Why The Holocaust Must Be Questioned

KRCummings said:
In 2001, a copy of a decerypted telegram sent by the deputy commander of the Operation Reinhart ...(snip)

A copy??? Not an ORIGINAL???

How do we know it's not another damn forgery like the "Uranium from Niger" bullcrap???

You've got a steaming brown pile of evidence there! It's called bullshit. It stinks too. This is like one of those "WMDs from Iraq" proofs isn't it?

KRCummings said:
After the camp was dismantled, local farmers began to dig up the ground around Treblinka, looking for valuables and bits of bone and decaying tissue were strewn around the site, even in 1959, visitors to the site found that the soil was still filled with millions of tiny bone fragments.

The source for this originally is - ??? You have the ORIGINAL SOURCE, don't you?
Lovelynice said:
Yep, it's an excavator alright. No dead bodies, no mass graves, and no evidence anywhere in the photo that it was anything more than an excavator being used on a construction site in Germany somewhere.

unculbact said:
Lovely is right, the first pic is just an excavator, the second pic just shows a hole in the ground.

Looking at the Wikipedia site, it says this pic was taken in March of 1943, late winter, the same winter as Stalingrad. So, why is there no snow on the ground?


Yes, a big hole like those at any garbage dump. No dead bodies, and no evidence anywhere in the picture that it's a mass grave. That's building materials in the hole and rubbish. Can't even tell WHERE THIS IS from the photo. No uniforms visible.

unculbact said:
The volume of earth behind the hole - admittedly, a lot of it is out of frame, but it seems to be just enough to fill the hole that's shown. If this was a mass grave, with body layers yards beneath those tarp and planks, that earth pile behind the hole would have to be a lot bigger.

Okay, so KRcummings has managed to produce as her grand evidence for Treblinka being anything other than a mere transit camp.

An excavator.


A hole filled with garbage and leftover building materials.

Looks like a transit camp to me.
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How does an Irving post distract or detract from the thread

krastner said:
No I haven't lost a thing. You keepp trying to detract from the original thread.

krastner said:
The German soldiers were not NAZIS..

I never said the average German soldier was a Nazi. Infact, I have said many complimentary things about them. I dismissed your bullshit about them being the 'finest in the world'.
Stop trying to impose your desperately needed false meaning on my words just so you can scrabble round trying to make yourself sound vaguely rational.

krastner said:
You may be A Zionist Jew but you are an asshole just like all the NAZIS were...

Is English not your first language Krastner, because you clearly don't understand it very well at all. Me = Not born Jewish, not a convert,
unzips and looks down....hell I am not even circumcised...wasn't that one of the big tests your 'heroic nazi's' ( please note,for idiots, {sub'ref Krastner} that is not a generic reference to the wehrmacht, but a specific denegration of mazi asswits) used on US pow's...fucking idiots.
Shame that when they circumcised you, they threw the wrong fucking part away.
It is a little late for your 'Krastner isn't really a racist-jew hating-covert Nazi sketch'. Hey krastner , you and Irving have something else in common.
You have fucked yourself over that one in too many previous posts.(again, in common with Irving, he too fucked himself, and caused the total discrediting of his own work, didn't he.)

krastner said:
The murdered some but the Allied forces killed more German and Europens civilians that the Nazis killed Jews at Auschwitz....

I am not certain of the numbers here. It would take some time to run the tallies. And I would need to know who's stats you were basing that on anyway.
But yet again, Krastner overlooks the obvious. It was Hitler and the Nazi's who put all those people in harm's way.
What ?, did they, and kiss-ass fan-club members like you, think that any decent minded people had to be unable to fight back because the great Nazi Reich was so well hidden behind its human screens, all tucked up safe behind any woman and kid it could cower behind.
Who invented unrestricted aerial bombing of civilian targets , Krastner.?
Who introduced unlimited naval warfare.?

krastner said:
I have never excused the NAZIS for anything. Saying that the JEWS are lying about the holocaust does not mean I forgive the NAZIS for what they did. Being against the JEWS for their lying about the holocause and their treatment of the Palestinians does not make me a NAZI no matter how hard you try and no matter how hard you try and detract you are a pitiful failure.

Hey Krastner, I can live with anyone reading this thread. I am content that my posts not only stand against yours, but oblierate your whingeing tirades.
It isn't just your support of the 'holocaust=myth ' diversionary agenda that offers you up as a Nazi, it is the structure, intent, form, and vitriol of your ranting posts.
And if I am ever to become a pitiful failure,
well that's still several steps up the evolutionary chain from a dysinteric fucking amoeba like you.

You are so dedicated to the cause of the Palestinians , why haven't you responded to my earlier questions about the whole territorial grant issue.
Why aren't you as equally anti-Jordanian.
Palestians were robbed of upto 90% of there territorial claim, by the creation of TransJordan ===> Jordan.
Israel got around 10% - 25 %, accounting for shifting borders, ( I think, would need to check...shit, I even build in clues for your counter posts).
Why aren't you campaigning for the Jordan to be returned to Palestinian hands.? There are more disenfranchised Palestinians in Jordan, regarded as a burdensome lower class, and more Palestinian Homeland under a created mandate than in Israel.

As for detracting from the thread, my posts have followed its flow. Most of them are responses to stupid posts by other people.
You just don't like, and can't handle what I have to say.

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Doesn't have to be dried up Krastner.

krastner said:
Like I asked you before what has all of this got to do with the price of a greek gangbang.
My being or not being a psychologist hasn't a thing to do with the "holocaust"
I think I said that I have the hunting license. I would never practice and have to put up with people like you who really do have problems...Now do I charge you for that.? What the fuk not. Oh a turd is a dried up peice of shit. If anything I'm not dried up...

a turd can be all hot and steaming slimy and stinking, just like Krastner.

You being qualified in psycholgy, is like saying a crash-test-dummy is qualified in road safety and auto impact design.

Looks like you got it in for the Greeks now....
Lovelynice said:
There are literally HUNDREDS of people imprisoned in Germany for stating that they do not believe in the Holocaust Myth. This includes many historians, teachers, and other academics.

Freedom of Speech isn't the only problem. Even producing scientific and verifiable evidence that reveals the lies of the Holocaust Propaganda can get people jailed in many European countries. In some countries courts have ruled that the facts are irrelevant, and that certain things must not be said whether they are true or false. In others, a defendant in court who even tries to explain or defend a forbidden view will be charged on the spot with a fresh offense. EVEN THE DEFENDANT'S LAWYER can be fined or go to jail just for trying to mount a defence.


Now that just plain sounds like kangaroo courts. It was tried here in The US with the anti-hate bill that was voted down. Wonder who sponsored the bill. oi vey oi vey you only get one guess.
Shamankissmyass I don't have to impose what I think of you on your words. . But I have noticed that along with other posters that you have been brought down to the level of being on the defense..My your zionist masters will not like that..you have failed in your futile attempts to scatter the opposition to their lies and decptions. I can see a pot of hot oil in your future.

Even a turd will seccumb to the old hot oil trick...
Where am I on the defensive krastner...

krastner said:
Shamankissmyass I don't have to impose what I think of you on your words. . But I have noticed that along with other posters that you have been brought down to the level of being on the defense..My your zionist masters will not like that..you have failed in your futile attempts to scatter the opposition to their lies and decptions. I can see a pot of hot oil in your future.

Even a turd will seccumb to the old hot oil trick...

you mean like the allies that june 6 morning, 1944.

yup, just like they were on the defensive.

add hallucinations to your list of qualifications.

What I have been doing K'baby, is trying to find some of these respected historians who support your preferred revisionist view of the holocaust.

Not having much luck Krastner...They seem non-existent.

As for the hot oil, whassamatta K, can't you get planning permission for gas chamber ?

and thinking about it... if I am on the defensive, why is it you that is dodging every question you're asked.
Like why you snipe at the jews but not the Jordanians...?
Get on the fucking offensive K...
you're all mouth and no britches.
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Shamanskiss said:
you mean like the allies that june 6 morning, 1944.

No, wrong era, he means RIGHT NOW where you and your bunch of airheaded holocaust believers can't even give any credible evidence for a simple little claim like Treblinka being anything more than just a transit camp.

How embarassing :rolleyes:

You can't seem to get the time period right and you're even more lost because you can't even stick to a subject. Apparently you have the attention span of a child. Can you just get your parents onto the PC instead now, we're getting kind of bored chatting with little kids like you.
Well there's a surprise

ImpWizard said:
No, wrong era, he means RIGHT NOW where you and your bunch of airheaded holocaust believers can't even give any credible evidence for a simple little claim like Treblinka being anything more than just a transit camp.

How embarassing :rolleyes:

You can't seem to get the time period right and you're even more lost because you can't even stick to a subject. Apparently you have the attention span of a child. Can you just get your parents onto the PC instead now, we're getting kind of bored chatting with little kids like you.

everytime one of your fellow party members can't take the pressure
you pop up like a jack in the box with some poiintless bitching about sticking to the thread.

Every time one of their feet goes down their own throat in you jump with "that's off thread this is off thread. Stick to the subject".
Hell, anything they can't deal with, you want to mark it out of bounds.
some points for you...
1) Attention span of a child. Read the posts asswipe. Most of them make your short attention span comment an absolute dropped bollock on your part.

2) Try to get help from someone who can explain the posts to you, as you're obviously screwed if left on your own.

3) ImpWizard, for fucksake...really ? What's the matter, was Grand wizard/dragon taken, or don't the klavern know you're taking the piss out of their 'bestest
dressy-up names'.

4) When it comes to insults, well, if it wasn't sexist I would say 'you hit like a girl',..get help or practise .

5) When it comes to insults, well, if it wasn't sexist I would say 'you hit like a girl',..get help or practise .

6) When it comes to insults, well, if it wasn't sexist I would say 'you hit like a girl',..get help or practise . You really do.
Lovelynice said:
Lovelynice said:
Good, then show me schematics or blueprints for one of those allegedly murderous 'Gas Vans', plus a good scientific explanation of how they work because every scientific study on diesel engines, and the mechanics that I've talked to about it say they're IMPOSSIBLE to make work. A few good detailed pictures would be handy too.

Then you can provide us with the autopsy report on a cyanide-gassed victim from a mass grave.

Plus, you can give the exact location of those mass graves at Treblinka that can't be found even with ground penetrating radar (no sign of the ground being dug up sin millenia!).

On of that, we need the wartime original German documents that support the claims of the Holocaust (no copies or secondary transcripts please, as they're too unreliable and some exist in multiple forged versions).

Can you produce some of those ubersoldat "Rambos" who must've been the greatest warriors in human history as they managed to kill over 10,000 people each as they wandered the countryside in the middle of a war?

I've asked for these things on other sites, and so far NOBODY can produce any of this evidence.

I'm still waiting for BlueEyesInLevis to come up with this 'evidence' for the Holocaust. I guess he can't.

You'll be waiting a long time. Shamanskiss can't even stick to the subject of the thread for longer than it takes him to do one lick of his lollipop, BEIL has done a runner because he's a gutless wonder, and catfish hasn't shown any more brains than KR - and KR is such a bimbo she can't recognize a trash dump filled with garbage!
Shamanskiss said:
(snip) Attention span of a child. (snip).

Case in point.

One post and already you've lost the plot.

The subject of the thread is


Are you able in any fashion to stick to the subject or are you such a child that you can't concentrate on anything more complicated than sucking that lollipop of yours and throwing insults like you were in kindergarten?

Come with some facts RELEVANT TO THE SUBJECT. Come with some evidence RELEVANT TO THE SUBJECT.

Or shut the fuck up.
Lovelynice said:
More silliness we are expected to believe :rolleyes:


Shamanskiss believes it, don't you mate?

You're gullible enough to believe this aren't you?
ImpWizard said:
Lovelynice said:
Lovelynice said:
Good, then show me schematics or blueprints for one of those allegedly murderous 'Gas Vans', plus a good scientific explanation of how they work because every scientific study on diesel engines, and the mechanics that I've talked to about it say they're IMPOSSIBLE to make work. A few good detailed pictures would be handy too.

Then you can provide us with the autopsy report on a cyanide-gassed victim from a mass grave.

Plus, you can give the exact location of those mass graves at Treblinka that can't be found even with ground penetrating radar (no sign of the ground being dug up sin millenia!).

On of that, we need the wartime original German documents that support the claims of the Holocaust (no copies or secondary transcripts please, as they're too unreliable and some exist in multiple forged versions).

Can you produce some of those ubersoldat "Rambos" who must've been the greatest warriors in human history as they managed to kill over 10,000 people each as they wandered the countryside in the middle of a war?

I've asked for these things on other sites, and so far NOBODY can produce any of this evidence.

I'm still waiting for BlueEyesInLevis to come up with this 'evidence' for the Holocaust. I guess he can't.

You'll be waiting a long time. Shamanskiss can't even stick to the subject of the thread for longer than it takes him to do one lick of his lollipop, BEIL has done a runner because he's a gutless wonder, and catfish hasn't shown any more brains than KR - and KR is such a bimbo she can't recognize a trash dump filled with garbage!

Got any of that evidence yet, BEIL?


Didn't think so.
ImpWizard said:
Got any of that evidence yet, BEIL?


Didn't think so.

With all dues respect (which is none) when presented with evidence your type either...
A. Ignores it


B. Pretends it doesnt exist

So tell us Imperial Wizard... How WAS the Klan meeting.
Lovelynice said:
Lovelynice said:
Good, then show me schematics or blueprints for one of those allegedly murderous 'Gas Vans', plus a good scientific explanation of how they work because every scientific study on diesel engines, and the mechanics that I've talked to about it say they're IMPOSSIBLE to make work. A few good detailed pictures would be handy too.

Then you can provide us with the autopsy report on a cyanide-gassed victim from a mass grave.

Plus, you can give the exact location of those mass graves at Treblinka that can't be found even with ground penetrating radar (no sign of the ground being dug up sin millenia!).

On of that, we need the wartime original German documents that support the claims of the Holocaust (no copies or secondary transcripts please, as they're too unreliable and some exist in multiple forged versions).

Can you produce some of those ubersoldat "Rambos" who must've been the greatest warriors in human history as they managed to kill over 10,000 people each as they wandered the countryside in the middle of a war?

I've asked for these things on other sites, and so far NOBODY can produce any of this evidence.

I'm still waiting for BlueEyesInLevis to come up with this 'evidence' for the Holocaust. I guess he can't.

Yes, Lovelynice he really can't.

He's as useless as tits on a bull.

Can't even concentrate on the subject either.
Wrong you illiterate fuckwit

ImpWizard said:
Case in point.

One post and already you've lost the plot.

The subject of the thread is


Are you able in any fashion to stick to the subject or are you such a child that you can't concentrate on anything more complicated than sucking that lollipop of yours and throwing insults like you were in kindergarten?

Come with some facts RELEVANT TO THE SUBJECT. Come with some evidence RELEVANT TO THE SUBJECT.

Or shut the fuck up.

The subject of the thread was WHY the holocaust should be QUESTIONED...
or didn't you read the first few pages.
Are you able in any fashion to actually follow the plot with any accuracy or are you such a child ( a fucking illiterate brat at that, judging from your self-evident failure to even be right when you shout that very loud and huge lettered mouth off) that no matter how hard you concentrate you just can't focus enough to do anything but kiss the ass and suck the dick of anyone
that posts any shit that aligns with your own fixated prejudice.

before you spout facts ( thats code for fairytales to you) at least IDENTIFY THE SUBJECT OF THE THREAD ACCURATELY. TRY and dig up some evidence
that relates to the thread SUBJECT ACCURATELY.

Obviously, you are too scared to relate to a thread that broadens, evolves, grows. You apparently need the cosey little comfort blanket where all you like minded fakers love it up with equally fake academics like St Irving.
Soon as a challenge pops up..you're all whinge, whine, and same old same old.

There's a name for your kind where I come from. It applied to them when they were on the very top of their game, and it was the worst thing you could call someone...You are a non-effective.
and , shit, that's on the best of your best days.

and please, don't shut the fuck up, you are 'funnneeeee'.
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With all due respect

BlueEyesInLevis said:
With all dues respect (which is none) when presented with evidence your type either...
A. Ignores it


B. Pretends it doesnt exist

So tell us Imperial Wizard... How WAS the Klan meeting.

I think I disagree, wouldn't it be fairer to say their type either,

A. Twists it round by using the opinion of some fake expert or failed/fake academic then pretending it is valid.


B. Twists it round by using the opinion of some fake expert or failed/fake academic then pretending it is valid.

I think we should be fair on this issue.
Don't you really ?

And, sshhhh, the KKKlan wouldn't let him in the meeting, they rekkkon he is too low kkklass.
Shamanskiss said:
The subject of the thread was WHY the holocaust should be QUESTIONED...
or didn't you read the first few pages..

When I look over most of your posts, it's obvious that you apparently haven't understood the subject of the thread as the Imp pointed out. Your mind wanders, and you post on practically everything except the holocaust myth.

The only other thing you do is type out pathetically childish insults.

No use quoting from BlueEyesInLevis, as he hasn't got a clue either.

Shamanskiss said:
Soon as a challenge pops up..

Yes, you lot make excuses and whinge and insult.

I'm still waiting for any of that other evidence. You know, like real evidence for the existence of those mythical 'gas vans'.
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Lovelynice said:
When I look over most of your posts, it's obvious that you apparently haven't understood the subject of the thread as the Imp pointed out. Your mind wanders, and you post on practically everything except the holocaust myth.

The only other thing you do is type out pathetically childish insults.

No use quoting from BlueEyesInLevis, as he hasn't got a clue either.

I told you that is typical zionist fumbuzzling...trying to take and make people forget what they were debating about. No Jew will ever stick to the subject of the Holocaust. If you get them talking about it next thing they have you out in left field chasing daises. That is if you are making valid points. They don't like that.
krastner said:
... No Jew will ever stick to the subject of the Holocaust.

Because they CAN'T. It seems like Shamanskiss, KRcummings, and Drinking Cap they suffer from teeny-tiny attention spans as ImpWizard keeps pointing out.

Either that, or these gullible holocaust believers are so dimwitted that they fall for stories like this one...


and can't recognize a hole full of garbage as being just that; a hole full of garbage and nothing more...

If that's the level of the typical Holocaust Propagandist's intelligence around here, it is it any wonder that they can't cope, can't concentrate, and can't come up with any real solid evidence.
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Lovelynice said:
Because they CAN'T. It seems like Shamanskiss, KRcummings, and Drinking Cap they suffer from teeny-tiny attention spans as ImpWizard keeps pointing out.

Either that, or these gullible holocaust believers are so dimwitted that they fall for stories like this one...


and can't recognize a hole full of garbage as being just that; a hole full of garbage and nothing more...

If that's the level of the typical Holocaust Propagandist's intelligence around here, it is it any wonder that they can't cope, can't concentrate, and can't come up with any real solid evidence.

Now are you sure those peices of wood aren't really human bones..They could be couldn't they?...Oi vey oi vey..they look like my ex wife oi vey oi vey...
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krastner said:
Now are you sure those peices of wood aren't really human bones..They could be couldn't they?...Oi vey oi vey..they look like my ex wife oi vey oi vey...

"False Captioning" is the easiest kind of photo fakery to do; just write a pile of lies about what the photo really is, and people will often believe it without looking too carefully or thinking for themselves.

The lie works even better when the picture is deliberately kept small so it's harder to see the details.

It seems to be that this was the main technique of fakery used for decades to convince everyone of the holocaust myth.

Now, in the age of the Internet, with huge numbers of people having photo-manipulation software on their computers, thankfully it's all starting to blow up in the Holocaust Propagandists faces.
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Lovelynice said:
"False Captioning" is the easiest kind of photo fakery to do; just write a pile of lies about what the photo really is, and people will often believe it without looking too carefully or thinking for themselves.

The lie works even better when the picture is deliberately kept small so it's harder to see the details.

It seems to be that this was the main technique of fakery used for decades to convince everyone of the holocaust myth.

Now, in the age of the Internet, with huge numbers of people having photo-manipulation software on their computers, thankfully it's all starting to blow up in the Holocaust Propagandists faces.

Like I said ...with new techniques the old ww2 film of bodies (probably typhoid victime) being dumped in holes. (not at Auschwitz: because we know that any hole dug there would become an instant well) But we were shown films of bodies being piled atop one another somewhere , just not Auschwitz. Well all that has to be done is to see how many of the victims were circumsized. The jews were the only circumsized men in Europe then and now.

Keep on debunking the myth..The holocaust myth is the glue that holds these zionist bastards together.
I thought that this would be useful in this discussion.

Indicative of the largely political nature of the Nuremberg process was the important Jewish role in organizing these trials. Nahum Goldmann, one-time president of both the World Jewish Congress and the World Zionist Organization, reported in his memoir that the Nuremberg Tribunal was the brain-child of World Jewish Congress officials. Only after persistent effort were WJC officials able to persuade Allied leaders to accept the idea, he added. (note 8)

The World Jewish Congress also played an important but less obvious role in the day to day proceedings. Above all, the powerful but secretive organization made sure that Germany's persecution of the Jews was a primary focus of the trials, and that the defendants were punished for their involvement in that process. (note 9)

Two Jewish officers in the US Army -- Lieutenant Colonel Murray Bernays and Colonel David "Mickey" Marcus -- played key roles in the Nuremberg enterprise. In the words of historian Robert Conot, Bernays was "the guiding spirit leading the way to Nuremberg." Bernays, a successful New York attorney, persuaded US War Secretary Henry Stimson and others to accept the idea of putting the defeated German leaders on trial. (note 10)

Marcus, a fervent Zionist, became the "number three man in making American policy" in occupied Germany. As chief of the US government's War Crimes Branch in 1946 and 1947, he selected almost all of the judges, prosecutors and lawyers for the Nuremberg NMT Trials. (He later became a commander of Zionist "Haganah" military forces in Palestine.) (note 11)

this is from a site.........http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v12/v12p167_Webera.html

The entire holocaust is a Jewish hoax started by vicious Jews at the Nuremburg trials. The suvivors of the camps in places like Auschwitz were probably just glad to survive the sickness that took the lives of so many of them. It was probably in PALESTINE, before they evicted the lawful inhabitants, where they accepted the story of the holocaust hoax from the Nuremburg trials. It was probably put to them in a contex that most believed it. Many probably had faint memories of people disapearing, probably seccumbing to Typhoid, and had this faint memory reinforced by propaganda from the Jews that wanted to use the lie for their own goals.

The truth is there for anyone to see all you have to do is to want to know the truth. The truth is what will set us free from the Jewish inspired hoak that many feel like they are responsible for. The Jews are responsible for the holocaust hoax and no one else. Soldiers that went into camps saw the effect of sickness. You cant put that many people together in less than sanitary conditions and not have an epidemic. It happened in America on the West Coast with Japaneese American citizens internees. (another word for prisoners)

The holocaust is a lie and that's it.