Why The Holocaust Must Be Questioned

nyminus said:
having started to read everything available on the internet about the holocaust, I am amazed that the Jewish leadership still insist on the six million figure at Auschwitz.
According to some sights which give information on the German effort to erase the Jewish world population, most of which are Jewish sites : oh yeah : You have to go to a Jewish site to get information on Germany's cruelty to Jews. and we know how unbiased they are. They must have some sort of copyright.

It seems that , according to these sites, that over a million jews were gassed in mobile gas vans. Now if my addition is correct, that brings the total to seven million.
In addition the European Jews were not real semitic Jews, or the descendants of Abraham, but were from a tribe of people called the Kazars in a small area of the Crimea who all converted to Judaism at the command of their king. It seems that real Jews are still living in the area once known as Palestine and desiring peace with their Arab neighbors. So here we have a bunch of people calling themselves, Jews. Who aren't really Jews. Who are controlling the rest of the world through their sniveling and deceptions, they are good at that.

So Israel is largely made up of a warlike bunch of maniacs who, made war with the British till they gave in to them, Attacked a Us ship: the Liberty and yet still take money from the American taxpayers, some of the remaining crew of the Liberty, Get the US to start wars in the middle east, are trying to get the US to start a nuclear war with Iran, that will undoubtedly reduce a lot of the world to rubble and reduce the world's population by a few billion. And you, the average American who could stop it do nothing.

I think you are all nuts...

I've looked over some of your paranoic threads nyminus and Im convinced that you are an alt of either Woody or Krastner...or I suppose some other sub-human form.

In anycase as I have said before this anti-semitism that spews forth from your hate filled minds (and I use that term loosly) is nothing new or particularly profound. But rather, it is just the sad ranting and ravings of a particular set of loosers in the game of life.

Rather than accept resonsibility for your own pathetic shortcomings and mistakes you choose to blame others. And you join with others of your ilk and congratulate each other on your own brand of "enlightenment". I'm sure you feel some twisted comradship in your little club of hate, but it doesnt change the fact that the rest of modern society has turned its back on you.

But the good news for you is there is now a country you can join with a government you can be proud of. One that subjugates women, disavows tolerance, promotes war, supports terrorism, hates jews, and spews its own brand of looney hate filled theories on life.

Its Iran. I hear its beautiful in the spring. You should go there.

....and dont let the door hit you on the way out.
krastner said:
I can not understand why you continually call it hate. IT IS NOT HATE to try and get to the truth of the matter , especially when the fate of our world depends on it, as it does today. I mearly wish to question the holocaust but it seems that is a no no.

All history is questionable. No fact is permanently fixed or beyond refute.

krastner said:
I can not understand why you continually call it hate. IT IS NOT HATE to try and get to the truth of the matter , especially when the fate of our world depends on it, as it does today. I mearly wish to question the holocaust but it seems that is a no no.

Therefore I will question those that get so angry and bent all out of shape when someone does question it. Those that question seem to possess a helluva lot more intelligence that those that defend it. I too think it imperiative to confront ignorance everytime it appears. Tell me something...just why do you think what you do. I mean many people hate other people all over the world. Blacks hate blacks, white hate whites, asians hate other asians. Are you also confrontint this hate.

I prefer to confront the hate of the people who call themselves Jews against the rest of the world. I mean when nukes start going off they will be pretty indiscriminate who they vaporize. Perhaps you enjoy being vaporized or radiated to the extent that you are a walking zombie with your teeth and hair falling out and big ole pustles covering you before you finally quiver and die. So if you have this desire ...then by all means go ahead and put yourself out of your misery.

Just don't intefere with someone that does not want to die this way. Sheeesh...
If it was just your aim to honestly determine what happened to the Jews under German control that drove your threads, I'd never say a word.

But that is not what you are about. You have made it as plain as day that you hate Jews, whether they be the zionist variety or the banking variety or the Hassidic variety or the international variety. You blame all of the world's ills on them, no matter how illogical and irrational that becomes. So dont cry now about being called out for your anti-semetic filth. You have earned every bit of it.
Lovelynice said:
No fact is permanently fixed or beyond refute.


That is axiomatically false. A fact is just that, a FACT. And as such it is always true.

What is false is when someone misquotes or attempts to change facts to fit a particular agenda. Its called history revisionism and it is always done to fit some agenda. In this case it is the anti-semites both in Iran and sadly here in America and Europe that want to try to change the history of the Holocaust. They feel it is neccessary to do this in order to more easily demonize Jews in general and Isreal in particular. In that way they hope that Isreal and Judism itself can be wipped off the face of the earth and the rest of the world will stand by and watch.

I've been doing some research since these threads started poping up and I have to say that personally reading the details does kind of raise some doubts.

I do believe that the Holocaust must be questioned, just like anything else historically. I believe that American Slavery should be questioned, and World War II and 9/11 must be questioned. Because history is a quest for knowledge and it begins with questioning what we know.

I believe the Holocaust happened but I do believe that the numbers were defintily fucked with, probably a lot more than people really want to admit. I don't really believe that the fate of the world hinges on this because even if the Holocaust was proven to be the greatest hoax of all time the "Allies" aren't going to disband Isreal as a result.

And Isreal has no right to exist, that was a bullshit move but it was a long time ago. Get over it.
nyminus said:
So Israel is largely made up of a warlike bunch of maniacs who, made war with the British till they gave in to them, Attacked a Us ship: the Liberty and yet still take money from the American taxpayers, some of the remaining crew of the Liberty, Get the US to start wars in the middle east, are trying to get the US to start a nuclear war with Iran, that will undoubtedly reduce a lot of the world to rubble and reduce the world's population by a few billion. And you, the average American who could stop it do nothing.

I think you are all nuts...

Well, it does show that the Arab-hating Israelis zionist fanatics and American Neocons and whoever else supports this kind of silliness have massive overconfidence about their chances of surviving all that. Maybe the majority of the rest of us in other parts of the world will be lucky and the fools will will end up getting themselves wiped out first.

I don't see how a war with Iran could really lead to WW3, and I doubt Iran has nukes. It's just another beat up like the Bush Administration lies about WMDs in Iraq.
Svenskaflicka said:
Only a racistic moron with no knowledge of history whatsoever would question the Holocaust.

What I don't understand is why anyone would be SO stupid as to demonstrate his lack of education on a public board like this.

The degree of stupidity of some people still shocks me at times... :(
Dont ever confuse hate with logic.
So let me see if I have this right...you are telling me that you are hatefully logical....ooooookay?
BlueEyesInLevis said:
That is axiomatically false. A fact is just that, a FACT. And as such it is always true.

Actually it's not.


What once is claimed as fact can later on be revealed as false, and not true at all.

Facts get overturned.

Historical "facts" are no more immune to questioning than any other "facts".
Lovelynice said:
Well, it does show that the Arab-hating Israelis zionist fanatics and American Neocons and whoever else supports this kind of silliness have massive overconfidence about their chances of surviving all that. Maybe the majority of the rest of us in other parts of the world will be lucky and the fools will will end up getting themselves wiped out first.

I don't see how a war with Iran could really lead to WW3, and I doubt Iran has nukes. It's just another beat up like the Bush Administration lies about WMDs in Iraq.

No Iran doesn't have nukes and are probably not trying to get them. About a year ago they were asked why they wanted neclear power and they said to save thier oil for other purposes than energy. I think bush said something like ...they could use all that oil for energy and that they didn't need nukularr energy..sounds just like an oil man...er an oil person. er..well you know what I mean..
krastner said:
No Iran doesn't have nukes and are probably not trying to get them. About a year ago they were asked why they wanted neclear power and they said to save thier oil for other purposes than energy. I think bush said something like ...they could use all that oil for energy and that they didn't need nukularr energy..sounds just like an oil man...er an oil person. er..well you know what I mean..

Did you know that Iran and Japan are discussing the use of Japanese nuclear expertise? Japan is likely to agree too, as the don't want to miss out on the money, neh? Why let the Russians get all the cash...
I do take my own advice. It has did me ok for the better part of seventy years. How long has your's did for you??
Lovelynice said:
Actually it's not.


What once is claimed as fact can later on be revealed as false, and not true at all.

Facts get overturned.

Historical "facts" are no more immune to questioning than any other "facts".
If they change....then they werent FACTS in the first place!

Go read a dictionary.
BlueEyesInLevis said:
If they change....then they werent FACTS in the first place!

Go read a dictionary.

Go get a university education.

No fact is immutable and fixed.

Macquarie Dictionary, printed 2000, ISBN 1 876429 07 0

Fact 3. something said to be true or supposed to have happened

In other words, not always and exactly the same as truth. That's why we can question facts.
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krastner said:
No Iran doesn't have nukes and are probably not trying to get them. About a year ago they were asked why they wanted neclear power and they said to save thier oil for other purposes than energy. I think bush said something like ...they could use all that oil for energy and that they didn't need nukularr energy..sounds just like an oil man...er an oil person. er..well you know what I mean..
Of all the gullible things you have uttered on here this takes the cake! It even makes me wonder if you really dont believe all that shit about the holocaust you've been spewing. I guess I've been giving you too much credit.

BTW...I have some land in southwest Florida you might really be interested in. No Jews are allowed there you know. Really!
BlueEyesInLevis said:
Of all the gullible things you have uttered on here this takes the cake! !

So, you have actually SEEN these Iranian nuclear weapons right?

Geez, come on and pull the other leg, it sings the "Life of Brian" theme song.

The US and UK have no more REAL proof or evidence of Iran developing WMDs than they did with Iraq. It's all BS and you fell for that one too, I bet.
Lovelynice said:
Go get a university education.

No fact is immutable and fixed.
I have one and a graduate degree to boot. But they sure arent from the Philosphy Department.

Fact (fakt) n 1: DEED; esp. CRIME <accessory after the ~> 2: the quality of being actual 3: something that exists or occurs

Something either is or is not. It cannot be both. And a fact is either true or it is false. History is sometimes recorded incorrectly. But facts are NEVER wrong.

It is a FACT that the President is now George W. Bush (no matter how much you may dispute it.) Gravity is a FACT. The sunrise is a FACT.

The amount of facts in the universe are infinite. To argue that no FACT is immutable is just pure stupidity. (Even if it is the natural product of the modern American university Philosophy Department)
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BlueEyesInLevis said:
I have one and a graduate degree to boot. But they sure arent from the Philosphy Department.

Fact (fakt) n 1: DEED; esp. CRIME <accessory after the ~> 2: the quality of being actual 3: something that exists or occurs

Something either is or is not. It cannot be both. And a fact is either true or it is false. History is sometimes recorded incorrectly. But facts are NEVER wrong.

It is a FACT that the President is now George W. Bush (no matter how much you may dispute it.) Gravity is a FACT. The sunrise is a FACT.

The amount of facts in the universe are infinite. To argue that no FACT is immutable is just pure stupidity.

You really should've read through the rest of the description either that or you have a shitty dictionary (did you only check the internet and not a real dictionary from a recognised and reputable source?).

Most dictionary explanations have several different interpretations of the meaning of a word. Only a really crappy dictionary would say that facts are immutable... in a good dictionary it's clearly mentioned that FACTs aren't immutable or fixed;
Lovelynice said:
Macquarie Dictionary, printed 2000, ISBN 1 876429 07 0

Fact 3. something said to be true or supposed to have happened

In other words, not always and exactly the same as truth. That's why we can question facts.

You've confused the difference between "fact" and what is true. They aren't the same thing. Fact is a statement presented and assumed to be true, it is not the same thing as being true.

So nice that you have a degree. So do I. I'm a fully qualified English teacher by the way.

Also Gravity is a theory, claimed as fact, but no scientist has a clue as to how Gravity actually works or what makes it. It might not even exist in the way that is currently accepted as fact.

Perhaps in another hundred years they'll have a different fact about it. Just like the "fact" about the existence of the Ether, or the "fact" that glass is a liquid....
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For a pair of college grads you guys sure are having a huge argument over thematics.

The first definition of a fact says that a fact is something that is and has been proven. Dictionaries list things in the order of acceptance so reading farther into a definition is kinda stupid. If his answer is listed above yours then it makes him right according to that dictionary.

I do believe that if something changes then it wasn't really a fact but since we can never really be sure of most things very few things can concretely be written in stone. Its like saying that everybody is Agnostic. By definition if you cannot prove or disprove the existance of god that would make you Agnostic. That isn't what the word means to most people however.

And your right gravity is a theory. But once again you are a college graduate. In science Theory=fact. Something that is believed to be true. It isn't a guess, those are called hypothesis. Relativity is a theory but Atomic Bombs fucking work.

Iraq had WMD's they sucked and were no threat to us but he gassed people in his own nation. Bush didn't lie, he deliberatly misrepresented the facts. Like companies that make sugar free cereal with twice the calories of their normal product.

Historical facts are very subject to change as more and more information comes out. I don't believe that not believing in the halocaust makes you a racist. It doesn't even necessarily make you stupid (though this is likely) it just means you found a different set of facts to acknowledge.
Lovelynice said:
You really should've read through the rest of the description either that or you have a shitty dictionary (did you only check the internet and not a real dictionary from a recognised and reputable source?).

Most dictionary explanations have several different interpretations of the meaning of a word. Only a really crappy dictionary would say that facts are immutable... in a good dictionary it's clearly mentioned that FACTs aren't immutable or fixed;

You've confused the difference between "fact" and what is true. They aren't the same thing. Fact is a statement presented and assumed to be true, it is not the same thing as being true.

So nice that you have a degree. So do I. I'm a fully qualified English teacher by the way.

Also Gravity is a theory, claimed as fact, but no scientist has a clue as to how Gravity actually works or what makes it. It might not even exist in the way that is currently accepted as fact.

Perhaps in another hundred years they'll have a different fact about it. Just like the "fact" about the existence of the Ether, or the "fact" that glass is a liquid....
Now Im not an English major or a French major and maybe thats why I've never heard of the Macquarie Dictionary. But mine is the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, and I'll bet there are more of my dictionaries in high school English rooms than yours.

Its a good thing (I think ) that you teach English and not science. But if you ever do dont tell those young minds full of mush that we dont know gravity works. Because Sir Isaac Newton told us how gravity works centuries years ago. Go pull this up. http://whyfiles.org/071questions/9.html

In case you dont believe Newton, here's a few more to explain the FACT of gravity.
Lovelynice said:
You really should've read through the rest of the description either that or you have a shitty dictionary (did you only check the internet and not a real dictionary from a recognised and reputable source?).

Most dictionary explanations have several different interpretations of the meaning of a word. Only a really crappy dictionary would say that facts are immutable... in a good dictionary it's clearly mentioned that FACTs aren't immutable or fixed;

You've confused the difference between "fact" and what is true. They aren't the same thing. Fact is a statement presented and assumed to be true, it is not the same thing as being true.

So nice that you have a degree. So do I. I'm a fully qualified English teacher by the way.

Also Gravity is a theory, claimed as fact, but no scientist has a clue as to how Gravity actually works or what makes it. It might not even exist in the way that is currently accepted as fact.

Perhaps in another hundred years they'll have a different fact about it. Just like the "fact" about the existence of the Ether, or the "fact" that glass is a liquid....
BTW...find me one more dictionary that says a Fact is "something said to be true or supposed to have happened " Just one.
Sean Renaud said:
Historical facts are very subject to change as more and more information comes out.

For over 1,000 years, it was a historical fact that the Emperor Justinian had willed the Western Roman Empire to the Catholic Church, keeping the Eastern for himself with his seat at Constantinople.

Then the document was proven to be a forgery, and the Gift of Justinian was fact no more.

Historical "facts" are always questionable.
BlueEyesInLevis said:
Now Im not an English major or a French major and maybe thats why I've never heard of the Macquarie Dictionary. But mine is the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, and I'll bet there are more of my dictionaries in high school English rooms than yours.

Its a good thing (I think ) that you teach English and not science. But if you ever do dont tell those young minds full of mush that we dont know gravity works. Because Sir Isaac Newton told us how gravity works centuries years ago. Go pull this up. http://whyfiles.org/071questions/9.html

In case you dont believe Newton, here's a few more to explain the FACT of gravity.

The Macquarie Dictionary is extremely well respected internationally, far more so than those things you call dictionaries in the USA high schools.

Oh, and Gravity is a theory, not a FACT. Your lack of knowledge about this distinction in basic science just shows what an idiot you truly are. You don't know how Gravity works either, the truth is, NOBODY DOES. We have only theories.

BlueEyesInLevis said:
BTW...find me one more dictionary that says a Fact is "something said to be true or supposed to have happened " Just one.

I already did. Read my posts properly. I even gave the ISBN number and publishing date of the dictionary.

You are not only dumb, you're also apparently poor in reading skills.
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Sean Renaud said:
In science Theory=fact. Something that is believed to be true.

Actually your knowledge of science stinks. Theory is just that, THEORY.Basic education in any science will teach that. Either you had a crap education in Uni or have conveniently forgotten this basic truth. FACT does not equal TRUE, but what is BELIEVED to be true - and might not be - as you have stated and blown your own arguement.

Sean Renaud said:
Iraq had WMD's they sucked and were no threat to us but he gassed people in his own nation. Bush didn't lie, he deliberatly misrepresented the facts.

1) Bush Lied. Stop the bullshit. Call a spade what it is, a spade.

Misrepresented the facts = LIED. Simple as that.

2) Iraq had no WMDs at the time of the US/UK invasion. None have since been found either. You're full of crap. Stop believing faux news.
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