Why The Holocaust Must Be Questioned

BlueEyesInLevis said:
I've looked over some of your paranoic threads nyminus and Im convinced that you are an alt of either Woody or Krastner...or I suppose some other sub-human form.

In anycase as I have said before this anti-semitism that spews forth from your hate filled minds (and I use that term loosly) is nothing new or particularly profound. But rather, it is just the sad ranting and ravings of a particular set of loosers in the game of life.

Rather than accept resonsibility for your own pathetic shortcomings and mistakes you choose to blame others. And you join with others of your ilk and congratulate each other on your own brand of "enlightenment". I'm sure you feel some twisted comradship in your little club of hate, but it doesnt change the fact that the rest of modern society has turned its back on you.

But the good news for you is there is now a country you can join with a government you can be proud of. One that subjugates women, disavows tolerance, promotes war, supports terrorism, hates jews, and spews its own brand of looney hate filled theories on life.

Its Iran. I hear its beautiful in the spring. You should go there.

....and dont let the door hit you on the way out.

I hate to say it blueinlevis but has anyone ever told you about that horrible vaginal odor you have..no I don't suppose they have. People don't like to hurt lesser creatures. I am sure that you have noticed that they stay well away from you.

Now so much for you calling me a sub human form. Now how can it be anti semitisam when the "jews" in question aren't even semitic people? Ok thats one of your arguments in the trash bin. Hate...you say hate..you have no idea of what hate is you probably think you get it as a prize in a box of cereal.

You have no idea whatsoever what my 'shortcommings' are or that I even have them. I do feel that my penis is rather short on comming being only eight and a half inches when I really wish it were nine. And no to anticipate your next question. I do not have sex with women with a bad vaginal odor.

When you speak of a government that subjucates women I suppose you are spoeaking of Arab countries. You slilly switch..Now perhaps America doesn't have a government that subjugates women, Like in a pigs eye..but America sure does have a lot and I mean a klot of muy macho little grown up boys that like to slap the missua around a bit whenever they desire..Kids too. Look at the stats. I would say that there are more wife beatings in America that Iran. Perhaps someone can supply this silly creature..blue whats her name, with some stats.

You say that I hate..you are right i hate creatures like you with God's own passion. It is the hatefulness of your ilk..now I like that word...that has kept the world in a quagmire for centuries and the most horrible part of it is that you think your shit don't stink. Well let me tell you it does...as bad as your vagina..
BlueEyesInLevis said:
Im convinced that you are an alt of ..sub-human form.

In anycase as I have said before this anti-semitism that spews forth from your hate filled minds (and I use that term loosly) is nothing new or particularly profound. But rather, it is just the sad ranting and ravings of a particular set of loosers in the game of life.


Oh, BEIL, your poisonous racism brings discredit on all reasonable Jews, you have outdone yourself showing the level to which you stoop in applying your Talmudic hatred of Gentiles and your total lack of concience in denying free speech about what is clearly recent history with very clear evidence of what the truth is.

To be a sycophant to Israel and its proxy Government in the US does not qualify you as a keeper of truths. Reality is too revealing for that.

As with any tyranny, history shows they are shortlived and time will sweep them away because they flout natures laws of reasonableness in societies.
You are backing the wrong horse in this race.
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Lovelynice said:
Go get a university education.

No fact is immutable and fixed.

Macquarie Dictionary, printed 2000, ISBN 1 876429 07 0

Fact 3. something said to be true or supposed to have happened

In other words, not always and exactly the same as truth. That's why we can question facts.

I'd never heard of it before. Ok, so it's built around Australian English. Like the Webster Dictionary is built around American English, and the OED on UK usage.

BlueEyesInLevis said:
BTW...find me one more dictionary that says a Fact is "something said to be true or supposed to have happened " Just one.

Court cases deal with facts , they dont deal with truths, although the less informed see them as one and the same thing..

Smart as they are, the legal fraternity understands the subtle difference that facts are but the best guess of the truth at the time.

If facts were truth, all scientific development would have halted thousands of years ago because known facts would not have been able to be overturned by new developments in knowledge.

Luckily for you, Coloumbus did not sail off the edge of the world when he set sail across the Altlantic... and that is a fact.
unculbact said:
I'd never heard of it before. Ok, so it's built around Australian English. Like the Webster Dictionary is built around American English, and the OED on UK usage.


There's no such animal as "Australian English". Australia uses BRITISH English.

That's why Australia keeps the U in words like coloUr, armoUr, and the present continous form of "travel" is "travelling" (with two Ls).
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Lovelynice said:
There's no such animal as "Australian English". Australia uses BRITISH English.

That's why Australia keeps the U in words like coloUr, armoUr, and the present continous form of "travel" is "travelling" (with two Ls).

Well, dont be too hasty there because otherwise you do no justice to the very rich local slang which permeates Antipodean culture.
I still smile from reading "They're a wierd mob", way back 40 years ago, about a hapless Italian immigrant grappling with "english". ;)
BlueEyesInLevis said:
But the good news for you is there is now a country you can join with a government you can be proud of. One that subjugates women, disavows tolerance, promotes war, supports terrorism, hates jews, and spews its own brand of looney hate filled theories on life.

Let me guess . . . Shrubya's AmeriKKKa!! ;)
woody54 said:
Its dinkum English lingo , mate,..... Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oi!, Oi!, Oi!

G'day Woody, you crazy Kiwi you . . . what you teasing these wanky Yanks about this time? You know they can't speak Strine like us . . . (caused by their poor private schoiol system don't you know) . . . ;)

Geez Cobber . . . all you have to do is look it up in the nationally accepted standard dictionary from Macquaire University . . . (a bonza deal that one was :) )

These Yanks have a very limited vocabulary and general knowledge . . . the world is bounded by the coastline of continental AMerica . . . somehow that sounds a lot like the Flat Earth theory propounded by the Pope and so an infallibly correct fact . . . ;)

. . . that took 500 years for the Roman church to acknowledge their error . . . oh, and the lives of about 1500 persons burned at the stake and tortured . . . you know just likethe AmeriKKKans did in Abu Graib and the 'secret' torture camps in East European countries . . . and under contract by Egyptians and other 'allies' ;)

until Chris Columbus got Ferdinand & Isabella of Castille (that northern bit of Spain currently disputed by ETA) to fund his westward trip using a MUSLIM navigator ('cos the Spanish and other Europeans didn't know how in 1492) ;)
Lovelynice said:
There's no such animal as "Australian English". Australia uses BRITISH English.

That's why Australia keeps the U in words like coloUr, armoUr, and the present continous form of "travel" is "travelling" (with two Ls).

Uhmmm . . . Simply put . . . you are SO WRONG!!!! ;) :D :D :D
woody54 said:
Well, dont be too hasty there because otherwise you do no justice to the very rich local slang which permeates Antipodean culture.
I still smile from reading "They're a wierd mob", way back 40 years ago, about a hapless Italian immigrant grappling with "english". ;)

Nevetheless, that is ONLY slang and local accent.

There is no difference in rules of grammar, spelling, or meaning.

You can find weird slang and variant accents in different parts of the British Isles as well, but it's still all British English.
Lovelynice said:
The Macquarie Dictionary is extremely well respected internationally, far more so than those things you call dictionaries in the USA high schools.Yeah, right

Oh, and Gravity is a theory, not a FACT. Your lack of knowledge about this distinction in basic science just shows what an idiot you truly are. You don't know how Gravity works either, the truth is, NOBODY DOES. We have only theories.

Gravity is a FACT it is not a theory. If you dont believe it, go jump out of a 10 strory building. You can discuss its theory on the way down.

I already did. Read my posts properly. I even gave the ISBN number and publishing date of the dictionary.

NO......its YOU that cant read. I asked for one MORE dictionary that says a Fact is "something said to be true or supposed to have happened " Just one. and you cant.
You are not only dumb, you're also apparently poor in reading skills.

I bet you feel proud being lauded by the likes of Woody & Krastner.
BlueEyesInLevis said:
I bet you feel proud being lauded by the likes of Woody & Krastner.

I bet you don't feel too smart since your BS claim about facts being always true and unchangeable was shot down in flames.

Oh yes, and apparently you are so emotionally distraught by being showed up as ignorant that you couldn't even write your post properly in reply.
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Lovelynice said:
I bet you don't feel too smart since your BS claim about facts being always true and unchangeable was shot down in flames.

Oh yes, and apparently you are so emotionally distraught by being showed up as ignorant that you couldn't even write your post properly in reply.
I'll explain this one more time...(and I'll type slower so you can keep up this time).

A fact is something that is or has been. Occasionally circumstances have resulted in people believing something to be true that was later found to be false, thus what was thought to be fact never was a fact, but was a misconception.

For instance, I BELEIVE it is a fact that you cannot find one other dictionary that will say a fact is "something said to be true or supposed to have happened". If you can do so then my belief will be proven wrong and the fact will never have existed in the first place. It is not that the fact was wrong, it was never a fact in the first place. I know thats a difficult concept for you to grasp. Perhaps a class in logic would help.

Let me ask you a question. Are you in fact a woman or will that someday be proven to be false?
BlueEyesInLevis said:
NO......its YOU that cant read. I asked for one MORE dictionary that says a Fact is "something said to be true or supposed to have happened " Just one. and you cant..

I didn't need to, but I easily can...however. I'm not here to jump and dance at your beck and call. You look like an idiot as you now try desperately wriggle out of your own stupid display of foot-in-mouth disease.

Hmm....but let's have a look at the old Oxford Dictionary sitting on my shelf that was printed in 1970;
Fact, n. thing assumed as basis for inference

Assumptions aren't exactly the same as truth, you know.

BlueEyesInLevis said:
For instance, I BELEIVE it is a fact that you cannot find one other dictionary that will say a fact is "something said to be true or supposed to have happened".

You aren't doing too well at this are you?

And your pretense at intellectual superiority doesn't do a thing to make you look intelligent either.
Lovelynice said:
I didn't need to, but I easily can...however. I'm not here to jump and dance at your beck and call. You look like an idiot as you now try desperately wriggle out of your own stupid display of foot-in-mouth disease.

Hmm....but let's have a look at the old Oxford Dictionary sitting on my shelf that was printed in 1970;
Fact, n. thing assumed as basis for inference

Assumptions aren't exactly the same as truth, you know.

I will accept Oxford as a reputable source. But Webster and I clearly disagree.
BlueEyesInLevis said:
I will accept Oxford as a reputable source. But Webster and I clearly disagree.
The OED is the authority on the English Language.
Lovelynice said:
You aren't doing too well at this are you?

And your pretense at intellectual superiority doesn't do a thing to make you look intelligent either.

Well lets see, I've given you websites disproving your theory that gravity is not a fact.

I'll bet any amount that you'ld like, that your sources on dictionaries are inconsitant on their own definitions of fact.

And I'll remind you that it was you who began the intellectual superiority slant when you accused me of having no college degree.
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SeanH said:
The OED is the authority on the English Language.
Well it does seem to be a bit confused on what a fact is now doesnt it.

Why dont you (and lovelynice) print ALL of the definitions and I'll prove it.

(Dont tell me you're like Hobbit and still havent gotten over that war back in 1776.)
BlueEyesInLevis said:
Why dont you (and lovelynice) print ALL of the definitions and I'll prove it.

Now you're getting ridiculous. What next? Want me to type down the entire Library of Congress while I'm at it?!

Face it.You got it wrong.