of muckraking. I believe it would be best to ignore his diatribe. JMHO. No matter the 'evidence' he will attempt to negate it if it doesn't 100% agree with his motives or favor Trump. It is what it is - blatant disappointment in a sorrowful individual.
Media doesn't give a shit about anything except revenue. They will gleefully lie to everyone to get it and then loudly blame those same people when the money doesn't flow in as expected.

On the other side of the coin, the people who fall for that shit and regurgitate it like it's some sort of truism deserve everything that happens to them. You fucking dipshits voted for Biden because the media complex told you to by lying about Trump. Now the world is melting down and headed for WWIII and you ASSHOLES still think it's Trump's fault that your anti-Trump dream candidate FUCKED EVERYONE INCLUDING YOU.

Why? Because the MSM is still telling you lies about Trump and you're still swallowing those lies. And you're making the MSM richer even while you bitch and complain about the evils of capitalism just like the MSM tells you to do.

You're so fucking stupid it's ridiculous.
Meltdown is evidenced here. Note the higher levels of profanity than usual from this individual.

Need one more chill pill, sir. And by the way, this makes you look 'fucking stupid and ridiculous.'
Meltdown is evidenced here. Note the higher levels of profanity than usual from this individual.

Need one more chill pill, sir. And by the way, this makes you look 'fucking stupid and ridiculous.'

What a joke you are. It's almost as if you've been here longer than your post count history...
I'm beginning to see that HisArpy is an unreasonable individual who enjoys this sort of muckraking. I believe it would be best to ignore his diatribe. JMHO. No matter the 'evidence' he will attempt to negate it if it doesn't 100% agree with his motives or favor Trump. It is what it is - blatant disappointment in a sorrowful individual.

Good. Put me on iggy. See if I give a shit.
The mainstream media is solidly behind Donald Trump. His antics generate more clicks than sober, responsible governance.

This is sooooo much bullshit it's amazing that your head doesn't explode from the irony.
I’m pretty happy with how Joe Biden has been governing. The economy is on an upswing. I like how he’s handling Ukraine and the Middle East, and his support of infrastructure and labor. The border is under control, but there’s not much more Biden can do while the Republicans in Congress oppose legislation to address it.

Lol, interest rates touching the clouds isn't an indicator of an "economy on the upswing."

Even Biden talks about "shrinkflation." Again, not an indicator of a healthy economy.

So whatever wacky weed it is that you're smoking you need to lay off a bit before you do more damage to what's left of your brain.
I said it was politics pay attention.

Haley's husband would not be ruling in any capacity.. If Haley is elected president her husband is still just a private citizen he and other presidential spouses are not granted any government power.. They have influence but no actual power.

Secondly Gen. MacArthur didn't give up his commission when he campaigned for president in '48, he actually campaigned in uniform.. While Washington gave up his commission and others have followed suit its tradition. If its a law give me the U.S.C. number I'll be happy to read it.

It's called a conflict of interest. Or is that too difficult for you to figure out after I already mentioned it?

Geez you're a real fucktard.
I think part of the reason Trump's remaining followers support him even more vociferously as his power dwindles is that they can sense the humiliation coming. Voting for Trump in 2016 was stupid, but you could still rationalize it as a protest vote against Hillary. But by 2020, everyone could see what a disaster he was as President. That's why Biden trounced him.

Continuing to support Trump after 2020 is a badge of shame his followers will wear for the rest of their lives. The only way to avoid that shame is if Trump somehow manages to pull out a win in 2024. That's why they're so desperate to tear down President Biden and protect Donald Trump--their own sense of self-worth is at stake.
They support him because he openly expresses their views. They are just as rotten inside as he is. It's a pity it's that large of a percentage of the nation--but Americans have long been fingered for their ego-centric, arrogant, ignorant, and violent views. Apparently this has some justification.
Media doesn't give a shit about anything except revenue. They will gleefully lie to everyone to get it and then loudly blame those same people when the money doesn't flow in as expected.

On the other side of the coin, the people who fall for that shit and regurgitate it like it's some sort of truism deserve everything that happens to them. You fucking dipshits voted for Biden because the media complex told you to by lying about Trump. Now the world is melting down and headed for WWIII and you ASSHOLES still think it's Trump's fault that your anti-Trump dream candidate FUCKED EVERYONE INCLUDING YOU.

Why? Because the MSM is still telling you lies about Trump and you're still swallowing those lies. And you're making the MSM richer even while you bitch and complain about the evils of capitalism just like the MSM tells you to do.

You're so fucking stupid it's ridiculous.

First there are still good journalists out there just not on Fox for the most part. They run a business, no business really cares about anything but money. Even if they do right by their workers that's mostly for good will and positive publicity.

I voted Biden because Trump is a full on danger to our democracy. That he and Fox, primarily, and more than a few Republicans are personally responsible for hundreds of thousands of dead Americans due to Covid. Of the last I checked Sixty one million people died to Covid. One million died in in the US.

That's fucking crazy. While our health care in this country is kinda trash its not the worst in the world. We are far from the most densely populated country nor do we have near the highest population period. We fucked up because people were listening to everybody but the experts about the virus.
They support him because he openly expresses their views. They are just as rotten inside as he is. It's a pity it's that large of a percentage of the nation--but Americans have long been fingered for their ego-centric, arrogant, ignorant, and violent views. Apparently this has some justification.
It might be a large percentage, but not the majority. Trump lost both majority votes. The problem is that ancient and ridiculous voting system. All states have two senators? Utah vs. Cal? And then delegates of the states have to ride to Washington (on horses?) to raise their hands? Man, this is 2024. The whole system is that of a 3rd world country.
Continuing to support Trump after 2020 is a badge of shame his followers will wear for the rest of their lives. The only way to avoid that shame is if Trump somehow manages to pull out a win in 2024. That's why they're so desperate to tear down President Biden and protect Donald Trump--their own sense of self-worth is at stake.
Interesting take on things and I agree with you 95% of the way. In 2016 I voted for Trump my reason was simple because of GW Bush I became completely disillusioned with political densities. GHW Bush I consider one of the better presidents during my lifetime. However, GW’s military venture into Iraq I felt was pointless and a wast of this country’s men and treasure. However, I did support his invasion of Afghanistan. Intelligence reports placed Usama in Tora Bora at the time so it was worth trying to find him.

I felt Hillary would have made a good president but at the same time I was so against political dynasties I couldn’t stomach the thought of two Clintons in the Whitehouse so I voted for Trump..A vote that I soon regretted. I have few regrets about voting for Biden in 2020.. He’s done as well as could be expected.. He works through problems in a slow study way that I appreciate. I feel rebuilding and improving this country’s infrastructure is key too the future. Rebuilding our institutions, alliances, and partnerships to prevail against the challenges the PRC.

Trump’s tariffs against China has helped them become a world trading super power. Once the tariffs were in place China started financing the building of ports around the world. When the counties couldn’t pay the loans China foreclosed on the ports China has 150-160 ports outside of China presently. Once that happened China ships mostly finished goods to the ports local workers finish the product and the item is stamped made in Singapore or where ever and sold to the good ol’ USA bypassing the tariffs altogether. All thanks to DJ..

I am not sure that Trump hard core supporters still support him just because they can’t admit they made a mistake. On the other hand I am at a lost to come up with a better theory..
Slant and bias abound in this post.

First you begin with "stupid" even though there's no evidence of it except as your opinion. Second, you, like Haley and the rest of the dum fuks, seem to miss the obvious - it's politics. Politics is the place where you cast accusations and slurs in order to try and get the other guys to do/say something which you can possibly build on. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

In this case it worked because it got Haley to say that her hubby is deployed with the NG. An obvious case of conflict of interest in her political decision making process and a failure on the part of hubby to resign his commission because of that conflict of interest. Case in point, as active duty military hubby would be required to salute the Mrs. were she to win the election in November. Further, Haley would be forced to choose between what's best for the nation or what's best for her family should she be required to call up and deploy the NG.

Clearly this is a problem Nikki Haley hasn't considered or rectified. Nor has her husband who, supposedly, knows the rules regarding this.

But of course you didn't see that because you're too invested in the narrative rather than truth and facts.
as active duty military hubby would be required to salute the Mrs. were she to win the election in November
of course this doesn't fit into your dumb macho world...
as active duty military hubby would be required to salute the Mrs. were she to win the election in November
of course this doesn't fit into your dumb macho world...

Please stop embarrassing yourself when it's obvious you know absolutely nothing about which you opine.
Say's the snowflake who 'iggies' anyone who doesn't agree with bollocks.

My privilege, my iggy list. You're on it because of the shit you post like this.

Maybe if you didn't act like a dick all of the time that would change. Probably not because all you think about is your dick and that only reveals your insecurities and dick-like behaviors.
It's called a conflict of interest. Or is that too difficult for you to figure out after I already mentioned it?

Geez you're a real fucktard.
Again it's not a conflict of interest for her husband..

Besides if Gen MacArthur didn't have to resign his commission to run for president a guy not running for president certainly doesn't have to..
Sometimes you have to realize that trying to exchange arguments with cretins isn't worthwhile and a waste of time.
But let me clarify something.
Perhaps you are convinced that those 'fake media' like CNN, NY Times, Washington Post and others in the US are controlled by dark powers (Nancy Pelosi?).
But do you really believe that these dark forces can control media worldwide? I live in Europe and our media, at least the serious ones, are independent and didn't just copy/paste US contents, but have their own reporters on the ground in the US and do their own research.
Result: Trump is illiterate, narcistic, dumb and a thread to the US democracy. Period.
Again it's not a conflict of interest for her husband..

Besides if Gen MacArthur didn't have to resign his commission to run for president a guy not running for president certainly doesn't have to..

What you WANT to believe is rarely true.
Sometimes you have to realize that trying to exchange arguments with cretins isn't worthwhile and a waste of time.
But let me clarify something.
Perhaps you are convinced that those 'fake media' like CNN, NY Times, Washington Post and others in the US are controlled by dark powers (Nancy Pelosi?).
But do you really believe that these dark forces can control media worldwide? I live in Europe and our media, at least the serious ones, are independent and didn't just copy/paste US contents, but have their own reporters on the ground in the US and do their own research.
Result: Trump is illiterate, narcistic, dumb and a thread to the US democracy. Period.

Actually I do. One need only review the world wide phenom over the supposed Russia Pee tapes being revealed in the Steele dossier. Or the character assassination attempts by saying that Trump denigrated US soldiers when he refused to visit the D day memorial in France rather than that being a decision from the SS based on the weather and risk assessments. Or any of the other thoroughly debunked bullshit created and promoted by the MSM.

Basically, the world wide media needed Hillary to win because they predicted she would. When she didn't their collective minds imploded and they began to manufacture anti-Trump narratives. Narratives which you swallowed hook, line, and sinker.

One need only SEE what's going on with proposed EU travel bans because of the Tucker Carlson/Putin interview to realize that the propaganda machine is still working overtime to feed you lies.
It might be a large percentage, but not the majority. Trump lost both majority votes. The problem is that ancient and ridiculous voting system. All states have two senators? Utah vs. Cal? And then delegates of the states have to ride to Washington (on horses?) to raise their hands? Man, this is 2024. The whole system is that of a 3rd world country.
I'm sorry, but I couldn't tolerate more than 4 or 5 percentage of the population that I risked my life representing overseas for some twenty-seven years holding the views that Trump does and acting as he does.