
Liar said:
Still no boobs.
*le sigh*

How about a pair that stare back?


Just for you, Liar.
Thank you, this was touching.

I began this as a personal letter, but I thought perhaps I needed to explain myself publically, so here goes:

Dear Tess,

Thank you for the Why? thread. I was surprised by it and very touched by your concern. I'm sorry if I worried you or caused an upset here at Lit. That certainly wasn't my intention.

The observations that some have made are terribly wrong, and some are dead on. I do delete things in a clean sweep from time to time. I like to think of it as sweeping away my tracks behind me. I do it to make room for more good things to enter. There is a saying that you can't receive gifts with a closed or a full hand. And yes, I was quite upset at the time I did this last sweep.

I hate sharing personal items but I suppose now is a good of a time as any. My grandfather passed away two weeks ago. I went the week before he died to support the small family I have back in my hometown and to lend my mother some stability to the physically incapable, or mentally and emotionally dysfunctional (my youngest uncle suffers from epilepsy and mental delusions, my brother is a recovering bulimic/anorexic. Both are very dependant). I'm no martyr, I was called home for only this reason while my mother could be in the hospital for my grandfather and my part was done both cheerfully and willingly. The day before the funeral, my brother and I got into a raging fight and he said I was "nobody to him or to anyone there; just a judgemental outsider." The background on this statement was I left home very young and moved away from my hometown three years ago. He saw that as deserting everyone, I saw it as remaining sane.

This is probably way too information. For those not accustomed to watching daytime dramas, feel free to use the washroom now.

I came back home the day following the funeral without having properly grieved, or without feeling 'safe' to do so, if that makes any sense. I am trying to go through that process now. Some days render me overly sensitive, and not in a creative way. I beg your patience during this time. This was the only grandparent I had.

I apologize if I upset anyone here. I wasn't, and still am not, looking for "attention", being "disrespectful", and the hell if I'm being "hypocritical". My words, folks, they belong to me.

I'd like to get back to writing now.

Hi Calliope,

you are going through difficult times, I feel for you, and I wish you peace.

I am not active on Lit for a longer time. This, here in this thread, is the first time that I have met you (virtually, of course). Thus my posts obviously were not about you, and I have indicated that parenthetically.

Best wishes to you, Calliope.

Now let me address certain aspect of the issue of removing the poems from Literotica, without making any connection to Calliope's case.

There is nothing wrong with removing your worst poems, when you feel that they are not worthy of being displayed publically.

On the other hand it is morally wrong to remove your best poems from Literotica to satisfy a precondition for publishing by a publisher.

Another morally doubtful situation is when in order to hide your Literotica participation from the outside world, you remove a poem from the Lit. arch. when that poem is about to be published elsewhere (the point being that the presence of the poem in the Lit. arch. & elsewhere provides the information: "your Lit-id" = "your signature under the publication elsewhere").


Senna Jawa
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MAybe if LIterotica didnt publish EVERYTHING that is submitted, it would be wrong to remove poems, but until they start rejecting some of my crap, I have no respect for them at all :D

( just kiddin, yall, dont freak out)

but seriously, why woudl anyone want a GOOD poem to languish on a porn site anyway, when it coul dbe in Ploughshares, or ALR, or The New Yorker ( BAstards, who reject vial email or NOT AT ALL)?

Its not like they care that much about poetry here anyway, we dont make them any money, do we? and (werent the poets just a side effect that they had to make a space for?)

I read back in some of the old threads and it seemed that way...

Lit might be a good birthin' place for a poem, but ya might not wanna raise it here....and I'm with Calli, will pull my stuff whenever I feel like it, butI try to be sensitive to the passion thread, that is sort of sacred...

normal jean said:
seriously, why woudl anyone want a GOOD poem to languish on a porn site anyway
Seriously, I think that if something I worth doing, it's worth doing the best way we can regardless of where it is done. I try to write the best possible poem either it's going to be posted here or submitted to the New Yorker. The fact that this is primarily a pornographic site doesn't mean that it's strictly for wank-jobs.

And what's so wrong about it being a porn site? Does that make it inherently inferior? Something to be ashamed of?
" On the other hand it is morally wrong to remove your best poems from Literotica to satisfy a precondition for publishing by a publisher."

Before I respond to this, can you tell me why you believe this to be morally wrong?
Lauren Hynde said:
Seriously, I think that if something I worth doing, it's worth doing the best way we can regardless of where it is done. I try to write the best possible poem either it's going to be posted here or submitted to the New Yorker. The fact that this is primarily a pornographic site doesn't mean that it's strictly for wank-jobs.

And what's so wrong about it being a porn site? Does that make it inherently inferior? Something to be ashamed of?

no, that doesnt make it inferior "just because" its a porn site. I guess I am a hipp-crit in the respect that I want people to take my work seriously, and I have enough sense to realize that work that appears on a porn site might never make it to the serious arena. I dont care for my name to come up on google linked to a porn site, although as far as porn sites go, this one is pretty tame. Far as being ashamed of my work, I have deleted all that I actually was ashamed of and none of them were poems, just poorly written stories :)

Even a bad poem on LIt, when followed by newer poems has a purpose, itcan demonstrate growth...right?

Hell, I dont hate Lit, this was the first place I wrote poetry in 22 years.

thank you Eve for bringing me here

I had managed tokeep it clear till Rybka posted a link to a poem I had on Eves Habit here in the "favorite titles" thread...oh well, I never claimed to be nothing BUT a wank job, but most folks initially come here fo stroke material, right?