Why The Holocaust Must Be Questioned

Guessed that...

Drinking Cap said:
I was referring to the war in the Pacific between the United States and Japan, not WW2 as a whole.

but, it is such a traditional response I couldn't resist.
And for all we know, on this thread,
can you prove that war in the pacific happened...huh !!!!!
can you.?
Shamanskiss said:
can you prove that war in the pacific happened...huh !!!!!
can you.?

Nope. More insidious propaganda from history professors looking for excuses to write books.
Shamanskiss said:

Yes, very cute.
Lovelynice said:

Yes, very cute.

Shamankissmyass...You are a zionist Jew..Your tactics are those of a zionist Jew whose sole agenda is to get people so befuddled that they forget what the thread was about in the first place. ( Yes I can prove that the war in the pacific took place. )
I had a cousin on Iwo and I had read to me the letters he wrote home before he was killed. I was on Wake and Midway just a few short years after the war and saw the many Japaneese planes crashed and left there with the skeletons of the pilots still inside, as a memorial. The planes had bullet holes in them..or perhaps they were planes flying on sightseeing tours and the holes were made by very large hostile mosquitoes.

To me that's proof enough. Not to mention that it was one of the most captured events in history at that time, in living coilor too.

Let me put it in a very polite diplomatic way...YOU ARE FULL OF SHIT. YOU BREETH SHIT..YOU EAT SHIT..YOU ARE SHIT!
Have any of you ever read the Jager Report?

It's another little fun bit of silly propaganda and nonsense.
According to the Jager Report, a mere 8-10 germans wandered the land and with superhuman prowess each "Rambo-style" killed between 10,000 to 20,000 Jews. If I'd heard of 8-10 US Marines "Rambo-style" killing 10,000 insurgents EACH in Iraq I wouldn't believe it either. No sane reasonable person is going to believe this. Yet, it was one of those things that was labelled as 'fact'
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oh krastner

krastner said:
Shamankissmyass...You are a zionist Jew..Your tactics are those of a zionist Jew whose sole agenda is to get people so befuddled that they forget what the thread was about in the first place. ( Yes I can prove that the war in the pacific took place. )
I had a cousin on Iwo and I had read to me the letters he wrote home before he was killed. I was on Wake and Midway just a few short years after the war and saw the many Japaneese planes crashed and left there with the skeletons of the pilots still inside, as a memorial. The planes had bullet holes in them..or perhaps they were planes flying on sightseeing tours and the holes were made by very large hostile mosquitoes.

To me that's proof enough. Not to mention that it was one of the most captured events in history at that time, in living coilor too.

Let me put it in a very polite diplomatic way...YOU ARE FULL OF SHIT. YOU BREETH SHIT..YOU EAT SHIT..YOU ARE SHIT!

you are so...
how shall I put this..
Kawaii ? (is that one I or two)

and it's breathe Krastner...
try it because your single cell that passes for a brain is starved of fucking oxygen.
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Shamanskiss said:
you are so...
how shall I put this..
Kawaii ? (is that one I or two)

and it's breathe Krastner...
try it cecause you single cell that passes for a brain is starved of fucking oxygen.

The only spelling that really matters when describing you is ZIONIST JEW...

More silliness we are expected to believe :rolleyes:

BlueEyesInLevis said:
So why single out jews?

I'm not. Why are you are deluded enough to think that I am?

Oh, I get it. You're leading upto this;


(part 2)
# Learn how to call everyone an anti-semitic! It's the perfect insult for every occasion, PLUS you can always get away with insulting people no matter what they do simply because they disagree with you! Here's some examples;
Normal Man-in-the-Street: “Those numbers don't add up!”
Holocaust Propagandist: “You're a vile filthy anti-semite!”
American Protester: “Israel has no right to slaughter innocent Palestinians and bulldoze their homes..It's wrong.”
Holocaust Propagandist: “You're a stinky anti-semite!”
Historian: “...but there's no evidence that Nazis made human soap, it's been tested and there was no trace of human DNA.”
Holocaust Propagandist: “You're an anti-semite Jew-hating holocaust denier!”
Chemist: “...I could find no trace of cyanide in those gas chambers at Auschwitz.”
Holocaust Propagandist: “You're an anti-semite holocaust denier and should be jailed!”
Politician: “Why are we sending four billion dollars every year to Israel?”
Holocaust Propagandist: “You're an anti-semite racist for even asking!”
Movie critic: “I didn't think that it was a good movie, it lacked quality and the acting was terrible.”
Holocaust Propagandist: “You're a disgusting anti-semite neo-nazi!”

Is that what you're trying to imply? Hmm...? Are you now a Holocaust Propagandist?
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Lovelynice said:
I'm not. Why are you are deluded enough to think that I am?

Oh, I get it. You're leading upto this;

Is that what you're trying to imply? Hmm...? Are you now a Holocaust Propagandist?

BlueEyesInLevis said:

Good, then show me schematics or blueprints for one of those allegedly murderous 'Gas Vans', plus a good scientific explanation of how they work because every scientific study on diesel engines, and the mechanics that I've talked to about it say they're IMPOSSIBLE to make work. A few good detailed pictures would be handy too.

Then you can provide us with the autopsy report on a cyanide-gassed victim from a mass grave.

Plus, you can give the exact location of those mass graves at Treblinka that can't be found even with ground penetrating radar (no sign of the ground being dug up sin millenia!).

On of that, we need the wartime original German documents that support the claims of the Holocaust (no copies or secondary transcripts please, as they're too unreliable and some exist in multiple forged versions).

Can you produce some of those ubersoldat "Rambos" who must've been the greatest warriors in human history as they managed to kill over 10,000 people each as they wandered the countryside in the middle of a war?

I've asked for these things on other sites, and so far NOBODY can produce any of this evidence.
My God, what sort of crack are these people on? Any idiot can google and find pictures of mass graves, etc, etc, etc.

It's nuts like these that give every other credible scientist a bad rep.
By the way, for finding the Treblinka mass graves, there's a reward offered of $165,000.

A GPR would only cost you $80,000 to buy, but in the past six years, nobody has been able to find a single mass grave to claim the reward.
blackopal19 said:
My God, what sort of crack are these people on? Any idiot can google and find pictures of mass graves, etc, etc, etc.

It's nuts like these that give every other credible scientist a bad rep.

Pictures are nice, but solid scientifically verifiable facts are better. Most of the pictures of mass graves are mislabelled - deliberately. They're more than likely dead Russian Christians (Stalin's government provided most of the pics and many of the documents - and remember Stalin is well known to policies that killed far more than the Germans ever could - would you trust Stalin and his lackeys that much?) and possibly typhoid victims.

‘No Jewish mass grave’ in Poland
The Canberra Times
January 24, 2000

ADELAIDE: An Australian Holocaust revisionist claims he has proof a mass grave never existed at Treblinka in Poland.
Data collected during a week at Treblinka. using ground penetrating radar, found no soil disturbance consistent with 870,000 Jews having been buried there.
Richard Krege, 30, of Canberra, said data collected during a week at Treblinka. using ground penetrating radar, found no soil disturbance consistent with 870,000 Jews having been buried there.
‘Historians say that the bodies were exhumed and cremated towards the end of the Treblinka camp’s use in 1943. but we found no indication that any mass graves ever existed," he said.
‘Personally, I don’t think there was a [death]-camp there at all.’
Mr Krege, who will address a public meeting in Adelaide tonight at the start of an eight-day tour, said he had gone to Poland in October last year to "find the truth".
A qualified electronics engineer, he is an associate of the Adelaide Institute run by German-born revisionist Dr Fredrick Toben, whom he is accompanying on the tour.
Mr Krege said he would like to see an international group formed, possibly under the auspices of the United Nations, to use ground penetrating radar at all concentration camps in Europe.
He said he was in the process of having other experts review the data he collected, but was confident that they would also conclude the mass burial did not happen.
The young Australian-born man admitted that he expected to be labelled a racist and anti-Semitic.

Ground penetrating radar is a standard industrial technique for discovering the location of graves, i.e. holes in the ground that have been dug and covered with dirt. GPR detects any large-scale disturbances in the soil structure to a normal effective depth of four or five meters, and sometimes up to ten meters. (GPR devices are routinely used around the world by geologists, archeologists, and police.) In its Treblinka investigation, Krege's team also carried out visual soil inspections, and used an auger to take numerous soil core samples. GPR scans were taken at both Treblinka and Belzec at the locations described above where the mass graves are likely to have been. The results suggest that there is no evidence of any massive soil disturbance one would expect to find were there mass graves at these locations, as alleged. More work is in progress so that definitive conclusions can be made. Both these camp sites are of high historical value and importance, no destructive investigative technique is permitted, such as digging a trench, and this rules out most traditional archeological techniques. As a result alternative non-destructive techniques were researched and it was decided that GPR would be suitable for this purpose.

Here's an example of the radar images gained.

and the scanner
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lovelynice... Naturally you will never be able to convince Shamankissmyass about anything. Thanks for the article. It reinforces what I have thought for years.

azhanskzolamss or what ever he calls itself ,very purpose is to attack any one that calls the holocaust for what it really was. The way I see it is that most of those bodies we say in ww2 films being thrown in mass graves were those of typhoid victims and we can't even say that they were Jews. many other people died in consentration camps (many Japanees Americans died in US consentrated camps).

It is the Iraelei Jew that claims that all thses bodies are those of Jews. I dont know how you tell the difference. Maybe look and see if they are circumsized..?

I hope someday that we can have intelligent investigation on many aspects of ww2 especially the jewish leadership (later to become the leaders of Israel and the ones that make up the top zionist of today) is actually responsible for the war itself. We know that they were resposnible for the bolshivic revolution in Russia and the murder of the royal family and the eventual rise of the Soviet union.

But don't stray please.. Keep up the pressure. The pressure of truth..truth is more infectious that the most virulent strain of flu. It is the only weapon that will eventually bring the downfall of the might Israel and it's goals of mayhem in the Arab world and ours also.
Prof. Robert Faurisson of the University of Lyon published two articles in the newspaper Le Monde asserting that there were no execution gas chambers in the Nazi concentration camps.

He is famous for a challenge which no historian or other academic on the side of the Holocaust Propagandist has been able to take on.

He said, "Show me or draw me a Nazi gas chamber!"

He meant one that actually worked as described in the 'official' holocaust myth. Nobody could do it. They still can't.


For questioning the holocaust, Prof. Faurisson, an expert at textual analysis who made his case from original documents, provoked a storm of opposition. He has also been physically assaulted ten times and on at least one occasion was nearly killed (see below).

Toronto Globe and Mail
Monday, Sept. 18, 1989, p. A5
A leading French revisionist historian who denies that millions of Jews were killed in the Holocaust was recovering from surgery yesterday after a savage beating. Robert Faurisson, 60, suffered a broken jaw and ribs and severe head injuries in the attack by three youths while he was walking his dog in the town of Vichy. A hospital spokesman in Clermont-Ferrand, the central French city where he was transferred for surgery, said Mr. Faurisson's condition was stable.
"He was conscious, but he couldn't speak," said a fire fighter who gave Mr. Faurisson first aid. "His jaw was smashed. They destroyed his face."
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Do you realise

krastner said:
The only spelling that really matters when describing you is ZIONIST JEW...

you are presenting yourself in exactly the way most people would expect a psychotic, racist, piece of filth, Nazi ,to behave.

Your actions and ranting abuse appear as exactly the strutting, blustering, frustrated bully, who cannot cope with being opposed. You are perfect for the obsequious coward that would operate a gas chamber, or shoot women and children through the back of the head, then whinge that they were innocent, and the killings didn't happen.

I think the vast majority of those reading this thread would be able to imagine you in your dinky little black SS outfit, probably pvc, goosestepping around, jerking off in your totenkopf emblazoned posing pouch.

You are friggin deranged.

Have you seen a programme called 'Faulty Towers' ?
IF not you really should.
Basil Fawlty, ( John Cleese ex Monty Python) is a somewhat insane hotel owner. A pompous pretentious twat, normally. In one episode he gets a concussion, and his behaviour becomes even more erratic than usual.
Very similar to you really.
He then proceeds to respond to German visitors by goosestepping about,
parodying Hitler, yelling things like 'whatever you do don't talk about the war'.
Totally OTT...
You have so reminded me of that episode...
It was so zoned out he could have been parodying some of your posts.

p.s. you forgot the the dirty, filthy, untermenschen shit. again.

Try harder, because if your grades slip any lower you will have to do ' Covert race hate 101' all over again.
Lovelynice said:
A qualified electronics engineer, he is an associate of the Adelaide Institute run by German-born revisionist Dr Fredrick Toben, whom he is accompanying on the tour.

Wouldn't it be better and more credible, if the guy wasn't from a group that has a vested interest in "proving" the Holocaust never happened?

Talk about the fox watching the henhouse.....
In fact

krastner said:
Shamankissmyass...You are a zionist Jew..Your tactics are those of a zionist Jew

Again for those too thick to comprehend. (mainly you Krastner, as you're a plank)...My mother and father were catholic and Protestant, one of each.
I myself, am neither, I am infact a buddhist,( which will no doubt sponsor some idiot to start posting 'ah but yopu can't be you said you were a...and buddhists can't...etc etc) If I have any Jewish ancestry, I am unaware of it, despite our geneaology being known to us for at least 350 years'

krastner said:
( Yes I can prove that the war in the pacific took place. )

Nobody really said it didn't , you poor, sad, stupid, demented twat. That was humour, parody, a piss take even.

krastner said:
I had a cousin on Iwo and I had read to me the letters he wrote home before he was killed. I was on Wake and Midway just a few short years after the war and saw the many Japaneese planes crashed and left there with the skeletons of the pilots still inside, as a memorial. The planes had bullet holes in them..or perhaps they were planes flying on sightseeing tours and the holes were made by very large hostile mosquitoes. )

Sorry, you're out of bounds. You are the one who doesn't accept familial anecdotal stuff...you don't allow it. So, by your rules, that's irrelevant.

You're even too dense to spot the bollock you dropped in that feeble attempt at irony. Some mosquitos had four fucking cannon in the nose, and carried rockets and shit.. Ours did...so yeah, maybe very large hostile mosquitos did put the bullet holes there. Or wild horses, or various nasty storms, or large dark spiders...take your pick...
if you can decode that, ....

krastner said:
To me that's proof enough. Not to mention that it was one of the most captured events in history at that time, in living coilor too.

You really didn't work it out did you. And you claim to qualified in psychology/psychiatry... With that level of perception ? Who supervised your training, and awarded your pass mark, Mengele ?
What, you could pull a finger nail out, spot that it hurt, so you passed 'perception abnormal and clinical' ?
Bullshit ! You couldn't join the numbered dots in a puzzle book without that kind nurse being there to hold the felt-tip for you.

krastner said:
Let me put it in a very polite diplomatic way...YOU ARE FULL OF SHIT. YOU BREETH SHIT..YOU EAT SHIT..YOU ARE SHIT!

well sieg fucking heil ...

I just realised...OK guys, you got me good. This thread is a parody isn't it?
Has to be. Any minute now ES and BG are going to jump up and do the ' we got you' happy dance, because it took me so long to work out that the whole thread is a fucking set up...Redcap, you in on this ?
Has to be.
No way can Krastner really be doing that.....
and by the way krastner

krastner said:
lovelynice... Naturally you will never be able to convince Shamankissmyass about anything. .

you can flirt, and ask , and beg , as much as you want...

you're getting nowhere near my ass...
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The Holocaust-denier David Irving describes a 1944 Himmler speech (Skeptic magazine, Vol. 2, No. 4, p. 50):
"If people ask me," said Himmler, "why did you have to kill the children too, then I can only say I am not such a coward that I leave for my children something I can do myself." ... I agree (Irving replied), Himmler said that. He actually said "We're wiping out the Jews. We're murdering them. We're killing them." ... He is talking about solving the Jewish problem, about having to kill off women and children too.


Media Monitors Broadcast Transcript
Ron Casey Interviews David Irving
July 1995
What is your estimate of the number of Jews who died at the hands of Hitler's regime in the war years? What number - and I don't like using this word - what number would you concede were killed in concentration camps?

I think, like any scientist, I'd have to give you a range of figures and I'd have to say a minimum of one million, which is a monstrous crime, and a maximum of about four million, depending on what you mean by killed. If putting people into a concentration camps where they die of barbarity and typhus and epidemics is killing then I would say the four million figure because, undoubtedly, huge numbers did die in the camps in the conditions that were very evident at the end of the war.

So, it seems Irving thinks the holocaust must have left mass graves somewhere, even if his numbers have any low-end accuracy.

After all, you guys told me he was an authority.