Why The Holocaust Must Be Questioned

woody54 said:
The big question no-one will front up to is whether the Germans deliberately gassed 6 million people. The physical evidence doesnt support such a claim which stems from Rabbibical doctrine.

Rabbibicals, of course, are what we put around our necks so as not to get any Tsimas on our vestments.
Drinking Cap said:
Those 6 million european jews? All went on vacation. It's true!

And when they came back after the war to hold out for compensation, there was an extra 3 million too. NO reproduction rate problems there for a 9 million gain from pre war estimates. Maybe the money was what lured them out the Ghettos. ;)
woody54 said:
And when they came back after the war to hold out for compensation, there was an extra 3 million too. NO reproduction rate problems there for a 9 million gain from pre war estimates. Maybe the money was what lured them out the Ghettos. ;)

Actually, those vacations were all to romantic hotspots. 6 million + sexy vacations = 9 million.
Drinking Cap said:
Actually, those vacations were all to romantic hotspots. 6 million + sexy vacations = 9 million.

Not a bad vacation deception that has repaid US$3.5Trillion in associated extortion every since.
woody54 said:
Not a bad vacation deception that has repaid US$3.5Trillion in associated extortion every since.

Got to keep paying for those five star hotels in French Polynesia somehow.
woody54 said:
Not a bad vacation deception that has repaid US$3.5Trillion in associated extortion every since.

Once again you connect. When I was a kid there were a lot of Jewish merchants in town and then the saying were that Jews loved their money. Their money was their religion. If you wanted to hurt them ...you went after their money. Then I didn't have the slightest interest in their money but now it seems like a good idea. It's called divestment.
woody54 said:
Don, only an idiot would deny the horrors Jews were exposed to in their transportation and inprisonment in Prison Camps to be worked to extinction.

The big question no-one will front up to is whether the Germans deliberately gassed 6 million people. The physical evidence doesnt support such a claim which stems from Rabbibical doctrine.
I struggle with the term Holocaust because it is now a mythological icon that has a different meaning to that which actually transpired.

Everyone had numbers because they were keepers , not genocide material.
What was the point of troubling to number people just to then kill them.

My father spent 2 years in a Polish Concentration Camp after escaping a couple of times, where he was worked to a skeleton in a brick factory. I use the private insight from him in my understandings of the Holocaust lies as I do my Father in Laws insight as a British paratrooper in TransJordon in 1947/8.
Their views do not tally with the current zionist myth.

So Woody, exactly what is it that you don't believe? This post and your other substantive one appear to say that your only quibble is with the numbers.
Peregrinator said:
So Woody, exactly what is it that you don't believe? This post and your other substantive one appear to say that your only quibble is with the numbers.

There is ample Zionist writings and commentary to show that Zionists actively managed the containment of a large Jewish population in Germany on the basis that a large number would die in the war to promote their political campaign for a Jewish homeland. Germany offerred to "sell " all the Jews to the Zionists for US$2million but they chose not to take that option but save the money for the new, young Israel.

There is a massive question about the purported intent of the German hierarchy which is a deception on a scale of Saddam having WMD or Osama orchestrating 9/11 from a cave in Afghanistan, both other notable zionist lies.

The Germans tried all manner of means to transport Jews out of Europe but they were twarted at every turn, even to the extent of Zionists sinking their own shiploads of people for political advantage.

Even the Wansee Conference, at which the Final Solution was developed, the minutes clearly show the intent was to imprison Jews and work them for Germany as expendable resources.

There is also not a shred of proof available that confirms Germans ever used or intended to use Zyklon B as a gencocidal agent against Jews as is claimed.
That is to say that the gassing story appears to be a myth based on what scientific evidence has been allowed to be obtained although the persons involved are now all in jail for thought crimes. Such is the conspiracy to protect the myth from exposure.
The total "death camp" toll as indicated by the Red Cross is probably around a few hundred thousand , who would have died from over-work and from the prevalent malnutrition inspired diseases rampant in the conditions that camp internees were exposed to. The photos of piles of bodies is testament to the horror that was similar in nature to equivalent camps in Russia where similar conditions were experienced. When the Russians captured 30,000 of the German 6th Army at Stalingrad, half died walking to the camps and only 6000 ever went home. Various fevers wreaked havoc in thoise conditions.

My quibble is with the whole zionist conspiracy to obtain a foothold in Palestine,on the backs and guilt on those who lost families and blood trying to save the Jews. Everyone is made to pay in sympathy and hang our heads in shame for something inspired initially 2000 years ago by what is the never ending assault by Jews on the Christian faith.... and the most galling part is that the Zionists are not even real semites,i.e brown Arabic types but White Khazari descendants from East European origins who chose to be Jewish.
They are poseurs, carpetbaggers, decievers and liars.
The whole thing is scandalous but made too much a hot potato for most moderate people to counter , given the strict control on the flow of information on the topic executed by the pliable media.. The myths exploit Christian traits of humility and forgiveness which do not apply to Talmudic activities.
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woody54 said:
There is ample Zionist writings and commentary to show that Zionists actively managed the containment of a large Jewish population in Germany on the basis that a large number would die in the war to hpromote their political campaign for a Jewish homeland. Germany offerred to "sell " all the Jews to the Zionists for US$2million but they chose not to take that option but save the money for the new, young Israel.

There is a massive question about the puported intent of the German hierarchy which is a deception on a scale of Saddam having WMD or Osama orchestrating 9/11 from a cave in Afghanistan, both other notable zionist lies.

The Germans tried all manner pf means to transport Jews out of Europe but they were twarted at every turn, even to the extent of Zionists sinking their own shiploads of people for political advantage.

Even the Wansee Conference, at which the Final Solution was developed, the minutes clearly show the intent was to imprison Jews and work them for Germany as expendable resources.

There is also not a shred of proof available that confirms Germans ever used or intended to use Zyklon B as a gencocidal agent against Jews as is claimed.
That is to say that the gassing story appears to be a myth based on what scientific evidence has been allowed to be obtained although the persons involved are now all in jail for thought crimes. Such is the conspiracy to protect the myth from exposure.
The total "death camp" toll as indicated by the Red Cross is probably around a few hundred thousand , who would have died from over-work and from the prevalent malnutrition inspired diseases rampant in the conditions that camp internees were exposed to. The photos of piles of bodies is testament to the horror that was similar in nature to equivalent camps in Russia where similar conditions were experienced.

My quibble is with the whole zionist conspiracy to obtain a foothold in Palestine,on the backs and guilt on those who lost families and blood trying to save the Jews. Everyone is made to pay in sympathy and hang our heads in shame for something inspired initially 2000 years ago by the never ending assault by Jews on the Christian faith.... and the most galling part is that the Zionists are not even real semites, but White Khazari descendants fromf East European origins who chose to be Jewish.

The whole thing is scandalous but made too much a hot potato for most moderate people to counter. The myths exploit Christian traits of humility and forgiveness which do not apply to Talmudic activities.

woody54 said:

I believe in freedom of information :D

Me, too. How certain are you of all this? I mean, if what you're saying is true, it's the mother of all conspiracies. One would expect that more than just a few marginalized writers would be all over it. So many independent researchers, students, authors have looked into it over the years.
Peregrinator said:
Me, too. How certain are you of all this? I mean, if what you're saying is true, it's the mother of all conspiracies. One would expect that more than just a few marginalized writers would be all over it. So many independent researchers, students, authors have looked into it over the years.

All I can say is I have done a lot of research and and a lot of reading on the matter and you pick up bits here and bits there. The mainstreamPress is so Orwellian on the subject as to be lampooned for it.

Surprisingly Jews are the most honest about what happened and there are more than just a sprinkling of those committed to the truth.

But really, the history of the 6 million farce goes back to the 1920's where, with Balfour Agreement in hand the 6 million promotion hoax began in the Ukraine where Jewish Bolsheviks were starving out Christians and the death toll was being passed off as a Jewish Holocaust, again the scam for sympathy for a homeland. The political situation changed and the scam was hurriedly covered over and forgotten.

AS for the researchers who "have looked at it", they were never allowed near anything behind the Iron Curtain where all the Camps were till after the fall of Communism and German Camp records were secreted away by the KGB for reasons which can only perpetuate the Holocaust myth. Eveb the Auchwitz "Gas Chanber" was built by the Russians after the war, the original showerblocks being bombed during the war.

No-one had much to go on other than that liar Elie Weasel and a bevy of similar revisionists To talk against the Holocaust in the sixties had a way of getting you dead, such was the zealousness with which the lies were protected.
Peregrinator said:
So many independent researchers, students, authors have looked into it over the years.

Point of interest.

The Allies captured 600 tons of German Documents and after scouring through them , there is nothing found which ties in with the Zionist vision , except that Germany rounded up the Jews, the Roma , the insane and homosexuals and transported them East to Ghettos and Camps and to other distant parts when they could. Of course also there was abject brutality and murder but Jews were not alone in suffering from that.

So if the Germans, who were nitpickingly efficient about recording everything, did not talk about Jewish genocide in their notes and memoranda, one has to ask where did the idea come from. The Jews needed a sanctifying Holocaust to cleanse them to go back to Israel and this is the origin of the scam. The Zionists just made damn sure there were sufficient cattle available for the world to see piles of dead bodies for their cause and have worked equally hard ever since to maintain the theme.

The recent UN resolution about Holocaust denial, all or in part, is just another nail in the coffin of Gentile free speech and truth and this follows a series of Zionist inspired laws in Europe and Canada to imprison Holocaust questioners. Although the Laws are framed as Hate thought laws, they are only applied to anti Holocaust activists and certainly not to antiMuslim activists, most of whom are inpired by Zionism.
It's all interesting. My scepticism kicks in fast with this kind of stuff, but I'm always willing to listen if the person is reasonable and doesn't just spew vitriol the way, for example, krastner does.

I think a new thread is called for...watch for it....
whiskeyjake said:
WW II was really started by the English. I also bet the egyptians never used slaves to build th pyramids did they?

Obviously, since they were the only world power at the time, the English were the only people with the means to start a war that involved the whole world. Germany, without world influence, colonies, and most important, sea power that conformed to Mahan's definition, did not have the means to involve the whole world in a war.

And you win your bet. The pyramids were built as a public works project, not by slaves. The graffiti of the workers, describing themselves as "the friends of Khufu", are all over the the interior of the pyramids. The huge workers camps, complete with housing, food storage, and management offices are excavated nearby. A small contingent of professionals was supplemented during the off-season by a huge army of seasonal workers, mainly farmers, judging by the artifacts. No slaves were involved in the building of the pyramids.

Watch the NOVA special on the worker's camps. Apparently, the workers even had trade unions.
Only a racistic moron with no knowledge of history whatsoever would question the Holocaust.

What I don't understand is why anyone would be SO stupid as to demonstrate his lack of education on a public board like this.

The degree of stupidity of some people still shocks me at times... :(
Svenskaflicka said:
Only a racistic moron with no knowledge of history whatsoever would question the Holocaust.

What I don't understand is why anyone would be SO stupid as to demonstrate his lack of education on a public board like this.

The degree of stupidity of some people still shocks me at times... :(

What gets me is how an intelligent person can make that statement..Oh I see another zionist.. while I am at it please explain why Winston Churchill did not deem it important enough to put in his book on the war. Oh no answer..then how about Dwight Esienhaur..or Charles De Gaull... nata ..zip. just like you babe..nothing..And while you are at it please do something about that avatar..it's gotta be a real pic of you..what are you doing..? trying to scare the little kids from the forum..oh gringao and perigrinator..we will miss you..

Hey Woody..let see...if germany tried to pay the jews 2 million for 600,000 jews.( figures of German Jews from London dailey express mar 24 1933.. Oh wow thats the date that the jews declared war on germany.) Anyhoo that comes to about lets see a little over $3.00 per person. Oh wait a minute..since ww2 Israel has recieved trillions from the US...then it certainly shows what the jews thought of Hitlers dumb ass offer.. I mean they are the kings of money making.....
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krastner said:
What gets me is how an intelligent person can make that statement..Oh I see another zionist.. while I am at it please explain why Winston Churchill did not deem it important enough to put in his book on the war. Oh no answer..then how about Dwight Esienhaur..or Charles De Gaull... nata ..zip. just like you babe..nothing..And while you are at it please do something about that avatar..it's gotta be a real pic of you..what are you doing..? trying to scare the little kids from the forum..oh gringao and perigrinator..we will miss you..

Hey Woody..let see...

krastner said:
1. if germany tried to pay the jews 2 million for 600,000 jews.( figures of German Jews from London dailey express mar 24 1933.. Oh wow thats the date that the jews declared war on germany.) Anyhoo that comes to about lets see a little over $3.00 per person. Oh wait a minute..

There was no difficulty when five AmeriKKKan banks came up with a loan of 35 million pounds sterling paid through Farben AG to the Nazi regime. This offset the war reparations of 36 million pounds sterling. Farben AG was the manufacturer of Xylon (sp?) death gases.

krastner said:
2. since ww2 Israel has recieved trillions from the US...then it certainly shows what the jews thought of Hitlers dumb ass offer..

Because it has suited AmeriKKKan foreign policy to pay the AmeriKKKan NE military industrial complex to provide weapons and ordnance to a war zone. It has also allowed meddling in Middle East politics for the control of oil reserves.

krastner said:
3. I mean they are the kings of money making.....

This is just a mean spirited point showing your jealousy at their hard work and commercial skills. :)
krastner said:
What gets me is how an intelligent person can make that statement..Oh I see another zionist.. while I am at it please explain why Winston Churchill did not deem it important enough to put in his book on the war. Oh no answer..then how about Dwight Esienhaur..or Charles De Gaull... nata ..zip. just like you babe..nothing..And while you are at it please do something about that avatar..it's gotta be a real pic of you..what are you doing..? trying to scare the little kids from the forum..oh gringao and perigrinator..we will miss you..

Hey Woody..let see...if germany tried to pay the jews 2 million for 600,000 jews.( figures of German Jews from London dailey express mar 24 1933.. Oh wow thats the date that the jews declared war on germany.) Anyhoo that comes to about lets see a little over $3.00 per person. Oh wait a minute..since ww2 Israel has recieved trillions from the US...then it certainly shows what the jews thought of Hitlers dumb ass offer.. I mean they are the kings of money making.....

Krastner, come read the thread I started and then tell me again how unreasonable I am. Sometime when you're not too busy.
Peregrinator said:
Krastner, come read the thread I started and then tell me again how unreasonable I am. Sometime when you're not too busy.

Thanks for bumping my thread again..and again...and again...and.......
having started to read everything available on the internet about the holocaust, I am amazed that the Jewish leadership still insist on the six million figure at Auschwitz.
According to some sights which give information on the German effort to erase the Jewish world population, most of which are Jewish sites : oh yeah : You have to go to a Jewish site to get information on Germany's cruelty to Jews. and we know how unbiased they are. They must have some sort of copyright.

It seems that , according to these sites, that over a million jews were gassed in mobile gas vans. Now if my addition is correct, that brings the total to seven million.
In addition the European Jews were not real semitic Jews, or the descendants of Abraham, but were from a tribe of people called the Kazars in a small area of the Crimea who all converted to Judaism at the command of their king. It seems that real Jews are still living in the area once known as Palestine and desiring peace with their Arab neighbors. So here we have a bunch of people calling themselves, Jews. Who aren't really Jews. Who are controlling the rest of the world through their sniveling and deceptions, they are good at that.

So Israel is largely made up of a warlike bunch of maniacs who, made war with the British till they gave in to them, Attacked a Us ship: the Liberty and yet still take money from the American taxpayers, some of the remaining crew of the Liberty, Get the US to start wars in the middle east, are trying to get the US to start a nuclear war with Iran, that will undoubtedly reduce a lot of the world to rubble and reduce the world's population by a few billion. And you, the average American who could stop it do nothing.

I think you are all nuts...
krastner said:
Thanks for bumping my thread again..and again...and again...and.......

Why would you be annoyed by it? Are you the one that wants your anti-zionist views well known?
krastner said:
Thanks for bumping my thread again..and again...and again...and.......
I think its imperative to confront hate everytime it appears no matter how stupid or insane. So you can thank me too for bumping your hate-filled rants of nazi glorification and historty revision.
BlueEyesInLevis said:
I think its imperative to confront hate everytime it appears no matter how stupid or insane. So you can thank me too for bumping your hate-filled rants of nazi glorification and historty revision.

I can not understand why you continually call it hate. IT IS NOT HATE to try and get to the truth of the matter , especially when the fate of our world depends on it, as it does today. I mearly wish to question the holocaust but it seems that is a no no.

Therefore I will question those that get so angry and bent all out of shape when someone does question it. Those that question seem to possess a helluva lot more intelligence that those that defend it. I too think it imperiative to confront ignorance everytime it appears. Tell me something...just why do you think what you do. I mean many people hate other people all over the world. Blacks hate blacks, white hate whites, asians hate other asians. Are you also confrontint this hate.

I prefer to confront the hate of the people who call themselves Jews against the rest of the world. I mean when nukes start going off they will be pretty indiscriminate who they vaporize. Perhaps you enjoy being vaporized or radiated to the extent that you are a walking zombie with your teeth and hair falling out and big ole pustles covering you before you finally quiver and die. So if you have this desire ...then by all means go ahead and put yourself out of your misery.

Just don't intefere with someone that does not want to die this way. Sheeesh...
krastner said:
Thanks for bumping my thread again..and again...and again...and.......

You're welcome.

You're bound and determined to see me as an enemy, aren't you?

Please read my holocaust thread. You may learn something about it, and me.